Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 1998, V 103, N B8

Constable, C. G.; Tauxe, L.;Parker, R. L. Analysis of 11 Myr of geomagnetic intensity variation p. 17,735 keywords: 1521 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Paleointensity 1522 Paleomagnetic secular variation 1535 Reversals (process, time scale, magnetostratigraphy)

Mitchell, N. C. Modeling Cenozoic sedimentation in the central equatorial Pacific and implications for true polar wander p. 17,749 keywords: 1525 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Paleomagnetism applied to tectonics (regional, global) 3022 Marine geology and geophysics; Marine sediments--processes and transport 3040 Plate tectonics (8150, 8155, 8157, 8158) 9355 Information related to geographic region; Pacific Ocean

Heller, F.; Strzyszcz, Z.; Magiera, T.
Magnetic record of industrial pollution in forest soils of Upper Silesia, Poland p. 17,767
keywords: 1512 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Environmental magnetism 1540 Rock and mineral magnetism

Tauxe, L.; Gee, J. S.; Staudigel, H.
Flow directions in dikes from anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility data: The bootstrap way p. 17,775
keywords: 1518 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Magnetic fabrics and anisotropy 1527 Paleomagnetism applied to geologic processes 1594 Instruments and techniques

Fukuma, K.; Shinjoe, H.; Hamano, Y.
Origin of the absence of magnetic lineations in the Yamato Basin of the Japan Sea: Magnetic properties of mafic rocks from Ocean Drilling Program Hole 794D p. 17,791 br>keywords: 1500 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism 1545 Spatial variations (all harmonics and anomalies) 1540 Rock and mineral magnetism 3005 Marine geology and geophysics; Geomagnetism (1550)

Tivey, M. A. ; Tucholke, B. E.
Magnetization of 0-29 Ma ocean crust on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 25° 30' to 27°10'N p. 17,807
keywords: 1550 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Spatial variations attributed to seafloor spreading (3005) 3035 Marine geology and geophysics; Midocean ridge processes 9325 Information related to geographic region; Atlantic Ocean 3005 Geomagnetism (1550)

Barclay, A. H.; Toomey, D. R.; Solomon, S. C.
Seismic structure and crustal magmatism at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 35°N p. 17,827
keywords: 3035 Marine geology and geophysics; Midocean ridge processes 7220 Seismology; Oceanic crust 8180 Tectonophysics; Tomography

Michel, S.; Zlotnicki, J.
Self-potential and magnetic surveying of La Fournaise volcano (Réunion Island): Correlations with faulting, fluid circulation, and eruption p. 17,845
keywords: 8424 Volcanology; Hydrothermal systems (8135) 0925 Exploration geophysics; Magnetic and electrical methods 1749 History of geophysics; Volcanology, geochemistry, and petrology 1832 Hydrology; Groundwater transport

Krishna, K. S.; Ramana, M. V.; Rao, D. G.; Murthy, K. S. R.; Rao, M. M. M. ; Subrahmanyam, V. ; Sarma, K. V. L. N. S.
Periodic deformation of oceanic crust in the central Indian Ocean p. 17,859
keywords: 1208 Geodesy and gravity; Crustal movements--intraplate (8110) 1242 Seismic deformations (7205) 8010 Structural geology (new field, replaces single entry 8165); Fractures and faults 5475 Planetology: solid surface planets; Tectonics (8149)

Kilburn, C. R. J.; Sørensen, S.-A.
Runout lengths of sturzstroms: The control of initial conditions and of fragment dynamics p. 17,877
keywords: 1824 Hydrology; Geomorphology (1625) 1625 Global change (new category); Geomorphology and weathering (1824, 1886) 8499 Volcanology; General or miscellaneous 8010 Structural geology (new field, replaces single entry 8165); Fractures and faults

Van Avendonk, H. J. A.; Harding, A. J.; Orcutt, J. A.;McClain, J. S.
A two-dimensional tomographic study of the Clipperton transform fault p. 17,885
keywords: 3025 Marine geology and geophysics; Marine seismics (0935)

Wen, L.; Helmberger, D. V.
A two-dimensional P-SV hybrid method and its application to modeling localized structures near the core-mantle boundary p. 17,901
keywords: 7260 Seismology; Theory and modeling 7203 Body wave propagation 7207 Core and mantle 7299 General or miscellaneous

Ihmlé, P. F.
On the interpretation of subevents in teleseismic waveforms: The 1994 Bolivia deep earthquake revisited p. 17,919
keywords: 7209 Seismology; Earthquake dynamics and mechanics 7215 Earthquake parameters 7260 Theory and modeling 7299 General or miscellaneous

Katzman, R.; Zhao, L.; Jordan, T. H.
High-resolution, two-dimensional vertical tomography of the central Pacific mantle using ScS reverberations and frequency-dependent travel times p. 17,933
keywords: 7218 Seismology; Lithosphere and upper mantle 8121 Tectonophysics; Dynamics, convection currents and mantle plumes 9355 Information related to geographic region; Pacific Ocean

Nettles, M.; Ekström, G.
Faulting mechanism of anomalous earthquakes near Bárdarbunga Volcano, Iceland p. 17,973
keywords: 7215 Seismology; Earthquake parameters 7230 Seismicity and seismotectonics 7280 Volcano seismology (8419) 8414 Volcanology; Eruption mechanisms

Schwartz, D. P.; Pantosti, D.; Okumura, K.; Powers, T. J.; Hamilton, J.C.
Paleoseismic investigations in the Santa Cruz mountains, California: Implications for recurrence of large-magnitude earthquakes on the San Andreas fault p. 17,985
keywords: 7221 Seismology; Paleoseismology 7223 Seismic hazard assessment and prediction 7230 Seismicity and seismotectonics

Delaney, P. T.; Denlinger, R. P.; Lisowski, M.; Miklius, A. ; Okubo, P. G.; Okamura, A. T.; Sako, M. K.
Volcanic spreading at Kilauea, 1976-1996 p. 18,003
keywords: 8419 Volcanology; Eruption monitoring (7280) 1208 Geodesy and gravity; Crustal movements--intraplate (8110) 8434 Magma migration

Cayol, V.; Cornet, F. H.
Three-dimensional modeling of the 1983-1984 eruption at Piton de la Fournaise Volcano, Réunion Island p. 18,025
keywords: 8434 Volcanology; Magma migration

Savage, J. C.; Simpson, R. W.; Murray, M. H.
Strain accumulation rates in the San Francisco Bay area, 1972-1989 p. 18,039
keywords: 1206 Geodesy and gravity; Crustal movements--interplate (8155) 8150 Tectonophysics; Plate boundary--general (3040)

Toth, J.; Gurnis, M.
Dynamics of subduction initiation at preexisting fault zones p. 18,053
keywords: 8105 Tectonophysics; Continental margins and sedimentary basins 8120 Dynamics of lithosphere and mantle--general 8122 Dynamics, gravity and tectonics 8123 Dynamics, seismotectonics

King, N. E.; Thatcher, W.
The coseismic slip distributions of the 1940 and 1979 Imperial Valley, California, earthquakes and their implications p. 18,069
keywords: 1206 Geodesy and gravity; Crustal movements--interplate (8155) 1242 Seismic deformations (7205)

Shen-Tu, B.; Holt, W. E.; Haines, A. J.
Contemporary kinematics of the western United States determined from earthquake moment tensors, very long baseline interferometry, and GPS observations p. 18,087
keywords: 8107 Tectonophysics; Continental neotectonics

Mauduit, T.; Brun, J. P.
Growth fault/rollover systems: Birth, growth, and decay p. 18,119
keywords: 8105 Tectonophysics; Continental margins and sedimentary basins 8010 Structural geology (new field, replaces single entry 8165); Fractures and faults 8020 Mechanics

Burov, E. B.; Molnar, P.
Gravity anomalies over the Ferghana Valley (central Asia) and intracontinental deformation p. 18,137
keywords: 1219 Geodesy and gravity; Local gravity anomalies and crustal structure 8122 Tectonophysics; Dynamics, gravity and tectonics 8159 Rheology--crust and lithosphere 8102 Continental contractional orogenic belts

Jousselin, D.; Nicolas, A.; Boudier, F.
Detailed mapping of a mantle diapir below a paleo-spreading center in the Oman ophiolite p. 18,153
keywords: 3035 Midocean ridge processes 3000 Marine geology and geophysics 8100 Tectonophysics 0930 Exploration geophysics; Oceanic structures

Grasset, O.; Parmentier, E. M.
Thermal convection in a volumetrically heated, infinite Prandtl number fluid with strongly temperature-dependent viscosity: Implications for planetary thermal evolution p. 18,171
keywords: 8120 Tectonophysics; Dynamics of lithosphere and mantle--general 8130 Heat generation and transport 1729 History of geophysics; Planetology

Takei, Y.
Constitutive mechanical relations of solid-liquid composites in terms of grain-boundary contiguity p. 18,183
keywords: 5100 Physical properties of rocks 5102 Acoustic properties 5112 Microstructure 5114 Permeability and porosity

Wendt, A. S.; Mainprice, D.; Rutter, E.; Wirth, R.
A joint study of experimental deformation and experimentally induced microstructures of pretextured peridotites p. 18,205
keywords: 3902 Mineral physics; Creep and deformation 5104 Physical properties of rocks; Fracture and flow 5112 Microstructure

Proussevitch, A. A.; Sahagian, D. L.
Dynamics and energetics of bubble growth in magmas: Analytical formulation and numerical modeling p. 18,223
keywords: 8414 Volcanology; Eruption mechanisms 8439 Physics and chemistry of magma bodies 3210 Mathematical geophysics (new field); Modeling 8434 Magma migration

Ono, S.
Stability limits of hydrous minerals in sediment and mid-ocean ridge basalt compositions: Implications for water transport in subduction zones p. 18,253
keywords: 3630 Mineralogy and petrology (replaces mineralogy, petrology, and rock chemistry); Experimental mineralogy and petrology

Hook, S. J.; Cudahy, T. J.; Kahle, A. B.; Whitbourn, L. B.
Synergy of active and passive airborne thermal infrared systems for surface compositional mapping p. 18,269
keywords: 0994 Exploration geophysics; Instruments and techniques 0933 Remote sensing 3934 Mineral physics; Optical, infrared, and Raman spectroscopy

Cioni, R.; Marianelli, P.; Santacroce, R.
Thermal and compositional evolution of the shallow magma chambers of Vesuvius: Evidence from pyroxene phenocrysts and melt inclusions p. 18,277
keywords: 3640 Mineralogy and petrology (replaces mineralogy, petrology, and rock chemistry); Igneous petrology 8145 Tectonophysics; Physics of magma and magma bodies 8434 Volcanology; Magma migration

Mériaux, C.; Jaupart, C.
Dike propagation through an elastic plate p. 18,295
keywords: 8434 Volcanology; Magma migration 8145 Tectonophysics; Physics of magma and magma bodies 8414 Eruption mechanisms

Zobin, V. M.; Levina, V. I.
Rupture history of the January 1, 1996, Ms 6.6 volcanic earthquake preceding the simultaneous eruption of Karymsky and Akademia Nauk volcanoes in Kamchatka, Russia p. 18,315
keywords: 7280 Seismology; Volcano seismology (8419) 7209 Earthquake dynamics and mechanics

Michael, P. J.; Cornell, W. C.
Influence of spreading rate and magma supply on crystallization and assimilation beneath mid-ocean ridges: Evidence from chlorine and major element chemistry of mid-ocean ridge basalts p. 18,325
keywords: 3035 Marine geology and geophysics; Midocean ridge processes 3670 Mineralogy and petrology (replaces mineralogy, petrology, and rock chemistry); Minor and trace element composition 3655 Major element composition 8434 Volcanology; Magma migration