Journal of Physical Chemistry, 2000, V 104, N 5, 10 February.


873-877 The Role of Dark States in the Photodynamics of the Green Fluorescent Protein Examined with Two-Color Fluorescence Excitation Spectroscopy G. Jung, S. Mais, A. Zumbusch, and C. Brдuchle 878-882 Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Circular Dichroism in Chiral Biomolecules: L-Alanine Ivan Powis

883-893 Luminescence and Energy Transfer of [Ru(bpy)3]2+, [Cr(ox)3]3-, and [Os(bpy)3]2+ in Three-Dimensional Oxalato-Networks Marianne E. von Arx, Emanuele Burattini, and Andreas Hauser , Liesbeth van Pieterson , Renй Pellaux and Silvio Decurtins
894-898 Determination of the Ground and Excited State Dipole Moments of Free Base Chlorin and Isobacteriochlorin Amarnauth Singh, Wen-Ying Huang, and Lawrence W. Johnson 899-907 Solvent and Intramolecular Effects on the Absorption Spectrum of Betaine-30 John Lobaugh and Peter J. Rossky 908-914 Alkali Metal NMR Chemical Shielding as a Probe of Local Structure: An Experimental and Theoretical Study of Rb+ in Halide Lattices Angel C. de Dios, Ann Walling, Ian Cameron, Christopher I. Ratcliffe, and John A. Ripmeester
915-921 Carbon-Oxygen Bond Dissociation Enthalpies in Peroxyl Radicals Marieke Kranenburg, Maria Victoria Ciriano, Artem Cherkasov, and Peter Mulder 922-927 Theoretical Analysis of Concerted and Stepwise Mechanisms of Diels-Alder Reaction between Butadiene and Ethylene Shogo Sakai 928-934 Selected Ion Flow Tube Studies of Air Plasma Cations Reacting with Alkylbenzenes Susan T. Arnold, Itzhak Dotan, Skip Williams, A. A. Viggiano, and Robert A. Morris 935-946 Mechanism of the Reaction of CH3SO with NO2 in Relation to Atmospheric Oxidation of Dimethyl Sulfide: Experimental and Theoretical Study Alexander Kukui, Valйrie Bossoutrot, Gйrard Laverdet, and Georges Le Bras
947-953 Direct Space Representation of the Metallic Bond Bernard Silvi, Carlo Gatti 954-961 Vibrational Spectroscopy and ab Initio Calculations on [N(C2F5SO2)2]- and the Corresponding Superacid HN(C2F5SO2)2 Patrik Johansson, Jцrgen Tegenfeldt, and Jan Lindgren 962-967 Interactions of Molecular Hydrogen with Alkali Metal Halides in Argon Matrices: A Computational Model Michael L. McKee,1 and Ray L. Sweany,2 968-973 The Acetylene-Ammonia Dimer as a Prototypical C-H···N Hydrogen-Bonded System: An Assessment of Theoretical Procedures Michael Hartmann and Leo Radom 974-981 Geometry, Vibrational Frequencies, and Ionization Energies of BeX2 (X = F, Cl, Br, and I) Edmond P. F. Lee and Timothy G. Wright 982-989 C6F6 and sym-C6F3H3: Ab Initio and DFT Studies of Structure, Vibrations, and Inelastic Neutron Scattering Spectra Dale A. Braden and Bruce S. Hudson 990-994 A Theoretical Study of the Cluster Vibrations in Cr2O2, Cr2O3, and Cr2O4 Kai-hua Xiang and Ravindra Pandey , J. M. Recio and E. Francisco , John M. Newsam 995-1003 Theoretical Study of the Double Proton Transfer in the CHX-XH···CHX-XH (X = O, S) Complexes Pablo Jaque and Alejandro Toro-Labbй 1004-1008 Density Functional Study on Phenol Derivative-Ammonia Complexes in the Gas Phase Agnieszka J. Abkowicz-Bieсko and Zdzisaw Latajka 1009-1019 Three-Dimensional Photodissociation Dynamics of Rotational State Selected Methyl Iodide Daiqian Xie and Hua Guo , Yoshiaki Amatatsu , Ronnie Kosloff 1020-1029 Effects of Alkyl Substituents on the Excited States of Naphthalene: Semiempirical Study Nelaine Mora-Diez and Russell J. Boyd , George L. Heard 1030-1038 Ab Initio Investigation of XCH2CH2 and XCHCH3 Radicals (X = F, Cl, Br) Xuming Zheng and David Lee Phillips 1039-1046 Hartree-Fock and Density Functional Theory ab Initio Calculation of Optical Rotation Using GIAOs: Basis Set Dependence James R. Cheeseman and Michael J. Frisch , Frank J. Devlin and Philip J. Stephens 1047-1054 Experimental Charge Density of [Image]-Glycine at 23 K Riccardo Destro, Pietro Roversi, Mario Barzaghi, and Richard E. Marsh 1055-1063 Orientation of Asymmetric Top Molecules in a Uniform Electric Field: Calculations for Species without Symmetry Axes Wei Kong , Jaap Bulthuis
1064-1074 Estimating Heats of Formation of Hydrocarbon Radicals by a Combination of Semiempirical Calculation and Family Correlation with Experimental Values Xiaoliang Ma and Harold H. Schobert
1075-1077 Comment on "Fluorescence of Antiaromatic Systems: An Experimental and Theoretical Study of 1,3,5-Tri-tert-butylpentalene" Michael J. Bearpark and Michael A. Robb 1078-1078 Reply to Comment on "Fluorescence of Antiaromatic Systems: An Experimental and Theoretical Study of 1,3,5-Tri-tert-butyl-pentalene" Anna Falchi, Cristina Gellini, and Pier Remigio Salvi , Klaus Hafner