Journal of Physical Chemistry, 2003, Vol. 107, No. 8, 27 February.
Theoretical Thermochemistry: Ab Initio Heat of Formation for Hydroxylamine
S. R. Saraf, W. J. Rogers, M. S. Mannan, M. B. Hall, and L. M. Thomson
pp 1077 - 1081;
Photoactive Yellow Protein, A New Type of Photoreceptor Protein: Will This
"Yellow Lab" Bring Us Where We Want to Go?
Klaas J. Hellingwerf, Johnny Hendriks, and Thomas Gensch
pp 1082 - 1094;
Front Propagation in Patterned Precipitation. 2. Electric Effects in
Precipitation-Dissolution Patterning Schemes
M. Al-Ghoul and R. Sultan
pp 1095 - 1101;
Decatungstate Photocatalyzed Electron-Transfer Reactions of Alkenes.
Interception of the Geminate Radical Ion Pair by Oxygen
Charles Tanielian, Rachid Seghrouchni, and Claude Schweitzer
pp 1102 - 1111;
Vibrational and Electronic Spectroscopy of Sulfuric Acid Vapor
Paul E. Hintze, Henrik G. Kjaergaard, Veronica Vaida, and James B. Burkholder
pp 1112 - 1118;
Effect of Temperature and Concentration on Self-Association of Octan-3-ol
Studied by Vibrational Spectroscopy and Dielectric Measurements
Miroslaw A. Czarnecki and Kazimierz Orzechowski
pp 1119 - 1126;
Spectral Simulation of the ESR Spectra of Polyphenol Radicals Formed by Reaction
with Hydroxyl Radical
Hisashi Yoshioka, Yasunori Ohashi, Hiroshi Fukuda, Yasushi Senba, and Hiroe Yoshioka
pp 1127 - 1132;
Effect of Pentanol and Salt on the Fusion-Scission Kinetics for CTAB Micelles
Bernard Michels and Gilles Waton
pp 1133 - 1137;
Kinetics of Hydrogen Abstraction Reaction Class H + H-C(sp3): First-Principles
Predictions Using the Reaction Class Transition State Theory
Shaowen Zhang and Thanh N. Truong
pp 1138 - 1147;
Photochemical Studies of CH3C(O)OONO2 (PAN) and CH3CH2C(O)OONO2 (PPN): NO3 Quantum Yields
Matthew H. Harwood, James M. Roberts, Gregory J. Frost, A. R. Ravishankara,
and James B. Burkholder
pp 1148 - 1154;
Experimental Study of SO2 Formation in the Reactions of CH3SO Radical with NO2
and O3 in Relation with the Atmospheric Oxidation Mechanism of Dimethyl Sulfide
Dmitri Borissenko, Alexander Kukui, Ge'rard Laverdet, and Georges Le Bras
pp 1155 - 1161;
Pyrolysis Chemistry of Cubane and Methylcubane: The Effect of Methyl Substitution on Stability and Product Branching
Zhi Li and Scott L. Anderson
pp 1162 - 1174;
Cope Rearrangement of 1,5-Hexadiene: Full Geometry Optimizations Using Analytic
MR-CISD and MR-AQCC Gradient Methods
Elizete Ventura, Silmar Andrade do Monte, Michal Dallos, and Hans Lischka
pp 1175 - 1180;
The Formation of CCBO and [CCBO]+ from [CCBO]- in the Gas Phase: A Joint
Experimental and Theoretical Study
Andrew M. McAnoy, Suresh Dua, Detlef Schro"der, John H. Bowie, and Helmut
pp 1181 - 1187;
Theoretical Study of Hydration of Cyanamide and Carbodiimide
Francesco Tordini, Alessandro Bencini, Maurizio Bruschi, Luca De Gioia, Giuseppe
Zampella, and Piercarlo Fantucci
pp 1188 - 1196;
Structural Aspects of Donor-Acceptor Interactions
Vikto'ria Horva'th, Attila Kova'cs, and Istva'n Hargittai
pp 1197 - 1202;
Hydrogen Trioxide Anion: A Possible Atmospheric Intermediate and Path to Oxygen-
Rich Molecules
Ben Elliott, Anastassia N. Alexandrova, and Alexander I. Boldyrev
pp 1203 - 1206;
Modeling of a Rotaxane-Based Molecular Device
Xiange Zheng and Karl Sohlberg
pp 1207 - 1215;
HOSO2-H2O Radical Complex and Its Possible Effects on the Production of Sulfuric
Acid in the Atmosphere
Eric T. Aaltonen and Joseph S. Francisco
pp 1216 - 1221;
Locating Electronic Degeneracies of Polyatomic Molecules: A General Method for
Nonsymmetric Molecules
S. Zilberg and Y. Haas
pp 1222 - 1227;
Cation- Interactions: A Theoretical Investigation of the Interaction of
Metallic and Organic Cations with Alkenes, Arenes, and Heteroarenes
Dongwook Kim, Shaowen Hu, P. Tarakeshwar, Kwang S. Kim, and James M. Lisy
pp 1228 - 1238;