Observations and analysis of self-similar branching topology in glacier networks

D.B. Bahr, S.D. Peckham
CIRES, University of Colorado, Campus Box 216, Boulder, CO, 80309-0216


Glaciers, like rivers, have a branching structure which can be characterized by topological trees or networks. Probability distributions of various topological quantities in the networks are shown to satisfy the criterion for self-similarity, a symmetry structure which might be used to simplify future models of glacier dynamics. Two analytical methods of describing river networks, Shreve's random topology model and deterministic self-similar trees, are applied to the six glaciers of south central Alaska studied in this analysis. Self-similar trees capture the topological behavior observed for all of the glaciers, and most of the networks are also reasonably approximated by Shreve's theory.

AGU Index Terms: 1827 Glaciology; 1848 Networks; 1863 Snow and ice; 1869 Stochastic processes
Keywords/Free Terms: networks, topology.

JGR-Solid Earth 96JB02536
Vol. 101 , No. B11 , p. 25,511

© 1996 AGU