Howard, K. A.
; Foster, D. A.
Thermal and unroofing history of a thick, tilted Basin-and-Range crustal section in the Tortilla Mountains, Arizona
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B1
, p. 511-522
keywords: 8130 Tectonophysics; Heat generation and transport
1035 Geochemistry (New field, replaces Rock Chemistry); Geochronology
9350 Information related to geographic region; North America
9604 Information related to geologic time; Cenozoic
; Johnson, J. M.
; Satake, K.
; Holdahl, S. R.
; Sauber, J.
The 1964 Prince William Sound earthquake: Joint inversion of tsunami and geodetic data
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B1
, p. 523-532
keywords: 8120 Tectonophysics; Dynamics of lithosphere and mantle-general
8125 Evolution of the Earth
8130 Heat generation and transport
8150 Plate boundary-general (3040)
Ben-Avraham, Z.
; ten Brink, U.
; Bell, R.
; Reznikov, M.
Gravity field over the Sea of Galilee: Evidence for a composite basin along a transform fault
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B1
, p. 533-544
keywords: 3010 Marine geology and geophysics; Gravity
3040 Plate tectonics (8150, 8155, 8157, 8158)
Molnar, P.
; Gipson, J. M.
A bound on the rheology of continental lithosphere using very long baseline interferometry: The velocity of south China with respect to Eurasia
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B1
, p. 545-554
keywords: 9320 Information related to geographic region; Asia
Mitrovica, J. X.
Haskell [1935] revisited
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B1
, p. 555-570
keywords: 8162 Tectonophysics; Rheology-mantle
8124 Earth's interior-composition and state (old 8105)
8120 Dynamics of lithosphere and mantle-general
1744 History of geophysics
Tauxe, L.
; Mullender, T. A. T.
; Pick, T.
Potbellies, wasp-waists, and superparamagnetism in magnetic hysteresis
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B1
, p. 571-584
keywords: 1540 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Rock and mineral magnetism
1594 Instruments and techniques
Garnier, F.
; Herrero-Bervera, E.
; Laj, C.
; Guillou, H.
; Kissel, C.
; Thomas, D. M.
Geomagnetic field intensity over the last 42,000 years from core SOH-4, Big Island, Hawaii
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B1
, p. 585-600
keywords: 1530 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Rapid time variations
9355 Information related to geographic region; Pacific Ocean
1521 Paleointensity
Guyomard, T. S.
; Aissaoui, D. M. [A\"{i}ssaoui]
; McNeill, D. F.
Magnetostratigraphic dating of the uplifted atoll of Mare: Geodynamics of the Loyalty Ridge, SW Pacific [Mar\'{e}]
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B1
, p. 601-612
keywords: 1520 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Magnetostratigraphy
1525 Paleomagnetism applied to tectonics (regional, global)
3040 Marine geology and geophysics; Plate tectonics (8150, 8155, 8157, 8158)
8120 Tectonophysics; Dynamics of lithosphere and mantle-general
Hagstrum, J. T.
; Murchey, B. L.
; Bogar, R. S.
Equatorial origin of Lower Jurassic radiolarian chert in the Franciscan Complex, San Rafael Mountains, southern California
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B1
, p. 613-626
keywords: 8157 Tectonophysics; Plate motions-past (3040)
1525 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Paleomagnetism applied to tectonics (regional, global)
8150 Plate boundary-general (3040)
Bangs, N. L.
; Shipley, T. H.
; Moore, G. F.
Elevated fluid pressure and fault zone dilation inferred from seismic models of the northern Barbados Ridge decollement
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B1
, p. 627-642
keywords: 8045 Structural geology (New field, replaces single entry 8165); Role of fluids
8010 Fractures and faults
8150 Tectonophysics; Plate boundary-general (3040)
3025 Marine geology and geophysics; Marine seismics (0935)
Crowley, J. K.
; Hook, S. J.
Mapping playa evaporite minerals and associated sediments in Death Valley, California, with multispectral thermal infrared images
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B1
, p. 643-660
keywords: 1640 Global change (New category); Remote sensing
3665 Mineralogy and petrology (Mineralogy, Petrology, and Rock Chemis; Mineral occurrences and deposits
1694 Instruments and techniques
3934 Mineral physics; Optical, infrared, and Raman spectroscopy
Wang, Y.
; Weidner, D. J.
; Guyot, F.
Thermal equation of state of CaSiO3 perovskite [CaSiO_3]
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B1
, p. 661-672
keywords: 5102 Physical properties of rocks; Acoustic properties
5134 Thermal properties
8120 Tectonophysics; Dynamics of lithosphere and mantle-general
Barnett, D. E.
; Bowman, J. R.
; Bromley, C.
; Cady, C.
Kinetically limited isotope exchange in a shallow level normal fault, Mineral Mountains, Utah
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B1
, p. 673-686
keywords: 8135 Tectonophysics; Hydrothermal systems (8424)
8010 Structural geology (New field, replaces single entry 8165); Fractures and faults
8045 Role of fluids
Mortimer, N.
; Parkinson, D.
Hikurangi Plateau: A Cretaceous large igneous province in the southwest Pacific Ocean
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B1
, p. 687-696
keywords: 3640 Mineralogy and petrology (Mineralogy, Petrology, and Rock Chemis; Igneous petrology
1040 Geochemistry (New field, replaces Rock Chemistry); Isotopic composition/chemistry
3040 Marine geology and geophysics; Plate tectonics (8150, 8155, 8157, 8158)
Hochstaedter, A. G.
; Kepezhinskas, P.
; Defant, M.
; Drummond, M.
; Koloskov, A.
Insights into the volcanic arc mantle wedge from magnesian lavas from the Kamchatka arc
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B1
, p. 697-712
keywords: 3670 Mineralogy and petrology (Mineralogy, Petrology, and Rock Chemis; Minor and trace element composition
3640 Igneous petrology
3655 Major element composition
Dobran, F.
; Coniglio, S.
Magma ascent simulations of Etna's eruptions aimed at internal system definition
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B1
, p. 713-732
keywords: 8414 Volcanology; Eruption mechanisms
Gomberg, J.
; Davis, S.
Stress/strain changes and triggered seismicity at The Geysers, California
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B1
, p. 733-750
keywords: 7209 Seismology; Earthquake dynamics and mechanics
7230 Seismicity and seismotectonics
7255 Surface waves and free oscillations
7220 Oceanic crust
Gomberg, J.
Stress/strain changes and triggered seismicity following the Mw 7.3 Landers, California, earthquake [M_w]
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B1
, p. 751-764
keywords: 7209 Seismology; Earthquake dynamics and mechanics
7230 Seismicity and seismotectonics
7255 Surface waves and free oscillations
7220 Oceanic crust
Jaume, S. C. [Jaum\'{e}]
; Sykes, L. R.
Evolution of moderate seismicity in the San Francisco Bay region, 1850 to 1993: Seismicity changes related to the occurrence of large and great earthquakes
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B1
, p. 765-790
keywords: 7230 Seismology; Seismicity and seismotectonics
7220 Oceanic crust
8110 Tectonophysics; Continental tectonics-general (0905)
8120 Dynamics of lithosphere and mantle-general
Mendoza, C.
; Fukuyama, E.
The July 12, 1993, Hokkaido-Nansei-Oki, Japan, earthquake: Coseismic slip pattern from strong-motion and teleseismic recordings
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B1
, p. 791-802
keywords: 7209 Seismology; Earthquake dynamics and mechanics
7212 Earthquake ground motions and engineering
7215 Earthquake parameters
Lu, Z.
; Wyss, M.
Segmentation of the Aleutian plate boundary derived from stress direction estimates based on fault plane solutions
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B1
, p. 803-816
keywords: 8164 Tectonophysics; Stresses-crust and lithosphere
7218 Seismology; Lithosphere and upper mantle
7230 Seismicity and seismotectonics
Popov, M. M.
; Camerlynck, C.
Second term of the ray series and validity of the ray theory
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B1
, p. 817-826
keywords: 7203 Seismology; Body wave propagation
7299 General or miscellaneous
7260 Theory and modeling
Gu, B.
; Nihei, K. T.
; Myer, L. R.
; Pyrak-Nolte, L. J.
Fracture interface waves
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B1
, p. 827-836
keywords: 7255 Seismology; Surface waves and free oscillations
Le Ravalec, M.
; Gueguen, Y. [Gu\'{e}guen]
; Chelidze, T.
Elastic wave velocities in partially saturated rocks: Saturation hysteresis
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B1
, p. 837-844
keywords: 5114 Physical properties of rocks; Permeability and porosity
5102 Acoustic properties
Murphy, J. R.
; Rimer, N.
; Stevens, J. L.
Comment on "Seismic decoupling with chemical and nuclear explosions in salt" by L. Glenn and P. Goldstein
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B1
, p. 845-850
keywords: 7219 Seismology; Nuclear explosion seismology
7260 Theory and modeling
5144 Physical properties of rocks; Wave attenuation
Glenn, L. A.
; Goldstein, P.
Reply to "Comment on 'Seismic decoupling with chemical and nuclear explosions in salt'" by J. R. Murphy, N. Rimer, and J. L. Stevens
J. Geophys. Res.
Vol. 101
, No. B1
, p. 851-854
keywords: 7219 Seismology; Nuclear explosion seismology
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