Journal of Petrology | Pages |
© 1998 Oxford University Press |
Crustal contamination of basaltic magmas is generally recognized for continental volcanoes (e.g. Taylor, 1980; Leeman & Hawkesworth, 1986; Glazner et al., 1991). The composition, thickness, and low melting temperatures of continental crustal rocks facilitate assimilation that can be easily identified. However, the extent to which basaltic magmas are contaminated by oceanic crust is a topic of intense debate (e.g. Bohrson & Reid, 1995; Clague et al., 1995; Eiler et al., 1996; Bohrson et al., 1996, and references therein; Thirlwall et al., 1997). The debate has focused on distinguishing the chemical characteristics magmas acquire during ascent, crustal storage, and emplacement from those that have been used to identify heterogeneous mantle sources. For most ocean island volcanoes, the crustal components available to serve as contaminants are poorly characterized, but include the underlying altered oceanic crust, pelagic to hemipelagic sediment, and the hydrothermally altered volcanic edifice. Mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs) are relatively uniform geochemically with depleted incompatible element and radiogenic isotope compositions compared with lavas from ocean island or continental volcanoes. However, excess chlorine content and Cl/K ratios in fresh MORB glasses support the idea that MORB magmas may also be affected by assimilation of hydrothermally altered oceanic crust (e.g. Michael & Schilling, 1988; Michael & Cornell, 1996). Chlorine, like other incompatible elements, shows the greatest enrichment in strongly fractionated lavas that reside longer in shallow magma chambers. MORBs with high-pressure liquid lines of descent (LLDs) do not show a similar Cl enrichment (Michael & Cornell, 1996), suggesting that assimilation occurs primarily in magmas stored in shallow, hydrothermally cooled reservoirs. We present geochemical data for MORBs from Escanaba Trough, Gorda Ridge, where glasses from the sediment-covered southern portion show unusual geochemical enrichment and isotopic heterogeneity. These characteristics are modeled as resulting from assimilation of small amounts of local sediment, coupled with extensive crystal fractionation. The depleted MORB and strongly enriched sediment used in the models are end-member compositions that increase the `signal-to-noise' ratio, resulting in the largest signature of crustal contamination for the smallest amount of contamination. The modeling determines the extent to which crustal processes may modify MORB magmas and identifies some chemical parameters, commonly interpreted to indicate heterogeneous mantle sources, that are most sensitive to modification by crustal processes. Escanaba Trough forms the southernmost segment of the Gorda Ridge (Fig. 1), extending 130 km northward from the Mendocino Fracture Zone at about 40°25€N latitude to a right-lateral offset near 41°35€N. The total spreading rate along the Escanaba Trough segment is ~2·3 cm/yr (Atwater & Mudie, 1973; Riddihough, 1980), which is characteristic of a slow-rate spreading center. Most of the rift valley is bordered by normal-faulted rift mountains up to 1500 m high. The valley floor is 3-5 km wide at the northern end and widens to 18 km near the junction with the Mendocino Fracture Zone. South of about 41°08€N latitude, the axis of Escanaba Trough is covered by turbidite and hemipelagic sediment (Moore & Sharman, 1970; Vallier et al., 1973; Karlin & Lyle, 1986; Morton & Fox, 1994). Terrigeneous sediments, originating at the North American continental margin, enter the valley at the southern end adjacent to the Mendocino Fracture Zone because topographic barriers in the form of rift mountains are absent in this region. Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 35, drilled slightly off axis in the central Escanaba Trough (Fig. 1), penetrated 390 m of Pleistocene turbidite sediment but did not reach volcanic basement (McManus, 1970).
Within the trough, discrete volcanic edifices uplift, and locally disrupt, the sediment cover (Denlinger & Holmes, 1994; Morton & Fox, 1994). Mesa-like hills, ~70-100 m high and ~1 km in diameter, are thought to be formed by laccolithic intrusions at, or near, the sediment-basement interface, 400-600 m below the sea floor (Denlinger & Holmes, 1994). Deformation of sediment generates sets of imbricated thrust and normal fault scarps exposing layers of sediments at the flanks of the hills (Zierenberg et al., 1994). Both thrust and normal faults channel hot seawater that precipitates large deposits of massive sulfide near the base of the escarpments (Denlinger & Holmes, 1994; Zierenberg et al., 1994). Apparently, uplift pre-dated surface volcanic activity and basaltic feeders also followed fault traces to the sea floor, where eruptions produced lava flows on top of the sediments. These flows have been sampled in the sediment-covered southern Escanaba Trough. Two of the larger volcanic sites were studied in detail by Morton & Fox, (1994). The southernmost of these two sites, referred to as SESCA, is located at about 40°45€N, and the other site, referred to as NESCA, is located at about 41°00€N (Fig. 1). Seismic data indicate that the volcanic edifices at NESCA and SESCA have both intrusive and extrusive components and the sediments above the intrusions have been uplifted as much as 100 m in some places (Fig. 2). At both sites, exposed basaltic rocks are predominantly pillow basalts, although flat, folded, sheet and lobate flows also occur (Ross & Zierenberg, 1994). Flows typically appear to originate near the base of the uplifted sediment hills. Fissures and faults cut the flows and some fault scarps are in turn covered by basalt flows, indicating contemporaneous faulting and extrusion (Ross & Zierenberg, 1994). The flows atNESCA appear to be of similar age (Ross & Zierenberg, 1994), <10-20 ka based on 238U-230Th studies(Goldstein et al., 1992). Volcanic rocks were dredgedfrom four additional, essentially sediment-free, sitesnorth of NESCA, which we refer to as northern sites.
Lava samples were recovered by dredging on R.V. S. P. Lee cruises L6-85NC, L2-86NC and L3-86NC, R.V. Kana Keoki cruise KK2-83NP, and by submersibles Alvin and Sea Cliff. Sediments were sampled using 3-m gravity cores on R.V. S. P. Lee cruises L5-86NC, L2-86NC, and L3-86NC. Forty-eight glassy rims of pillow and sheet flow fragments were selected for analysis by electron microprobe at the US Geological Survey in Menlo Park. The individual analyses and sampling details have been given by Davis et al., (1994). The 48 glasses were averaged into flow units if all elements were within analytical precision (Table 1). Selected glass samples were analyzed for chlorine using a sodalite standard (6·82% Cl). Analytical precision is 1-2% for major elements and 3-5% for minor elements. Precision for trace elements such as S and Cl is only about 10% and 30%, respectively, at these low concentrations. The interior of one basalt (Alv-2039-2) and sediments from Escanaba Trough were analyzed for major and some trace elements by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) in the Analytical Laboratory of the US Geological Survey in Denver. Table 1. Location and composition of Escanaba basalts
Rare earth elements (REEs) on a representative set of basalt and sediment samples were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) in the same place. Methods, precision and accuracy have been described by Lichte et al., (1987). Six samples were analyzed for 87Sr/86Sr, 143Nd/144Nd and Pb isotopic composition at Cornell University. Precision and accuracy of the methods have been given by White et al., (1990, and references therein). Oxygen isotope analyses were performed on eight selected samples at the US Geological Survey in Menlo Park. Oxygen was extracted by reaction with ClF3 at 550°C in nickel bombs using methods similar to those described by Clayton & Mayeda, (1963). All oxygen isotope measurements were performed in duplicate and values are reported as permil deviation relative to SMOW (Standard Mean Ocean Water). All samples appear fresh with mm- to cm-thick glass rinds; palagonite is thin or absent. One sample recovered by Alvin (Alv2039-2) has baked clay selvages on the glassy rinds. This glass is somewhat darker in color and less transparent than the other samples but shows no other visual evidence of devitrification. Except for plagioclase-phyric (>20%) samples from the northern sites (83-16, 3-86-10), samples are nearly aphyric or sparsely porphyritic with euhedral plagioclase and olivine microphenocrysts. Modal mineralogies of representative samples are included in Table 1. Minute (<200 µm), euhedral to subhedral spinel crystals occur in most samples but are especially abundant and in equilibrium with their host glass in NESCA samples. Olivine and plagioclase are texturally and compositionally similar to those from the northern Gorda Ridge (Davis & Clague, 1987, 1990) but spinel in NESCA samples is higher in TiO2 and ferric iron (Fig. 3; Davis et al., 1994) than spinel from the northern Gorda Ridge or typical N-MORB spinel from other slow-spreading centers (Sigurdsson & Schilling, 1976). Plagioclase in the high-K2O sample (Alv2039-2) has measurable K2O of ~0·06% (Davis et al., 1994), compared with other plagioclase crystals from Gorda Ridge basalts, which have K2O at or below detection limits (Davis & Clague, 1987, 1990).
The basaltic glasses from Escanaba Trough range from relatively primitive {mg-number [100Mg/(Mg + Fe2+)] ~67} to moderately fractionated (mg-number ~56, Table 1). The compositional range is similar to, but slightly less than that in basalt from the northern Gorda Ridge (mg-number 69-55; Davis & Clague, 1987). All glasses, except one, are low-K2O N-MORB (Fig. 4a). Sample Alv2039-2 has a K2O content of 0·43, is much higher than is typical for N-MORB and is the first such enriched composition reported from the Gorda Ridge. Besides a slightly elevated P2O5 content and lower, but variable, Na2O abundance, this sample appears ordinary with respect to the other elements analyzed. As this sample has baked clay selvages on the glassy rind, a piece of the interior of the pillow was analyzed by XRF to determine if the high K2O content is due to incipient secondary alteration. However, the interior of the pillow has only slightly lower K2O content of 0·36% (Table 1) and the higher K2O contents of the plagioclase confirm that the higher K2O content is magmatic in origin. Although the other glasses have K2O contents within the range typical of normal MORBs, at least two groups with distinct K2O contents are apparent (Fig. 4a). All samples at the NESCA site have higher K2O contents than iINTRODUCTION
Major element chemistry