Jacobson, H. P.
; Raymond, C. F.
Thermal effects on the location of ice stream margins
p. 12,111
keywords: 1827 Glaciology (1863)
8130 Tectonophysics; Heat generation and transport
9310 Information related to geographic region; Antarctica
1800 Hydrology
Jolivet, L.
; Faccenna, C.
; Goffé, B.
; Mattei, M.
; Rossetti, F.
; Brunet, C.
; Storti, F.
; Funiciello, R.
; Cadet, J. P.
; d'Agostino, N.
; Parra, T.
Midcrustal shear zones in postorogenic extension: Example from the northern
Tyrrhenian Sea
p. 12,123
keywords: 8100 Tectonophysics
8107 Continental neotectonics
8150 Plate boundary--general (3040)
8035 Structural geology (new field, replaces single entry 8165); Pluton emplacement
Ogawa, M.
; Nakamura, H.
Thermochemical regime of the early mantle inferred from numerical models of the
coupled magmatism-mantle convection system with the solid-solid phase transitions at depths
around 660 km
p. 12,161
keywords: 1010 Geochemistry (new field, replaces rock chemistry);
Chemical evolution
8121 Tectonophysics; Dynamics, convection currents and mantle plumes
8125 Evolution of the Earth
8434 Volcanology; Magma migration
Tregoning, P.
; Lambeck, K.
; Stolz, A.
; Morgan, P.
; McClusky, S. C.
; van der Beek, P.
; McQueen, H.
; Jackson, R. J.
; Little, R. P.
; Laing, A.
; Murphy, B.
Estimation of current plate motions in Papua New Guinea from Global Positioning
System observations
p. 12,181
keywords: 8158 Tectonophysics; Plate motions--present and recent (3040)
Twiss, R. J.
; Unruh, J. R.
Analysis of fault slip inversions: Do they constrain stress or strain rate?
p 12,205
keywords: 8123 Tectonophysics; Dynamics, seismotectonics
8159 Rheology--crust and lithosphere
8164 Stresses--crust and lithosphere
8010 Structural geology (new field, replaces single entry 8165); Fractures and faults
Vermilye, J. M.
; Scholz, C. H.
The process zone: A microstructural view of fault growth
p. 12,223
keywords: 8010 Structural geology (new field, replaces single entry
8165); Fractures and faults
8020 Mechanics
8025 Mesoscopic fabrics
8030 Microstructures
O'Neill, H. S. C.
; Canil, D.
; Rubie, D. C.
Oxide-metal equilibria to 2500°C and 25 GPa: Implications for core formation and
the light component in the Earth's core
p. 12,239
keywords: 3600 Mineralogy and petrology (replaces mineralogy,
petrology, and rock chemistry)
Takazawa, E.
; Sekine, T.
; Kobayashi, T.
; Zhu, Y.
Hugoniot equation of state and high-pressure transformation of jadeite
p. 12,261
keywords: 3630 Mineralogy and petrology (replaces mineralogy,
petrology, and rock chemistry); Experimental mineralogy and petrology
3919 Mineral physics; Equations of state
3924 High-pressure behavior
Spangenberg, E.
A fractal model for physical properties of porous rock:
Theoretical formulations and application to elastic properties
p. 12,269
keywords: 5102 Acoustic properties
5100 Physical properties of rocks
5112 Microstructure
Eberle, M. A.
; Forsyth, D. W.
An alternative, dynamic model of the axial topographic high at fast spreading ridges
p. 12,291
keywords: 3035 Marine geology and geophysics; Midocean ridge
3210 Mathematical geophysics (new field); Modeling
8121 Tectonophysics; Dynamics, convection currents and mantle plumes
Eberle, M. A.
; Forsyth, D. W.
; Parmentier, E. M.
Constraints on a buoyant model for the formation of the axial topographic high on the
East Pacific Rise
p. 12,303
keywords: 8121 Tectonophysics; Dynamics, convection currents and
mantle plumes
3210 Mathematical geophysics (new field); Modeling
8164 Stresses--crust and lithosphere
Evans, R. L.
; Webb, S. C.
; Jegen, M .
; Sananikone, K.
Hydrothermal circulation at the Cleft-Vance overlapping spreading center: Results of a
magnetometric resistivity survey
p. 12,321
keywords: 3035 Marine geology and geophysics; Midocean ridge
3094 Instruments and techniques
0694 Electromagnetics; Instrumentation and techniques
3015 Heat flow (benthic) and hydrothermal processes
Wang, K.
; Davis, E. E.
; van der Kamp, G.
Theory for the effects of free gas in subsea forations on tidal pore pressure variations
and seafloor displacements
p. 12,339
keywords: 3099 Marine geology and geophysics; General or
5102 Physical properties of rocks; Acoustic properties
5114 Permeability and porosity
1829 Hydrology; Groundwater hydrology
McCord, S. A.
; Schladow, S. G.
Numerical simulations of degassing scenarios for CO2-rich Lake Nyos, Cameroon,
p. 12,355
keywords: 9305 Information related to geographic region; Africa
1655 Global change (new category); Water cycles (1836)
1845 Hydrology; Limnology
1857 Reservoirs (surface)
Alt, J. C.
; Teagle, D. A. H.
; Brewer, T.
; Shanks, W. C., III
; Halliday, A.
Alteration and mineralization of an oceanic forearc and the ophiolite-ocean crust
p. 12,365
keywords: 3660 Mineralogy and petrology (replaces mineralogy,
petrology, and rock chemistry); Metamorphic petrology
1040 Geochemistry (new field, replaces rock chemistry); Isotopic composition/chemistry
1050 Marine geochemistry (4835, 4850)
3015 Marine geology and geophysics; Heat flow (benthic) and hydrothermal processes
Vidal, N.
; Gallart, J.
; Dañobeitia, J. J.
A deep seismic crustal transect from the NE Iberian Peninsula to the western
p. 12,381
keywords: 8109 Tectonophysics; Continental tectonics--extensional
Duncan, R. A.
; Helgason, J.
Precise dating of the Holmatindur cooling event in eastern Iceland: Evidence for mid-Miocene bipolar glaciation
p. 12,397
keywords: 1035 Geochemistry (new field, replaces rock chemistry);
1615 Global change (new category); Biogeochemical processes (4805)
1635 Oceans (4203)
1520 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Magnetostratigraphy
Karki, B. B.
; Crain, J.
Structure and elasticity of CaO at high pressure
p. 12,405
keywords: 3909 Mineral physics; Elasticity and anelasticity
3924 High-pressure behavior
7207 Seismology; Core and mantle
Gaina, C.
; Müller, D. R.
; Royer, J.-Y.
; Stock, J.
; Hardebeck, J.
; Symonds, P.
The tectonic history of the Tasman Sea: A puzzle with 13 pieces
p. 12,413
keywords: 8155 Tectonophysics; Plate motions--general
Love, J. J.
Paleomagnetic volcanic and geometric regularity of reversals and excursions
p. 12,435
keywords: 1535 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Reversals (process,
time scale, magnetostratigraphy)
1513 Geomagnetic excursions
1521 Paleointensity
1507 Core processes (8115)
Nakanishi, M.
; Winterer, E. L.
Tectonic history of the Pacific-Farallon-Phoenix triple junction from Late Jurassic to
Early Cretaceous: An abandoned Mesozoic spreading system in the Central Pacific Basin
p. 12,453
keywords: 3005 Marine geology and geophysics; Geomagnetism (1550)
3010 Gravity
3040 Plate tectonics (8150, 8155, 8157, 8158)
9609 Information related to geologic time; Mesozoic
Kennett, B. L. N.
; Widiyantoro, S.
; van der Hilst, R. D.
Joint seismic tomography for bulk sound and shear wave speed in the Earth's mantle
p. 12,469
keywords: 8124 Tectonophysics; Earth's interior--composition and state
(old 8105)
7207 Seismology; Core and mantle
3260 Mathematical geophysics (new field); Inverse theory
Garnero, E. J.
; Helmberger, D. V.
Further structural constraints and uncertainties of a thin laterally varying ultralow-velocity layer at the base of the mantle
p. 12,495
keywords: 7203 Seismology; Body wave propagation
7207 Core and mantle
7260 Theory and modeling
8147 Tectonophysics; Planetary interiors (5430, 5724)
Castle, J. C.
; Creager, K. C.
Topography of the 660-km seismic discontinuity beneath Izu-Bonin: Implications for
tectonic history and slab deformation
p. 12,511
keywords: 7209 Seismology; Earthquake dynamics and mechanics
7207 Core and mantle
8124 Tectonophysics; Earth's interior--composition and state (old 8105)
8162 Rheology--mantle
Mele, G.
; Rovelli, A.
; Seber, D.
; Hearn, T. M.
; Barazangi, M.
Compressional velocity structure and anisotropy in the uppermost mantle beneath Italy
and surrounding regions
p. 12,529
keywords: 8180 Tectonophysics; Tomography
7203 Body wave propagation
7218 Lithosphere and upper mantle
7200 Seismology
Vogt, U.
; Makris, J.
; O'Reilly, B. M.
; Hauser, F.
; Readman, P. W.
; Jacob, A. W. B.
; Shannon, P. M.
The Hatton Basin and continental margin: Crustal structure from wide-angle seismic
and gravity data
p. 12,545
keywords: 8105 Tectonophysics; Continental margins and sedimentary
3025 Marine geology and geophysics; Marine seismics (0935)
3010 Gravity
Ben-Zion, Y.
Properties of seismic fault zone waves and their utility for imaging low-velocity
p. 12,567
keywords: 5100 Physical properties of rocks
7260 Seismology; Theory and modeling
8123 Tectonophysics; Dynamics, seismotectonics
8010 Structural geology (new field, replaces single entry 8165); Fractures and faults