Journal of Physical Chemistry, 2004, V 108, N 7, February 19.
Identification of the (H-)(H2)12 Hydride Anion Cluster in Solid Hydrogen
Xuefeng Wang and Lester Andrews
pp 1103 - 1106;
Water Dynamics: Vibrational Echo Correlation Spectroscopy
and Comparison to Molecular Dynamics Simulations
John B. Asbury, Tobias Steinel, C. Stromberg,
S. A. Corcelli, C. P. Lawrence, J. L. Skinner, and M. D. Fayer
pp 1107 - 1119;
Unusually Large Dynamic Electron Polarization in an
O2(1g)-2,2,6,6-Tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl Radical System
Masaaki Mitsui, Keizo Takeda, Yasuhiro Kobori,
Akio Kawai, and Kinichi Obi
pp 1120 - 1126;
Anionic Species (FH)xF- in Room-Temperature
Molten Fluorides (CH3)4NF·mHF
Yoshio Shodai, Shinji Kohara, Yasuo Ohishi,
Minoru Inaba, and Akimasa Tasaka
pp 1127 - 1132;
Application of Fluorescence Spectroscopy To
Study the State of Water in Aerosols
Man Yee Choi, Chak K. Chan, and Yun-Hong Zhang
pp 1133 - 1138;
Reaction of OH with HO2NO2 (Peroxynitric Acid):
Rate Coefficients between 218 and 335 K and
Product Yields at 298 K
Elena Jimenez, Tomasz Gierczak, Harald Stark,
James B. Burkholder, and A. R. Ravishankara
pp 1139 - 1149;
Kinetics of the Cl(2PJ) + C2H6 Reaction between 177 and 353 K
Kevin M. Hickson and Leon F. Keyser
pp 1150 - 1159;
Branching Fractions for H2O Forming Channels of the
Reaction of OH Radicals with Acetaldehyde
N. I. Butkovskaya, A. Kukui, and G. Le Bras
pp 1160 - 1168;
Flash Photolysis of the Naphthyl Azides with UV-Vis
and IR Detection of Intermediates
Meng-Lin Tsao and Matthew S. Platz
pp 1169 - 1176;
Topological Descriptors of the Electron Density and the
Electron Localization Function in Hydrogen Bond
Dimers at Short Intermonomer Distances
Luis F. Pacios
pp 1177 - 1188;
Electron Diffraction of Molecules in Specific Quantum States:
A Theoretical Study of Vibronically Excited s-Tetrazine
Seol Ryu, Richard M. Stratt, Kyoung K. Baeck,
and Peter M. Weber
pp 1189 - 1199;
Theoretical Determinations of Ionization Potential
and Electron Affinity of Glycinamide Using Density
Functional Theory
Ping Li, Yuxiang Bu, and Hongqi Ai
pp 1200 - 1207;
CASPT2//CASSCF and TDDFT//CASSCF Mapping of the
Excited State Isomerization Path of a Minimal
Model of the Retinal Chromophore
Simona Fantacci, Annapaola Migani, and Massimo Olivucci
pp 1208 - 1213;
Theoretical Investigation of the Low- and High-Temperature
MOVPE of Zinc Selenide
Carlo Cavallotti, Davide Moscatelli, and Sergio Carra
pp 1214 - 1223;
Isolated Impact of Ruffling on the Vibrational Spectrum
of Ni Porphyrins. Diagnosing Out-of-Plane Distortions
Hui-Hsu (Gavin) Tsai and M. Cather Simpson
pp 1224 - 1232;
A Molecular Orbital Study of the Conformational
Properties of Tyramine and Phenethylamine
Patricia R. Richardson, Simon P. Bates, and Anita C. Jones
pp 1233 - 1241;
A Quantum Chemical Study of Intramolecular Charge
Transfer in a Closely-Spaced, Donor-Acceptor Molecule
Ata Amini and Anthony Harriman
pp 1242 - 1249;
Theoretical Investigations of Anion- Interactions:
The Role of Anions and the Nature of Systems
Dongwook Kim, P. Tarakeshwar, and Kwang S. Kim
pp 1250 - 1258;
Empirical Determination of the Harmonic Force
Constants in Benzene. 3. The Harmonic Frequencies
Svetoslav Rashev and David C. Moule
pp 1259 - 1267;
Oxidation of Alkali-Metal Atoms with Nitrous Oxide:
Molecular Mechanisms from First Principles Calculations
Oksana Tishchenko, Christian Vinckier, and Minh Tho Nguyen
pp 1268 - 1274;
Hydrogen Bond Dynamics in Water and Ultrafast Infrared
Spectroscopy: A Theoretical Study
Klaus B. Mller, Rossend Rey, and James T. Hynes
pp 1275 - 1289;
Density Functional Theory Studies of the
Co(Cp)2V(CO)6 Radical-Pair System
Gerald M. Sando and Kenneth G. Spears
pp 1290 - 1297;
Can the Methoxyradical CH3O Act as Sink for
Cl and ClO in the Atmosphere?
Melanie Schnell, Max Muhlhauser, and Sigrid D. Peyerimhoff
pp 1298 - 1304;
Guiding Function and Basis Function Optimization in
Correlation Function Quantum Monte Carlo
Calculations of Vibrational Excited States in Molecules
Frederico V. Prudente, Luis S. Costa, and Paulo H. Acioli
pp 1305 - 1311;
Spectroscopic, Kinetic, and Structural Properties of
Rotamers of the 2-Vinylpyridinium Ylide of Phenylchlorocarbene
Roland Bonneau, Daniel Collado, Michel Dalibart, and Michael T. H. Liu
pp 1312 - 1318;