Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 2001, V 106, N 6, June.
Chian, D. ; Reid, I. D. ; Jackson, H. R. 2001
Crustal structure beneath Orphan Basin and implications for nonvolcanic
continental rifting
p. 10,923
keywords: 3025 Marine geology and geophysics; Marine seismics (0935) 8105
Tectonophysics; Continental margins and sedimentary basins
Pouliquen, Gaud ; Gallet, Yves ; Patriat, Philippe ; Dyment, Jérôme ;
Tamura, Chiori 2001
A geomagnetic record over the last 3.5 million years from deep-tow magnetic
anomaly profiles across the Central Indian Ridge
p. 10,941
keywords: 1512 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Environmental magnetism
1513 Geomagnetic excursions 1517 Magnetic anomaly modeling
Van Avendonk, H. J. A. ; Harding, A. J. ; Orcutt, J. A. ; McClain, J. S. 2001
Contrast in crustal structure across the Clipperton transform fault from
travel time tomography
p. 10,961
keywords: 3025 Marine geology and geophysics; Marine seismics (0935) 3035
Midocean ridge processes 8150 Tectonophysics; Plate boundary--general(3040)
Cherkaoui, Abdellah S. M. ; Wilcock, William S. D. 2001
Laboratory studies of high Rayleigh number circulation in an open-top
Hele-Shaw cell: An analog to mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal systems
p. 10,983
keywords: 3035 Marine geology and geophysics; Midocean ridge processes 3210
Mathematical geophysics (new field); Modeling 3230 Numerical solutions 8135
Tectonophysics; Hydrothermal systems (8424)
Dong, Zhibao ; Wang, Xunming ; Zhao, Aiguo ; Liu, Lianyou ; Liu, Xianwan 2001
Aerodynamic roughness of fixed sandy beds
p. 11,001
keywords: 3307 Meteorology and atmospheric dynamics; Boundary layer
processes 5421 Planetology: solid surface planets; Interactions with
particles and fields 5445 Meteorology (3346) 5764 Planetology: fluid
planets; Surfaces
Valet, Jean-Pierre ; Meynadier, Laure 2001
Comment on "A relative geomagnetic paleointensity stack from Ontong-Java
plateau sediments for the Matuyama" by Yvo S. Kok and Lisa Tauxe
p. 11,013
keywords: 1521 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Paleointensity 1533
Remagnetization 1540 Rock and mineral magnetism
Goldsby, D. L. ; Kohlstedt, D. L. 2001
Superplastic deformation of ice: Experimental observations
p. 11,017
keywords: 1827 Hydrology; Glaciology (1863) 3902 Mineral physics; Creep and
deformation 5120 Physical properties of rocks; Plasticity, diffusion, and creep
Durham, William B. ; Stern, Laura A. ; Kirby, Stephen H. 2001
Rheology of ice I at low stress and elevated confining pressure
p. 11,031
keywords: 3902 Mineral physics; Creep and deformation 5120 Physical
properties of rocks; Plasticity, diffusion, and creep 6218 Planetology:
Solar system objects (New field); Jovian satellites 8160 Tectonophysics;
Papale, Paolo 2001
Dynamics of magma flow in volcanic conduits with variable fragmentation
efficiency and nonequilibrium pumice degassing
p. 11,043
keywords: 3210 Mathematical geophysics (new field); Modeling 8414
Volcanology; Eruption mechanisms 8434 Magma migration
Merlani, Antonio Luigi ; Natale, Giuseppe ; Salusti, Ettore 2001
Fracturing processes due to temperature and pressure nonlinear waves
propagating in fluid-saturated porous rocks
p. 11,067
keywords: 3220 Mathematical geophysics (new field); Nonlinear dynamics 5104
Physical properties of rocks; Fracture and flow 8424 Volcanology;
Hydrothermal systems (8135)
Kawahata, H. ; Nohara, M. ; Ishizuka, H. ; Hasebe, S. ; Chiba, H. 2001
Sr isotope geochemistry and hydrothermal alteration of the Oman ophiolite
p. 11,083
keywords: 1020 Geochemistry (new field, replaces rock chemistry);
Composition of the crust 3035 Marine geology and geophysics; Midocean ridge
processes 3660 Mineralogy and petrology (replaces mineralogy, petrology,
and rock chemistry); Metamorphic petrology 4832 Oceanography: biological
and chemical; Hydrothermal systems
Muller, Jordan R. ; Ito, Garrett ; Martel, Stephen J. 2001
Effects of volcano loading on dike propagation in an elastic half-space
p. 11,101
keywords: 8164 Tectonophysics; Stresses--crust and lithosphere 8414
Volcanology; Eruption mechanisms 8434 Magma migration
Lu, Chunsheng ; Vere-Jones, David 2001
Statistical analysis of synthetic earthquake catalogs generated by models
with various levels of fault zone disorder
p. 11,115
keywords: 3210 Mathematical geophysics (new field); Modeling 7209
Seismology; Earthquake dynamics and mechanics 7223 Seismic hazard
assessment and prediction 7230 Seismicity and seismotectonics
P\'{e}rez-Campos, Xyoli ; Beroza, Gregory C. 2001
An apparent mechanism dependence of radiated seismic energy
p. 11,127
keywords: 7209 Seismology; Earthquake dynamics and mechanics 7212
Earthquake ground motions and engineering 7215 Earthquake parameters
Houston, Heidi 2001
Influence of depth, focal mechanism, and tectonic setting on the shape and
duration of earthquake source time functions
p. 11,137
keywords: 7209 Seismology; Earthquake dynamics and mechanics 7215
Earthquake parameters 7230 Seismicity and seismotectonics
Haberland, Christian ; Rietbrock, Andreas 2001
Attenuation tomography in the western central Andes: A detailed insight
into the structure of a magmatic arc
p. 11,151
keywords: 7200 Seismology 7203 Body wave propagation 7207 Core and mantle
7218 Lithosphere and upper mantle
Ward, Steven N. 2001
Landslide tsunami
p. 11,201
keywords: 4255 Oceanography: general; Numerical modeling 4560 Oceanography:
physical; Surface waves and tides (1255) 4564 Tsunamis and storm surges
Cervelli, P. ; Murray, M. H. ; Segall, P. ; Aoki, Y. ; Kato, T. 2001
Estimating source parameters from deformation data, with an application to
the March 1997 earthquake swarm off the Izu Peninsula, Japan
p. 11,217
keywords: 1242 Geodesy and gravity; Seismic deformations (7205) 3210
Mathematical geophysics (new field); Modeling 3260 Inverse theory 7215
Seismology; Earthquake parameters
Nocquet, J.-M. ; Calais, E. ; Altamimi, Z. ; Sillard, P. ; Boucher, C. 2001
Intraplate deformation in western Europe deduced from an analysis of the
International Terrestrial Reference Frame 1997 (ITRF97) velocity field
p. 11,239
keywords: 0905 Exploration geophysics; Continental structures (8109, 8110)
1229 Geodesy and gravity; Reference systems 8107 Tectonophysics;
Continental neotectonics 8110 Continental tectonics--general (0905)
Cohen, Steven C. ; Freymueller, Jeffrey T. 2001
Crustal upllift in the south central Alaska subduction zone: New analysis
and interpretation of tide gauge observations
p. 11,259
keywords: 1206 Geodesy and gravity; Crustal movements--interplate (8155)
8123 Tectonophysics; Dynamics, seismotectonics 8150 Plate boundary--general
Huismans, Ritske S. ; Podladchikov, Yuri Y. ; Cloetingh, Sierd 2001
Transition from passive to active rifting: Relative importance of
asthenospheric doming and passive extension of the lithosphere
p. 11,271
keywords: 3040 Marine geology and geophysics; Plate tectonics (8150, 8155,
8157, 8158) 8105 Tectonophysics; Continental margins and sedimentary basins
8109 Continental tectonics--extensional (0905) 8120 Dynamics of lithosphere
and mantle--general
Stevens, N. F. ; Wadge, G. ; Williams, C. A. ; Morley, J. G. ; Muller,
J.-P. ; Murray, J. B. ; Upton, M. 2001
Surface movements of emplaced lava flows measured by synthetic aperture
radar interferometry
p. 11,293
keywords: 1299 Geodesy and gravity; General or miscellaneous 5120 Physical
properties of rocks; Plasticity, diffusion, and creep 8429 Volcanology;
Lava rheology and morphology 8499 General or miscellaneous
Johnson, Thomas J. ; Wilson, Clark R. ; Chao, Benjamin F. 2001
Nontidal oceanic contributions to gravitational field changes: Predictions
of the Parallel Ocean Climate Model
p. 11,315
keywords: 1200 Geodesy and gravity 1223 Ocean/Earth/atmosphere interactions
(3339) 1234 Regional and global gravity anomalies and Earth structure 1241
Satellite orbits
Lythe, Matthew B. ; Vaughan, David G. ; BEDMAP Consortium 2001
BEDMAP: A new ice thickness and subglacial topographic model of Antarctica
p. 11,335
keywords: 1827 Hydrology; Glaciology (1863) 3000 Marine geology and
geophysics 3040 Plate tectonics (8150, 8155, 8157, 8158) 9310 Information
related to geographic region; Antarctica
Chambon, Guillaume ; Rudnicki, John W. 2001
Effects of normal stress variations on frictional stability of a
fluid-infiltrated fault
p. 11,353
keywords: 5114 Physical properties of rocks; Permeability and porosity 7209
Seismology; Earthquake dynamics and mechanics 8010 Structural geology (new
field, replaces single entry 8165); Fractures and faults 8045 Role of
Provost, Ann-Sophie ; Houston, Heidi 2001
Orientation of the stress field surrounding the creeping section of the San
Andreas Fault: Evidence for a narrow mechanically weak fault zone
p. 11,373
keywords: 8164 Tectonophysics; Stresses--crust and lithosphere 8168
Stresses--general 8194 Instruments and techniques
Escapa, Alberto ; Getino, Juan ; Ferrándiz, José M. 2001
Canonical approach to the free nutations of a three-layer Earth model
p. 11,387
keywords: 5450 Planetology: solid surface planets; Orbital and rotational
dynamics 7504 Solar physics, astrophysics, and astronomy; Celestial