The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2001, V 105, N 22, 7 June.


5309-5316 Common Marcus Type Dependence of the Charge Transfer Induced Processes in the Sensitization and Quenching of Singlet Oxygen by Naphthalene Derivatives Claude Schweitzer, Zahra Mehrdad, Farokh Shafii, and Reinhard Schmidt 5317-5325 Large Electron Transfer Rate Effects from the Duschinsky Mixing of Vibrations Gerald M. Sando, Kenneth G. Spears, and Joseph T.Hupp , Peder Thusgaard Ruhoff 5326-5333 Ab Initio Computation of the Duschinsky Mixing of Vibrations and Nonlinear Effects Gerald M. Sando and Kenneth G. Spears
5334-5339 Photoactivation of CO in Ti Silicalite Molecular Sieve Young-Hoon Yeom and Heinz Frei 5340-5347 Gas-Phase Reactivity of Ni+ with Glycine L. Rodriguez-Santiago, M. Sodupe, and J. Tortajada 5348-5355 Fluorescence Spectroscopy of All-trans-anhydrorhodovibrin and Spirilloxanthin: Detection of the 1Bu- Fluorescence Ritsuko Fujii, Tatsuya Ishikawa, Yasushi Koyama, Miwa Taguchi, Yoshie Isobe, Hiroyoshi Nagae, and Yasutaka Watanabe 5356-5371 Calculation of Optical Rotation Using Density Functional Theory P. J. Stephens, F. J. Devlin, J. R. Cheeseman, and M. J. Frisch 5372-5379 Separation of Dielectric Nonideality from Preferential Solvation in Binary Solvent Systems: An Experimental Examination of the Relationship between Solvatochromism and Local Solvent Composition around a Dipolar Solute Mazdak Khajehpour, Carrie M. Welch, Keith A. Kleiner, and John F. Kauffman
5380-5384 Products of the Chlorine-Atom- and Hydroxyl-Radical-Initiated Oxidation of CH3CN G. S. Tyndall and J. J. Orlando , T. J. Wallington and M. D. Hurley 5385-5392 Kinetic Study of the Reactions of Chlorine Atoms and Cl2[Image]- Radical Anions in Aqueous Solutions. II. Toluene, Benzoic Acid, and Chlorobenzene Daniel O. Mбrtire, Janina A. Rosso, Sonia Bertolotti, Galo Carrillo Le Roux, Andrй M. Braun, and Mуnica C. Gonzalez 5393-5401 Temperature Dependence and Deuterium Kinetic Isotope Effects in the CH (CD) + C2H4 (C2D4) Reaction between 295 and 726 K Holger Thiesemann, Eileen P. Clifford, Craig A. Taatjes, and Stephen J. Klippenstein 5402-5409 Kinetics of the O + ClO Reaction Leah Goldfarb, James B. Burkholder, and A. R. Ravishankara 5410-5419 A Gas-Phase Study of the Kinetics of Formation of Fe(CO)3DMB, Fe(CO)3(DMB)2, and Fe(CO)4DMB: The Bond Dissociation Enthalpy for Fe(CO)3(DMB)2 (DMB = 3,3-dimethyl-1-butene) Jiaqiang Wang and Eric Weitz
5420-5430 Structure, Torsional Potentials, and Thermodynamic Properties [Image]H[Image]f298, S[Image]298, and Cp(T) of Chloro-Dimethyl Ethers: CH2ClOCH3, CHCl2OCH3, and CCl3OCH3. Density Functional and ab Initio Calculations Dawoon Jung and Joseph W. Bozzelli 5431-5437 Theoretical Insight into the Interactions of TMA-Benzene and TMA-Pyrrole with B3LYP Density-Functional Theory (DFT) and ab Initio Second Order Mller-Plesset Perturbation Theory (MP2) Calculations Tong Liu, Jiande Gu, Xiao-Jian Tan, Wei-Liang Zhu, Xiao-Min Luo, Hua-Liang Jiang, Ru-Yun Ji, Kai-Xian Chen, Israel Silman, and Joel L Sussman 5438-5441 Nature of the Fluorescent State of N-Arylcarbazole Derivatives as Derived from Directly Measured Values of the Excited State Dipole Moment A. Samanta, S. Saha, and R. W. Fessenden 5442-5449 Relating Environmental Effects and Structures, IR, and NMR Properties of Hydrogen-Bonded Complexes: ClH:Pyridine Karena Chapman, Deborah Crittenden, Joseph Bevitt, and Meredith J. T. Jordan , Janet E. Del Bene 5450-5467 Density Functional Studies on the Lone Pair Effect of the Trivalent Group (V) Elements: I. Electronic Structure, Vibronic Coupling, and Chemical Criteria for the Occurrence of Lone Pair Distortions in AX3 Molecules (A=N to Bi; X=H, and F to I) M.Atanasov and D. Reinen 5468-5472 Identification for IPR Isomers of Fullerene C82 by Theoretical 13C NMR Spectra Calculated by Density Functional Theory Guangyu Sun and Miklos Kertesz 5473-5478 Polarizabilities ([Image]) of Dendritic Molecular Aggregates: Visualization of Intermolecular-Interaction and Damping Effects on [Image] Masayoshi Nakano, Masahiro Takahata, Harunori Fujita, Shinji Kiribayashi, and Kizashi Yamaguchi 5479-5485 Evaluating the Activation Barriers for Transition Metal N2O Reactions Annelies Delabie, Chris Vinckier, Michaela Flock, and Kristine Pierloot 5486-5489 B13+ Is Highly Aromatic Jun-ichi Aihara 5490-5497 Calculation of the EPR g-Tensors of High-Spin Radicals with Density Functional Theory S. Patchkovskii and T. Ziegler 5498-5506 Molecular and Electronic Structure of C5H5N-SO3: Correlation of Ground State Physical Properties with Orbital Energy Gaps in Partially Bound Lewis Acid-Base Complexes S. W. Hunt and K. R. Leopold

5507-5508 Comments on "Anomalous Dielectric Relaxation of Aqueous Protein Solutions" by Nilashis Nandi and Biman Bagchi (J. Phys. Chem. A 1998, 102, 8217) S. Boresch and O. Steinhauser 5509-5510 Reply to the Comment by S. Boresch and O. Steinhauser on the Letter by N. Nandi and B. Bagchi Entitled "Anomalous Dielectric Relaxation of Aqueous Protein Solution" N. Nandi , B. Bagchi