Journal of Petrology | Pages |
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Detailed petrological and geochemical studies of subduction-related volcanic arcs have shown that many arcs are characterized by either tholeiitic or calc-alkaline magmatism, dependent on their location and age (Jakes & Gill, 1970; Plank & Langmuir, 1988). In several arc systems, however, tholeiitic and calc-alkaline magmatic suites have been observed to coexist in close temporal and spatial proximity (e.g. Sakuyama, 1981; Dupuy et al., 1982; Kay et al., 1982; Kay & Kay, 1985; Fujinawa, 1988; Hunter & Blake, 1995). Such a relationship can be attributed to either shallow-level intracrustal or deep-level mantle wedge processes. For example, changes in the fractionation assemblage, magma mixing and/or crustal contamination can produce a calc-alkaline array from a tholeiitic precursor (e.g. Sakuyama, 1981; Kay et al., 1982; Grove & Baker, 1984; Grove & Kinzler, 1986; Fujinawa, 1988; Brophy, 1990; Hunter & Blake, 1995). Alternatively, variations in the extent of partial melting, differences in the amount of slab contamination and/or partial melting of a heterogeneous mantle wedge can produce separate tholeiitic and calc-alkaline parental magmas at depth, which can then evolve separately at shallower levels (e.g. Kushiro & Sato, 1978; Tatsumi, 1981; Kushiro, 1983, , 1990; Plank & Langmuir, 1988; Miller et al., 1992). Previous detailed fieldwork (Lipman, 1967; Ono et al., 1981) combined with geochemical data (this study) indicate that tholeiitic and calc-alkaline magmatic suites coexist in the caldera stage at Aso volcano, situated in Central Kyushu, Japan. The primary aim of this paper is to investigate why these suites coexist at Aso, and hence devise a petrogenetic model for the caldera-forming stage, using a combination of petrological, geochemical and isotopic data. Throughout this study, samples are defined as tholeiitic or calc-alkaline based on (1) major element geochemistry, particularly using the SiO2 vs FeO*/MgO classification scheme devised by
Miyashiro, (1974), and (2) petrological observations, with emphasis on variations in the groundmass pyroxene phase (Kuno, 1950), and the zonation patterns in the major phenocryst phases (Sakuyama, 1981). Aso volcano is situated in the Hohi Volcanic Zone (HVZ) in Central Kyushu, SW Japan, and forms part of a chain of five large Quaternary caldera complexes and 23 smaller volcanoes that extend NE-SW from SW Honshu to Southern Kyushu (Fig. 1a). It lies within the transitional Pigeonitic-Hypersthenic Rock Series zone of Kuno, (1959), and is situated ~20 km behind the volcanic front [above the 140 km Benioff zone contour (Kubotera, 1981)], and ~275 km inland from the Ryukyu Trench. Volcanic activity at Aso has been subdivided into Precaldera, Caldera and Post-caldera stages, in which both tholeiitic and calc-alkaline magmas have been recognized; only the caldera stage will be discussed in this paper. Figure The following summary of the geological history of Aso is based on a synthesis of previously published work (Lipman, 1967; Watanabe, 1978; Ono et al., 1981), combined with additional field data collected during this study. Descriptions of Aso 1-4 are based on field evidence collected during this study, whereas ages for the four eruptive units are from
Ono et al., (1981). The basement in Central Kyushu consists of Palaeozoic to Mesozoic metamorphic rocks, intruded by Cretaceous granites and small Miocene volcanic and plutonic complexes. These units are sporadically covered by Cretaceous to Palaeogene sediments (Watanabe, 1978; Ono et al., 1981). Based on evidence obtained from two drill sites located close to the northern edge of Aso caldera (Watanabe, 1978; Ono et al., 1981), the pre-Neogene basement is known to exist close to the present-day surface, with Cretaceous granites encountered at shallow depths (150-470 m). Volcanic activity before the caldera stage occurred from the Late Pliocene to the Early Pleistocene (3-0·4 Ma), characterized by subaerial intermediate to acidic composition lavas and pyroclastic deposits (Watanabe, 1978; Fig. 1b). The most common rock type is pyroxene andesite, followed by subordinate hornblende andesite, biotite rhyolite, and basaltic to dacitic pyroclastic material. The majority of the units are subhorizontal, and are known to have originated from several volcanic centres (Watanabe, 1978). Activity during the caldera stage commenced in the Mid to Late Pleistocene (370-70 ka; Matsumoto, 1963; Watanabe, 1978; Ono et al., 1981; Aramaki, 1984), with the 18 km * 25 km caldera formed incrementally by four major eruptive events (Aso 1-4), collectively referred to as the Aso Pyroclastic Flow Deposit (APFD; Fig. 1b). The APFD consists of voluminous eruptions of basaltic to rhyolitic lavas and pyroclastic fall and flow deposits, with total volume estimates ranging from 175 km3 (Matsumoto, 1963; Aramaki, 1984) to >300 km3 (Ono, 1970). Each unit is distributed around the edge of the caldera, forming either shallow-sloping plateaux (1-2°) or flowing into radial valleys incised into the basement outside the caldera (Ono et al., 1981). In addition to the main flow units, two small flank eruption centres (Akai and Omine) consisting of andesitic lava and scoria deposits (not shown as separate units on Fig. 1b), also occur several kilometres to the west and south-west of the caldera. Petrological, geochemical and stratigraphical relationships within Aso 1-4 suggest that they represent the eruptive product of a zoned magma chamber, with the most evolved magmas erupted first (Ono et al., 1981; Hunter, 1993). Replenishment rates were of the order of a few tens of thousands of years (Ono et al., 1981), with eruption volumes increasing from Aso 1 to 4 (Table 1). Aso 1-3 are compound cooling units, consisting of a range of welded to non-welded basaltic to dacitic pyroclastic material (Hunter, 1993), whereas Aso 4 is more complex, consisting of eight subunits of non-welded to welded dacitic ash and pumice, grading up into basaltic scoria (Lipman, 1967; Watanabe, 1978; Hunter, 1993). Table 1. Comparison of the eruptive ages of Aso 1-4 and volume of material erupted (Aramaki, 1984). Aso 1 (370-270 ka) This is the first and smallest of the pyroclastic flows, made up of several compound cooling units consisting of moderately to densely welded andesitic to dacitic pyroxene-bearing tuff. It is characterized by a grey to red coloration and blocky structure, with the extent of welding dependent on height in the section. The tuff is sporadically topped by an oxidized soil horizon and frequently contains lenses of obsidian with microphenocrysts of plagioclase. Exposures of this unit are limited to the east and north-west caldera walls. Mixed magma clasts ( <= 2 mm) containing xenocrystic plagioclase + clinopyroxene + titanomagnetite, as well as pumice clasts ( <= 1·25 cm) occur throughout the unit, whereas at its base, <= 15 cm juvenile glassy clasts are abundant. Overall, Aso 1 is predominantly tholeiitic in nature, but becomes calc-alkaline with time. Aso 2/1-Akai volcano Akai is the oldest of the two flank eruptions, located ~16 km from the south-west corner of the caldera (Ono et al., 1981). It consists of a small scoria cone and a pyroxene-phyric andesite lava flow covering an area of 40 km2 (Ono et al., 1981). Stratigraphic relationships indicate that the volcano erupted between Aso 1 and 2 (Watanabe, 1978). Aso 2 (~170 ka) Aso 2 is a pyroxene andesite compound cooling unit, divisible into three subunits (Aso 2R, 2A and 2B). The lowest subunit (2R) consists of a densely welded, black, augite-hypersthene basalt to andesite tuff, which becomes progressively less silicic with time and contains microcrysts of plagioclase. Depositional mixing in the form of microclasts of primary and xenolithic pumiceous material is evident within this subunit, with these exhibiting partial welding and flow entrainment. On a microscopic scale, magma mixing is apparent within the primary pumice clasts. Above this, Aso 2A forms the middle section of the compound cooling unit and consists of augite-hypersthene dacite. Like Aso 2R, Aso 2A is also densely welded, black-red in colour and exhibits flow structures in the most densely welded section near its base. Depositional mixing is again evident, the extent of which increases towards the top, where it culminates in a partially to densely welded banded section, consisting of fragmented phenocrysts and pumice clasts, set in a glassy to trachytic groundmass. Aso 2B forms the upper section of the compound cooling unit, and consists of a partially to non-welded, black augite ± hypersthene basalt to andesite scoria deposit, containing fragments of poorly vesiculated material that have a streaky texture. Magma mixing is evident in the form of pumice clasts ( <= 5 mm), which have been partially welded and resorbed by the groundmass glass. Exposures of Aso 2 are found in the eastern and south-eastern walls and flanks of the caldera. All samples are tholeiitic. Aso 3 (~100 ka) Like the two preceding eruptive units, Aso 3 also forms a compound cooling unit, and is subdivided into Aso 3A, 3B and 3C. At the base, Aso 3A consists of white, non-welded, graded aphyric augite dacite pumice (clasts <= 5 cm), indicative of a sheet flow. Above, Aso 3B forms a thin (0·5 m) mixing unit between Aso 3A and 3C, and is a brown, partially welded augite-hypersthene ± hornblende andesite scoria and pumice flow deposit (pumice clasts <= 5 cm), representing a transitional mixing layer between Aso 3A and 3C. The top and least evolved but most phenocryst-rich unit (Aso 3C) is a black, non-welded pyroxene basaltic-andesite scoria flow deposit characterized by <= 15 cm clasts, including primary bombs and scoria fragments containing microphenocrysts of plagioclase and pyroxene. Scoriaceous clasts of densely and partially welded vesiculated glass that have undergone magma mixing before eruption occur in the centre of the unit. Overall, Aso 3 forms a transitional unit, consisting of an approximately equal number of tholeiitic and calc-alkaline samples. Exposures of Aso 3 are found in the south-east and western walls and flanks. Aso 4/3 (Omine volcano) This is the younger of the two flank eruptions, occurring between Aso 3 and 4. It consists of a small (2 km3), 200 m high monogenetic pyroclastic cone and dacitic lava flow (Watanabe, 1978; Ono et al., 1981), and is located ~5 km to the west of the caldera (Ono et al., 1981). Aso 4 (80-70 ka) This is the largest and youngest of the four main units of the APFD. It consists of airfall and ignimbritic deposits, displaying complex variations in texture, thickness, extent of welding, and phenocryst and groundmass compositions (Lipman, 1967). It has been subdivided into eight subunits (Lipman, 1967; Watanabe, 1978), with the description of each unit in Table 2 based on a combination of field evidence (this study) and previous work (Lipman, 1967; Watanabe, 1978). Depositional mixing in the form of glass lenses and pumice fragments is present in some units, with Aso 4 characterized by an overall calc-alkaline signature (Fig. 2; Table 3). Table 2. Summary of eruptive units in Aso 4 based on previously published work
(Lipman, 1967; Watanabe, 1978) and field evidence (this study).
Table 3. Essential phenocryst and groundmass mineralogy for tholeiitic and calc-alkaline parental magmas and rock series, following the petrological classification scheme devised by Kuno, (1959); adapted from Kuno, (1959) and Kawano et al., (1961).
Throughout the APFD, two subtle petrochemical changes are apparent as the caldera-forming stage evolved with time, with: (1) the most abundant rock type changing from basaltic andesites to dacites from Aso 1 to 4, and (2) the magmatic series changing from dominantly tholeiitic (Aso 1 and 2) to dominantly calc-alkaline (Aso 3 and 4). Post-caldera activity is characterized by eruptions from 15 bimodal cones (basalt to basaltic andesite and dacite), situated along an east-west trend dividing the caldera into two valleys (Fig. 1b). At present, only one of the central cones is still active (Nakadake), with the latest phase of phreatic activity, in September 1994, consisting of periodic eruptions of small primary and xenolithic clasts, accompanied by episodic ash plumes up to 1 km above the active crater (Japan Meteorological Agency, 1994). Classification of the tholeiitic and calc-alkaline magma series at Aso is based on a combination of petrological and major element geochemical criteria, using the classification schemes of
Kuno, (1950; variations in groundmass pyroxene mineralogy), Sakuyama, (1981; phenocryst zonation patterns) and
Miyashiro, (1974; FeO*/MgO vs SiO2 wt %) (Fig. 2; Tables 3-
7). Table 4. Diagnostic phenocryst mineral assemblages in the N- (tholeiitic) and R-type (calc-alkaline) series, established by Sakuyama (1981).
Table 5.Petrological summary of the main subunits from Aso 1-4, highlighting variations in phenocryst abundance and composition, and groundmass mineralogy and texture.
Table 6. Summary of the characteristic compositional and zoning features of pyroxene and plagioclase phenocrysts in Aso 1-4.
Table 7. Major element, trace element and isotopic data for samples from Aso 1-4.
Initially, each sample was classified as either tholeiitic or calc-alkaline based on petrographic observations, and this was subsequently confirmed geochemically. Using these data, each of the four eruptive units (Aso 1-4) was assigned a dominant magmatic series signature, based on the predominance of tholeiitic or calc-alkaline samples. The petrological classification scheme devised by
Kuno, (1959) is based on the groundmass mineral assemblage, where the tholeiitic rock series is characterized by clinopyroxene as the only groundmass pyroxene phase [referred to as the Pigeonitic Rock Series (PRS) by Kuno], whereas rocks from the calc-alkaline series contain orthopyroxene ± clinopyroxene as groundmass pyroxene phases [referred to as the Hypersthenic Rock Series (HRS) by Kuno]. To facilitate the classification of rocks using this scheme, Kuno, (1959) established a system of recognizable essential phenocryst and groundmass mineralogies for the tholeiitic and calc-alkaline series, based on the appearance and disappearance of phases within discontinuous reaction series (Table 3). From these reactions, Kuno, (1959, , 1960) implied that evolution of the tholeiitic rock series was controlled by fractional crystallization of an olivine basaltic parent, characterized by a discontinuous reaction series of olivine, followed by augite and hypersthene, with this producing a progressively more siliceous liquid. Kuno, (1959, , 1960) also noted that contamination of this parental magma and/or a related differentiate by crustal material, however, would cause the crystallization temperature to decrease, which in turn would favour hypersthene (± hornblende) formation, to create a calc-alkaline (HRS) rock series in preference to a tholeiitic (PRS) rock series, as well as changing the bulk chemistry of the system towards higher SiO2 values.
Kuno, (1960) found that continued separation of augite ± hypersthene from the parental magma produces a relative enrichment in the iron content, with increasing water contents changing the oxidation state of iron from Fe2+ to Fe3+. This change in oxidation potential not only permits titanomagnetite (± haematite) to crystallize, but also mobilizes the alkalis, leaving excess Al and P cations to complex with Ca cations to produce anorthite and apatite, both of which are conspicuous within the tholeiitic series (Kuno, 1959, , 1960). The removal of Ca to form anorthite and apatite results in successive depletion in the wollastonite component of pyroxene, producing a progressive evolutionary trend from clinopyroxene to orthopyroxene as the primary pyroxene groundmass phase, and hence an associated shift from the tholeiitic to calc-alkaline series, i.e. magma series formation is controlled by fractionation. A second mineralogical classification scheme to distinguish tholeiitic and calc-alkaline magma series was devised by
Sakuyama, (1981), based on the presence or absence of reversely zoned mafic phenocrysts (Table 4). He defined the two series as: (1) R-type, characterized by olivine and pyroxene phenocrysts, which are both reversely and normally zoned, with disequilibrium mineral assemblages implying magma mixing to be the main control on magmatic evolution (mineralogically equivalent to calc-alkaline or hypersthene rock series), and (2) N-type, characterized by normally zoned mafic phenocrysts exhibiting no signs of disequilibrium, with magma evolution controlled by differentiation (i.e. tholeiitic or pigeonite rock series). From his study of the Myoko and Kurohime volcanoes in Central Honshu, Sakuyama, (1981) illustrated that the fundamental differences in the phenocryst phases between the two magma series occurred as a result of magma mixing, whereas the groundmass mineralogy actually remained unaffected, exhibiting a systematic change in pyroxene phase because of successive temperature decreases in both series. Following on from the work of
Kuno, (1959, , 1960) and
Kushiro, (1969), he proposed that the groundmass pyroxene phases evolved along a continuous reaction series from augite + pigeonite to augite + pigeonite ± orthopyroxene and to orthopyroxene ± pigeonite, associated with increasing silica in the residual liquid composition. The eventual demise of augite in the groundmass was attributed to an expansion of the primary hypersthene phase field relative to augite, associated with increasing volatile concentration during progressive crystallization. Uncertainties, however, arise with both of these classification schemes, as the stability and occurrence of orthopyroxene is dependent not only on the chemical composition of the magma, but also on the magmatic temperature and cooling rate immediately before quenching (Fujinawa, 1988), leading to discrepancies in the classification of samples using Kuno's groundmass pyroxene scheme. This problem was initially tackled by
Kawano et al., (1961) who, while working on a series of rocks from NE Honshu, discovered that some samples which had previously been classified as belonging to the tholeiitic series, fell along geochemical trends similar to the calc-alkaline series, i.e. the magmas had crystallized before orthopyroxene had stabilized in the groundmass, allowing metastable pigeonite to remain in the melt, as a result of rapid cooling rates. To resolve this classification problem, Kawano et al., (1961) referred to such samples as `subordinate' tholeiites. The type and extent of magma mixing in a rock series can also result in mis-classification when using Sakuyama's scheme, with crypto-scale mixing between tholeiitic samples producing reversely zoned phenocrysts while retaining a tholeiitic geochemical signature. Classification problems of this type were encountered by
Kay & Kay, (1985), when using zoned phenocrysts to classify tholeiitic and calc-alkaline rock series from the Aleutians. Using Kuno's traditional classification scheme, they sub-divided the two original series into four, to include additional transitional tholeiitic and calc-alkaline series that were characterized by intermediate FeO*/MgO ratios. In this work, they inferred that the transitional calc-alkaline series (containing primary phenocrysts of amphibole and/or orthopyroxene) evolved by mixing a high-alumina basalt with a more evolved magma, whereas the transitional tholeiitic series (containing orthopyroxene and/or pigeonite), exhibited evidence for upper-crustal magma mixing, to produce reversely zoned phenocrysts. Thus, rocks that would have been designated as R-type, and hence calc-alkaline, were reclassified as belonging to the transitional tholeiitic series. Initially, each sample from Aso was classified as eithertholeiitic or calc-alkaline based on a combination of petrographic observations using the schemes devised by
Kuno, (1959) and
Sakuyama, (1981). These classifications were subsequently confirmed geochemically [using the FeO*/MgO vs SiO2 wt % system devised by
Miyashiro, (1974)]. Where discrepancies arose between the petrological and geochemical classification schemes, the geochemical classification was adopted in preference to assigning transitional sub-classification groupings. Using these data, each of the eruptive units (Aso 1-4) was then assigned a dominant magmatic series signature, based on the predominance of tholeiitic or calc-alkaline samples. On the Miyashiro diagram (Fig. 2a), a progressive decrease in FeO*/MgO at SiO2 values >62 wt % can be observed for Aso, changing the dominant magmatic series from tholeiitic to calc-alkaline over time. When Miyashiro devised this classification scheme, he discriminated between the two magmatic series by comparing the gradient defined by a set of samples with an established dividing line between the tholeiitic and calc-alkaline fields. On this basis, he proposed that rock suites with a tholeiitic affinity would be characterized by a steeper gradient on the FeO*/MgO vs SiO2 wt % diagram than those with a calc-alkaline affinity. Thus, based on variations in the general compositional trends within Aso 1-4, Aso 1 and 2 can be classified as having a general tholeiitic affinity (even though the least silicic samples from Aso 1 fall within the calc-alkaline field as defined in the FeO*/MgO vs SiO2 wt % diagram). In contrast, samples from Aso 3 and 4 define trends that are characterized by shallower gradients than the dividing line, and therefore have a calc-alkaline affinity (even though the least silicic samples from Aso 3 and 4 fall in the tholeiitic field). According to these geochemical trends, a general shift in the dominant magmatic series from tholeiitic to calc-alkaline is evident between Aso 1 and 2 and Aso 3 and 4, as the system evolved with time. If the four eruptive units (Aso 1-4) from the APFD are considered as individual trends in Fig. 2a, which originate from a similar starting magma composition, each unit can be seen to be characterized by a different gradient that decreases with time from Aso 1 to 4 (Fig. 2b). Alternatively, Aso 1-4 can also be viewed as a single evolutionary unit in Fig. 2a, with the data fanning out at >= 62 wt % SiO2, and Aso 1-4 characterized by different gradients above this SiO2 content (Fig. 2c). Based on these observations, two hypothetical controls on magma series evolution can be proposed, where: (1) the progressive decrease in gradient exhibited by Aso 1-4, and hence the shift in dominant magma series from tholeiitic to calc-alkaline (model A, Fig. 2b), is the result of shallow-level magmatic differentiation processes in a single intracrustal magma chamber, reflecting differences in the amounts of crustal assimilation and/or changes in the physical conditions [e.g. changes in pressure, f(O2)] over time; and/or (2) the fanning of the data at ~62 wt % SiO2 (model B, Fig. 2c) has been produced by a change in the controlling fractionating mineral assemblage (e.g. from plagioclase + pyroxene to plagioclase + pyroxene + amphibole) between (and/or within) the four eruptive units, causing a shift in magma series with time. This shift in the controlling fractionating mineral assemblage could potentially reflect a two-stage magma chamber system, with magma in the deeper chamber subjectto plagioclase + pyroxene dominated fractionation, whereas in the shallower chamber, the physico-magmatic conditions controlling the system [e.g. pressure, P(H2O), f(O2,), temperature] have changed sufficiently to allow amphibole to join the dominant fractionating mineral assemblage. The different trends at SiO2 >62 wt % exhibited by Aso 1-4 could therefore reflect different residence times (and the effects therein) within the upper and lower chambers. If the tholeiitic and calc-alkaline magma series originated from a common parental magma, the least evolved samples from the four eruptive units should be isotopically homogeneous; this will be discussed later in a subsequent section. A total of 46 samples were selected from the APFD for petrological and geochemical analyses, with these encompassing the compositional and mineralogical ranges exhibited by each of the main sub-units from Aso 1 to 4. Samples with an `Aso' prefix were collected by the author (Hunter, 1993); all other samples were supplied by T. Koyaguchi (University of Kumamoto), along with a detailed description of their location, depositional form (e.g. welded ash, tuff, lava, etc.) and type of sample taken (e.g. whole rock, magmatic clast, glass shard, etc.)
All samples of Aso 1 are welded ignimbrites, whereas those from Aso 2-4 consist primarily of magmatic clasts (pumice or scoria clasts), in an uncompacted to welded ash-rich matrix. The welded ignimbrite samples from Aso 1 were checked carefully for signs of depositional mixing and sorting, and the presence of xenolithic or xenocrystic fragments, before analysis. Samples exhibiting any of these features were rejected from the study to ensure that all analysed samples represented as closely as possible the true, pre-eruptive magmatic signature of the different subunits. Because of the high degree of welding in Aso 1, it is conceivable that discrete amounts of xenolithic material may have been present in some of the analysed samples. Variations in mineralogical composition, phenocryst abundance and whole-rock textures of Aso 1-4 are listed in Table 5. To examine the chemical variations between the phenocryst phases in the different units, core and rim compositions were measured on multiple grains of all mineralogies of interest in each eruptive unit. This was primarily carried out to test how well the mineralogical classification used to define the tholeiitic and calc-alkaline series agreed with the geochemical classification. Throughout the APFD, the main phenocryst phases are plagioclase, clinopyroxene, orthopyroxene and titanomagnetite, with the relative abundance and mineral chemistry of these phases varying with whole-rock composition and magmatic series (Tables 5 and 6). In the more evolved samples from Aso 3, up to 5% hornblende may occur in the groundmass and as rims aroundorthopyroxene phenocrysts. Amphibole forms part of the main phenocryst assemblage in samples from Aso 4. The following sections briefly describe each of the main phenocryst phases found throughout the APFD. Plagioclase Plagioclase phenocrysts are subhedral to anhedral, and range in size from 0·2 to 2 mm (Tables 5 and 6), occurring in most samples as single crystals as well as in monomineralic and polymineralic glomeroporphyritic clots. The abundance varies from 10 to >40%, increasing with whole-rock silica content, with generally higher abundances in calc-alkaline samples from Aso 1-4 compared with similarly evolved tholeiitic samples. Simple to oscillatory zoning and rim resorption is prevalent in all samples, and inclusions of titanomagnetite ± glass ± pyroxene microlites are commonly found in thecores. In calc-alkaline rocks, the compositional range of plagioclase varies from An91 to An46 in the cores, and An89 to An46 at the rims, whereas in tholeiitic samples, individual phenocrysts of plagioclase exhibit a pronounced compositional gap between their cores and rims (cores An81-43; rims An53-40). When samples from the four eruptive units are compared, an increase in the total range in plagioclase core composition, as well as an increase in the average anorthite content of the core, is apparent from Aso 1 to 4. Pyroxene Both Ca-rich (augite) and Ca-poor (pigeonite) clinopyroxene phenocrysts occur in samples from the APFD (Tables 5 and 6). These form subhedral to anhedral grains, ranging in size from 0·1 to 2 mm (average 0·75 mm), with the overall grain-size decreasing from Aso 1 to 4. Clinopyroxene occurs singly as well as in polymineralic glomeroporphyritic clots, and exhibits simple normal and reverse zoning, along with inclusions of titanomagnetite ± glass ± plagioclase in the cores. Exsolution lamellae and blebs of Ca-poor clinopyroxene are frequently visible in Ca-rich pyroxene phenocrysts, and rims that have not undergone resorption are typically mantled by a corona of pyroxene microlites ± glass. Systematic variations in the composition and abundance of the clinopyroxenes are apparent in Aso 1-4, with the range in wollastonite component decreasing whereas the ferrosilite component increases steadily with time (Tables 5 and 6). Associated with the compositional changes in Aso 1-4 is a decrease in clinopyroxene abundance, changing from 15 to 1% over time. Significant variations in the abundance of clinopyroxene in the compound cooling units of Aso 2 and 3 are also apparent. Orthopyroxene forms subhedral to anhedral phenocrysts (0·1-1 mm; average 0·5 mm) with an average abundance of 5% (total range 0-10%; Tables 5 and 6). Exsolution textures consisting of lamellae of pigeonite and inclusions of titanomagnetite in the orthopyroxene cores are common throughout Aso 1, 2 and 4, with normal, simple zoning prevalent in most grains. Within Aso 3, orthopyroxene is only present as a phenocryst phase in the mixed layer, Aso 3B. As with the clinopyroxene phenocrysts, the rims of orthopyroxene either exhibit resorption or are mantled by pyroxene microlites. Some orthopyroxene phenocrysts in Aso 3 and 4 are mantled by a fine rim of cummingtonite. Compositionally, orthopyroxenes in calc-alkaline samples tend to have more Mg-rich cores (Wo2-4En67-73Fs25-28) compared with those from similarly evolved tholeiitic samples (Wo3-4En55-60Fs37-41). Amphibole Hornblende is present as a phenocryst phase only in samples from Aso 4, forming 0·25-2 mm anhedral to euhedral grains, varying in abundance from 2 to 13% (Table 5). In earlier units, hornblende is present either as a groundmass phase or as microcrysts of cummingtonite ( <= 1%) forming a reaction rim around subhedral to anhedral orthopyroxene crystals. Subhedral to anhedral grains of hornblende tend to exhibit rim resorption, as well as prevalent exsolution blebs of cummingtonite. Opaque oxides The main opaque oxide phase found throughout the caldera-forming stage is titanomagnetite, although minor magnetite is also present in Aso 4 (Table 5). Titanomagnetite forms small anhedral to euhedral grains (0·1-1 mm), with an average abundance of 0·8 ± 0·2% in tholeiitic samples and 1·3 ± 0·5% in calc-alkaline samples. This difference in relative abundance is as expected, because of the different crystallization paths followed by the two series, in which titanomagnetite fractionates throughout the evolution of the calc-alkaline series, whereas it is suppressed in the earlier stages of magmatic differentiation in the tholeiitic series. In contrast, the compositional range of titanomagnetite is greater in tholeiitic samples (Xusp = 0·18-0·79) compared with calc-alkaline samples (Xusp = 0·13-0·56). Groundmass Perhaps the most variable component in samples from Aso is the groundmass (Table 5), the relative abundance of which increases from an average of 45% in Aso 1 to an average of 80% in Aso 4. The actual amount of groundmass material varies tremendously within and between the four eruptive units, with textures varying from non-welded to welded, from vesicular and glassy to cryptocrystalline, and from aphyric to trachytic. Overall, the most common groundmass texture is a cryptocrystalline glass containing microlites of plagioclase ± pyroxene ± titanomagnetite, which exhibits some welded bands and/or glassy shards. All analyses were made at The Open University, UK, with whole-rock major and selected trace elementcompositions (Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Ba) determinedby X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry on an ARL8420 + wavelength-dispersive spectrometer. Major element data were continuously assessed against internal standards, with the analytical precision for trace element analysis better than 2% (2[sgr]) and 5% (2[sgr]) at the 100 and 10 ppm levels, respectively. Rare earth element (REE) plus some trace element data (Th, Ta) were obtained by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA), following the procedure of
Potts et al., (1981, , 1985). The data were continuously assessed, and have been adjusted against internal standards; reproducibility was better than 3·5% (2[sgr]; excluding Ta, for which 2[sgr] error was 5·6%). 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd analyses were performed on unleached whole-rock powders, using a Finnigan MAT 261 multi-collector mass spectrometer, with an appropriate international standard run with each batch of samples. Procedural blanks were analysed on a VG Isomass 54E solid source mass spectrometer. For this study, the Sr standard (NBS 987) gave a mean 87Sr/86Sr of 0·710257 ± 20, and the Nd standard [Johnson-Mattey (J&M)] gave a mean 143Nd/144Nd of 0·511890 ± 20. Major and trace element and isotopic analyses for samples from Aso are listed in Table 7. The trends on the major element variation diagrams (Fig. 3) can be interpreted either in terms of individual eruptive units (e.g. Aso 1-4), or as one overall evolutionary trend for the caldera-forming stage. The simplest interpretation for the array of data (either as Aso 1-4 or the APFD) is that it is governed by fractional crystallization, the amount and controls on which vary with the evolution of each eruptive unit (i.e. increasing SiO2 in Aso 1-4), as well as with time (i.e. petrochemical variations between the four eruptive units). Figure
Taken as a single trend, the data for the APFD exhibit an inflection in slope at 61 wt % SiO2 on several major oxide diagrams (e.g. TiO2, Al2O3, P2O5; Fig. 3). TiO2 increases up to 61 wt % SiO2 (Aso 1 and 2 only), after which the concentration decreases, as a result of the onset of titanomagnetite fractionation. Because of the lack of data between 57 and 62 wt % SiO2 for Aso 3 and 4, it is unclear whether these units have undergone a similar fractionation trend to Aso 1 and 2. However, if TiO2 wt % is plotted against mg-number instead of SiO2 wt % (Fig. 4), Aso 1 and 2 still exhibit an inflection in their trends at mg-number = 51, whereas in Aso 3 and 4, TiO2 wt % decreases steadily with decreasing mg-number. Thus, the dominantly calc-alkaline trends of Aso 3 and 4 do not appear to follow the same fractionation path as the tholeiitic units, Aso 1 and 2. Figure
The tholeiitic series (Aso 1 and 2) clearly exhibits inflections at 61 wt % SiO2 in its trend for Al2O3 and Fe2O3 (Fig. 3), whereas the calc-alkaline series (i.e. Aso 3 and 4) is characterized by linear decreasing trends against increasing SiO2 wt % for these oxides. In MgO, CaO, Na2O and K2O vs SiO2 wt %, both magmatic series exhibit similar linear trends, with MgO and CaO decreasing whereas Na2O and K2O increase with increasing SiO2 wt % (Fig. 3). In general, the trends exhibited by the major oxides can be explained in terms of continued fractionation of varying amounts of plagioclase + pyroxene ± titanomagnetite ± amphibole in Aso 1-4, whereas the inflection in the P2O5 trend (Fig. 3) is the result of apatite fractionation. In addition to the effects of fractional crystallization, the decrease in concentration of K2O wt % (± TiO2 and Fe2O3) at similar levels of magmatic differentiation (i.e. constant SiO2 values) between Aso 1 and 4 (Fig. 3) suggests that other intracrustal processes may have also affected the evolutionary path of the APFD over time. Separate trends for Aso 1 and 2 and Aso 3 and 4 are also apparent in trace element vs SiO2 diagrams (Fig. 5), with element concentrations either decreasing (e.g. Rb, Zr and Nb) or increasing (e.g. Sr) above 60 wt % SiO2 between the eruptive units, Aso 1-4. Figure
In general, Aso 1 and 2 (dominantly tholeiitic) are relatively enriched in all alkali earth elements (except Sr) at similar SiO2 values, compared with the dominantly calc-alkaline eruptive units (Aso 3 and 4; Fig. 5). Rb and Ba concentrations increase with increasing SiO2 in all four eruptive units, whereas Sr decreases with increasing SiO2 (Fig. 5). The difference in slope in Rb, Ba and Sr abundances in Aso 1-4 implies either that the predominantly tholeiitic units (Aso 1 and 2) are characterized by different Dx values compared with the calc-alkaline units (Aso 3 and 4), or that this is a reflection of different mechanisms of silica enrichment with constant Dx values. All high field strength elements (HFSE, e.g. Zr, Nb, Y; Fig. 5) increase in concentration with increasing SiO2, with the trends for both series characterized by similar gradients. The strong inflection exhibited in Y ppm at ~61 wt % SiO2 in the tholeiitic and calc-alkaline series can be attributed to apatite (± clinopyroxene) fractionation, in which Y is strongly compatible. All REE data have been normalized to C1 chondrite abundances, and are plotted in Fig. 6. Comparisons between
Jakes & Gill's, (1970) standard island arc tholeiitic REE pattern (shaded area) and the least evolved samples from Aso 1-4 indicate that Aso volcanic rocks are more enriched in light REE (LREE) and medium REE (MREE) than typical island arc tholeiites (Fig. 6). When compared with each other, the REE trends for tholeiitic and calc-alkaline samples from Aso 1-4 are relatively homogeneous, suggestive of a common parental magma for the two magmatic series. Variations in the relative concentrations of the REEs between the four eruptive units (i.e. as the caldera-forming stage evolved), as well as between the APFD and standard island arc tholeiitic basalt (Jakes & Gill, 1970) can be attributed to simple fractionation processes, which have produced an increase in abundance in all REEs at Aso. Figure
At Aso, 87Sr/86Sr ranges from 0·704020 to 0·704466, with the majority of samples lying between 0·70404 and 0·70420 (Fig. 7a, b). The four samples from Aso 1 with anomalously high 87Sr/86Sr ratios (i.e. >0·7043) are also variably enriched in Sr ppm but depleted in K2O wt %, Rb and Ba ppm, compared with expected major and trace element abundances (see Figs 3 and 5 and Table 7 for comparisons). Such shifts in geochemical signature are characteristic of post-depositional alteration (e.g. weathering) and as such, these samples can be excluded from the ensuing petrogenetic models. Disregarding the four isotopically altered samples from Aso 1, this unit still exhibits the greatest range in 87Sr/86Sr (0·704096-0·704219), extending well outside the 2[sgr] error, whereas in each of the subsequent eruptive units (Aso 2-4), 87Sr/86Sr is more constant, varying by 0·000057-0·000095. [As with Aso 1, the anomalously high 87Sr/86Sr (accompanied by shifts in K2O wt %, Rb, Ba and Sr ppm) exhibited by one sample from Aso 4 can also be attributed to post-depositional alteration.]
Therefore, excluding the five altered samples from Aso 1 and 4, the young age of the rocks and short time period involved between each eruptive unit, prohibits the observed range in 87Sr/86Sr from being attributed to radiogenic decay. Similarly, the time scale involved also prevents the variation in 87Sr/86Sr from being attributed to mixing between different magmatic batches that have evolved in a closed system from a common parental source, as these would be isotopically homogeneous. Therefore, the small variation in 87Sr/86Sr from 0·70402 to 0·70420 must be attributable to contamination of the magma source by an isotopically distinct material (e.g. crust), with the small but successive decrease in average 87Sr/86Sr from Aso 1 to 4 (Fig. 7b), indicating that the amount of contamination that occurred in the chamber decreased progressively with time. Statistically, the isotopic variation exhibited by Aso 2 and 3 (±0·000027) is only slightly greater than the 2[sgr] analytical uncertainty (±0·000020), and the range in 87Sr/86Sr in Aso 4 is almost equivalent to the 2[sgr] error. As such, any petrogenetic conclusions based on isotopic variations exhibited by these units should be interpreted with caution. 143Nd/144Nd exhibits no systematic variation with whole-rock composition (Fig. 7c), magmatic series or time (
Fig. 7d), with values falling between 0·512778 and 0·512694. In each of the four eruptive units, the variations in 143Nd/144Nd extend outside the 2[sgr] error range (±0·000014), with the tholeiitic units (Aso 1 and 2) exhibiting slightly greater variation (0·512778-0·512694) than the calc-alkaline units (Aso 3 and 4; 0·512777-0·512717). Although 143Nd/144Nd varies erratically with time (Fig. 7d), a subtle increase in the average isotopic ratio (>2[sgr] error) is discernible for the APFD with time. When trends for 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd against time are compared (Fig. 7b and d), it can be seen that the small but constant decrease in average 87Sr/86Sr is mirrored by a similarly small increase in the average Nd-isotopic ratio. This suggests that both isotopic systems may have been affected in similar ways by the same intracrustal processes throughout the evolution of the APFD, i.e. the erratic changing pattern and subtle increase in 143Nd/144Nd from Aso 1 to 4 can be attributed to varying amounts of crustal contamination. On a plot of 143Nd/144Nd vs 87Sr/86Sr (Fig. 8a), all four eruptive units in the APFD appear to originate from an isotopically similar starting composition, with 87Sr/86Sr ~0·704080 and 143Nd/144Nd ~0·512768. When the trends for Aso 1-4 are examined closely in Fig. 8a, a progressive increase in the gradient for data from each eruptive unit is clear, with this trending towards infinity in Aso 4, with the total isotopic range exhibited by 143Nd/144Nd and 87Sr/86Sr also decreasing with time. Within Aso 1, the effects of post-depositional alteration are apparent, shifting 87Sr/86Sr to higher than expected values, compared with other samples at similar low 143Nd/144Nd values. Figure
Comparison between the APFD and the whole of Japan in a plot of 143Nd/144Nd vs 87Sr/86Sr (Fig. 8b) reveals that Aso 1-4 fall at the radiogenic end of the Japanese array, close to Bulk Earth values. Although Aso 1-4 appear to be characterized by a steeper gradient than the whole of Japan, trending towards lower 143Nd/144Nd than expected (Fig. 8b), when compared with other volcanic systems in Japan, data from each volcano form a similar trend to that exhibited by Aso, producing a series of oblique trends down the mantle array. As before, the effect of post-depositional alteration on some samples from Aso 1 is clear, producing a shift towards higher than expected 87Sr/86Sr at a given 143Nd/144Nd value, compared with the general Aso array. The petrogenetic evolution of any shallow-level magma chamber can be observed by examining the relationships between mineral phases and whole-rock compositions, noting (1) how the mineral compositions vary with whole-rock composition and (2) whether mineral-mineral and mineral-whole-rock compositions are in equilibrium. The occurrence of magma mixing can be ascertained by examining macroscopic to microscopic textural relationships in rock samples, as well as by examining the zonation patterns and compositional variations in phenocrysts. Mineral-whole-rock compositional relationships can be used to establish whether a magma evolved in a closed or open system. In a closed system, the whole-rock compositions will be in equilibrium with the phenocryst cores, whereas the groundmass melt will be in equilibrium with the rims. (In this study, phenocryst rim-whole-rock groundmass equilibrium has not been tested for, as the glass was generally too microlitic to be analysed by electron microprobe techniques.)
Equilibrium between the whole-rock composition and phenocryst cores can be tested using diagrams of FeO/MgOpx vs FeO/MgOWR for pyroxene (Fig. 9), and CaO/Na2Oplag vs CaO/Na2OWR for plagioclase (Fig. 10). If equilibrium exists, the observed relationships should be consistent with experimentally determined equilibrium exchange coefficients, i.e. KD values (Grove et al., 1982; Grove & Bryan, 1983; Kay & Kay, 1985; Sisson & Grove, 1993). [In Fig. 9, to compare iron from the pyroxenes and whole rocks in a similar state, whole-rock FeO*/MgO ratios were determined after the Fe2O3 had been recalculated as a ratio of Fe2O3:FeO (with this varying according to whole-rock chemistry from 0·9Fe3+:0·1Fe2+ for basalts, to 0·8Fe3+:0·2Fe2+ for dacitic to rhyolitic samples). This ratio of Fe3+:Fe2+ was then converted to ferrous iron oxide (i.e. FeO* wt %) by multiplying the ferric iron component by 0·9.]
Pyroxene-bulk-rock relationships In the FeO/MgOpx vs FeO/MgOWR figure (Fig. 9), a number of analyses fall above and below the KD equilibrium lines for clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene, lying outside the 1[sgr] error range (±0·02). Analyses that fall above the equilibrium lines indicate that the pyroxene cores are too iron rich for the whole-rock composition, whereas analyses that plot below the line represent phenocryst cores that are too magnesian to coexist in equilibrium with the whole-rock liquid composition. In the latter case, the magnesian cores probably represent early formed phases that have remained in suspension and have failed to react with the surrounding liquid, i.e. they represent xenocrysts. If this is indeed the case, the pyroxene crystals should display various disequilibrium textures such as rim resorption, mantling by different or similar phases, normal, reverse or oscillatory zoning. Such textures are prevalent in samples from Aso. Phenocryst core compositions that are too iron rich for the whole-rock liquid composition probably represent either phenocrysts that have cooled rapidly and failed to equilibrate with the surrounding liquid, or crystals that have originated from more evolved units in the system. If the latter case is correct, the phenocrysts will be characterized by reverse zoning ± rim resorption, textures which are readily found in all calc-alkaline samples from Aso. The simplest method of producing these disequilibrium assemblages is by mixing differently evolved magma batches in the chamber. The importance of magma mixing during the evolution of the APFD is further emphasized in Fig. 9 by the large ranges in core FeO*/MgO values measured in a selection of pyroxene phenocrysts from individual rocks. Plagioclase-bulk-rock relationships As with the pyroxenes, plagioclase phenocrysts in samples from throughout the APFD are characterized by a wide range in composition. Petrological analyses also reveal that many of the plagioclase phenocrysts display normal, reverse and/or oscillatory zoning, as well as rim resorption, all of which are indicative of compositional and/or thermal disequilibrium. Such disequilibrium textures can be attributed to magma mixing, resulting in high-temperature calcic plagioclase (i.e. high CaO/Na2O) being recovered from lower-temperature, more evolved melts, and vice versa. Accordingly, similar conclusions to those reached for the disequilibrium textures exhibited by the pyroxene phenocrysts can be applied to plagioclase, with plagioclase compositions either too sodic or too calcic to be in equilibrium with their associated whole-rock compositions (Fig. 10). In addition to magma mixing processes, experimental work carried out by
Sisson & Grove, (1993) on high-alumina basalts and basaltic andesites has shown that the Sisson & Grove's experimental work assumed an average water content of 4 wt % in a basaltic magma, for which the associated Accordingly, it is apparent that throughout the evolution of the APFD, magma mixing has been a prevalent factor, periodically mixing primitive and evolved magmas to produce a system in which a large majority of phenocryst cores (i.e. plagioclase and pyroxene) are in a state of compositional and thermal disequilibrium with their host rock. Equilibrium between coexisting phenocrysts can be used to examine whether different phases in a sample are in equilibrium with each other, and thus formed under similar conditions before eruption. Microprobe analyses were carried out on the cores and rims of hypersthene, augite and pigeonite phenocrysts and microcrysts that occurred contiguously throughout the sample. Mg-Fe2+ partitioning between Ca-rich (augite) and Ca-poor(hypersthene ± pigeonite) pyroxenes was used to test for equilibrium between the phases, with the Figure
At equilibrium, the expected Table 8. Comparison of KDMg-Fe for orthopyroxene-clinopyroxene pairs at Aso.
Combined plagioclase and pyroxene phenocryst relationships
Sakuyama, (1981) was the first to examine the relationship between plagioclase and mafic phenocryst phases within volcanic rocks, correlating compositional ranges and zoning patterns of plagioclase with the associated mafic phenocrysts. He discovered two groups consisting of: (1) plagioclase with a narrow compositional range, coexisting with normally zoned pyroxene phenocrysts (referred to as N-type), where pigeonite was the only Ca-poor groundmass pyroxene (i.e. tholeiitic), and (2) plagioclase with widely variable compositions, associated with reversely ± normally zoned pyroxene phenocrysts (R-type), with orthopyroxene as the predominant Ca-poor groundmass pyroxene phase (i.e. calc-alkaline). The two rock series were interpreted by Sakuyama as corresponding to magmas that had undergone mixing (R-type), or had not (N-type). All calc-alkaline samples (excluding Aso 1.1B) from the APFD can be classified as R-type magmas and are characterized by a range of mixing textures, including: (1) `crypto-mixing' (i.e. the rock appears virtually homogeneous, with mixing visible only in the groundmass because of differences in texture or density of glass), and (2) bulk mixing, producing streaky grey and white pumice clasts. (The discrepancy in petrological versus geochemical classification of Aso 1.1B may be the result of syn-eruption mixing processes.) Although many of the tholeiitic samples correspond to Sakuyama's N-type magmas, some samples which were previously categorized as tholeiitic by other mineralogical and geochemical methods contain both N- and R-type phenocryst zonations, requiring a third group to be added to Sakuyama's classification scheme. This group (Table 6: Class 2) consists of plagioclase phenocrysts that exhibit a narrow compositional range, and are associated with reversely (± normally) zoned pyroxene phenocrysts, i.e. a transitional tholeiitic series. Mixing in these tholeiitic samples is limited to bulk mixing on a microscopic to macroscopic scale, forming streaky pumice. The necessity for this additional group can be explained by the range of zonation relationships exhibited by coexisting plagioclase and pyroxene phenocrysts. The microscopic to macroscopic mixing textures in the streaky pumice can be produced by mixing two compositionally distinct tholeiitic magmas, which will result in the formation of R-type zonations although retaining an overall geochemical tholeiitic signature. Alternatively, rock samples that are characterized by bimodal plagioclase core compositions imply that `crypto-mixing' of two magmas (usually categorized as tholeiitic by geochemical means) has occurred. This produces an apparently homogeneous whole rock, containing two groups of compositionally heterogeneous phenocrysts, producing a transitional tholeiitic series rock according to petrochemical observations. Thus, examination of the mineral chemistry and textural relationships between coexisting phenocrysts and whole rocks at Aso indicates that the system has undergone periods of magma mixing. This has resulted in quasi-equilibrium to disequilibrium relationships between whole-rock-phenocryst and phenocryst-phenocryst compositions. Although the tholeiitic and calc-alkaline series at Aso cannot be distinguished by differences in their constituent mineral compositions (as these overlap), the two series can be distinguished by variations in the compositional range and zoning patterns in the plagioclase and associated mafic phenocrysts (Sakuyama, 1981). This divides all samples into three interrelated groups-tholeiitic (Aso 1, 2 and 3), transitional tholeiitic (Aso 1 and 3) and calc-alkaline (Aso 1 and 4). Petrological and whole-rock geochemical data have been combined in an attempt to constrain the primary controls on magmatic evolution in the four eruptive units and to obtain an understanding of the processes that produced the shift in dominant magmatic series from tholeiitic to calc-alkaline with time. Major element modelling was carried out by a least-squares inverse technique using the VAX program Supermix© [after
Wright & Doherty, (1970)]. Trace element and isotopic data were then tested for fractional crystallization [after
Allègre et al., (1977) and
Allègre & Minster, (1978)], magma mixing and/or assimilation using
DePaolo's, (1981) simultaneous assimilation and fractional crystallization (AFC) model. The mineral assemblages used to model each stage were based on petrographic observations and microprobe analyses. Mineral abundances were modified according to constraints from major element modelling, to produce a realistic best fit solution by Supermix©. Solutions which required either the crystallization and/or removal of phases that were not observed petrographically, or unrealistic mineral proportions to produce a best fit correlation, were rejected. Least-squares fractional crystallization modelling has been carried out for Aso 1-4 using a fractionatingassemblage of plagioclase ± clinopyroxene ±orthopyroxene ± hornblende ± titanomagnetite (Table 9a). The actual assemblage used varied with whole-rock SiO2 content within the four eruptive units, as well as with time between the eruptive units. Table 9a. Comparison of the mineral assemblages, F values and [Sigma]r2 used to model variations in major and trace element abundances in Aso 1-4 by fractional crystallization.
Table 9b. Comparison of the mineral assemblages, F values, r values and percentage of crust used to model variations in trace element abundances and isotopic ratios in Aso 1-4 by combined assimilation and fractional crystallization (AFC).
A plausible solution for each of the four eruptive units in the APFD was obtained based on major element modelling, with the extent of fractionation varying between 19·5 and 47·5% [i.e. F = 0·805-0·525, where [Sigma]r2 = 0·06-0·09 (Table 9a)]. Within each of the eruptive units, the fractional crystallization path was modelled in two steps breaking at ~61 wt % SiO2. [In Aso 4, major element fractional crystallization was modelled in four steps because of the dearth of samples between 52 and 62 wt % SiO2. The bulk of data between 62 and 69 wt % SiO2 was modelled in two steps (similar to Aso 1-3), whereas the compositional gap between the least evolved sample 4KC-03 and the rest of the data was modelled in two steps using two intermediate values, by taking the average of 4KC-03 and 4KC-01 (to form Intermediate 1), and then the average of this value (Intermediate 1) and 4KC-01 (to form Intermediate 2).]
From Table 9a, the total amount of fractionation required to reproduce the four eruptive units can be calculated, varying from ~58 to 63% in Aso 1-3, increasing to ~69% in Aso 4. At the same time, the dominant fractionating assemblage changed from plagioclase + augite ± hypersthene in Aso 1 and 2 (i.e. the tholeiitic series) to plagioclase ± augite + hypersthene ± hornblende in Aso 3 and 4 (i.e. the calc-alkaline series). Therefore, based on least-squares major element modelling of the data from Aso 1-4, the magmatic evolution within each of the eruptive units is apparently controlled by fractional crystallization, whereas between the four eruptive units, changes to the fractionating assemblage have resulted in different evolutionary paths for the tholeiitic (Aso 1 and 2) and calc-alkaline (Aso 3 and 4) magma series. Although the major element trends for each eruptive unit can be modelled by fractional crystallization (Table 9a), variation in trace element abundances in Aso 1 and 3 cannot be reproduced successfully by this method. Shifts in the trace element abundances (and isotopic ratios) in these two eruptive units require the addition of a crustal contaminant into the system along with fractional crystallization to reproduce the observed trends, i.e. combined assimilation and fractional crystallization is required (Table 9a and b). Simultaneous assimilation and fractional crystallization (AFC; DePaolo, 1981) is an extremely useful quantitative model for testing whether various trace element concentrations (and isotopic ratios) in two magmas are related, solving the relationship between the assimilation rate-fractional crystallization rate, the fraction of magmatic liquid remaining and the bulk partition coefficient for any trace element, i.e. where To ensure that the resultant models are petrologically viable, two constraints were applied. First, all D values had to be positive (i.e. >0), falling within a particular range applicable to the known mineralogical assemblage in the system being examined. Second, the mineral proportions used in the model correspond to those observed from petrological analyses. Once an acceptable r value had been established, the amount of material assimilated (Fa) was estimated as a fraction of the initial magma mass (D'Orazio, 1993), i.e. If the assumption that crustal contamination does influence the magmatic evolution of the APFD is correct, then the small variation observed in 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd in Aso 1-4 requires that the contaminant must either be isotopically similar to the parental magmatic signature and/or that the amount of material assimilated is minimal (i.e. r 0·5). Borehole studies carried out around the northern edge of Aso caldera (Ono et al., 1981), have shown that the basement consists of Cretaceous granites as well as small Miocene volcanic and plutonic complexes, typical of basement complexes throughout the HVZ in Kyushu and SW Honshu (Hashimoto, 1991). Work carried out by
Ando et al., (1987) and
Ando & Shibata, (1988) on a selection of Geological Survey of Japan (GSJ) reference standard samples from this region has shown that the basement in the HVZ has an 87Sr/86Sr signature of 0·7043-0·7055, and a more general estimate of 87Sr/86Sr <0·7060 for the bulk crust in Central Kyushu has been established by
Hashimoto, (1991). From this, it can be stated that in general terms the basement in the HVZ is isotopically similar to the APFD. Using borehole data on the lithological character and composition of the basement in Central Kyushu (Ono et al., 1981) as a guide, the GSJ reference sample JG-3 [a granite from the HVZ, SW Honshu (Ando et al., 1987; Ando & Shibata, 1988)] was selected as representative of the composition of the crustal contaminant below Aso. Using the same mineral assemblages as for major element modelling, the trace element trends for Aso 1 and 3 were successfully reproduced by assimilating between 17·3 and 8·1 wt % granitic crust (r = 0·2-0·1, F = 0·525-0·707; Fig. 12). Within and between each of these eruptive units, the amount of contaminant required to reproduce the shift in trace elements and 87Sr/86Sr decreased with continued fractionation (Table 9a and b). Figure
Although the variations in trace element concentrations in Aso 2 were reproduced successfully by fractional crystallization, a small amount of crustal material is still required to be added to the system during this stage, to replicate the observed shifts in 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd (Figs 7 and 8), which extend outside the 2[sgr] error range. Reproduction of the isotopic variations can be achieved by adding between 5·3 and 3·3 wt % crust (r = 0·1, F <= 0·7; Figs 7 and 12; Table 9b) to the magma, without significantly altering trace element concentrations from either the observed trend or that modelled by fractional crystallization. Similarly, the small variation in 87Sr/86Sr exhibited by samples from Aso 4 was reproduced by assimilating <2 wt % crust during any one evolutionary step (r = 0·05; F = 0·590-0·805), again without affecting the trace element concentrations significantly (Fig. 12; Table 9b). Consequently, variations in trace element and isotopic ratios indicate that the amount of crustal material assimilated by the four successive eruptive units decreased with time. Decreasing amounts of crustal assimilation (Table 9b) associated with shorter residence times (Table 1) in later magmatic batches may have enhanced the observed progressive depletion of major [K2O (± TiO2, Fe2O3) wt %; Fig. 3] and trace elements (Rb, Ba, Zr and Nb ppm; Fig. 5) and changing isotopic ratios (
Figs 7 and 8) between the four eruptive units. This also corresponds to a decrease in the period of quiescence between eruptions from 200-100 kyr (Aso 1 and 2) to 20 kyr (Aso 3 and 4) (Aramaki, 1984), as well as a systematic increase in the volume of erupted material (Table 1) and the amount of fractional crystallization (Table 9a) that occurred from Aso 1 to 4. Thus during the caldera-forming stage, the influence of crustal contamination was diluted with time by increasing volumes of magma in the chamber and by decreasing magmatic residence times in the chamber. Reduction in crustal assimilation over time may relate to changes in the physical conditions of the chamber and the surrounding country rock as the caldera-forming stage evolved. First, successive periods of fractional crystallization could potentially line the chamber walls and conduits with layers of crystals that either had grown in situ or had been deposited by gravitation settling. Over time, these cumulates would act as an insulating barrier between the magma and surrounding country rock, preventing and/or limiting further wall-rock assimilation. Second, continued interaction between the magmatic system and the country rock would result in the progressive removal of melts from the wall-rocks, decreasing its fertility and hence the amount of crust assimilated over time. The decrease in amount of contaminant assimilated over time complies with the observed decreasing shifts in isotopic and trace element concentrations in the APFD (Figs 5, 7 and 8; Table 7). Therefore, the switch in dominant magmatic series from tholeiitic to calc-alkaline between Aso 1 and 2 and Aso 3 and 4 can be attributed to variations in (1) the controlling fractionation assemblage, (2) the amount of fractionation, (3) the effects of magma mixing between variably evolved melts, and (4) the amount and efficiency of crustal contamination over time. Of these four processes, variations in the fractionation assemblage and the extent of magma mixing have had the greatest control on determining the geochemical and petrological signature of the dominant magma series at any one time in the system. Detailed petrological and geochemical studies indicate that as the caldera-forming stage at Aso volcano evolved, a shift in the general magma series occurred with time, changing from predominantly tholeiitic (Aso 1 and 2) to calc-alkaline (Aso 3 and 4). Within each of the eruptive units, compositional diversity is prevalent, implying that throughout the caldera-forming stage, the magma chamber was zoned. This can be attributed to steady-state fractionation in the chamber, associated with small-scale magma mixing. Although magma mixing did not result in complete overturn of the chamber, it did play an important role in the evolution of the APFD, withmacroscopic, microscopic and geochemical evidence revealing that mixing occurred within and between compositional units throughout the caldera-forming stage. This produced a series of complex mineral zonations and disequilibrium textures, and also influenced the results of the petrological and geochemical classification schemes used to categorize the four eruptive units as either tholeiitic or calc-alkaline. Mineralogically, there is a progressive shift in the dominant phenocryst and groundmass pyroxene type from clinopyroxene in earlier units (Aso 1 and 2), to orthopyroxene in later units (Aso 3 and 4). This is associated with a gradual decrease in the Wo content as the Fs and En components increase in the clinopyroxenes and orthopyroxenes, respectively, with time. These variations in dominant pyroxene type and pyroxene composition correspond to the findings of
Kuno, (1959, , 1960), in which the formation of tholeiitic and calc-alkaline magma series is principally controlled by fractional crystallization processes, with the shift from tholeiitic to calc-alkaline caused by continued extraction of augite + hypersthene from the parental magma, to produce a relative enrichment in Fe3+, such that titanomagnetite joins the controlling fractionating assemblage as orthopyroxene takes over from augite as the dominant fractionating pyroxene. From this, it would appear that the shift from tholeiitic to calc-alkaline magma series in the APFD corresponds to model B (Fig. 2c), in which changes in the controlling fractionating mineral assemblage dictate series formation. However, the abundance of magma mixing throughout Aso 1-4 would appear to contradict this statement, favouring model A (Fig. 2b). To try and resolve this disparity, systematic changes in mineral chemistry and whole-rock geochemistry have been used to examine the magmatic evolution within Aso 1-4, as well as between the eruptive units. From these investigations, fractional crystallization associated with both magma mixing and decreasing amounts of crustal assimilation was found to be responsible for the evolutionary trends within the four eruptive units (i.e. model A), whereas variations in the evolutionary paths between the eruptive units were attributed to changes in the fractionating assemblage [i.e. plagioclase + augite + hypersthene (Aso 1 and 2) to plagioclase ± augite + hypersthene ± hornblende (Aso 3 and 4); model B], and to decreasing amounts of crustal contamination with time. Contrary to general opinion, in which the evolution of calc-alkaline magma series is often attributed to greater amounts of crustal contamination than associated tholeiitic series (e.g. Grove & Baker, 1984; Grove & Kinzler, 1986; Fujinawa, 1988), at Aso geochemical and isotopic data for the APFD suggest that the calc-alkaline series has undergone less crustal contamination than the tholeiitic series. Within the caldera-forming stage, the major element chemistry of the eruptive units is largely determined by a combination of fractional crystallization and magma mixing, with crustal assimilation playing a minor role, affecting the isotopic and trace element characteristics of the magmas, rather than controlling which series the eruptive units belong to. Although the role played by crustal assimilation is minor throughout the petrogenetic evolution of the APFD, it is still a necessary component required to produced the observed trace element and Sr- and Nd-isotopic shifts in Aso 1-4. Therefore, at Aso, the shift in the dominant magmatic series from tholeiitic to calc-alkaline in the APFD can be principally ascribed to changes in the fractionating mineral assemblage, combined with variable amounts of fractional crystallization in the chamber over time (model B), with the effects of decreasing amounts of simultaneous crustal assimilation (model A) superimposed on top of this. This work was initially completed as part of an NERC grant awarded to the author while at the Open University. During this time, the support, guidance and comments from C. J. Hawkesworth and S. Blake were greatly appreciated. P. van Calsteren, M. Johnston and P. Webb (OU) are thanked for help with the geochemical analyses. Earlier versions of this paper were significantly improved by comments from A. Keay, S. de Silva and an anonymous reviewer. The final version of this paper owes much to the constructive comments from J. Davidson, C. Nye and M. Wilson.INTRODUCTION
Geological setting
Basement geology
Precaldera activity (3-0·4 Ma)
Caldera activity: the Aso Pyroclastic Flow Deposit (APFD ~370-70 ka)
Post-caldera activity
Review of petrological classification schemes
Geochemical classification of the magma series in Aso 1-4
Rock types
Mineral chemistry
Analytical conditions
Major element variations
Trace element variations
Rare earth element variations
Isotopic variations
Mineral-whole-rock equilibrium relationships
Equilibrium between coexisting phenocrysts
Fractional crystallization and combined crustal assimilation (AFC)