Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 2001, V. 106, N 7, July
Monsen, Karstein 2001
Acoustic velocity in fractured rock
p. 13,261
keywords: 5102 Physical properties of rocks; Acoustic properties 7203
Seismology; Body wave propagation 7260 Theory and modeling 8010 Structural
geology (new field, replaces single entry 8165); Fractures and faults
Hosford, Allegra ; Lin, Jian ; Detrick, Robert S. 2001
Crustal evolution over the last 2 m.y. at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge OH-1
segment, 35°N
p. 13,269
keywords: 3000 Marine geology and geophysics 3025 Marine seismics (0935)
3035 Midocean ridge processes 7220 Seismology;Oceanic crust
Kessler, M. A. ; Murray, A. B. ; Werner, B. T. ; Hallet, B. 2001
A model for sorted circles as self-organized patterns
p. 13,287
keywords: 1823 Hydrology; Frozen ground 1824 Geomorphology (1625) 3210
Mathematical geophysics (new field); Modeling 3220 Nonlinear dynamics
Robardet, M. ; Paris, F. ; Plusquellec, Y. 2001
Comment on "New Early Devonian paleomagnetic data from NW France:
Paleogeography and implications for the Armorican microplate hypothesis" by
J. Tait
p. 13,307
keywords: 9614 Information related to geologic time; Paleozoic
Tait, J. 2001
p. 13,311
keywords: 1500 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism 1525 Paleomagnetism applied
to tectonics (regional, global) 9614 Information related to geologic
Peach, C. J. ; Spiers, C. J. ; Trimby, P. W. 2001
Effect of confining pressure on dilatation, recrystallization, and flow of
rock salt at 150°C
p. 13,315
keywords: 3902 Mineral physics; Creep and deformation 5120 Physical
properties of rocks; Plasticity, diffusion, and creep 8045 Structural
geology (new field, replaces single entry 8165); Role of fluids 8160
Tectonophysics; Rheology--general
Lesmes, David P. ; Morgan, Frank Dale 2001
Dielectric spectroscopy of sedimentary rocks
p. 13,329
keywords: 0925 Exploration geophysics; Magnetic and electrical methods 5109
Physical properties of rocks; Magnetic and electrical properties
Nakatani, Masao 2001
Conceptual and physical clarification of rate and state friction:
Frictional sliding as a thermally activated rheology
p. 13,347
keywords: 5100 Physical properties of rocks 5104 Fracture and flow 5120
Plasticity, diffusion, and creep 7209 Seismology; Earthquake dynamics and
Wooster, Martin J. ; Kaneko, Takayuki 2001
Testing the accuracy of solar-reflected radiation corrections applied
during satellite shortwave infrared thermal analysis of active volcanoes
p. 13,381
keywords: 8400 Volcanology 8419 Eruption monitoring (7280) 8494 Instruments
and techniques
Baloga, Stephen M. ; Glaze, Lori S. ; Peitersen, Matthew N. ; Crisp, Joy A.2001
Influence of volatile loss on thickness and density profiles of active
basaltic flow lobes
p. 13,395
keywords: 3210 Mathematical geophysics (new field); Modeling 8429
Volcanology;Lava rheology and morphology
Ozawa, Kazuhito 2001
Mass balance equations for open magmatic systems: Trace element behavior
and its application to open system melting in the upper mantle
p. 13,407
keywords: 3210 Mathematical geophysics (new field); Modeling 3640
Mineralogy and petrology (replaces mineralogy, petrology, and rock
chemistry); Igneous petrology 3670 Minor and trace element composition 8439
Volcanology; Physics and chemistry of magma bodies
Bésuelle, Pierre 2001
Compacting and dilating shear bands in porous rock: Theoretical and
experimental conditions
p. 13,435
keywords: 5104 Physical properties of rocks; Fracture and flow 5120
Plasticity, diffusion, and creep 8020 Structural geology (new field,
replaces single entry 8165); Mechanics
Bystricky, Misha ; Mackwell, Stephen 2001
Creep of dry clinopyroxene aggregates
p. 13,443
keywords: 3902 Mineral physics; Creep and deformation 5120 Physical
properties of rocks; Plasticity, diffusion, and creep 8045 Structural
geology (new field, replaces single entry 8165);Role of fluids 8160
Tectonophysics; Rheology--general
Perfettini, Hugo ; Schmittbuhl, Jean ; Rice, James R. ; Cocco, Massimo 2001
Frictional response induced by time-dependent fluctuations of the normal
p. 13,455 keywords: 1249 Geodesy and gravity; Tides--Earth 7209 Seismology;
Earthquake dynamics and mechanics 7260 Theory and modeling 8164
Tectonophysics; Stresses--crust and lithosphere
Leonard, Thomas ; Papasouliotis, Orestis ; Main, Ian G. 2001
A Poisson model for identifying characteristic size effects in frequency
data: Application to frequency-size distributions for global earthquakes,
"starquakes", and fault lengths
p. 13,473
keywords: 3230 Mathematical geophysics (new field); Numerical solutions
7223 Seismology; Seismic hazard assessment and prediction 7230 Seismicity
and seismotectonics 8010 Structural geology (new field, replaces single
entry 8165); Fractures and faults
Sugioka, Hiroko ; Fukao, Yoshio ; Okamoto, Taro ; Kanjo, Kenji 2001
Detection of shallowest submarine seismicity by acoustic coupled shear waves
p. 13,485
keywords: 4259 Oceanography: general; Ocean acoustics 7230 Seismology;
Seismicity and seismotectonics
Vlahovic, Gordana ; Powell, Christine A. 2001
Three-dimensional S wave velocity structure and VpVs ratios in the New
Madrid Seismic Zone
p. 13,501
keywords: 7205 Seismology; Continental crust (1242) 7230 Seismicity and
seismotectonics 8180 Tectonophysics; Tomography
Bachrach, Ran ; Nur, Amos ; Agnon, Amotz 2001
Liquefaction and dynamic poroelasticity in soft sediments
p. 13,515
keywords: 7209 Seismology; Earthquake dynamics and mechanics 7212
Earthquake ground motions and engineering 5102 Physical properties of
rocks; Acoustic properties
Bolton, Harold ; Masters, Guy 2001
Travel times of P and S from the global digital seismic networks:
Implications for the relative variation of P and S velocity in the mantle
p. 13,527
keywords: 7203 Seismology; Body wave propagation 7207 Core and mantle
Brocher, Thomas M. ; Parsons, Tom ; Blakely, Richard J. ; Christensen,
Nikolas I. ; Fisher, Michael A. ; Wells, Ray E. ; SHIPS Working Group 2001
Upper crustal structure in Puget Lowland, Washington: Results from the 1998
Seismic Hazards Investigation in Puget Sound
p. 13,541
keywords: 7205 Seismology;Continental crust (1242) 7223 Seismic hazard
assessment and prediction 8105 Tectonophysics; Continental margins and
sedimentary basins 8180 Tomography
Almendros, Javier ; Chouet, Bernard ; Dawson, Phillip 2001
Spatial extent of a hydrothermal system at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii,
determined from array analyses of shallow long-period seismicity, 1, Method
p. 13,565
keywords: 3210 Mathematical geophysics (new field); Modeling 7280
Seismology; Volcano seismology (8419) 7294 Instruments and techniques
Almendros, Javier ; Chouet, Bernard ; Dawson, Phillip 2001
Spatial extent of a hydrothermal system at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii,
determined from array analyses of shallow long-period seismicity, 2,
p. 13,581
keywords: 7280 Seismology; Volcano seismology (8419) 8424 Volcanology;
Hydrothermal systems (8135)
Lewis, Jennifer L. ; Day, Steven M. ; Magistrale, Harold ; Castro, Raul R.
; Astiz, Luciana ; Rebollar, Cecilio ; Eakins, Jennifer ; Vernon, Frank L.
; Brune, James N. 2001
Crustal thickness of the Peninsular Ranges and Gulf Extensional Province in
the Californias
p. 13,599
keywords: 7205 Seismology;Continental crust (1242) 8105 Tectonophysics;
Continental margins and sedimentary basins
Manighetti, I. ; Tapponnier, P. ; Courtillot, V. ; Gallet, Y. ; Jacques, E.
; Gillot, P.-Y. 2001
Strain transfer between disconnected, propagating rifts in Afar
p. 13,613
keywords: 1525 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Paleomagnetism applied to
tectonics (regional, global) 8010 Structural geology (new field, replaces
single entry 8165); Fractures and faults 8107 Tectonophysics;Continental
neotectonics 8109 Continental tectonics--extensional (0905)
Manighetti, I. ; King, G. C. P. ; Gaudemer, Y. ; Scholz, C. H. ; Doubre, C.2001
Slip accumulation and lateral propagation of active normal faults in Afar
p. 13,667
keywords: 8010 Structural geology (new field, replaces single entry 8165);
Fractures and faults 8020 Mechanics 8109 Tectonophysics; Continental
tectonics--extensional (0905) 8123 Dynamics, seismotectonics
Hallet, B. ; Molnar, P. 2001
Distorted drainage basins as markers of crustal strain east of the Himalaya
p. 13,697
keywords: 1824 Hydrology; Geomorphology (1625) 1848 Networks 8102
Tectonophysics;Continental contractional orogenic belts 9320 Information
related to geographic region; Asia
Rothacher, M. ; Beutler, G. ; Weber, R. ; Hefty, J. 2001
High-frequency variations in Earth rotation from Global Positioning System data
p. 13,711
keywords: 1210 Geodesy and gravity; Diurnal and subdiurnal rotational
variations 1255 Tides--Ocean (4560)
Mattson, Ann ; Bruhn, Ronald L. 2001
Fault slip rates and initiation age based on diffusion equation modeling:
Wasatch Fault Zone and eastern Great Basin
p. 13,739
keywords: 3210 Mathematical geophysics (new field); Modeling 7221
Seismology; Paleoseismology 8107 Tectonophysics; Continental neotectonics
8194 Instruments and techniques
Fournier, Marc ; Fabbri, Olivier ; Angelier, Jacques ; Cadet, Jean-Paul 2001
Regional seismicity and on-land deformation in the Ryukyu arc: Implications
for the kinematics of opening of the Okinawa Trough
p. 13,751
keywords: 8109 Tectonophysics;Continental tectonics--extensional (0905)
8158 Plate motions--present and recent (3040) 8164 Stresses--crust and
Wicks, Charles W. ; Thatcher, Wayne ; Monastero, Francis C. ; Hasting,
Michael A. 2001
Steady state deformation of the Coso Range, east central California,
inferred from satellite radar interferometry
p. 13,769
keywords: 1200 Geodesy and gravity 1208 Crustal movements--intraplate
(8110) 1243 Space geodetic surveys 8015 Structural geology (new field,
replaces single entry 8165); Local crustal structure
Zenzri, Hatem ; Keer, Leon M. 2001
Mechanical analyses of the emplacement of laccoliths and lopoliths
p. 13,781
keywords: 8010 Structural geology (new field, replaces single entry
8165);Fractures and faults 8434 Volcanology; Magma migration
Normark, William R. ; Serra, Francesca 2001
Vertical tectonics in northern Escanaba Trough as recorded by thick late
Quaternary turbidites
p. 13,793
keywords: 3022 Marine geology and geophysics; Marine sediments--processes
and transport 3035 Midocean ridge processes 8150 Tectonophysics; Plate
boundary--general (3040)
Hreinsdöttir, Sigrún ; Einarsson, Páll ; Sigmundsson, Freysteinn 2001
Crustal deformation at the oblique spreading Reykjanes Peninsula, SW
Iceland: GPS measurements from 1993 to 1998
p. 13,803
keywords: 1206 Geodesy and gravity; Crustal movements--interplate (8155)