We used strong-motion records from the 1976 Friuli earth-
quake (M 6.4) and ten of the biggest aftershocks recorded
by the National Accelerograph Network of the ENEL spA ( the
Electrical Power Company of Italy ) to estimate the quality
factor Q of S waves in this region. The wide distance range
of the recordings (10 < r <190 km) permits us to analyze the
spectral amplitude decay of the records using a non-parame-
tric approach (e.g.,Anderson and Quaas, 1988; Castro et al.,
1990; Anderson, 1991). We obtained attenuation functions for
a set of 18 frequencies ranging between 0.4 and 25.0 Hz. The
values of Q retrived from the attenuation functions obtained
follow the frequency-dependent relation Q= 20.4 f. A test of
the method was made using a second data set consisting of
digital seismograms from the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Seismograph Network. In spite of the different size of the volume
sampled by this data (10 < r < 131 km), the frequency dependence
of Q obtained (Q = 16.1 f) is similar to that
obtained with the strong-motion data set. The near-surface
attenuation was also estimated using the model proposed by
Anderson and Hough (1984) and Anderson (1991). We found that
O is smaller for the strong-motion stations loca-
ted on rock compared to stations located on either shallow
or soft sediments. To estimate the site response of the
strong-motion stations, we corrected the spectral records
for the attenuation effect and then inverted the corrected
records to separate source and site effects using the inver-
sion scheme proposed by Andrews (1986). To veryfy the site
amplification estimates obtained, we also calculated the
transfer function of each site using Nakamura's method for S
wave (e.g., Lermo and Chavez-Garcia, 1993). In general, the
shapes of the site functions obtained with the inversion are
consistent with the transfer functions obtained calculating
the horizontal to vertical component ratio.
AGU Index Terms: 7200 SEISMOLOGY; 7212 Earthquake ground motions and engineering; 5144 Wave attenuation; 7205 Continental crust
Keywords/Free Terms: S-wave attenuation, site effects, Friuli, Italy.
JGR-Solid Earth 96JB02295