Ultra-high Temperature Metamorphism of Metapelitic Granulites from Kondapalle, Eastern Ghats Belt: Implications for the Indo-Antarctic CorrelationP. SENGUPTA ,J. SEN ,S. DASGUPTA ,M. RAITH ,U. K. BHUI ANDJ. EHL pp. 1065-1087 AbstractEvidence for Fractional Crystallization of Periodically Refilled Magma Chambers in Tenerife, Canary Islands
E.-R. NEUMANN ,E. WULFF-PEDERSEN ,S. L. SIMONSEN ,N. J. PEARSON ,J. MART ANDJ. MITJAVILA pp. 1089-1123 AbstractGeochemistry and Origin of Sulphide Minerals in Mantle Xenoliths: Qilin, Southeastern China
JINGFENG GUO ,WILLIAM L. GRIFFIN ANDSUZANNE Y. O'REILLY pp. 1125-1149 AbstractEvolution of Mg/Fe Ratios in Late Variscan Plutonic Rocks from the External Crystalline Massifs of the Alps (France, Italy, Switzerland)
FRANÇOIS DEBON ANDMARIE LEMMET pp. 1151-1185 AbstractComments on `Mantle Melting and Melt Extraction Processes beneath Ocean Ridges: Evidence from Abyssal Peridotites' by Yaoling Niu
MICHAEL J. WALTER pp. 1187-1193 AbstractComments on Some Misconceptions in Igneous and Experimental Petrology and Methodology: a Reply
YAOLING NIU pp. 1195-1203Book Reviews pp. 1205-1207 Abstract
Corrigenda pp. 1209