The Journal of Physical Chemistry , 2000, V 104, N 17, 4 May.


3865-3868 13C NMR Patterns of Odd-Numbered C119 Fullerenes T. Heine, F.Zerbetto, G. Seifert, and P. W. Fowler

3869-3877 Pressure Shift Mechanisms of Spectral Holes in the Optical Spectra of Dyes in Polymer Host Matrices Indrek Renge 3878-3883 Effect of Addition Pattern on the Electrochemical and Spectroscopic Properties of Neutral and Reduced 1,2- and 1,4-(C6H5CH2)2C60 Isomers Karl M. Kadish, Xiang Gao, Eric Van Caemelbecke, Tomoyoshi Suenobu, and Shunichi Fukuzumi 3884-3893 Photoinduced Hydrogen Atom Transfer in Salicylic Acid Derivatives Used as Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization (MALDI) Matrices Hans-Christian Lьdemann, Franz Hillenkamp, and Robert W. Redmond 3894-3899 Relaxation Processes of Translationally Hot O(1D) by Collisions with O2 Nori Taniguchi, Kouichi Hirai, Kenshi Takahashi, and Yutaka Matsumi
3900-3904 Phototautomeric Equilibrium in the Lowest Excited Singlet State of 3-Hydroxyacridone Otto S. Wolfbeis and Christian Huber , Stephen G. Schulman 3905-3914 Reactions of Laser-Ablated Ni, Pd, and Pt Atoms with Carbon Monoxide: Matrix Infrared Spectra and Density Functional Calculations on M(CO)n (n = 1-4), M(CO)n- (n = 1-3), and M(CO)n+ (n = 1-2), (M = Ni, Pd, Pt) Binyong Liang, Mingfei Zhou, and Lester Andrews 3915-3925 Reactions of Laser-Ablated Fe, Co, and Ni with NO: Infrared Spectra and Density Functional Calculations of MNO+ and M(NO)x (M = Fe, Co, x = 1-3; M = Ni, x = 1, 2), and M(NO)x- (M = Co, Ni; x = 1, 2) Mingfei Zhou and Lester Andrews 3926-3932 Gas-Phase Coordination of Mg+, (c-C5H5)Mg+, and (c-C5H5)2Mg+ with Saturated Hydrocarbons Rebecca K. Milburn, Maxim V. Frash, Alan C. Hopkinson, and Diethard K. Bohme 3933-3939 Anharmonic Effects and Vibrational Dynamics in H-Bonded Liquids by Attenuated Total Reflectance FT-IR Spectroscopy V. Crupi, G. Maisano, D. Majolino, P. Migliardo, and V. Venuti 3940-3943 From 3He@C60 to 3H@C60: Hot-Atom Incorporation of Tritium in C60 Anthony Khong, R. James Cross, and Martin Saunders 3944-3951 Vibrational Transition Current Density in (S)-Methyl Lactate: Visualizing the Origin of the Methine-Stretching Vibrational Circular Dichroism Intensity Teresa B. Freedman, Eunah Lee, and Laurence A. Nafie
3952-3957 In-Situ Monitoring of Urethane Formation by FTIR and Raman Spectroscopy Lifeng Xu, Chi Li, and K. Y. Simon Ng 3958-3963 Oxygen Production in the Oscillatory Bray-Liebhafsky Reaction Peter [Image]ev[Image]нk, Katarнna Kissimonovб, and L'ubica Adam[Image]нkovб 3964-3973 Temperature Dependent Kinetics of the OH/HO2/O3 Chain Reaction by Time-Resolved IR Laser Absorption Spectroscopy Sergey A. Nizkorodov, Warren W. Harper, Bradley W. Blackmon, and David J.Nesbitt 3974-3983 Diagnostics and Kinetic Modeling of the Ignition and the Extinction Transients of a Hollow Cathode N2O Discharge T. de los Arcos, C. Domingo, V. J. Herrero, M. M. Sanz, and I.Tanarro 3984-3990 Hydrolysis of N2O5 on Submicron Sulfuric Acid Aerosols Mattias Hallquist, David J. Stewart, Jacob Baker, and R. Anthony Cox 3991-3997 Reaction of OH + NO2 + M: A New View David M. Golden and Gregory P. Smith 3998-4003 Atmospheric Chemistry of Selected Hydroxycarbonyls Sara M. Aschmann, Janet Arey, and Roger Atkinson 4004-4010 Carbon-Hydrogen vs Carbon-Carbon Protonation in the Proton Transfer from Alkane Radical Cations to Alkane Molecules. A Study in [Image]-Irradiated CCl3F/Decane at 77 K Adelheid Demeyer and Jan Ceulemans 4011-4016 Oxidation of Aqueous Polyselenide Solutions. A Mechanistic Pulse Radiolysis Study Andreas Goldbach , Marie-Louise Saboungi and J. A. Johnson , Andrew R. Cook , Dan Meisel
4017-4021 Proton Affinity and Protonation Sites of Aniline. Energetic Behavior and Density Functional Reactivity Indices Nino Russo, Marirosa Toscano, Andrй Grand, and Tzonka Mineva 4022-4029 p-Phenylbisphosphinidene and Its Carbene and Nitrene Analogues: An ab Initio Study Michaela Flock, Kristine Pierloot, Minh Tho Nguyen, and Luc G. Vanquickenborne 4030-4044 Exploration of the Mechanism of the Activation of ClONO2 by HCl in Small Water Clusters Using Electronic Structure Methods Jonathan P. McNamara, Gary Tresadern, and Ian H. Hillier 4045-4050 Photodissociation of HN3 at 248 nm and Longer Wavelength: A CASSCF Study Wei-Hai Fang 4051-4057 Gas-Phase Acidities of Tetrahedral Oxyacids from ab Initio Electronic Structure Theory James R. Rustad, David A. Dixon, James D. Kubicki, and Andrew R. Felmy 4058-4063 Theoretical Studies of the Mechanism for the Synthesis of Silsesquioxanes. 2. Cyclosiloxanes (D3 and D4) Takako Kudo , Mark S. Gordon 4064-4068 Electronic Spectrum of the NpO22+ and NpO2+ Ions Spiridoula Matsika and Russell M. Pitzer 4069-4076 Ab Initio Study of the X- + RCOY Displacement Reactions with R = H, CH3 and X, Y = Cl, Br Chang Kon Kim, Hong Guang Li, Hai Whang Lee, Chang Kook Sohn, Young I Chun, and Ikchoon Lee 4077-4083 Bond Dissociation Energies of the Tungsten Fluorides and Their Singly Charged Ions: A Density Functional Survey Kenneth G.Dyall 4084-4088 Binding of Alkaline Earth Halide Ions MX+ to Benzene and Mesitylene Alexei Gapeev and Robert C. Dunbar [ 4089-4094 AM1/d Parameters for Molybdenum Alexander A. Voityuk and Notker Rцsch 4095-4101 Importance of Charge Transfer and Polarization Effects for the Modeling of Uranyl-Cation Complexes Lars Hemmingsen, Patricia Amara, Eric Ansoborlo, and Martin J. Field 4102-4107 A Solid-State NMR and Theoretical Study of the 17O Electric Field Gradient and Chemical Shielding Tensors of the Oxonium Ion in p-Toluenesulfonic Acid Monohydrate Gang Wu, Andrea Hook, Shuan Dong, and Kazuhiko Yamada
4108-4114 Photochemical Reactions of Oxygen Atoms with Toluene, m-Xylene, p-Xylene, and Mesitylene: An Infrared Matrix Isolation Investigation James K. Parker and Steven R. Davis 4115-4120 Kinetic and Spectroscopic Properties of Carbene-Diazirine Ylides Roland Bonneau , Michael T. H. Liu 4121-4128 New Cesium-Selective Hydrophilic Ligands: UV Measures of Their Interactions toward Cs and Cs/Na Separation by Nanofiltration Complexation Frйdйric Chitry, Stйphane Pellet-Rostaing, Laurence Nicod, Jean-Louis Gass, Jacques Foos, Alain Guy, and Marc Lemaire