Journal of Solution Chemistry, 2000, V 29, N 3, March.

Ting Chen, Glenn Hefter, Yizhak Marcus
pp. 201-216

Conductivity of Dilute Aqueous Electrolyte Solutions at High
Temperatures and Pressures Using a Flow Cell
Patience C. Ho, Hugo Bianchi, Donald A. Palmer, Robert H. Wood
pp. 217-235

Comparison of Electrolytic Conductivity Theories: Performance of
Classical and New Theories
Hugo L. Bianchi, Irene Dujovne, Roberto Fernбndez-Prini
pp. 237-253

A New Investigation of Aqueous Orthophosphoric Acid Speciation Using
Raman Spectroscopy
Mourad Cherif, Arbi Mgaidi, Naceur Ammar, Gйraldine Vallйe, Walter Fьrst
pp. 255-269

Ions in Aqueous Acetic Acid Mixtures:Solvent Reorganization around Protons
and Gibbs Energies of Transfer from Water
Cecil F. Wells
pp. 271-287

Thermodynamics of the GaCl3-HCl-H2O System at 25°C
Bijan Das, Rabindra N. Roy, Kenneth S. Pitzer, Darin R. Gregory, 
Stephanie A. Kiefer
pp. 289-297