Argus, D. F.
; Gordon, R. G.
Tests of the rigid-plate hypothesis and bounds on intraplate deformation using geodetic data from very long baseline interferometry
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B6
, p. 13,555-13,572
keywords: 3040 Marine geology and geophysics; Plate tectonics (8150, 8155, 8157, 8158)
8110 Tectonophysics; Continental tectonics-general (0905)
Kuehne, J.
; Wilson, C. R.
; Johnson, S.
Estimates of the Chandler wobble frequency and Q
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B6
, p. 13,573-13,580
keywords: 7255 Seismology; Surface waves and free oscillations
7218 Lithosphere and upper mantle
8180 Tectonophysics; Tomography
8110 Continental tectonics-general (0905)
Fernandez, J. [Fern\'{a}ndez]
; Yu, T.-T.
; Rundle, J. B.
Horizontal viscoelastic-gravitational displacement due to a rectangular dipping thrust fault in a layered Earth model
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B6
, p. 13,581-13,594
keywords: 1206 Geodesy and gravity; Crustal movements-interplate (8155)
1208 Crustal movements-intraplate (8110)
1242 Seismic deformations (7205)
3210 Mathematical geophysics (New field); Modeling
Spencer, J. E.
Uplift of the Colorado Plateau due to lithosphere attenuation during Laramide low-angle subduction
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B6
, p. 13,595-13,610
keywords: 8110 Tectonophysics; Continental tectonics-general (0905)
8120 Dynamics of lithosphere and mantle-general
8130 Heat generation and transport
8150 Plate boundary-general (3040)
Ketcham, R. A.
Distribution of heat-producing elements in the upper and middle crust of southern and west central Arizona: Evidence from the core complexes
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B6
, p. 13,611-13,632
keywords: 8130 Tectonophysics; Heat generation and transport
1020 Geochemistry (New field, replaces Rock Chemistry); Composition of the crust
9350 Information related to geographic region; North America
8099 Structural geology (New field, replaces single entry 8165); General or miscellaneous
Brooks, B. A.
; Allmendinger, R. W.
; de la Barra, I. G.
Fault spacing in the El Teniente Mine, central Chile: Evidence for nonfractal fault geometry
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B6
, p. 13,633-13,654
keywords: 5104 Physical properties of rocks; Fracture and flow
8110 Tectonophysics; Continental tectonics-general (0905)
7205 Seismology; Continental crust (1242)
8099 Structural geology (New field, replaces single entry 8165); General or miscellaneous
Yuan, T.
; Hyndman, R. D.
; Spence, G. D.
; Desmons, B.
Seismic velocity increase and deep-sea gas hydrate concentration above a bottom-simulating reflector on the northern Cascadia continental slope
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B6
, p. 13,655-13,672
keywords: 3022 Marine geology and geophysics; Marine sediments-processes and transport
3025 Marine seismics (0935)
8124 Tectonophysics; Earth's interior-composition and state (old 8105)
8150 Plate boundary-general (3040)
Henstock, T. J.
; White, R. S.
; McBride, J. H.
Along-axis variability in crustal accretion at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Results from the OCEAN study
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B6
, p. 13,673-13,688
keywords: 3035 Marine geology and geophysics; Midocean ridge processes
3040 Plate tectonics (8150, 8155, 8157, 8158)
Sinton, C. W.
; Christie, D. M.
; Duncan, R. A.
Geochronology of Galapagos seamounts [Gal\'{a}pagos]
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B6
, p. 13,689-13,700
keywords: 3040 Marine geology and geophysics; Plate tectonics (8150, 8155, 8157, 8158)
1035 Geochemistry (New field, replaces Rock Chemistry); Geochronology
8155 Tectonophysics; Plate motions-general
Johnson, H. P.
; Van Patten, D.
; Sager, W. W.
Age-dependent variation in the magnetization of seamounts
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B6
, p. 13,701-13,714
keywords: 1560 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Time variations-secular and long term
3005 Marine geology and geophysics; Geomagnetism (1550)
1545 Spatial variations (all harmonics and anomalies)
McCarthy, M. C.
; Kruse, S. E.
; Brudzinski, M. R.
; Ranieri, M. E.
Changes in plate motions and the shape of Pacific fracture zones
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B6
, p. 13,715-13,730
keywords: 8164 Tectonophysics; Stresses-crust and lithosphere
8155 Plate motions-general
3040 Marine geology and geophysics; Plate tectonics (8150, 8155, 8157, 8158)
Kruse, S. E.
; McCarthy, M. C.
; Brudzinski, M. R.
; Ranieri, M. E.
Evolution and strength of Pacific fracture zones
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B6
, p. 13,731-13,740
keywords: 8122 Tectonophysics; Dynamics, gravity and tectonics
8155 Plate motions-general
8159 Rheology-crust and lithosphere
3000 Marine geology and geophysics
Baker, E. T.
Geological indexes of hydrothermal venting
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B6
, p. 13,741-13,754
keywords: 3035 Marine geology and geophysics; Midocean ridge processes
3015 Heat flow (benthic) and hydrothermal processes
8135 Tectonophysics; Hydrothermal systems (8424)
8424 Volcanology; Hydrothermal systems (8135)
Quidelleur, X.
; Valet, J.-P.
Geomagnetic changes across the last reversal recorded in lava flows from La Palma, Canary Islands
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B6
, p. 13,755-13,774
keywords: 1535 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Reversals (process, timescale, magnetostratigraphy)
Boerner, D. E.
; Kurtz, R. D.
; Craven, J. A.
Electrical conductivity and Paleo-Proterozoic foredeeps
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B6
, p. 13,775-13,792
keywords: 0925 Exploration geophysics; Magnetic and electrical methods
5109 Physical properties of rocks; Magnetic and electrical properties
8124 Tectonophysics; Earth's interior-composition and state (old 8105)
9350 Information related to geographic region; North America
Monger, J. W. H.
; Price, R. A.
Comment on "Paleomagnetism of the Upper Cretaceous strata of Mount Tatlow: Evidence for 3000 km of northward displacement of the easter Coast Belt, British Columbia" by P. J. Wynne et al., and on "Paleomagnetism of the Spences Bridge Group and northward displacement of the Intermontane Belt, British Columbia: A second look" by E. Irving et al.
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B6
, p. 13,793-13,800
keywords: 1525 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Paleomagnetism applied to tectonics (regional, global)
Wynne, P. J.
; Thorkelson, D. J.
; Kleinspehn, K. L.
; Maxson, J. A.
; Irving, E.
Reply to: "Comment on 'Paleomagnetism of the Upper Cretaceous strate of Mount Tatlow: Evidence for 3000 km of northward displacement of the eastern Coast Belt, British Columbia' by P. J. Wynne et al., and on 'Paleomagnetism of the Spences Bridge Group and northward displacement of the Intermontane Belt, British Columbia: A second look' by E. Irving et al.," by J. W. H. Monger and R. A. Price
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B6
, p. 13,801-13,804
keywords: 1525 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Paleomagnetism applied to tectonics (regional, global)
8150 Tectonophysics; Plate boundary-general (3040)
8155 Plate motions-general
Merle, O.
; Borgia, A.
Scaled experiments of volcanic spreading
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B6
, p. 13,805-13,818
keywords: 5480 Planetology: Solid surface planets; Volcanism (8450)
8110 Tectonophysics; Continental tectonics-general (0905)
8099 Structural geology (New field, replaces single entry 8165); General or miscellaneous
Koepenick, K. W.
; Brantley, S. L.
; Thompson, J. M.
; Rowe, G. L.
; Nyblade, A. A.
; Moshy, C.
Volatile emissions from the crater and flank of Oldoinyo Lengai volcano, Tanzania
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B6
, p. 13,819-13,830
keywords: 0370 Atmospheric composition and structure; Volcanic effects (8409)
8439 Volcanology; Physics and chemistry of magma bodies
8494 Instruments and techniques
Weis, D.
; Frey, F. A.
Role of the Kerguelen Plume in generating the eastern Indian Ocean seafloor
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B6
, p. 13,831-13,850
keywords: 1010 Geochemistry (New field, replaces Rock Chemistry); Chemical evolution
1040 Isotopic composition/chemistry
3640 Mineralogy and petrology (Mineralogy, Petrology, and Rock Chemis; Igneous petrology
8121 Tectonophysics; Dynamics, convection currents and mantle plumes
Castelnau, O.
; Duval, P.
; Lebensohn, R. A.
; Canova, G. R.
Viscoplastic modeling of texture development in polycrystalline ice with a self-consistent approach: Comparison with bound estimates
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B6
, p. 13,851-13,868
keywords: 3902 Mineral physics; Creep and deformation
1827 Hydrology; Glaciology (1863)
8160 Tectonophysics; Rheology-general
Chu, J. J.
; Gui, X.
; Dai, J.
; Marone, C.
; Spiegelman, M. W.
; Seeber, L.
; Armbruster, J. G.
Geoelectric signals in China and the earthquake generation process
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B6
, p. 13,869-13,882
keywords: 7209 Seismology; Earthquake dynamics and mechanics
5104 Physical properties of rocks; Fracture and flow
5109 Magnetic and electrical properties
Sornette, D.
; Knopoff, L.
; Kagan, Y. Y.
; Vanneste, C.
Rank-ordering statistics of extreme events: Application to the distribution of large earthquakes
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B6
, p. 13,883-13,894
keywords: 7230 Seismology; Seismicity and seismotectonics
Boatwright, J.
; Cocco, M.
Frictional constraints on crustal faulting
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B6
, p. 13,895-13,910
keywords: 7209 Seismology; Earthquake dynamics and mechanics
8123 Tectonophysics; Dynamics, seismotectonics
7212 Earthquake ground motions and engineering
8150 Plate boundary-general (3040)
Schmittbuhl, J.
; Vilotte, J.-P.
; Roux, S.
Velocity weakening friction: A renormalization approach
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B6
, p. 13,911-13,918
keywords: 3220 Mathematical geophysics (New field); Nonlinear dynamics
5104 Physical properties of rocks; Fracture and flow
7209 Seismology; Earthquake dynamics and mechanics
7260 Theory and modeling
Roy, M.
; Marone, C.
Earthquake nucleation on model faults with rate- and state-dependent friction: Effects of inertia
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B6
, p. 13,919-13,932
keywords: 7209 Seismology; Earthquake dynamics and mechanics
7215 Earthquake parameters
8160 Tectonophysics; Rheology-general
Hawman, R. B.
Wide-angle, three-component seismic reflection profiling of the crust along the East Coast Gravity High, southern Appalachians, using quarry blasts
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B6
, p. 13,933-13,946
keywords: 7205 Seismology; Continental crust (1242)
0905 Exploration geophysics; Continental structures (8109, 8110)
0935 Seismic methods (3025)
8110 Tectonophysics; Continental tectonics-general (0905)
Li, Y.-G.
Shear wave splitting observations and implications on stress regimes in the Los Angeles basin, California
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B6
, p. 13,947-13,962
keywords: 7203 Seismology; Body wave propagation
7223 Seismic hazard assessment and prediction
7230 Seismicity and seismotectonics
8164 Tectonophysics; Stresses-crust and lithosphere
Helmberger, D. V.
; Garnero, E. J.
; Ding, X.
Modeling two-dimensional structure at the core-mantle boundary
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B6
, p. 13,963-13,972
keywords: 7205 Seismology; Continental crust (1242)
7207 Core and mantle
8124 Tectonophysics; Earth's interior-composition and state (old 8105)
8120 Dynamics of lithosphere and mantle-general
Nyblade, A. A.
; Vogfjord, K. S.
; Langston, C. A.
Correction to "P wave velocity structure of Proterozoic upper mantle beneath central and southern Africa"
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B6
, p. 13,973-13,973
keywords: 9900 Corrections
7205 Seismology; Continental crust (1242)
8120 Tectonophysics; Dynamics of lithosphere and mantle-general
7218 Lithosphere and upper mantle
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