Experimental Silicate-Phosphate Equilibria in Peraluminous Granitic Magmas, with a Case Study of the Alburquerque Batholith at Tres Arroyos, Badajoz, Spain
Experimental results presented here establish the P2O5 content of peraluminous silicic melt for three potential buffering reactions at 200 MPa H2O and T from 525 to 850°C: (1) biotite-sarcopside; (2) spessartine-sarcopside; (3) petalite-(amblygonite-montebrasite)-quartz. The first two equilibria are moderately insensitive to T and buffer the P content of melt between 1·30-1·57 wt % P2O5 (biotite-sarcopside) and 0·96-2·4 wt % P2O5 (spessartine-sarcopside). The equilibrium among petalite-(amblygonite-montebrasite)-quartz is strongly T dependent, and P contents of coexisting melt vary from 1·4 to 7·2 wt % P2O5 between 525 and 700°C. With these data and the calibration of P substitution in the alkali feldspars, the phosphorus budget of granitic magmas can be assessed. Peraluminous partial melts derived from metasedimentary rocks are likely to contain <0·5 wt % P2O5 at the source and to be undersaturated in apatite. If the incipient crystallization of plagioclase lowers the Ca/P ratio of melt, these magmas can fractionate to P-rich compositions that give rise to the diverse phosphate mineral assemblages in evolved S-type leucogranites and pegmatites. Where these silicate-phosphate mineral equilibria apply, the P content of melt should not normally exceed ~2·5 wt % P2O5. By applying these results to a sharply zoned, P-B-F-rich granite-pegmatite suite at Tres Arroyos, along the SE margin of the Alburquerque batholith in Badajoz province, Spain, we can constrain: (1) the budget of phosphorus in the various facies of this intrusive suite; (2) the dynamics of crystallization and the segregation of melt from crystals; and (3) the magmatic to subsolidus history recorded by the alkali feldspars. The various equilibria presented here agree well with the actual mineralogy and whole-rock P in the granite-aplite-pegmatite facies at Tres Arroyos.
Peraluminous silicic granites (including pegmatites and rhyolites) that are derived from the melting of aluminous metasedimentary protoliths tend to be enriched in phosphorus compared with other felsic igneous rocks [e.g. see table 1 of
London, (1992)]. The phosphate mineral assemblages of such granites are more varied than those in most other rock types (e.g. Moore, 1973, , 1982). One purpose of this paper is to utilize these less common igneous phosphate-silicate mineral assemblages to determine the P content of the magmas from which they crystallized. The equilibria also set limits on the likely abundance of P in natural silicic melts.
We present the results of experimental equilibria among biotite and zwieselite-magnesiotriplite [(Fe,Mg, Mn)2PO4(F,OH)] or sarcopside [(Fe,Mn,Mg)3(PO4)2], garnet and sarcopside, and petalite and amblygonite-montebrasite [LiAlPO4(F,OH)] plus quartz and other phases or components as related to mass balance, temperature, and the observed experimental products. Silicate-phosphate equilibria are sufficiently numerous and diverse that the P2O5 content of magmas should normally be buffered by crystal-melt reactions, including the exchange reaction that incorporates P in alkali feldspars. This behavior contrasts with that of boron and of fluorine, which are not effectively buffered in granitic systems (London et al., 1996; London, 1997).
Phosphorus substitutes into natural (London et al., 1990; London, 1992) and synthetic (Simpson, 1977) alkali feldspars by the exchange AlPSi-2. London et al., (1993b) determined the effects of phosphorus accumulation on liquidus relations in granitic systems (see
Kogarko et al., 1988) and calibrated the partition coefficient for phosphorus between Ca-free alkali feldspars and melt as functions of the ASI (Aluminum Saturation Index), i.e. molar Al2O3/[[Sigma](alkali + alkaline earth oxides)], of melt and the Ab/Or content of the alkali feldspars:
DPAfs/melt = 2·05ASI - 1·75
with a distribution between coexisting Or and Ab (as pure phases) of
DPKfs/Ab = 1·2
It should be noted that phosphorus becomes compatible in the alkali feldspars at an ASI value of ~1·3. London et al., (1990) and
London, (1992) commonly found phosphorus values between 1·0 and 1·5 wt % P2O5 in the alkali feldspars from fractionated peraluminous leucogranites and pegmatites of S-type affinity, with the highest value of 2·5 wt % P2O5 found in an aplitic facies of the Alburquerque batholith at the Tres Arroyos Sn prospect, Badajoz, Spain (London et al., 1993a). From the relationship in equation (2), London et al., (1990, 1993a) and
London, (1992) selected equilibrium pairs of unaltered alkali feldspars, and then using the mean P contents of the K-feldspar and the ASI of the (fresh) whole rock, estimated the P in coexisting melt from equation (1).
The solubility of apatite in melts increases with T and with decreasing polymerization of melt as measured by silica content, NBO/T of non-bridging oxygens to tetrahedrally coordinated cations, etc. (e.g. Mysen, 1981; Watson & Capobianco, 1981; Harrison & Watson, 1984). Despite their high silica content, many evolved S-typeleucogranites and pegmatites are anomalously rich in P. Their distinguishing characteristic is a high ASI, and this observation prompted
Montel, (1986), Pichavant et al., (1992), and
Wolf & London, (1994, , 1995) to examine the effects of ASI on the solubilities of apatite, monazite, and xenotime. Even in peraluminous melts, monazite and xenotime contribute negligible quantities of P to melt (e.g. Montel, 1986; Rapp & Watson, 1986; Wolf & London, 1995). The phosphorus content of melt as contributed by the dissolution of apatite as the sole source of Ca, P, and F reached 0·7 wt % P2O5(Wolf & London, 1994) in peraluminous melts that were saturated in alumina (ASI = 1·35 at 750°C, 200 MPa H2O). Wolf & London, (1994) identified the speciation reaction that accompanies the dissolution of P into melt as AlPSi-1 [linear regression of the data gave ([part]AlP/[part]Si)P,T = -0·96 at R = 1·000]. This exchange is not charge balanced, and
Wolf & London, (1994) speculated that H+ or OH- (or bridging vs nonbridging oxygen) provided the remaining charge.
Three silicate-phosphate equilibria were examined at T = 525-850°C at a pressure of 200 MPa H2O: (1) reactions among biotite and sarcopside, zwieselite, or triplite; (2) reactions among spessartine garnet, sarcopside and eosphorite; (3) reactions among petalite and montebrasite-amblygonite. Other components of these reactions appeared in experiments either as crystalline phases or as components of melt.
Natural mineral powders of Fe-rich biotite, spessartine garnet, petalite, quartz, and intermediate montebrasite-amblygonite were added to mineral mixtures (HGS4, HGS5, SPC), to green rhyolite obsidian from Macusani, Peru (e.g. London et al., 1988), and, in a few experiments, to sol-gel glasses (HGS1, HGS1F1, HGS1F2, HGS3) of haplogranite composition (Table 1). The haplogranite mineral mixture HGS4 was composed of albite, orthoclase, and quartz in a proportion to match the 200 MPa H2O minimum Ab38Or28Qtz34(Tuttle & Bowen, 1958). Glasses HGS1 and HGS3 are both comparatively sodic but differ in their ASI values (Table 1); HGS1F1 and HGS1F2 have the same composition as HGS1 with the addition of 1 and 2 wt % F. Dehydrated synthetic gibbsite was added to HGS4 to raise the ASI of the bulk composition and produce HGS5. Mixture SPC contained quartz, albite, orthoclase, and muscovite. The analyses listed in Table 1 are for hydrous glasses produced by melting the bulk compositions at 200 MPa H2O; HGS5 contained minor quantities (< ~0·1 vol. %) of corundum with glass. One set of experiments employed a 1:1 weight mixture of biotite + reagent Mg3(PO4)2·8H2O with an equal weight fraction of HGS5. A second set ofexperiments utilized spessartine garnet + reagent MnHPO4·XH2O in a 1:1 weight mixture added to an equal weight fraction of HGS5. For the petalite-montebrasite equilibrium, a milled mixture of petalite (± spodumene), montebrasite, and quartz in equal weight proportions of the three constituents was added to an equal weight fraction of the haplogranite mineral mixture HGS4 or macusanite glass. The low solidus of the macusanite obsidian (London et al., 1989) allowed experimentation to temperatures as low as 525°C. In the experiments with LiAl silicates and phosphates, F was added to the system via the natural amblygonite-montebrasite starting phase, as a component of HGS1F1 and HGS1F2, or by the Macusani obsidian (Table 1). In total, the F content of hydrous melt was varied from 0·6 to 1·8 wt % F in experiments that contained amblygonite-montebrasite.
In all runs, the mineral or mineral-glass mixtures were sealed with a slight excess of H2O needed to saturate melt at P and T into 20 mm * 3 mm Au capsules, with the powder mix confined to a central 5 mm * 3 mm portion of capsule. Experiments were pressurized cold, then heated to the run temperature. Forward-direction experiments were taken directly to run T. Reverse-direction experiments were preconditioned at 850°C, quenched in air to room T, then raised to final run T as for the forward-direction experiments. The purpose of the reverse-direction experiments was to use high T to oversaturate the melt in the components of interest relative to their concentrations in melt at the final run T. In this way, the P content of melt via a particular reaction at a specific final T was approached from higher (reverse-direction) and lower (forward-direction) P in melt at the same final T. Experiments were considered to have attained equilibrium if the P contents of glasses produced by these two different approaches to the final state were equivalent. Experiments were 2-4 weeks long. Capsules were run subhorizontally in water-pressurized cold-seal René-41[reg] and NIMONIC 105[reg] vessels at 200 MPa. Pressure was measured with a factory-calibrated Heise bourdon tube gauge, with fluctuations of <5 MPa over the course of experiments. Temperature was monitored by internal chromel-alumel thermocouples, with an estimated total error ±5°C. Oxygen fugacity was not controlled, but the intrinsic oxygen fugacity of these vessels plus their Ni-metal filler rods and hydrocarbon rust inhibitor is slightly below the nickel-nickel oxide (NNO) buffer (e.g. Huebner, 1971). Runs were quenched isobarically in air (5-10°C/s). Capsules were reweighed to test for leaks; all experiments gained weight because Ni (systematic with run time and temperature) from the reaction vessel dissolved into the precious metal tubing; Ni did not contaminate the silicate charge.
Chemical analyses were obtained by wavelength-dispersive spectrometry (WDS) on a Cameca SX-50 electron microprobe using crystalline standards with TAP, PET, LIF, and layered composite diffraction device (2d = 65 Å). The two-beam condition (2 nA and 20 nA regulated beam current) analysis procedure developed by
Morgan & London, (1996) was used for electron microprobe analysis (EMPA) of glasses. Analyses of minerals were conducted mostly at 20 kV, 20 nA regulated beam, and 3 µm spot size. The PAP correction procedure was used (Pouchou & Pichoir, 1985). The detection limit for phosphorus was 0·04 wt % P2O5 (with a 20 nA beam) at 3[sgr] above mean background. Amblygonite-montebrasite is quickly damaged (evidenced by a substantial increase in the count rates for F with time) by a focused electron beam, and where possible beam diameters of 10-20 µm were used.
Reverse-direction experiments typically produce coarser-grained crystalline silicates more suitable for EMPA than forward-direction experiments, and the inheritance of relict starting material-problematic in forward-direction experiments-is minimized in reversed runs. Most of the phosphates crystallized by reverse-direction methods in this study, however, formed dendritic or vermicular skeletal crystals (albeit huge, covering areas of ~105 µm2) that were commonly too narrow for accurate EMPA (Fig. 1e and f). Analyses of even the coarsest-grained FeMgMn phosphate minerals contained a melt component. For these phases, we used the K content of the phosphate minerals (and other components in their proportions within the surrounding glass) to correct the EMPA by subtraction of a melt component. The result yields very good fits to the phosphate mineral stoichiometries. Amblygonite-montebrasite that crystallized in reverse-direction experiments formed dendritic crystals that were mostly too fine for EMPA. Forward-direction experiments at low T produced new overgrowths (e.g. Fig. 1e) but grains were small. Because the requisite EMPA beam size is large and F = OH exchange produces a negligible change of mass (and hence back-scattered electron signal intensity), we cannot rule out the possibility that the microprobe analyses contain a component of the starting montebrasite from Tanco. The partitioning of F between amblygonite-montebrasite and melt (discussed below) suggests that this is indeed the case.
Figure1. Back-scattered electron images of new experimental run producs. Run labels correspond to Tables 2-
7. Scales are for full-frame. Phase abbreviations are glass (gl), K-feldspar (Kfs), quartz (Qz), biotite (Bt), cordierite (Crd), spessartine (Sps), petalite (Pet), montebrasite (Mbr), sarcopside (Src), and eosphorite (Eos).
An equilibrium among biotite (intermediate annite-phlogopite-siderophyllite solid solution), sarcopside, and cordierite (Fig. 1b) was attained with 1·30 wt % P2O5 (700°C) to 1·57 wt % P2O5 (850°C) in peraluminous melt (Tables 2 and 3) derived from the starting composition HGS5. The observed reaction relationship in this range of temperature is
K-rich alkali feldspar (Fig. 1a) appeared as a crystalline phase in near-solidus experiments (e.g. experiment HGMgP-8, Table 2) or as an added component of melt at higher T. Starting biotite reacted with silica and excess alumina of HGS5 to form cordierite.
Table2. Experimental run series HGMgP1, glass compositions; HGS5 and SPC bulk compositions
Table3. Experimental run series HGMgP, crystalline phase compositions; HGS5 bulk compositions
One reconnaissance experiment with peraluminous SPC mix plus biotite and triplite (TRP-6, Tables 1 and 2) produced minor triplite, (Mn,Fe,Mg)2PO4(F,OH), Mn-apatite, and various other crystalline Ca(Mn)-phosphates. We abandoned further work with the natural triplite because its Mn and Ca contents displaced the bulk composition too far away from that of reaction (3). However, the high Ca and F content of the starting triplite promoted saturation of melt in apatite and sharply reduced the solubility of P in melt.
At a given temperature, the mg-number [molar 100 * Mg/(Mg + Fe)] of phases varied as mg-numbersarcopside > mg-numbercordieritemg-numberbiotitemg-numbermelt (Table 3). This set of experiments did not contain Mn above the microprobe detection level. The sum of mafic components (MgO + FeO) in glasses was low and increased from 1·09 wt % oxides at 650°C to 2·01 wt % oxides at 850°C. These values are equivalent to the mafic content of nominally P-free melts of similar composition (e.g. Icenhower & London, 1995). The P content of melt (1·30-1·57 wt % P2O5) at equilibrium (3) mirrored the small increase in mafic components. These P values, however, are nearly twice those of apatite-saturated experiments (e.g. Wolf & London, 1994).
An apparent equilibrium was attained between spessartine and sarcopside at 0·96 wt % P2O5 (600°C) to 2·40 wt % P2O5 (850°C) in peraluminous melts derived from HGS5 and HGS3 (Tables 4 and 5). The reaction relationship in this temperature range is expressed as
Garnet exhibits sharply euhedral outlines (Fig. 1c), which we infer to represent new growth. There was no discernible difference, however, in the composition of starting vs euhedral garnet; the phosphorus content of both is below EMPA detection. The mafic component of melt, almost entirely from MnO, increased from ~1·25 to 3·25 wt % between 600 and 850°C. Icenhower et al., (1994) and
Icenhower & London, (1995) also observed that Mn is more soluble than Fe + Mg at comparable P, T, and melt compositions. The P2O5 content of melt tracked the concentration of MnO over the same T interval. Eosphorite appeared in addition to sarcopside mostly in forward-direction experiments to T <= 750°C (Fig. 1d and Table 4). We infer that eosphorite is a stable phase in the peraluminous system that contains garnet, sarcopside, and melt at T <= 750°C but generally failed to nucleate in melts cooled from higher temperatures. Hence, an overall model reaction for this system is
The equilibrium attained among petalite (the analogous reaction with spodumene is obvious), quartz, and montebrasite (Fig. 1e) is represented by the reaction (London & Burt, 1982a)
Above 700°C, the LiAl-silicate virgilite took the place of petalite + quartz [also see
London, (1984)]. A new and presumably metastable LiAl-silicate with feldspar stoichiometry (LiAl silicate, Tables 6 and 7) occurred with quartz at 675 and 700°C. Experiments below 675°C grew petalite (petalite, Table 7) plus quartz. The new petalite that formed in reverse-direction experiments between 575 and 635°C is noteworthy for its texture: whereas other phases had grain sizes of ~10-20 µm, the few petalite crystals formed oikocrysts of ~500 µm that contain inclusions of montebrasite and quartz (Fig. 1f).
Table6. Experimental run series HPLi and MPLi, glass compositions
Table7. Experimental run series HPLi and MPLi, crystalline phase compositions
The solubility of amblygonite-montebrasite with LiAl-silicates ± quartz increased rapidly with T (Fig. 2a) from 1·4 wt % P2O5 at 525°C to 7·2 wt % P2O5 in melt at 700°C (Table 6). Amblygonite-montebrasite was unstable with >9 wt % P2O5 in melt at 750°C. Table 6 lists four forward-direction experiments, HPLi-15 to HPLi-18, in which only the starting F content of the system varied. The results show an inverse variation of P with F (Fig. 2b), consistent with the solubility product [aLi][aP][aF]. The data, however, fit a third-order regression perfectly (R = 1·00). We offer two interpretations of these preliminary data: (1) amblygonite is more stable than montebrasite ([Delta]GfAmb < [Delta]GfMbr) at the conditions of the experiments (H2O-saturated), and (2) above ~1·5 wt % F in melt, F forms melt species that do not affect [aLi][aP][aF].
Figure2. Plots of (a) the concentration of P2O5 in melt vs temperature as determined by the equilibrium (5), with data from Tables 6 and 7; (b) the concentration of P2O5 in melt vs F in melt; and (c) the concentration of F in amblygonite-montebrasite vs F in melt.
Variations in F content of melt from 0·6 to 1·8 wt % F did not change the crystalline phase assemblage. It should be noted that petalite, as opposed to F-rich mica such as lepidolite, grew in runs MPLi-3 and MPLi-12 with ~1·5 wt % F in peraluminous melt (London, 1982). Applying a linear regression to the data in Tables 6 and 7, the apparent partition coefficient for F between amblygonite-montebrasite solid solutions and melt, DFAmb/melt, is 2·79 for experiments between 600 and 700°C (Fig. 2c), with a fair Pearson correlation (0·92) but an unrealistic y-intercept value (2·13 wt % F in montebrasite at zero F in melt). Either F = OH mixing in amblygonite-montebrasite solid solution is far less ideal than has been proposed (see
Loh & Wise, 1976), or this high intercept value stems from incomplete equilibration of the starting material (i.e. inclusion of relict montebrasite in the EMPA of experimental products). We propose that the slope of CFAmb vs CFmelt (= DFAmb/melt) should be ~4-5, as derived from the amblygonite-montebrasite at intermediate F content.
The solubilities of the phosphate minerals studied here are activity products of all their components. Consequently, the P content of melt at saturation in any one of these crystalline phases will vary with the activities of the other components. For the following reasons, however, the range or deviation of the P content of melt (at comparable P, T, and bulk composition of melt) from the values presented here are likely to be small or at least predictable for the many phosphate minerals of Li, Ca, Fe, Mg, Mn, and Al found in pegmatites and some granites. In addition, the alkali feldspars serve as monitors of the P content of melt, and they record the P content of melt accurately with respect to equation (1) if they are essentially Ca free, in equilibrium with the bulk melt, and if other components do not substantially modify aAlPO4 in melt.
Additional sources of Ca (e.g. plagioclase) or F (e.g. biotite) will reduce the P content of melt needed to maintain apatite saturation (Wolf & London, 1994). The activity product of apatite, [aCa]5[aP]3[aF], varies by [aCa]5, which makes the anorthite component ofplagioclase and melt especially important:
The effect is similar for reactions (3) and (4) (e.g. TRP-6, Table 2): addition of Ca brings the P content of melt closer to apatite saturation as the CaFeMgMn-phosphate minerals approach apatite in composition (e.g. London & Burt, 1982b). In the absence of Ca, the low solubility of mafic oxide components in low-T silicic melts represents the principal limitation on phosphate solubility for reactions (3) and (4). In terms of the solubility of P in melt, we conclude that equilibria (3) and (4) should apply for most mafic phosphate minerals, and that the P contents of melts should vary mostly between that of reaction (3) or (4) and the apatite saturation values.
The solubility of phosphorus in leucocratic melts is largely a function of the activity of the AlPO4 component (e.g. Gan & Hess, 1992; London et al., 1993b; Wolf & London, 1994). Phosphorus-rich magmas are commonly F and B rich, and speciation reactions, such as those between Al and F (e.g. Manning et al., 1980) and between B and P (e.g. Gan et al., 1994; Li et al., 1995) that might reduce aAlPO4 in melt could displace the equilibria (1) and (3)-(5) to higher or lower total phosphorus contents of melt. In Li-rich systems, increasing F decreases the P content of melt needed to promote saturation in amblygonite (Fig. 2b). In Li-free systems, F forms a cryolite component, Na3AlF6, in melt (e.g. Manning et al., 1980; London, 1997), and consequently F will diminish the activity of Al in other melt species only by the proportion of [aF]6. Interactions between B and P will occur to the extent that B exists in tetrahedral coordination, and hence behaves like Al; however, BIV is only a negligible component of hydrous B-rich alkali aluminosilicate glasses (e.g. Morgan et al., 1990; Romano et al., 1995). From existing data, B and F should have little influence on the aAlPO4.
Magmas derived from the incipient partial melting of typical metapelite assemblages will, if equilibrium is attained during melting, be strongly peraluminous (ASI = 1·3-1·4) regardless of the activity of H2O in melt (e.g. Holtz et al., 1992; Icenhower & London, 1995; Patiño Douce, 1996; Wolf & London, 1997). At such high ASI values, the melting of apatite can contribute up to 0·7 wt % P2O5 to melt at low temperatures [750°C in the experiments by
Wolf & London, (1994)], and higher phosphorus contents with increasing T (e.g. Harrison & Watson, 1984).
Wolf & London, (1994) identified the local enhancement of apatite solubility caused by chemical diffusion between apatite grains and melt. This process should augment the dissolution of apatite. With high solubility in strongly peraluminous and typically Ca-poor liquids derived from such metapelites, it is likely that all apatite that is exposed to the melt will dissolve at the source, and hence that the P2O5 of initial melt will be limited by the abundance of apatite. In the unlikely case that P is available from sources other than apatite, monazite, and xenotime, then the limiting equilibria at source will be those such as the biotite-sarcopside reaction (3) above, because anatexis will probably not exhaust the mafic silicates. Pelitic rocks possess molar Ca/P ratios >1·67 (sources:
Gromet et al., 1984; Haack et al., 1984; Coveney & Glascock, 1989; J. Ague, personal communication, 1995; Moss et al., 1996), the stoichiometry of apatite, and apatite is probably the sole reservoir of P. These same sources report <= 0·5 wt % P2O5 and mostly <0·2 wt % P2O5 in the pelite whole rocks. Thus, the likely scenario for metapelite-derived magmas is that they will be undersaturated with respect to apatite at the source, contain <0·7 wt % P2O5 at inception, and begin to fractionate plagioclase but not apatite with crystallization upon ascent.
Primary mafic silicates, together with apatite as the only phosphate, are far more common in granites and pegmatites than are mafic phosphate minerals. This implies that the P contents of most granite-pegmatite melts do not reach the values of equilibria (3) and (4), but rather lie near the lower values for apatite saturation. For low-T, Ca-poor anatectic melts derived from metapelites, early saturation (e.g. Nekvasil, 1988) and crystallization of plagioclase can reduce the Ca/P ratio below that of apatite (e.g. London et al., 1989), which ensures that some P will be incorporated in other crystalline phosphates (in addition to the alkali feldspars). The presence of mafic phosphates but not mafic silicates with feldspars and quartz, conversely, suggests that the P content of the melt exceeded the buffer established by the relevant equilibria [e.g. (3) or (4) above]. Pegmatites in which most of the mafic components are boundin phosphates fall into
Cerny's, (1991) beryl-columbite-phosphate pegmatite subtype.
Reported assemblages of biotite or garnet with mafic phosphate minerals appear to be rare, but this may be due in part to the nature of studies of the pegmatitic phosphates, which historically have focused more on mineralogy than on petrogenesis. If mafic silicates and phosphates do occur in the same granite or pegmatite body, they usually do not occur together, but rather are sequential to one another, i.e. the phosphates succeed the silicates with little or no overlap in their paragenesis. Biotite is rarely associated with the more typical (Li)Mn-phosphates. A few localities, however, possess assemblages for which equilibrium (3) may be applicable: biotite occurs in a primary association with triphylite in New Hampshire (Chapman, 1943) and with triplite in Colorado (Wolfe & Heinrich, 1947). Lithium-iron micas (Li-siderophyllite, approaching zinnwaldite) occur with combinations of childrenite [FeAlPO4(OH)2.H2O)]-eosphorite, triplite-zwieselite, or triphylite in evolved granites and pegmatites of the Krusne Hory, Czech Republic (Breiter et al., 1997), and the Erzgebirge region of southern Germany (Webster et al., 1997). Childrenite and triplite also occur with biotite and tourmaline in a marginal facies of the Alburquerque batholith, Badajoz, Spain, as discussed below. Assemblages of garnet + Mn-rich apatite are common in granites and pegmatites. As with biotite, however, there are few localities where primary mafic phosphate minerals such as sarcopside (e.g. Keller, 1988; Zhang, 1995) occur with garnet.
In contrast to mafic silicate-phosphate assemblages, the assemblage of spodumene or petalite + amblygonite-montebrasite + quartz is common in Li-rich pegmatites and some granites. A few natural systems [e.g. the complex amblygonite subtypes (Cerny, 1991)] contain amblygonite-montebrasite in the absence of any LiAl-silicates (petalite, spodumene, or lepidolite) and probably exceeded the buffer capacity of reaction (5). In the Li-free haplogranite system, there is complete silicate-phosphate miscibility in melt and no P-saturating crystalline phase (e.g. lacroixite, ideally NaAlPO4OH) with up to 14 wt % P2O5 in melt at T as low as 550°C (London et al., 1993b).
Experimental results expressed by reaction (5) are different from those of (3) and (4) in that the solubility of the phosphate phase increases sharply with increasing temperature, a characteristic not seen in the experiments with the mafic phosphates. This is not surprising, because the components of amblygonite-montebrasite represent an alkali charge-balanced melt-forming component similar to that of the haplogranitic melt. Reaction (5) has two important independent variables, T and P, and of these two, P is the better constrained, either through the utilization of the alkali feldspars [equation (1)] or the mafic silicate-phosphate equilibria (3) and (4). If the reactions (1), (3), and (4) buffer the P content of melt, then reaction (5) could be used crudely as a geothermometer. With ~1-2 wt % P2O5 in melt, the equilibrium (5) will occur at a temperature <~500-600°C. Such low temperatures are consistent with the majority of amblygonite-montebrasite occurrences in pegmatites.
The Alburquerque batholith, a zoned, strongly peraluminous granite and its related pegmatite group, near the Tres Arroyos Sn prospect, Badajoz province, Spain (Gallego Garrido, 1992; London et al., 1993a), provides excellent control for a study of a magma's P budget across a narrow marginal interval that exhibits extreme chemical fractionation (Table 8). The Alburquerque batholith is a large composite pluton that spans the border from near Nisa, Portugal, to Alburquerque, Spain (Fig. 3). Its most fractionated portions occur along its SE margin in the vicinity of the Sn mining prospect at Tres Arroyos, ~10 km WNW of Alburquerque. There, the batholith contains at least five distinct granite-pegmatite facies, which, based on field relations and major- and trace-element chemistry, appear to have evolved by differentiation from one common magma without multiple injection or post-emplacement metamorphism. The rock types (Table 8) include the main central granite facies (CGF), which grades WSW to a narrow marginal granite facies (MGF), which in turn is transitional into a classic layered aplite-pegmatite border facies (LAP). The MGF is <1 km wide as exposed, and the LAP is discontinuous and rarely more than 200 m wide as exposed. Thin leucocratic dikes (LED), mostly <1 m thick, intruded into host phyllites ~100 m beyond the LAP contact with the phyllites. The LED dikes appear to have been a magma feeder system to the closely associated, zoned Li pegmatites (LIP), which are of the complex lepidolite subtype (Cerny, 1991). The LIP dikes are not exposed beyond 300 m from the LAP-phyllite contact. The CGF is coarse grained with subhedral K-feldspar phenocrysts in a hypidiomorphic granular groundmass. The MGF is fine grained with uniform hypidiomorphic granular texture. Aplitic portions of the LAP are texturally similar to the MGF but with intercalated pods of very coarse-grained miarolitic pegmatite. The LED is fine grained and texturally serriate to porphyritic. The LIP is one of several zoned bodies in which very coarse-grained pegmatitic texture is absent, but unidirectional solidification textures inward from the margins and graphic intergrowths of plagioclase, micas, and quartz are ubiquitous. The inward sequence of mineral assemblages in the LIP appears to be: (1) albite-quartz-topaz, (2) quartz-K-feldspar-albite, (3) albite-lepidolite-quartz, (4) massive quartz, and (5) lepidolite-topaz replacement along the boundary between (2) and (3). The bulk compositions of zoned pegmatites are notoriously difficult to ascertain, and although great effort was expended to obtain large representative samples of the LIP (trench samples taken perpendicular to the layering) in a large quarry, the footwall portion of this dike is below water level and was not sampled. The most uncertainty in any of the compositions lies with these pegmatite bodies. However, because the LED is a fine-grained rock that appears to have fed magma to the LIP, it may represent the LIP as well. All of the granitic and pegmatitic facies are strongly peraluminous and whole-rock (WR) P2O5 is high, so that the feldspars are useful monitors of the phosphorus content of melt.
Table8. Compositions of granitic and pegmatitic facies of the Alburquerque batholith near Tres Arroyos, Badajoz, Spain
Figure3. Location and regional geologic map around the Alburquerque batholith, Spain.
Major elements
The transition from CGF to LIP produces a marked decrease in the K* and silica content. This variation is consistent with the accumulation of P, F, and B in residual melt via crystal fractionation [e.g. fig. 2 of
London et al., (1993b)]. The ASI values of fresh whole rocks also increase from CGF to LIP and approach the value of 1·35, which is the ASI of minimum melts derived from muscovite-bearing protoliths (e.g. Icenhower & London, 1995). Both trends imply that each successive granite facies at Tres Arroyos represents a (mostly) liquid differentiate that has separated from a cognate crystalline fraction (see
Bea et al., 1994).
Silicate-phosphate assemblages
The mafic silicate mineral assemblage changes from biotite + cordierite in the CGF to biotite + tourmalinein the MGF and tourmaline only in the LAP. The LED and LIP both lack mafic minerals other than NbTaSn-oxides. Other aluminous phases (together with muscovite) in these assemblages include andalusite in the CGF and MGF, topaz in the LAP, LED and LIP, and lepidolite in the LED and LIP. Among the phosphates, coarse-grained apatite occurs mostly in the CGF and decreases sharply in abundance into the MGF. Childrenite appears in the CGF and is prevalent in the MGF and LAP (Table 9) along with eosphorite, sarcopside, and triplite. Although the textures of most of the mafic and other phosphate minerals (e.g. goyazite, Fig. 4b) connote a secondary or subsolidus origin (Fig. 4e and f), triplite and sarcopside occur as minute euhedral crystals in coarse-grained quartz (Fig. 4g and h). Some fraction of these mafic phosphate minerals, therefore, appears to have crystallized above the solidus of the MGF (with biotite and tourmaline) and the LAP (with tourmaline).Accessory mineral assemblages change from the LAP to the LED and LIP. In the LED and LIP, amblygonite-montebrasite is the principal and only primary-appearing phosphate mineral. Fine-grained secondary apatite and goyazite occur mostly along cleavages or fractures within or between quartz and feldspar, though very fine-grained apatite in the finer portions of the LED may be part of the (quenched?) silicate groundmass.
Table9. Composition of phosphates from Tres Arroyos
Figure4. Back-scattered electron and X-ray images of samples from the Alburquerque batholith at Tres Arroyos, Badajoz, Spain: (a) fine-grained apatite (Ap) is associated with sericite (Ms) as an alteration product in plagioclase (Pl) from the marginal granite facies (MGF); (b) secondary skeletal apatite (Ap) and radial goyazite (Goy) associated with aluminosilicate (Als) at a grain boundary with plagioclase (Pl) from the MGF; (c) potassium K[alpha] X-ray image of small K-feldspar grain (Kfs) plus included plagioclase (Pl), and muscovite (Ms) from the layered aplite of the LAP; (d) a P K[alpha] X-ray image of the same grain shows a heterogeneous zonation of P in the Kfs, more variability in the Pl, and a labyrinth of secondary phosphates along fractures and cleavage; (e) eosphorite (Eos) filling fractures and interstices between plagioclase (Pl) and quartz (Qz) from the LAP; (f) a typical interstitial vein filling of secondary apatite (Ap), wyllieite (Wyl), and sarcopside (Src) or vivianite (Viv) in the LAP; (g) euhedral grain of triplite (Trp) as an inclusion in quartz from the LAP; (h) minute euhedral crystal aggregate of childrenite-eosphorite, sarcopside, or triplite with biotite (Bt) as an inclusion in quartz from the MGF.
Chemistry and history of the feldspars
The alkali feldspars (Afs) mostly show normal fractionation trends in major-element chemistry from the CGF to the LIP. The An content of plagioclase (Pl) drops sharply from An07-09 in the CGF to An01-02 in the MGF and the other remaining facies (Table 10). The Or content of K-feldspar (Kfs) increases more gradually from the CGF (Or87) to the LIP (Or98). Samples from most facies contain multiple textural generations of Afs; e.g. porphyritic vs groundmass phases, Pl exsolved from Kfs, and, in many samples, a late interstitial generation of Kfs.
Table10. Compositions and phosphorus contents of feldspars from the Alburquerque granite-pegmatite complex at Tres Arroyos, Badajoz, Spain
The P2O5 contents of the coarse-grained, primary-appearing Afs (Table 10) generally increase from the CGF (average 0·43 wt % P2O5: Table 11) to the LAP (average 1·21 wt % P2O5: Table 11) then fall in the LED and the LIP, where the P2O5 content of coarse-grained plagioclase is similar to that of the CGF. The distribution of P is heterogeneous within individual crystals; the 1[sgr] deviations (Table 10) are mostly 20-50% of the mean value. X-ray images reveal that the heterogeneity of P in the Afs is patchy [also see
London, (1992)] and lacks any obvious relation to the likely pattern of growth zoning [compare fig. 7 of
London, (1992)]. The full range of values (Min/Max, Table 10) is substantially larger. From this data set, the single highest value (individual point analysis) from Kfs in the LAP is 2·60 wt % P2O5. This is the highest value yet reported from any natural feldspar.
Table11. Calculated P2O5 in melt and actual P2O5 in whole rock
One of the more interesting and generally useful features of the feldspar chemistry is revealed by the empirical distribution coefficient, DPKfs/Ab, between the Kfs and Pl phases (Table 10). Because these natural feldspars are close to their Ab and Or end members, the distribution of P between Kfs-Pl pairs in equilibrium should be ~1·2 [equation (2)]. Deviations from this value reflect a lack of equilibrium between the Kfs-Pl pairs. Several specific illustrations are given below.
In sample TA22 of the CGF (Table 10), coarse-grained and primary-appearing Kfs and Pl have high and nearly equivalent P2O5 values and hence appear to have grown from melt in near-equilibrium. Plagioclase patches and stringers that appear to be exsolved from the Kfs, however, have similar P contents. Interstitial Kfs, which occurs texturally late in the paragenesis, contains lower P2O5 and is not in equilibrium with any of the other Afs phases. A similar relationship between Pl and interstitial Kfs exists in LIP samples TA28C and TA29, in which DPKfs/Ab is much less than unity (Table 10). The P content of the interstitial Kfs in these facies identifies this Kfs as subsolidus in origin and not in equilibrium with any other Afs. The patchy and stringer Pl in Kfs, however, has a different origin. If this exsolved at subsolidus conditions, then it too should have low P. The high P content of the Pl in Kfs, however, is consistent with a primary intergrowth of these feldspars (e.g. Petersen & Lofgren, 1986; London et al., 1989). Using the P content as a guide, primary patchy or stringer intergrowths of Pl in Kfs can be distinguished from perthite of subsolidus origin, and this distinction is important for geothermometry based on integrated feldspar compositions.
An underlying assumption of the example above is that the P content of melt, and hence the Afs, increases until the eventual precipitation of phosphate minerals at near- or subsolidus conditions consumes all available P. Deviations of DPKfs/Ab from unity, however, do not always signify that one or the other feldspar is hydrothermal in origin. In sample TA 21 of the CGF (Table 10), for example, coarse-grained Kfs and Pl appearto have crystallized close to equilibrium from melt (DPKfs/Ab= 1·10). Finer-grained Pl has higher P2O5 values than either of the coarser-grained primary phases (DPKfs/Ab = 0·62), which in this case probably reflects the continued crystallization of Pl from melt.
If DPKfs/Ab is much greater than unity, the Pl phase has probably recrystallized in the subsolidus after most P has been precipitated. For example, the value of DPKfs/Ab (3·75) between Kfs and stringer Pl in sample TA23G from the LIP identifies this Afs as a typical perthite formed by exsolution of Pl. In sample TA7 from the CGF-MGF margin (Table 10), Kfs and Pl occur asmutually separate and coarse-grained crystals, but DPKfs/Ab= 5·50 and the P content of the Pl is low in comparisonwith other samples; from this we recognize that the Kfs is of igneous origin, but the Pl, though of similar grain size and primary appearance, is not, or at least is not comagmatic with this suite. In sample TA19 from the MGF (Table 10), the medium-grained Kfs and Pl appear to represent a comagmatic pair (DPKfs/Ab = 0·99), but the coarse-grained Pl, which on the basis of texture is most likely to be magmatic, is evidently not (DPKfs/Ab = 7·00). In this case, the two texturally distinct Pl phases could have been distinguished by their An contents-An04 for the medium-grained Pl but An00 for the coarse-grained phase.
Finally, there is a significant disparity between the P2O5 contents of Kfs and Pl in the layered aplitic portions of the LAP vs Kfs and Pl in the pegmatitic segregations (samples TA20 and TA23G, Table 10). The high P content of Afs in the layered aplite indicates that this body is magmatic in origin. Low P contents of the Afs in the miarolitic pegmatites, however, could be taken to indicate their crystallization from vapor only, as the partition coefficient for P between granitic melt and vapor is much less than unity (London et al., 1993b; Keppler, 1994). X-ray maps of these pegmatitic Afs, however, show them to be riddled with thin veinlets of mafic and aluminous (goyazite) phosphates. These feldspars probably once possessed higher, magmatic P contents similar to those of Afs in the aplite facies. Like the interstitial Kfs, the pegmatitic feldspars from the LAP probably reflect where aqueous vapor was concentrated at the transition from magmatic to hydrothermal conditions. If this is correct, then the other feldspars with high P contents preserve the igneous history of the rocks.
Table 10 shows other examples of comagmatic pairs, along with clear and not-so-clear evidence for exsolution of Pl from Kfs, and other cases where one or another of the texturally distinct Afs phases is not in equilibrium with another. The causes of the selective recrystallization of one feldspar phase, like the causes of low phosphorus contents in feldspars of apparently hydrothermal origin, are not readily evident. The important point, however, is that these different generations of feldspar can be readily identified.
The phosphorus budget of the Alburquerque granite at Tres Arroyos
The calculated phosphorus budget of the granitic and pegmatitic facies at Tres Arroyos (Table 11) can be compared with mineral equilibria (1)-(5) and the P2O5 contents of the whole rocks (WR) to map out a history of successive magmatic events. In Table 11, values for P2O5 Afs are the averages of those alkali feldspars, bothPl and Kfs, that appear to represent equilibrium pairs based on DPKfs/Ab ~1. Values of ASI and P2O5 WR are from Table 8.
The P2O5 content of melt calculated through relation (1) shows a steady increase from the CGF (1·01 wt %) to the aplitic portion of the LAP (1·26), then down toward the LED (0·79 wt %) and lowest in the LIP (0·47 wt %). The calculated P2O5 content of melt is substantially higher than the WR value for the CGF (0·36 wt %),nearly equal in the LAP, and less than the WR values in the LED (1·36 wt %) and LIP (0·79 wt %).
The calculated P2O5 contents of melts from which the Afs in the CGF and MGF crystallized lie close to the equilibrium (3). Both the CGF and the MGF contain minor mafic phosphates (triplite, childrenite, and others not yet identified) together with biotite, cordierite (CGF) and tourmaline (CGF and MGF). The calculated value and that of the silicate-phosphate mineral equilibrium agree well enough for us to conclude that the P2O5 contents of these melts were mostly buffered by the mafic silicate-phosphate equilibria similar to (3), and hence that the WR P2O5 values are far below the original bulk magmatic concentrations. The ratio of P2O5 WR/P2O5 calculated increases from the CGF to the LAP. Thus, as suggested above by the trends of K* and silica content of the WR, we interpret the LAP to represent a residual liquid that was displaced from a crystalline matrix in the CGF and MGF outward to the margins of the batholith. The similarity of values for calculated and WR P2O5 indicate that the LAP crystallized as a nearly closed system. The calculated values imply, however, that a small fraction of melt phase even richer in P escaped the LAP system. This melt phase is most likely represented by the LED and the LIP. In the LED, an abundance of amblygonite contributes to the exceptionally high (1·36 wt %) P2O5 WR. We suggest that the P2O5 WR represents the actual magmatic P content of the LED. Why did amblygonite appear suddenly and abundantly in the LED, and why are the P contents of the Afs less than the WR values? Both answers probably lie in the environment into which the LED was emplaced: at locations within 2 km of Tres Arroyos, porphyroblasts of cordierite, andalusite, and biotite are present in the phyllites for several meters from the contact with the batholith, but the low-grade phyllites show no contact metamorphism at the locations where the LED (and the LIP) were sampled at Tres Arroyos. The important change, then, from the LAP to the LED and LIP was one of rapid cooling, because dikes of the LED are rarely more than 1 m wide. Rapid cooling (e.g. to T < 450-500°C) would have caused a substantial fraction of amblygonite component (originally present in the residual melt of the LAP) to crystallize early in the LED. By implication, the Afs in the LED began to crystallize after ~50% of the original P content of melt had been removed as amblygonite. Such behavior is consistent with the experimental results presented here, in which amblygonite nucleates and grows rapidly from melt, whereas the nucleation and growth of the Afs normally entails a larger lag time (e.g. Fenn, 1977; London et al., 1989). We propose a similar behavior for the bodies that comprise LIP, which, although thicker than the LED dikes, still would have cooled quickly (see
Webber et al., 1997).
Boron and fluorine
Tourmaline is mostly subhedral to anhedral in the CGF, MGF, and LAP. These textural features, together with its homogeneous composition, identify it as a magmatic phase, but probably not the first phase on the liquidus. With the assemblage tourmaline + biotite ± cordierite + andalusite in the CGF and the MGF, the B content of melt would have been ~2 wt % B2O3 depending on the T of tourmaline saturation (Wolf & London, 1997). The magmas that generated the LAP and later outer facies also were F rich. Using the F content of amblygonite in the LED (7·3 wt % F, Table 9) and the estimated partition coefficient for F between amblygonite for intermediate F-OH compositions (DFAmb/melt~4-5), these melts would have contained ~1·5-2 wt% F. Fluorine raises the B content necessary to achieve tourmaline saturation of melt (Wolf & London, 1997); therefore, the LAP magma may have contained closer to 3 wt % B2O3. Despite the likely wt % levels of B and F (and Li in the LED and LIP) in this granite-pegmatite system, the P contents estimated from equilibria and whole-rock values (Table 11) match well. We conclude that this example serves as a test of the hypotheses presented above (`Effects of other components'), and that the equilibria presented here may be reasonably applied to igneous systems of more complex composition.
These experimentally determined silicate-phosphate equilibria extend our knowledge of the various buffers on phosphorus accumulation in peraluminous granitic systems, and hence on the cycle of P within the Earth's continental crust. The P2O5 contents of feldspars from peraluminous and phosphorus-rich granites, pegmatites, and rhyolites (London, 1992) corroborate the experimental data by showing likely ranges of 0·5-2·5 wt % P2O5 in evolved leucocratic melts such as those at Tres Arroyos and elsewhere. The comparison of P2O5 calculated vs P2O5 WR aids in distinguishing rocks that contain a cumulate fraction from those that represent the bulk composition of their melts. Though interactions of other elements such as B and F with an AlPO4 component of melt could promote still higher P2O5 values, such effects appear to be negligible in the case study of the F- and B-rich Alburquerque batholith at Tres Arroyos. The successful application of the mineral-melt equilibria presented here to zoned pegmatites and layered aplites (e.g. London et al., 1990) also indicates that the P content of melt may be accurately estimated even in silicic systems that crystallize far from equilibrium (e.g. London, 1996; Webber et al., 1997). For P-rich granites and pegmatites, however, the real value of phosphorus geochemistry lies in the clarification of the crystallization of the alkali feldspars.
D.L. thanks Don Burt for revealing the importance and value of defining the chemical boundaries of natural systems. Thanks are due to Dana Johnston, Jim Webster, and Sorena Sorensen for their careful reviews of this manuscript. NSF Grants EAR-8821950, EAR-9618867, and EAR-9625517 have supported the basic research for this project, NSF Grants INT-8814260 and INT-9603199 have provided travel funds for field work in Spain, and DOE DE-FG22-87FE1146 established the electron microprobe laboratory at the University of Oklahoma.
Bea, F., Pereira, M. D., Corretge, L. G. & Fershtater, G.B. (1994). Differentiation of strongly peraluminous, perphosphorus granites: thePedrobernardo pluton, central Spain. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta58, 2609-2627.