Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 1999, V 104, N 1.

 Okal, E. A. ; Piatanesi, A. ; Heinrich, P. 
Tsunami detection by satellite altimetry 
p. 599 
keywords: 3099 Marine geology and geophysics; General or miscellaneous 4564 
Oceanography: physical; Tsunamis and storm surges 1294 Geodesy and gravity; 
Instruments and techniques 

Newell, A. J. ; Merrill, R. T. 
Single-domain critical sizes for coercivity and remanence 
p. 617 
keywords: 1540 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Rock and mineral magnetism 1512 
Environmental magnetism 1521 Paleointensity 1519 Magnetic mineralogy and 

Reston, T. J. ; Ranero, C. R. ; Belykh, I. 
The structure of Cretaceous oceanic crust of the NW Pacific: Constraints on 
processes at fast spreading centers 
p. 629 
keywords: 3025 Marine geology and geophysics; Marine seismics (0935) 3035 
Midocean ridge processes 7220 Seismology; Oceanic crust 0930 Exploration 
geophysics; Oceanic structures 

Florindo, F. ; Zhu, R. ; Guo, B. ; Yue, L. ; Pan, Y. ; Speranza, F. 
Magnetic proxy climate results from the Duanjiapo loess section, southernmost 
extremity of the Chinese loess plateau 
p. 645 
keywords: 1560 Time variations--secular and long term 1512 Environmental 
magnetism 1500 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism 

Tikku, A. A. ; Cande, S. C. 
The oldest magnetic anomalies in the Australian-Antarctic Basin: Are they 
p. 661 
keywords: 1525 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Paleomagnetism applied to 
tectonics (regional, global) 1517 Magnetic anomaly modeling 8157 Tectonophysics; 
Plate motions--past (3040) 1219 Geodesy and gravity; Local gravity anomalies and 
crustal structure 
Singer, B. S. ; Hoffman, K. A. ; Chauvin, A. ; Coe, R. S. ; Pringle, M. S. 
Dating transitionally magnetized lavas of the late Matuyama Chron: Toward a new 
40Ar/39Ar timescale of reversals and events 
p. 679 
keywords: 1535 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Reversals (process, time scale, 
magnetostratigraphy) 1560 Time variations--secular and long term 1513 
Geomagnetic excursions 1520 Magnetostratigraphy
Schulson, E. M. ; Iliescu, D. ; Renshaw, C. E. 
On the initiation of shear faults during brittle compressive failure: A new 
p. 695 
keywords: 3902 Mineral physics; Creep and deformation 5104 Physical properties 
of rocks; Fracture and flow 8010 Structural geology (new field, replaces single 
entry 8165); Fractures and faults 
Bruhn, D. F. ; Olgaard, D. L. ; Dell'Angelo, L .N. 
Evidence for enhanced deformation in two-phase rocks: Experiments on the 
rheology of calcite-anhydrite aggregates 
p. 707 
keywords: 5120 Physical properties of rocks; Plasticity, diffusion, and creep 
5112 Microstructure 8160 Tectonophysics; Rheology--general 

Beauducel, F. ; Cornet, F. H. 
Collection and three-dimensional modeling of GPS and tilt data at Merapi 
volcano, Java 
p. 725 
keywords: 8434 Volcanology; Magma migration 1243 Geodesy and gravity; Space 
geodetic surveys 3210 Mathematical geophysics (new field); Modeling 

Roberts, J. J. ; Duba, A. G. ; Mathez, E. A. ; Shankland, T. J. ; Kinzler, R. 
Carbon-enhanced electrical conductivity during fracture of rocks 
p. 737 
keywords: 5104 Physical properties of rocks; Fracture and flow 5109 Magnetic and 
electrical properties 7205 Seismology; Continental crust (1242) 3947 Mineral 
physics; Surfaces and interfaces 

Bosch, M. 
Lithologic tomography: From plural geophysical data to lithology estimation 
p. 749 
keywords: 3210 Mathematical geophysics (new field); Modeling 3260 Inverse theory 
0900 Exploration geophysics 3900 Mineral physics 

Heizler, M. T. ; Perry, F. V. ; Crowe, B. M. ; Peters, L. ; Appelt, R. 
The age of Lathrop Wells volcanic center: An 40Ar/39Ar dating investigation 
p. 767  
keywords: 1035 Geochemistry (new field, replaces rock chemistry); Geochronology 
8400 Volcanology 3640 Mineralogy and petrology (replaces mineralogy, petrology, 
and rock chemistry); Igneous petrology 8419 Eruption monitoring (7280)
Arrowsmith, J. R. ; Pollard, D. ; Rhodes, D. D. 
Correction to "Hillslope development in areas of active tectonics" 
p. 805 
keywords: 9900 Corrections 8107 Tectonophysics; Continental neotectonics 7221 
Seismology; Paleoseismology 1824 Hydrology; Geomorphology (1625)
Scaillet, B. ; Holtz, F. ; Pichavant, M. 
Correction to "Phase equilibrium constraints on the viscosity of silicic magmas, 
1, Volcanic-plutonic comparison" 
p. 807 
keywords: 9900 Corrections 

Brune, J. N. ; Anooshehpoor, A. 
Dynamic geometrical effects on strong ground motion in a normal fault model 
p. 809 
keywords: 7200 Seismology 7209 Earthquake dynamics and mechanics 7212 Earthquake 
ground motions and engineering 7223 Seismic hazard assessment and prediction 
Ohnaka, M . ; Shen, L. 
Scaling of the shear rupture process from nucleation to dynamic propagation: 
Implications of geometric irregularity of the rupturing surfaces 
p. 817 
keywords: 5104 Physical properties of rocks; Fracture and flow 7209 Earthquake 
dynamics and mechanics 7260 Theory and modeling 7200 Seismology 
Thio, H. K. ; Song, S. ; Saikia, C. K. ; Helmberger, D. V. ; Woods, B. B. 
Seismic source and structure estimation in the western Mediterranean using a 
sparse broadband network 
p. 845 
keywords: 7218 Seismology; Lithosphere and upper mantle 9305 Information related 
to geographic region; Africa 7215 Earthquake parameters 7219 Nuclear explosion 

Antolik, M. ; Dreger, D. ; Romanowicz, B. 
Rupture processes of large deep-focus earthquakes from inversion of moment rate 
p. 863 
keywords: 7209 Seismology; Earthquake dynamics and mechanics 7215 Earthquake 

Zachariasen, J. ; Sieh, K. ; Taylor, F. W. ; Edwards, R. L. ; Hantoro, W. S. 
Submergence and uplift associated with the giant 1833 Sumatran subduction 
earthquake: Evidence from coral microatolls 
p. 895 
keywords: 7221 Seismology; Paleoseismology 7223 Seismic hazard assessment and 
prediction 7294 Instruments and techniques 1206 Geodesy and gravity; Crustal 
movements--interplate (8155)
Melchiorre, E. B. ; Criss, R. E. ; Davisson, M. L. 
Relationship between seismicity and subsurface fluids, central Coast Ranges, 
p. 921 
keywords: 1040 Geochemistry (new field, replaces rock chemistry); 1829 
Hydrology; Groundwater hydrology 7230 Seismology; Seismicity and seismotectonics 
8045 Structural geology (new field, replaces single entry 8165); Role of fluids 

Xie, J. ; Patton, H. J. 
Regional phase excitation and propagation in the Lop Nor region of central Asia 
and implications for P/Lgdiscriminants 
p. 941  
keywords: 7219 Seismology; Nuclear explosion seismology 7215 Earthquake 
parameters 7218 Lithosphere and upper mantle 7205 Continental crust (1242) 
Reasoner, C. ; Revenaugh, J. 
Short-period P wave constraints on D'' reflectivity 
p. 955 
keywords: 7207 Seismology; Core and mantle 9355 Information related to 
geographic region; Pacific Ocean 7260 Theory and modeling 

Smith, G. P. ; Ekstrom, G. 
A global study of Pn anisotropy beneath continents 
p. 963 
keywords: 7218 Seismology; Lithosphere and upper mantle
Tadokoro, K. ; Ando, M. ; Umeda, Y. 
S wave splitting the aftershock region of the 1995 Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake 
p. 981 
keywords: 7203 Seismology; Body wave propagation 8010 Structural geology (new 
field, replaces single entry 8165); Fractures and faults 
Resovsky, J. S. ; Ritzwoller, M. H. 
A degree 8 mantle shear velocity model from normal mode observations below 3 mHz 
p. 993 
keywords: 7255 Seismology; Surface waves and free oscillations 7207 Core and 
Kao, H. ; Rau, R.-J. 
Detailed structures of the subducted Philippine Sea plate beneath northeast 
Taiwan: A new type of double seismic zone 
p. 1015 
keywords: 8180 Tectonophysics; Tomography 7230 Seismology; Seismicity and 
seismotectonics 7218 Lithosphere and upper mantle 8164 Stresses--crust and 
Dehant, V. ; Defraigne, P. ; Wahr, J. M. 
Tides for a convective Earth 
p. 1035 
keywords: 1249 Geodesy and gravity; Tides--Earth 1213 Earth's interior--dynamics 
(8115, 8120) 1227 Planetary geodesy and gravity (5420, 5714, 6019) 1247 
Terrestrial reference systems 
Bills, B. G. ; James, T. S. ; Mengel, J. G. 
Climatic impact of glacial cycle polar motion: Coupled oscillations of ice sheet 
mass and rotation pole position 
p. 1059 
keywords: 1239 Geodesy and gravity; Rotational variations 1620 Global change 
(new category); Climate dynamics (3309) 8120 Tectonophysics; Dynamics of 
lithosphere and mantle--general 
Larson, K. M. ; B"{u}rgmann, R. ; Bilham, R. ; Freymueller, J. T. 
Kinematics of the India-Eurasia collision zone from GPS measurements 
p. 1077  
keywords: 1206 Geodesy and gravity; Crustal movements--interplate (8155) 1243 
Space geodetic surveys 8107 Tectonophysics; Continental neotectonics 8150 Plate 
boundary--general (3040) 

Pacanovsky, K. M. ; Davis, D. M. ; Richardson, R. M. ; Coblentz, D. D. 
Intraplate stresses and plate-driving forces in the Philippine Sea Plate 
p. 1095 
keywords: 8164 Tectonophysics; Stresses--crust and lithosphere 8120 Dynamics of 
lithosphere and mantle--general 9355 Information related to geographic region; 
Pacific Ocean
Sagiya, T. ; Thatcher, W. 
Coseismic slip resolution along a plate boundary megathrust: The Nankai Trough, 
southwest Japan 
p. 1111 
keywords: 1206 Geodesy and gravity; Crustal movements--interplate (8155) 1242 
Seismic deformations (7205) 7209 Seismology; Earthquake dynamics and mechanics 
8123 Tectonophysics; Dynamics, seismotectonics 

Unsworth, M. ; Egbert, G. ; Booker, J. 
High-resolution electromagnetic imaging of the San Andreas fault in central 
p. 1131 
keywords: 8010 Structural geology (new field, replaces single entry 8165); 
Fractures and faults 9350 Information related to geographic region; North 
America 8045 Role of fluids 0925 Exploration geophysics; Magnetic and electrical 

Agustsson, K. ; Linde, A. T. ; Stefansson, R. ; Sacks, S. 
Strain changes for the 1987 Vatnafjoll earthquake in south Iceland and possible 
magmatic triggering 
p. 1151 
keywords: 7280 Seismology; Volcano seismology (8419) 8010 Structural geology 
(new field, replaces single entry 8165); Fractures and faults 8145 
Tectonophysics; Physics of magma and magma bodies 8123 Dynamics, seismotectonics 

Bai, T. ; Gross, M. R. 
Theoretical analysis of cross-joint geometries and their classification 
p. 1163 
keywords: 8000 Structural geology (new field, replaces single entry 8165) 8010 
Fractures and faults 8020 Mechanics 5104 Physical properties of rocks; Fracture 
and flow 
Yuan, T. ; Spence, G. D. ; Hyndman, R. D. ; Minshull, T. A. ; Singh, S. C. 
Seismic velocity studies of a gas hydrate bottom-simulating reflector on the 
northern Cascadia continental margin: Amplitude modeling and full waveform 
p. 1179 
keywords: 3000 Marine geology and geophysics 3025 Marine seismics (0935) 1724 
History of geophysics; Ocean sciences 8105 Tectonophysics; Continental margins 
and sedimentary basins 
Hearn, E. H. ; Humphreys, E. D. ; Chai, M. ; Brown, J. M. 
Correction "Effect of anisotropy on oceanic upper mantle temperatures, 
structure, and dynamics" 
p. 1193 
keywords: 9900 Corrections 8100 Tectonophysics 8120 Dynamics of lithosphere and 
mantle--general 8155 Plate motions--general