Journal of Petrology, 2000, V 41, N 1, January.


Marjorie Wilson EDITORIAL p. 1.

T.-C. LIU and D. C. PRESNALL Liquidus Phase Relations in the System CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 at 2·0 GPa: Applications to Basalt Fractionation, Eclogites, and Igneous Sapphirine Pp. 3-20. M. D. MURPHY, R. S. J. SPARKS, J. BARCLAY, M. R. CARROLL, and T. S. BREWER Remobilization of Andesite Magma by Intrusion of Mafic Magma at the Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, West Indies Pp. 21-42. GEORGE A. MORRIS, PETER B. LARSON, and PETER R. HOOPER 'Subduction Style' Magmatism in a Non-subduction Setting: the Colville Igneous Complex, NE Washington State, USA Pp. 43-67. ESTHER SCHMÄDICKE Phase Relations in Peridotitic and Pyroxenitic Rocks in the Model Systems CMASH and NCMASH Pp. 69-86. A. MARZOLI, E. M. PICCIRILLO, P. R. RENNE, G. BELLIENI, M. IACUMIN, J. B. NYOBE, and A. T. TONGWA The Cameroon Volcanic Line Revisited: Petrogenesis of Continental Basaltic Magmas from Lithospheric and Asthenospheric Mantle Sources Pp. 87-109. XISHENG XU, SUZANNE Y. O'REILLY, W.L. GRIFFIN, and XINMIN ZHOU Genesis of Young Lithospheric Mantle in Southeastern China: an LAM-ICPMS Trace Element Study Pp. 111-148. CURTIS R. MANLEY and CHARLES R. BACON Rhyolite Thermobarometry and the Shallowing of the Magma Reservoir, Coso Volcanic Field, California Pp. 149-174.