The Juan de Fuca plate is a small oceanic
plate between the Pacific and North America plates. In
the southernmost region, referred to as the Gorda
deformation zone, the maximum compressive
constrained by earthquake focal mechanisms is N-S. Off
Oregon, and possibly off Washington, NW trending
left-lateral faults cutting the Juan de Fuca plate
indicate a
in a NE-SW to E-W direction. The magnitude of
differential stress increases from north to south; this
is inferred from the plastic yielding and distribution of
earthquakes throughout the Gorda deformation zone. To
understand how tectonic forces determine the stress field
of the Juan de Fuca plate, we have modeled the intraplate
stress using both elastic and elastic-perfectly plastic
plane-stress finite element models. We conclude that the
right-lateral shear motion of the Pacific and North
America plates is primarily responsible for the stress
pattern of the Juan de Fuca plate. The most important
roles are played by a compressional force normal to the
Mendocino transform fault, a result of the northward push
by the Pacific plate, and a horizontal resistance
operating against the northward, or margin-parallel,
component of oblique subduction. Margin-parallel
subduction resistance results in large N-S compression in
the Gorda deformation zone because the force is
integrated over the full length of the Cascadia
subduction zone. The Mendocino transform fault serves as
a strong buttress that is very weak in shear, but capable
of transmitting large strike-normal compressive stresses.
Internal failure of the Gorda deformation zone
potentially places limits on the magnitude of the
fault-normal stresses being transmitted, and
correspondingly on
the magnitude of strike-parallel subduction resistance.
Transform faults and oblique subduction zones in other
parts of the world can be expected to transmit and create
stresses in the same manner.
AGU Index Terms: 8164 Stresses-crust and lithosphere; Mineralogy, Petrology, and Rock Chemistry; 8150 Plate boundary-general; 7230 Seismicity and seismotectonics; 3040 Plate tectonics , , ,
Keywords/Free Terms: Stress, plate boundary forces, oblique subduction,
JGR-Solid Earth 96JB03114
Vol. 102
, No. B1
, p. 661