Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 2004, V 109, N 7, July.
McNamara, Allen K.; Zhong, Shijie
Thermochemical structures within a spherical
mantle: Superplumes or piles?
Yamanaka, Yoshiko; Kikuchi, Masayuki
Asperity map along the subduction zone in northeastern
Japan inferred from regional seismic data
Richards, David R.; Butler, Robert F.; Sempere, Thierry
Vertical-axis rotations determined from paleomagnetism
of Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata of the Bolivian Andes
Vavrycuk, Vaclav
Inversion for anisotropy from non-double-couple
components of moment tensors
Chi, Wu-Cheng; Dreger, Doug
Crustal deformation in Taiwan: Results from finite
source inversions of six Mw > 5.8 Chi-Chi aftershocks
Nakatani, Masao; Scholz, Christopher H.
Frictional healing of quartz gouge under hydrothermal
conditions: 2. Quantitative interpretation with a physical model
Nakatani, Masao; Scholz, Christopher H.
Frictional healing of quartz gouge under hydrothermal
conditions: 1. Experimental evidence for solution
transfer healing mechanism
Schellart, W. P.
Kinematics of subduction and subduction-induced
flow in the upper mantle
Guidoboni, Emanuela; Bernardini, Filippo;
Comastri, Alberto; Boschi, Enzo
The large earthquake on 29 June 1170 (Syria,
Lebanon, and central southern Turkey)
Wegler, U.
Diffusion of seismic waves in a thick layer:
Theory and application to Vesuvius volcano
Xu, Song; Dunlop, David J.
Thellier paleointensity theory and experiments
for multidomain grains
Dunlop, David J.; Xu, Song; Heider, Franz
Alternating field demagnetization, single-domain-like
memory, and the Lowrie-Fuller test of multidomain
magnetite grains (0.6–356 ?m)
Battaglia, Jean; Thurber, Clifford H.; Got, Jean-Luc;
Rowe, Charlotte A.; White, Randall A.
Precise relocation of earthquakes following the
15 June 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo
Li, Chun-Feng
Information passage from acoustic impedance
to seismogram: Perspectives from wavelet-based
multiscale analysis
Janik, Aleksandra; Lyle, Mitchell W.; Liberty, Lee M.
Seismic expression of Pleistocene paleoceanographic
changes in the California Borderland from digitall
y acquired 3.5 kHz subbottom profiles and Ocean
Drilling Program Leg 167 drilling