Issue 9: September 1997
Table of Contents
Liquid immiscibility in the join NaAlSiO4-NaAlSi3O8-CaCO3 at 1 GPa: implications for crustal carbonatites
W-J. Lee and PJ. Wyllie
Pages: 1113 - 1135
Genesis of silicic peralkaline volcanic rocks in an ocean island setting by crustal melting and open-system processes: Socorro Island, Mexico
WA. Bohrson and MR. Reid
Pages: 1137 - 1166
Multiple metamorphic events at Broken Hill, Australia. Evidence from chloritoid-bearing parageneses in the Nine-Mile Mine region
K. Stuwe and K. Ehlers
Pages: 1167 - 1186
P-T phase relations of silicic, alkaline, aluminous mantle-xenolith glasses under anhydrous and C-O-H fluid-saturated conditions
DS. Draper and TH. Green
Pages: 1187 - 1224
Petrogenesis of a phonolite-trachyte succession at Mount Sidley, Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica
KS. Panter, PR. Kyle1 and JL. Smellie2
Pages: 1225 - 1253
Dehydration-melting and fluid recycling during metamorphism: Rangeley Formation, New Hampshire, USA
MJ. Konn, FS. Spear2 and JW. Valley1
Pages: 1255 - 1277
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