Journal of Geophysical Research- Solid Earth, 2000, V 105, N 6, June.

Stacey, F. D. 
Kelvin's age of the Earth paradox revisited
p. 13,155 
keywords: 1739 History of geophysics; Solar/planetary relationships 1799
General or miscellaneous 5418 Planetology: solid surface planets; Heat flow
9699 Information related to geologic time; General or miscellaneous

Mazzotti, S. ; Le Pichon, X. ; Henry, P. ; Miyazaki, S.-I. 
Full interseismic locking of the Nankai and Japan-west Kurile subduction
zones: An analysis of uniform elastic strain accumulation in Japan
constrained by permanent GPS
p. 13,159 
keywords: 1206 Geodesy and gravity; Crustal movements--interplate (8155)
1242 Seismic deformations (7205) 8164 Tectonophysics; Stresses--crust and

Johnston, P. J. ; Lambeck, K. 
Automatic inference of ice models from postglacial sea level observations:
Theory and application to the British Isles
p. 13,179
keywords: 1236 Geodesy and gravity; Rheology of the lithosphere and mantle
(8160) 1827 Hydrology; Glaciology (1863) 3260 Mathematical geophysics (new
field); Inverse theory

Kenner, S. J. ; Segall, P. 
Postseismic deformation following the 1906 San Francisco earthquake
p. 13,195 
keywords: 1206 Geodesy and gravity; Crustal movements--interplate (8155)
1242 Seismic deformations (7205) 7205 Seismology; Continental crust (1242)
7209 Earthquake dynamics and mechanics

Wang, H. 
Surface vertical displacements and level plane changes in the front
reservoir area caused by filling the Three Gorges Reservoir
p. 13,211 
keywords: 8199 Tectonophysics; General or miscellaneous

Brown, C. D. ; Phillips, R. J. 
Crust--mantle decoupling by flexure of continental lithosphere
p. 13,221 
keywords: 8102 Tectonophysics; Continental contractional orogenic belts
8120 Dynamics of lithosphere and mantle--general 8159 Rheology--crust and
lithosphere 8164 Stresses--crust and lithosphere

Lyons, S. N. ; Sandwell, D. T. ; Smith, W. H. F. 
Three-dimensional estimation of elastic thickness under the 
Louisville Ridge
p. 13,239 
keywords: 1219 Geodesy and gravity; Local gravity anomalies and crustal
structure 3010 Marine geology and geophysics; Gravity 3040 Plate tectonics
(8150, 8155, 8157, 8158) 8122 Tectonophysics; Dynamics, gravity and

Bernard, M. ; Shen-Tu, B. ; Holt, W. E. ; Davis, D. M. 
Kinematics of active deformation in the Sulaiman Lobe and Range, Pakistan
p. 13,253 
keywords: 7215 Seismology; Earthquake parameters 7230 Seismicity and
seismotectonics 8102 Tectonophysics; Continental contractional orogenic
belts 8107 Continental neotectonics

Brooks, B. A. ; Sandvol, E. ; Ross, A. 
Fold style inversion: Placing probabilistic constraints on the predicted
shaped of blind thrust faults
p. 13,281
keywords: 0935 Exploration geophysics; Seismic methods (3025) 7223
Seismology; Seismic hazard assessment and prediction 8005 Structural
geology (new field, replaces single entry 8165); Folds and folding

Ratschbacher, L. ; Hacker, B. R. ; Webb, L. E. ; McWilliams, M. ; Ireland,
T. ; Dong, S. ; Calvert, A. ; Chateigner, D. ; Wenk, H.-R. 
Exhumation of the ultrahigh-pressure continental crust in east central
China: Cretaceous and Cenozoic unroofing and the Tan-Lu fault
p. 13,303 
keywords: 8010 Structural geology (new field, replaces single entry 8165);
Fractures and faults 8109 Tectonophysics; Continental
tectonics--extensional (0905) 8110 Continental tectonics--general (0905)
9320 Information related to geographic region; Asia

Hacker, B. R. ; Ratschbacher, L. ; Webb, L. ; McWilliams, M. O. ; Ireland,
T. ; Calvert, A. ; Dong, S. ; Wenk, H.-R. ; Chateigner, D. 
Exhumation of ultrahigh-pressure continental crust in east central China:
Late Triassic--Early Jurassic tectonic unroofing
p. 13,339 
keywords: 3660 Mineralogy and petrology (replaces mineralogy, petrology,
and rock chemistry); Metamorphic petrology 8000 Structural geology (new
field, replaces single entry 8165); 8100 Tectonophysics; 8102 Continental
contractional orogenic belts

Devaux, J. P. ; Fleitout, L. ; Schubert, G. ; Anderson, C. 
Stresses in a subducting slab in the presence of a 
metastable olivine wedge
p. 13,365 
keywords: 8120 Tectonophysics; Dynamics of lithosphere and 
mantle--general 8124 Earth's interior--composition and state 
(old 8105)

Keen, C. E. ; Boutilier, R. R. 
Interaction of rifting and hot horizontal plume sheets 
at volcanic margins
p. 13,375 
keywords: 3210 Mathematical geophysics (new field); Modeling 8105
Tectonophysics; Continental margins and sedimentary basins 8120 Dynamics of
lithosphere and mantle--general 8121 Dynamics, convection currents and
mantle plumes

Cattin, R. ; Avouac, J. P. 
Modeling mountain building and the seismic cycle in the 
Himalaya of Nepal
p. 13,389 
keywords: 1242 Geodesy and gravity; Seismic deformations (7205) 8123
Tectonophysics; Dynamics, seismotectonics 8159 Rheology--crust and
lithosphere 9320 Information related to geographic region; Asia

Clarke, T. S. ; Liu, C. ; Lord, N. E. ; Bentley, C. R. 
Evidence for a recently abandoned shear margin adjacent to ice stream B2,
Antarctica, from ice-penetrating radar measurements
p. 13,409 
keywords: 5416 Planetology: solid surface planets; Glaciation

Davis, E. E. ; Wang, K. ; Becker, K. ; Thomson, R. E. 
Formation-scale hydraulic and mechanical properties of oceanic crust
inferred from pore pressure response to periodic seafloor loading
p. 13,423 
keywords: 5104 Physical properties of rocks; Fracture and flow 5139
Transport properties 8135 Tectonophysics; Hydrothermal systems 
(8424) 8194 Instruments and techniques

Wheat, C. G. ; Elderfield, H. ; Mottl, M. J. ; Monnin, C. 
Chemical composition of basement fluids within an oceanic ridge flank:
Implications for along-strike and across-strike hydrothermal circulation
p. 13,437 
keywords: 1045 Geochemistry (new field, replaces rock chemistry);
Low-temperature geochemistry 3015 Marine geology and geophysics; Heat flow
(benthic) and hydrothermal processes 3035 Midocean ridge processes 4825
Oceanography: biological and chemical; Geochemistry

Pribnow, D. F. C. ; Davis, E. E. ; Fisher, A. T. 
Borehole heat flow along the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge,
including effects of anisotropy and temperature dependence of sediment
thermal conductivity
p. 13,449 
keywords: 3015 Marine geology and geophysics; Heat flow (benthic) and
hydrothermal processes 3035 Midocean ridge processes 3094 Instruments and
techniques 5134 Physical properties of rocks; Thermal properties

Massell, C. ; Coffin, M. F. ; Mann, P. ; Mosher, S. ; Frohlich, C. ;
Duncan, C. S. ; Karner, G. ; Ramsay, D. ; Lebrun, J.-F. 
Neotectonics of the Macquarie Ridge Complex, Australia-Pacific plate
p. 13,457 
keywords: 3035 Marine geology and geophysics; Midocean ridge processes 3040
Plate tectonics (8150, 8155, 8157, 8158) 3045 Seafloor morphology and
bottom photography 8158 Tectonophysics; Plate motions--present and recent

Billen, M. I. ; Stock, J. 
Morphology and origin of the Osbourn Trough
p. 13,481 
keywords: 3000 Marine geology and geophysics; 3040 Plate tectonics (8150,
8155, 8157, 8158) 8157 Tectonophysics; Plate motions--past (3040)

Murray, T. ; Stuart, G. W. ; Miller, P. J. ; Woodward, J. ; Smith, A. M. ;
Porter, P. R. ; Jiskoot, H. 
Glacier surge propagation by thermal evolution at the bed
p. 13,491
keywords: 1827 Hydrology; Glaciology (1863) 1863 Snow and ice (1827) 9315
Information related to geographic region; Arctic region

Bachtadse, V. ; Pavlov, V. E. ; Kazansky, A. Y. ; Tait, J. A. 
Siluro-Devonian paleomagnetic results from the Tuva Terrane (southern
Siberia, Russia): implications for the paleogeography of Siberia
p. 13,509 
keywords: 1500 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; 1525 Paleomagnetism 
applied to tectonics (regional, global)

Itoh, Y. ; Amano, K. ; Danhara, T. 2000
Paleomagnetism, rock magnetism, and fission track dating of the Kurihashi
Granodiorite in northeast Japan: Evidence for a Cretaceous hydrothermal
event and differential rotation along the eastern Eurasian margin
p. 13,519 
keywords: 1525 Geomagnetism and paleomagnetism; Paleomagnetism applied to
tectonics (regional, global) 1533 Remagnetization 9320 Information related
to geographic region; Asia 9609 Information related to geologic time;

Beck, M. E., Jr. 
Correction to "Jurassic and cretaceous apparent polar wander relative to
South America: Some tectonic implications"
p. 13,533 
keywords: 9900 Corrections

McDonnell, R. D. ; Peach, C. J. ; van Roermund, H. L. M. ; Spiers, C. J.
Effect of varying enstatite content on the deformation behavior of
fine-grained synthetic peridotite under wet conditions
p. 13,535 
keywords: 3902 Mineral physics; Creep and deformation 5120 Physical
properties of rocks; Plasticity, diffusion, and creep 8045 Structural
geology (new field, replaces single entry 8165); Role of fluids 8162
Tectonophysics; Rheology--mantle

Holzheid, A. ; Schmitz, M. D. ; Grove, T. L. 
Textural equilibria of iron sulfide liquids in partly molten silicate
aggregates and their relevance to core formation scenarios
p. 13,555 
keywords: 3630 Mineralogy and petrology (replaces mineralogy, petrology,
and rock chemistry); Experimental mineralogy and petrology 5114 Physical
properties of rocks; Permeability and porosity 5139 Transport properties

Italiano, F. ; Martelli, M. ; Martinelli, G. ; Nuccio, P. M. 
Geochemical evidence of melt intrusions along lithospheric faults of the
Southern Apennines, Italy: Geodynamic and seismogenic implications
p. 13,569 
keywords: 0905 Exploration geophysics; Continental structures (8109, 8110)
1040 Geochemistry (new field, replaces rock chemistry); Isotopic
composition/chemistry 5475 Planetology: solid surface planets; Tectonics
(8149) 8045 Structural geology (new field, replaces single entry 8165);
Role of fluids

Zhao, D. ; Ochi, F. ; Hasegawa, A. ; Yamamoto, A. 
Evidence for the location and cause of large crustal earthquakes in Japan
p. 13,579 
keywords: 7209 Seismology; Earthquake dynamics and mechanics 7223 Seismic
hazard assessment and prediction 7230 Seismicity and seismotectonics 8123
Tectonophysics; Dynamics, seismotectonics

Prioul, R. ; Cornet, F. H. ; Dorbath, C. ; Dorbath, L. ; Ogena, M. ; 
Ramos, E. 
An induced seismicity experiment across a creeping segment of the
Philippine Fault
p. 13,595 
keywords: 7205 Seismology; Continental crust (1242) 7230 Seismicity and
seismotectonics 8135 Tectonophysics; Hydrothermal systems (8424) 8180

Belardinelli, M. E. ; Bonafede, M. ; Gudmundsson, A. 
Secondary earthquake fractures generated by a strike-slip fault in the
South Iceland Seismic Zone
p. 13,613 
keywords: 7200 Seismology; 7230 Seismicity and seismotectonics 8010
Structural geology (new field, replaces single entry 8165); Fractures and
faults 8015 Local crustal structure

Ziv, A. ; Rubin, A. M. 
Static stress transfer and earthquake triggering: No lower thereshold in
p. 13,631 
keywords: 7200 Seismology; 7209 Earthquake dynamics and mechanics 7230
Seismicity and seismotectonics 8123 Tectonophysics; Dynamics,

Oglesby, D. D. ; Archuleta, R. J. ; Nielsen, S. B. 
Dynamics of dip-slip faulting: Explorations in two dimensions
p. 13,643 
keywords: 7209 Seismology; Earthquake dynamics and mechanics 7223 Seismic
hazard assessment and prediction 7260 Theory and modeling

Hedlin, M. A. H. ; Shearer, P. M. 
An analysis of large-scale variations in small-scale mantle heterogeneity
using Global Seismographic Network recordings of precursors to
p. 13,655 
keywords: 7200 Seismology; 7203 Body wave propagation 7207 Core and mantle
7260 Theory and modeling

Boschi, L. ; Dziewonski, A. M. 
Whole Earth tomography from delay times of $\textit{P}$, $ \textit{PcP}$,
and $\textit{PKP}$ phases: Lateral heterogeneities in the outer core or
radial anisotropy in the mantle?
p. 13,675 
keywords: 3260 Mathematical geophysics (new field); Inverse theory 7200
Seismology; 7207 Core and mantle 8180 Tectonophysics; Tomography

Clitheroe, G. ; Gudmundsson, O. ; Kennett, B. L. N. 
The crustal thickness of Australia
p. 13,697 
keywords: 1242 Geodesy and gravity; Seismic deformations (7205) 7200
Seismology; 7203 Body wave propagation 7205 Continental crust (1242)

Savage, M. K. ; Sheehan, A. F. 
Seismic anisotropy and mantle flow from the Great Basin to the Great
Plains, western United States
p. 13,715 
keywords: 7203 Seismology; Body wave propagation 7218 Lithosphere and upper
mantle 8120 Tectonophysics; Dynamics of lithosphere and mantle--general
8121 Dynamics, convection currents and mantle plumes

Rondenay, S. ; Bostock, M. G. ; Hearn, T. M. ; White, D. J. ; Ellis, 
R. M.
Lithospheric assembly and modification of the SE Canadian Shield:
Abitibi-Grenville teleseismic experiment
p. 13,735 
keywords: 7200 Seismology; 7218 Lithosphere and upper mantle 8110
Tectonophysics; Continental tectonics--general (0905)

Carbonell, R. ; Gallart, J. ; P\'{e}rez-Esta\'{u}n, A. ; Diaz, J. ;
Kashubin, S. ; Mechie, J. ; Wenzel, F. ; Knapp, J. 
Seismic wide-angle constraints on the crust of the southern Urals
p. 13,755 
keywords: 0905 Exploration geophysics; Continental structures (8109, 8110)
7205 Seismology; Continental crust (1242) 8109 Tectonophysics; Continental
tectonics--extensional (0905) 8110 Continental tectonics--general (0905)

Simiyu, S. M. 
Geothermal reservoir characterization: Application of microseismicity and
seismic wave properties at Olkaria, Kenya rift
p. 13,779 
keywords: 8135 Tectonophysics; Hydrothermal systems (8424)

Tudhope, A. W. ; Buddemeier, R. W. ; Chilcott, C. P. ; Berryman, K. R. ;
Fautin, D. G. ; Jebb, M. ; Lipps, J. H. ; Pearce, R. G. ; Scoffin, T. P. ;
Shimmield, G. B 
Alternating seismic uplift and subsidence in the late Holocene at Madang,
Papua New Guinea: Evidence from raised reefs
p. 13,797 
keywords: 7221 Seismology; Paleoseismology 7223 Seismic hazard assessment
and prediction 7230 Seismicity and seismotectonics 9355 Information related
to geographic region; Pacific Ocean

Meghraoui, M. ; Camelbeeck, T. ; Vanneste, K. ; Brondeel, M. ; 
Jongmans, D.
Active faulting and paleoseismology along the Bree fault, lower Rhine
graben, Belgium
p. 13,809 
keywords: 7215 Seismology; Earthquake parameters 7221 Paleoseismology 8107
Tectonophysics; Continental neotectonics

Khazanehdari, J. ; Rutter, E. H. ; Brodie, K. H. 
High-pressure--high-temperature seismic velocity structure of the
midcrustal and lower crustal rocks of the Ivrea-Verbano zone and Serie dei
Laghi, NW Italy
p. 13,843 
keywords: 0905 Exploration geophysics; Continental structures (8109, 8110)
5102 Physical properties of rocks; Acoustic properties 7205 Seismology;
Continental crust (1242) 8109 Tectonophysics; Continental
tectonics--extensional (0905)

Hole, J. A. ; Brocher, T. M. ; Klemperer, S. L. ; Parsons, T. ; Benz, 
H. M.; Furlong, K. P. 
Three-dimensional seismic velocity structure of the San Francisco Bay area
p. 13,859 
keywords: 7205 Seismology; Continental crust (1242) 7230 Seismicity and
seismotectonics 8150 Tectonophysics; Plate boundary--general (3040) 8180

Hauksson, E. 
Crustal structure and seismicity distribution adjacent to the Pacific and
North America plate boundary in southern California
p. 13,875 
keywords: 7205 Seismology; Continental crust (1242) 7230 Seismicity and
seismotectonics 8150 Tectonophysics; Plate boundary--general (3040) 8180

Ib\'{a}\~{n}ez, J. M. ; Del Pezzo, E. ; Almendros, J. ; La Rocca, M. ;
Alguacil, G. ; Ortiz, R. ; Garc\'{i}a, A. 
Seismovolcanic signals at Deception Island volcano, Antarctica: Wave field
analysis and source modeling
p. 13,905 
keywords: 7215 Seismology; Earthquake parameters 7230 Seismicity and
seismotectonics 7280 Volcano seismology (8419) 8494 Volcanology;
Instruments and techniques