Journal of Petrology, 1999, V 40, N 8, August.

Petrology of Sapphirine-bearing and Associated Granulites from Central Sri Lanka
pp. 1211-1239

The Petrogenesis of Some Migmatites and Granites (Central Damara Orogen, Namibia): Evidence for Disequilibrium Melting, Wall-Rock Contamination and Crystal Fractionation S. JUNG, S. HOERNES, P. MASBERG AND E. HOFFER pp. 1241-1269 Abstract

Convection and Crystallization in a Liquid Cooled from above: an Experimental and Theoretical Study M. HORT, B. D. MARSH, R. G. RESMINI AND M. K. SMITH pp. 1271-1300 Abstract

Pliocene Potassic Magmas from the Kings River Region, Sierra Nevada, California: Evidence for Melting of a Subduction-Modified Mantle SHARON N. FELDSTEIN AND REBECCA A. LANGE pp. 1301-1320 Abstract

A Rapid Fluctuation in the Mantle Source and Melting History of Kilauea Volcano Inferred from the Geochemistry of its Historical Summit Lavas (1790-1982) AARON J. PIETRUSZKA AND MICHAEL O. GARCIA pp. 1321-1342 Abstract