Issue 4: April 1997
Table of Contents
Petrological and isotopic studies on Palaeozoic high-pressure granulites, Gory Sowie Mts, Polish Sudetes
PJ. O'Brien, A. Kroner2, P. Jaeckel2,3, E. Hegner4, A. Zelazniewicz5 and R. Kryza6 Pages: 433 - 456
Ultra high pressure-temperature melting experiments on an SiO2 -rich lamproite from Smoky Butte, Montana: derivation of siliceous lamproite magmas from enriched sources deep in the continental mantle
AD. Edgar and RH. Mitchell2 Pages: 457 - 477
Mantle upwelling and metasomatism beneath central Europe: geochemical and isotopic constraints from mantle xenoliths from the Rhon (Germany)
G. Witt-Eickschen and U. Kramm2 Pages: 479 - 493
Potassic and sodic igneous rocks from eastern Paraguay: their origin from the lithospheric mantle and genetic relationships with the associated Parana flood tholeiites
P. Comin-Chiaramonit, A. Cundari2, EM. Piccirillo3, CB. Gomes4, F. Castorina5, P. Censi6, A. de Min3, A. Marzoli3, S. Speziale6 and VF. Velazquez4 Pages: 495 - 528
Discussion of 'structural petrology of the Ronda peridotite, SW Spain: deformation history' by D Van der Wal and R L M Vissers
HP. Zeck Pages: 529 - 531
Reply to discussion by H P Zeck of 'structural petrology of the Ronda peridotite, SW Spain: deformation history'
D. Van der Wal1 and RLM. Vissers Pages: 533 - 536
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