Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 2005, V 110, N 8,
Riley, Michael S.
Fracture trace length and number distributions from fracture mapping
Kapp, Jessica L. D'Andrea; Harrison, T. Mark; Kapp, Paul; Grove, Marty;
Lovera, Oscar M.; Lin, Ding
Nyainqentanglha Shan: A window into the tectonic, thermal,
and geochemical evolution of the Lhasa block, southern Tibet
Buffett, B. A.; Mound, J. E.
A Green's function for the excitation of torsional
oscillations in the Earth's core
Boy, Jean-Paul; Chao, Benjamin F.
Precise evaluation of atmospheric loading effects on
Earth's time-variable gravity field
Raymond, M. J.; Gudmundsson, G. H.
On the relationship between surface and basal properties
on glaciers, ice sheets, and ice streams
Bonadonna, C.; Phillips, J. C.; Houghton, B. F.
Modeling tephra sedimentation from a Ruapehu weak plume eruption
Beavan, John
Noise properties of continuous GPS data from concrete
pillar geodetic monuments in New Zealand and comparison
with data from U.S. deep drilled braced monuments
Wang, Qin; Ji, Shaocheng; Salisbury, Matthew H.; Xia, Bin;
Pan, Mingbao; Xu, Zhiqin
Shear wave properties and Poisson's ratios of ultrahigh-pressure
metamorphic rocks from the Dabie-Sulu orogenic belt, China:
Implications for crustal composition
Lyman, A. W.; Kerr, R. C.; Griffiths, R. W.
Effects of internal rheology and surface cooling on the
emplacement of lava flows
Day-Lewis, Frederick D.; Singha, Kamini; Binley, Andrew M.
Applying petrophysical models to radar travel time and
electrical resistivity tomograms: Resolution-dependent limitations
Mound, J. E.; Buffett, B. A.
Mechanisms of core-mantle angular momentum exchange and the
observed spectral properties of torsional oscillations
Cox, Eric; Elmore, R. Douglas; Evans, Mark
Paleomagnetism of Devonian red beds in the Appalachian
Plateau and Valley and Ridge provinces
Anthony, Jennifer L.; Marone, Chris
Influence of particle characteristics on granular friction
Chen, J. L.; Wilson, C. R.; Famiglietti, J. S.; Rodell, M.
Spatial sensitivity of the Gravity Recovery and Climate
Experiment (GRACE) time-variable gravity observations
Pollitz, Fred F.
Transient rheology of the upper mantle beneath central Alaska
inferred from the crustal velocity field following the 2002
Denali earthquake
Schmidt, D. A.; B?rgmann, R.; Nadeau, R. M.; d'Alessio, M.
Distribution of aseismic slip rate on the Hayward fault
inferred from seismic and geodetic data
Bos, Annemarie G.; Spakman, Wim
Kinematics of the southwestern U.S. deformation zone
inferred from GPS motion data
Pollitz, Fred F.; Fletcher, Jon P.
Waveform tomography of crustal structure in the south
San Francisco Bay region
Liu, Yajing; Rice, James R.
Aseismic slip transients emerge spontaneously in
three-dimensional rate and state modeling of subduction
earthquake sequences
Baig, A. M.; Bostock, M. G.; Mercier, J.-P.
Spectral reconstruction of teleseismic P Green's functions
Yoshino, Takashi; Takei, Yasuko; Wark, David A.; Watson, E. Bruce
Grain boundary wetness of texturally equilibrated rocks,
with implications for seismic properties of the upper mantle
Chiodini, G.; Granieri, D.; Avino, R.; Caliro, S.;
Costa, A.; Werner, C.
Carbon dioxide diffuse degassing and estimation of heat
release from volcanic and hydrothermal systems
Petronille, Marie; Goguitchaichvili, Avto; Henry, Bernard;
Alva-Valdivia, Luis M.; Rosas-Elguera, Jose; Urrutia-Fucugauchi, Jaime;
Rodriguez Ceja, Maria; Calvo-Rathert, Manuel
Paleomagnetism of Ar-Ar dated lava flows from the Ceboruco-San
Pedro volcanic field (western Mexico): Evidence for the Matuyama-Brunhes
transition precursor and a fully reversed geomagnetic event
in the Brunhes chron
Chockalingam, L.; Daya Sagar, B. S.
Morphometry of network and nonnetwork space of basins
Glaze, L. S.; Anderson, S. W.; Stofan, E. R.; Baloga, S.;
Smrekar, S. E.
Statistical distribution of tumuli on pahoehoe flow surfaces:
Analysis of examples in Hawaii and Iceland and potential
applications to lava flows on Mars
Chen, Jianli
Global mass balance and the length-of-day variation
Ogata, Yosihiko
Synchronous seismicity changes in and around the
northern Japan preceding the 2003 Tokachi-oki earthquake of M8.0
Sornette, Didier; Werner, Maximilian J.
Constraints on the size of the smallest triggering earthquake
from the epidemic-type aftershock sequence model, B?th's law,
and observed aftershock sequences
Brudzinski, Michael R.; Chen, Wang-Ping
Earthquakes and strain in subhorizontal slabs
van der Velden, Arie J.; Cook, Frederick A.
Relict subduction zones in Canada
Paul, Anne; Campillo, Michel; Margerin, Ludovic; Larose, Eric;
Derode, Arnaud
Empirical synthesis of time-asymmetrical Green functions
from the correlation of coda waves
Shyu, J. Bruce H.; Sieh, Kerry; Chen, Yue-Gau; Liu, Char-Shine
Neotectonic architecture of Taiwan and its implications
for future large earthquakes
Maupin, Valerie; Garnero, Edward J.; Lay, Thorne; Fouch, Matthew J.
Azimuthal anisotropy in the D? layer beneath the Caribbean
King, Matt A.; Penna, Nigel T.; Clarke, Peter J.; King, Ed C.
Validation of ocean tide models around Antarctica using
onshore GPS and gravity data
Suzuki, Yujiro J.; Koyaguchi, Takehiro; Ogawa, Masaki; Hachisu, Izumi
A numerical study of turbulent mixing in eruption clouds using a
three-dimensional fluid dynamics model