Nyblade, A. A.
; Vogfjord, K. S.
; Langston, C. A.
P wave velocity of Proterozoic upper mantle beneath central and southern Asia
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,159-11,172
keywords: 7218 Seismology; Lithosphere and upper mantle
7205 Continental crust (1242)
8120 Tectonophysics; Dynamics of lithosphere and mantle-general
9305 Information related to geographic region; Africa
Parsons, T.
; McCarthy, J.
; Kohler, W. M.
; Ammon, C. J.
; Benz, H. M.
; Hole, J. A.
; Criley, E. E.
Crustal structure of the Colorado Plateau, Arizona: Application of new long-offset seismic data analysis techniques
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,173-11,194
keywords: 7205 Seismology; Continental crust (1242)
7260 Theory and modeling
8109 Tectonophysics; Continental tectonics-extensional (0905)
8180 Tomography
Mayeda, K.
; Walter, W. R.
Moment, energy, stress drop, and source spectra of western United States earthquakes from regional coda envelopes
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,195-11,208
keywords: 7215 Seismology; Earthquake parameters
7209 Earthquake dynamics and mechanics
7219 Nuclear explosion seismology
7212 Earthquake ground motions and engineering
Iio, Y.
Depth-dependent change in the focal mechanism of shallow earthquakes: Implications for brittle-plastic transition in a seismogenic region
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,209-11,216
keywords: 7209 Seismology; Earthquake dynamics and mechanics
Le Ravalec, M.
; Gueguen, Y.
; Chelidze, T.
Magnitude of velocity anomalies prior to earthquakes
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,217-11,224
keywords: 5102 Physical properties of rocks; Acoustic properties
5112 Microstructure
7203 Seismology; Body wave propagation
7223 Seismic hazard assessment and prediction
Robertsson, J. O. A.
; Levander, A.
; Holliger, K.
A hybrid wave propagation simulation technique for ocean acoustic problems
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,225-11,242
keywords: 4259 Oceanography: General; Ocean acoustics
4255 Numerical modeling
3230 Mathematical geophysics (New field); Numerical solutions
7260 Seismology; Theory and modeling
Zhu, Y.
; Shum, C. K.
; Cheng, M. K.
; Tapley, B. D.
; Chao, B. F.
Long-period variations in gravity field caused by mantle anelasticity
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,243-11,248
keywords: 1249 Geodesy and gravity; Tides-Earth
3010 Marine geology and geophysics; Gravity
8160 Tectonophysics; Rheology-general
Elosegui, P. [El\'{o}segui]
; Davis, J. L.
; Johansson, J. M.
; Shapiro, I. I.
Detection of transient motions with the Global Positioning System
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,249-11,262
keywords: 1294 Geodesy and gravity; Instruments and techniques
1243 Space geodetic surveys
1242 Seismic deformations (7205)
Amorese, D. [Amor\'{e}se]
; Grasso, J.-R.
Rupture planes of the Gazli earthquakes deducted from local stress tensor calculation and geodetic data inversion: Geotectonic implications
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,263-11,274
keywords: 7299 Seismology; General or miscellaneous
Jin, Y.
; McNutt, M. K.
; Zhu, Y.-S.
Mapping the descent of Indian and Eurasian plates beneath the Tibetan Plateau from gravity anomalies
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,275-11,290
keywords: 8110 Tectonophysics; Continental tectonics-general (0905)
8120 Dynamics of lithosphere and mantle-general
8160 Rheology-general
1234 Geodesy and gravity; Regional and global gravity anomalies and Earth structure
Doucoure, C. M. [Doucour\'{e}]
; de Wit, M. J.
; Mushayandebvu, M. F.
Effective elastic thickness of the continental lithosphere in South Africa
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,291-11,304
keywords: 8120 Tectonophysics; Dynamics of lithosphere and mantle-general
Seno, T.
; Sakurai, T.
; Stein, S.
Can the Okhotsk plate be discriminated from the North American plate?
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,305-11,316
keywords: 7230 Seismology; Seismicity and seismotectonics
8107 Tectonophysics; Continental neotectonics
8158 Plate motions-present and recent (3040)
Lundgren, P. R.
; Russo, R. M.
Finite element modeling of crustal deformation in the North America-Caribbean plate boundary zone
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,317-11,328
keywords: 8150 Tectonophysics; Plate boundary-general (3040)
8155 Plate motions-general
Wang, W.-H.
; Davis, D. M.
Sandbox model simulation of forearc evolution and noncritical wedges
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,329-11,340
keywords: 8102 Tectonophysics; Continental contractional orogenic belts
8150 Plate boundary-general (3040)
8000 Structural geology (New field, replaces single entry 8165)
Goff, D. F.
; Wiltschko, D. V.
; Fletcher, R. C.
Decollement folding as a mechanism for thrust-ramp spacing [D\'{e}collement]
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,341-11,352
keywords: 8020 Structural geology (New field, replaces single entry 8165); Mechanics
8005 Folds and folding
8015 Local crustal structure
Tagami, T.
; Dumitru, T. A.
Provenance and thermal history of the Franciscan accretionary complex: Constraints from zircon fission track thermochronology
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,353-11,364
keywords: 1035 Geochemistry (New field, replaces Rock Chemistry); Geochronology
8102 Tectonophysics; Continental contractional orogenic belts
3660 Mineralogy and petrology (Mineralogy, Petrology, and Rock Chemis; Metamorphic petrology
9350 Information related to geographic region; North America
Peck, J. A.
; King, J. W.
; Colman, S. M.
; Kravchinsky, V. A.
An 84-kyr paleomagnetic record from the sediments of Lake Baikal, Siberia
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,365-11,386
keywords: 1521 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Paleointensity
1522 Paleomagnetic secular variation
1513 Geomagnetic excursions
Somoza, R.
; Singer, S.
; Coira, B.
Paleomagnetism of upper Miocene ignimbrites at the Puna: An analysis of vertical-axis rotations in the Central Andes
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,387-11,400
keywords: 1525 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Paleomagnetism applied to tectonics (regional, global)
9360 Information related to geographic region; South America
9604 Information related to geologic time; Cenozoic
Arkani-Hamed, J.
; Dyment, J.
Magnetic potential and magnetization contrasts of Earth's lithosphere
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,401-11,426
keywords: 1545 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Spatial variations (all harmonics and anomalies)
1517 Magnetic anomaly modeling
Baker, N.
; Fryer, P.
; Martinez, F.
; Yamazaki, T.
Rifting history of the northern Mariana Trough: SeaMARC II and seismic reflection surveys
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,427-11,456
keywords: 3040 Marine geology and geophysics; Plate tectonics (8150, 8155, 8157, 8158)
3045 Seafloor morphology and bottom photography
8150 Tectonophysics; Plate boundary-general (3040)
Bohrson, W. A.
; Reid, M. R.
; Grunder, A. L.
; Heizler, M. T.
; Harrison, T. M.
; Lee, J.
Prolonged history of silicic peralkaline volcanism in the eastern Pacific Ocean
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,457-11,474
keywords: 8404 Volcanology; Ash deposits
8414 Eruption mechanisms
9355 Information related to geographic region; Pacific Ocean
1035 Geochemistry (New field, replaces Rock Chemistry); Geochronology
Chen, Y. J.
; Morgan, J. P.
The effects of spreading rate, the magma budget, and the geometry of magma emplacement on the axial heat flux at mid-ocean ridges
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,475-11,482
keywords: 3015 Marine geology and geophysics; Heat flow (benthic) and hydrothermal processes
3035 Midocean ridge processes
8135 Tectonophysics; Hydrothermal systems (8424)
Wang, K.
; Davis, E. E.
Theory for the propagation of tidally induced pore pressure variations in layered subseafloor formations
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,483-11,496
keywords: 3094 Marine geology and geophysics; Instruments and techniques
5114 Physical properties of rocks; Permeability and porosity
Beck, M. E., Jr.
Comment on "Deflection of paleomagnetic directions due to magnetization of the underlying- terrain" by C. Baag, C. Helsey, Shi-Zhe Xu, and B. Liernert
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,497-11,498
keywords: 1545 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Spatial variations (all harmonics and anomalies)
1522 Paleomagnetic secular variation
1535 Reversals (process, timescale, magnetostratigraphy)
1594 Instruments and techniques
Baag, C.
; Helsley, C. E.
; Lienert, B. R.
Reply to "Comment on 'Deflection of paleomagnetic directions due to magnetization of the underlying terrain'" by Myrl E. Beck Jr.
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,499-11,502
keywords: 1500 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism
Turner, S.
; Hawkesworth, C.
; Gallagher, K.
; Stewart, K.
; Peate, D.
; Mantovani, M.
Mantle plumes, flood basalts, and thermal models for melt generation beneath continents: Assessment of a conductive heating model and application to the Parana [Paran\'{a}]
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,503-11,518
keywords: 1000 Geochemistry (New field, replaces Rock Chemistry)
1025 Composition of the mantle
Dahl, P. S.
; Dorais, M. J.
Influence of F(OH) -1 substitution on the relative mechanical strength of rock-forming micas [F(OH)_]
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,519-11,524
keywords: 3620 Mineralogy and petrology (Mineralogy, Petrology, and Rock Chemis; Crystal chemistry
3655 Major element composition
8030 Structural geology (New field, replaces single entry 8165); Microstructures
Fei, Y.
; Wang, Y.
; Finger, L. W.
Maximum solubility of FeO in (Mg, Fe)SiO3-perovskite as a function of temperature at 26 GPa: Implication for FeO content in the lower mantle [Fe)SiO_3-perovskite]
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,525-11,530
keywords: 1015 Geochemistry (New field, replaces Rock Chemistry); Composition of the core
1025 Composition of the mantle
3630 Mineralogy and petrology (Mineralogy, Petrology, and Rock Chemis; Experimental mineralogy and petrology
8124 Tectonophysics; Earth's interior-composition and state (old 8105)
Stolen, S. [St\olen]
; Gronvold, F. [Gr\onvold]
Calculation of the phase boundaries of wustite at high pressure [w\"{u}stite]
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,531-11,540
keywords: 3900 Mineral physics
3924 High-pressure behavior
3919 Equations of state
Petrenko, V. F.
; Gluschenkov, O.
Crack velocities in freshwater and saline ice
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,541-11,552
keywords: 3902 Mineral physics; Creep and deformation
5104 Physical properties of rocks; Fracture and flow
5462 Planetology: Solid surface planets; Polar regions
3914 Electrical properties
Johnson, P. A.
; Zinszner, B.
; Rasolofosanon N. J.
Resonance and elastic nonlinear phenomena in rock
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,553-11,564
keywords: 5144 Physical properties of rocks; Wave attenuation
5194 Instruments and techniques
5102 Acoustic properties
3220 Mathematical geophysics (New field); Nonlinear dynamics
Bruno, B. C.
; Baloga, S. M.
; Taylor, G. J.
Modeling gravity-driven flows on an inclined plane
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,565-11,578
keywords: 3220 Mathematical geophysics (New field); Nonlinear dynamics
Delene, D. J.
; Rose, W. I.
; Grody, N. C.
Remote sensing of volcanic ash clouds using special sensor microwave imager data
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,579-11,588
keywords: 8409 Volcanology; Atmospheric effects (0370)
0669 Electromagnetics; Scattering and diffraction
Berger, G. W.
; Busacca, A. J.
Correction to "Thermoluminescence dating of late Pleistocence loess and tephra from eastern Washington and southern Oregon and implications for the eruptive history of Mount St. Helens"
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,589-11,590
keywords: 1035 Geochemistry (New field, replaces Rock Chemistry); Geochronology
8404 Volcanology; Ash deposits
9820 General or miscellaneous; Techniques applicable in three or more fields
9350 Information related to geographic region; North America
Shimizu, I.
Correction to "Nonhydrostatic and nonequilibrium thermodynamics of deformable materials"
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,591-11,592
keywords: 9900 Corrections
3939 Mineral physics; Physical thermodynamics
5112 Physical properties of rocks; Microstructure
Stolper, E. M.
; DePaolo, D. J.
; Thomas, D. M.
Introduction to special section: Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,593-11,598
keywords: 3640 Mineralogy and petrology (Mineralogy, Petrology, and Rock Chemis; Igneous petrology
3699 General or miscellaneous
8499 Volcanology
Moore, J. G.
; Ingram, B. L.
; Ludwig, K. R.
; Clague, D. A.
Coral ages and island subsidence, Hilo drill hole
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,599-11,606
keywords: 8499 Volcanology; General or miscellaneous
1035 Geochemistry (New field, replaces Rock Chemistry); Geochronology
9355 Information related to geographic region; Pacific Ocean
Sharp, W. D.
; Turrin, B. D.
; Renne, P. R.
; Lanphere, M. A.
The 40Ar/39Ar and K/Ar dating of lavas from the Hilo 1-km core hole, Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project [^40Ar/^39Ar]
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,607-11,616
keywords: 3640 Mineralogy and petrology (Mineralogy, Petrology, and Rock Chemis; Igneous petrology
8400 Volcanology
1520 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Magnetostratigraphy
Beeson, M. H.
; Clague, D. A.
; Lockwood, J. P.
Origin and depositional environment of clastic deposits in the Hilo drill hole, Hawaii
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,617-11,630
keywords: 8404 Volcanology; Ash deposits
1035 Geochemistry (New field, replaces Rock Chemistry); Geochronology
3020 Marine geology and geophysics; Littoral processes
3655 Mineralogy and petrology (Mineralogy, Petrology, and Rock Chemis; Major element composition
Lipman, P. W.
; Moore, J. G.
Mauna Loa lava accumulation rates at the Hilo drill site: Formation of lava deltas during a period of declining overall volcanic growth
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,631-11,642
keywords: 8400 Volcanology
8429 Lava rheology and morphology
8414 Eruption mechanisms
8499 General or miscellaneous
DePaolo, D. J.
; Stolper, E. M.
Models of Hawaiian volcano growth and plume structure: Implications of results from the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,643-11,654
keywords: 8121 Tectonophysics; Dynamics, convection currents and mantle plumes
8499 Volcanology; General or miscellaneous
8434 Magma migration
Holt, J. W.
; Kirschvink, J. L.
; Garnier, F.
Geomagnetic field inclinations for the past 400 kyr from the 1-km core of the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,655-11,664
keywords: 1520 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Magnetostratigraphy
1513 Geomagnetic excursions
1522 Paleomagnetic secular variation
Garnier, F.
; Laj, C.
; Herrero-Bervera, E.
; Kissel, C.
; Thomas, D. M.
Preliminary determinations of geomagnetic field intensity for the last 400 kyr from the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project core, Big Island, Hawaii
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,665-11,674
keywords: 1530 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Rapid time variations
9355 Information related to geographic region; Pacific Ocean
1521 Paleointensity
Paillet, F. L.
; Thomas, D. M.
Hydrogeology of the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project borehole KP-1, 1, Hydraulic conditions adjacent to the well bore
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,675-11,682
keywords: 0915 Exploration geophysics; Downhole methods
1829 Hydrology; Groundwater hydrology
Thomas, D. M.
; Paillet, F. L.
; Conrad, M. E.
Hydrogeology of the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project borehole KP-1, 2, Groundwater geochemistry and regional flow patterns
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,683-11,694
keywords: 1836 Hydrology; Hydrologic budget (1655)
1884 Water supply
4835 Oceanography: Biological and chemical; Inorganic marine chemistry
Morin, R. H.
; Paillet, F. L.
Analysis of fractures intersecting Kahi Puka Well 1 and its relation to the growth of the island of Hawaii
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,695-11,700
keywords: 8429 Volcanology; Lava rheology and morphology
0915 Exploration geophysics; Downhole methods
Garcia, M. O.
Petrography and olivine and glass chemistry of lavas from the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,701-11,714
keywords: 3640 Mineralogy and petrology (Mineralogy, Petrology, and Rock Chemis; Igneous petrology
3625 Descriptive mineralogy
3655 Major element composition
8439 Volcanology; Physics and chemistry of magma bodies
Baker, M. B.
; Alves, S.
; Stolper, E. M.
Petrography and petrology of the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project lavas: Inferences from olivine phenocryst abundances and compositions
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,715-11,728
keywords: 3640 Mineralogy and petrology (Mineralogy, Petrology, and Rock Chemis; Igneous petrology
Rhodes, J. M.
Geochemical stratigraphy of lava flows sampled by the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,729-11,746
keywords: 8439 Volcanology; Physics and chemistry of magma bodies
3640 Mineralogy and petrology (Mineralogy, Petrology, and Rock Chemis; Igneous petrology
3655 Major element composition
3670 Minor and trace element composition
Yang, H.-J.
; Frey, F. A.
; Rhodes, J. M.
; Garcia, M. O.
Evolution of Mauna Kea volcano: Inferences from lava compositions recovered in the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,747-11,768
keywords: 3640 Mineralogy and petrology (Mineralogy, Petrology, and Rock Chemis; Igneous petrology
1065 Geochemistry (New field, replaces Rock Chemistry); Trace elements (3670)
Lassiter, J. C.
; DePaolo, D. J.
; Tatsumoto, M.
Isotopic evolution of Mauna Kea volcano: Results from the initial phase of the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,769-11,780
keywords: 3640 Mineralogy and petrology (Mineralogy, Petrology, and Rock Chemis; Igneous petrology
1015 Geochemistry (New field, replaces Rock Chemistry); Composition of the core
1025 Composition of the mantle
Kurz, M. D.
; Kenna, T. C.
; Lassiter, J. C.
; DePaolo, D. J.
Helium isotopic evolution of Mauna Kea volcano: First results from the 1-km drill core
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,781-11,792
keywords: 3670 Mineralogy and petrology (Mineralogy, Petrology, and Rock Chemis; Minor and trace element composition
8121 Tectonophysics; Dynamics, convection currents and mantle plumes
1040 Geochemistry (New field, replaces Rock Chemistry); Isotopic composition/chemistry
1025 Composition of the mantle
Hauri, E. H.
; Lassiter, J. C.
; DePaolo, D. J.
Osmium isotope systematics of drilled lavas from Mauna Loa, Hawaii
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,793-11,806
keywords: 1040 Geochemistry (New field, replaces Rock Chemistry); Isotopic composition/chemistry
3670 Mineralogy and petrology (Mineralogy, Petrology, and Rock Chemis; Minor and trace element composition
8434 Volcanology; Magma migration
1025 Composition of the mantle
Eiler, J. M.
; Valley, J. W.
; Stolper, E. M.
Oxygen isotope ratios in olivine from the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,807-11,814
keywords: 1040 Geochemistry (New field, replaces Rock Chemistry); Isotopic composition/chemistry
3640 Mineralogy and petrology (Mineralogy, Petrology, and Rock Chemis; Igneous petrology
8439 Volcanology; Physics and chemistry of magma bodies
9355 Information related to geographic region; Pacific Ocean
Feigenson, M. D.
; Patino, L. C.
; Carr, M. J.
Constraints on partial melting imposed by rare earth element variations in Mauna Kea basalts
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,815-11,830
keywords: 3640 Mineralogy and petrology (Mineralogy, Petrology, and Rock Chemis; Igneous petrology
1065 Geochemistry (New field, replaces Rock Chemistry); Trace elements (3670)
Hofmann, A. W.
; Jochum, K. P.
Source characteristics derived from very incompatible trace elements in Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea basalts, Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,831-11,840
keywords: 1065 Geochemistry (New field, replaces Rock Chemistry); Trace elements (3670)
3670 Mineralogy and petrology (Mineralogy, Petrology, and Rock Chemis; Minor and trace element composition
1025 Composition of the mantle
8439 Volcanology; Physics and chemistry of magma bodies
Albarede, F. [Albar\'{e}de]
High-resolution geochemical stratigraphy of Mauna Kea flows from the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Project core
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,841-11,854
keywords: 8439 Volcanology; Physics and chemistry of magma bodies
8414 Eruption mechanisms
8434 Magma migration
9355 Information related to geographic region; Pacific Ocean
DePaolo, D. J.
High-frequency isotopic variations in the Mauna Kea tholeiitic basalt sequence: Melt zone dispersivity and chromatography
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B5
, p. 11,855-11,864
keywords: 8434 Volcanology; Magma migration
1040 Geochemistry (New field, replaces Rock Chemistry); Isotopic composition/chemistry
8121 Tectonophysics; Dynamics, convection currents and mantle plumes
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