Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth , 2001, V 106, N 10, October.

Escartin, Javier ; Cannat, Mathilde ; Pouliquen, Gaud ; Rabain, Aline ; Lin, Jian 2001 
Crustal thickness of V-shaped ridges south of the Azores: Interaction of the 
Mid-Atlantic Ridge (36°-39°N) and the Azores hot spot 
p. 21,719  
keywords: 3010 Marine geology and geophysics; Gravity 3035 Midocean ridge 
processes 8120 Tectonophysics; Dynamics of lithosphere and mantle--general 8434 
Volcanology; Magma migration 

Banerjee, Neil R. ; Gillis, Kathryn M. 2001 
Hydrothermal alteration in a modern suprasubduction zone: The Tonga forearc 
p. 21,737  
keywords: 3000 Marine geology and geophysics 3015 Heat flow (benthic) and 
hydrothermal processes 3660 Mineralogy and petrology (replaces mineralogy, 
petrology, and rock chemistry); Metamorphic petrology 9355 Information related 
to geographic region; Pacific Ocean 

Christeson, Gail L. ; Nakamura, Yosio ; Buffler, Richard T. ; Morgan, Jo ; 
Warner, Mike 2001 
Deep crustal structure of the Chicxulub impact crater 
p. 21,751 
keywords: 3025 Marine geology and geophysics;Marine seismics (0935) 5420 
Planetology: solid surface planets; Impact phenomena (includes cratering) 

Karato, Shun-ichiro ; Karki, Bijaya B. 2001 
Origin of lateral variation of seismic wave velocities and density in the deep mantle 
p. 21,771  
keywords: 3909 Mineral physics; Elasticity and anelasticity 8124 Tectonophysics; 
Earth's interior--composition and state (old 8105) 8180 Tomography 

Kaminski, Edouard ; Jaupart, Claude 2001 
Marginal stability of atmospheric eruption columns and pyroclastic flow generation 
p. 21,785  
keywords: 3210 Mathematical geophysics (new field); Modeling 5480 Planetology: 
solid surface planets; Volcanism (8450) 8404 Volcanology; Ash deposits 8414 
Eruption mechanisms 

Uchida, Takeyuki ; Wang, Yanbin ; Rivers, Mark L. ; Sutton, Stephen R. 2001 
Stability field and thermal equation of state of -iron determined by synchrotron 
X-ray diffraction in a multianvil apparatus 
p. 21,799  
keywords: 3919 Mineral physics; Equations of state 3954 X ray, neutron, and 
electron spectroscopy and diffraction 3949 Thermal expansivity 8124 
Tectonophysics; Earth's interior--composition and state (old 8105) 

Ngwenya, Bryne T. ; Main, Ian G. ; Elphick, Stephen C. ; Crawford, Brian R. ; 
Smart, Brian G. D. 2001 
A constitutive law for low-temperature creep of water-saturated sandstones
p. 21,811 
keywords: 5104 Physical properties of rocks; Fracture and flow 5112 
Microstructure 5120 Plasticity, diffusion, and creep 

Oncel, Ali Osman ; Wilson, Thomas H. ; Nishizawa, Osamu 2001 
Size scaling relationships in the active fault networks of Japan and their 
correlation with Gutenberg-Richter b values 
p. 21,827 
keywords: 1242 Geodesy and gravity; Seismic deformations (7205) 1645 Global 
Change; Solid Earth 1734 History of geophysics; Seismology 3250 Mathematical 
geophysics (new field); Fractals and multifractals 

Nakajima, Junichi ; Matsuzawa, Toru ; Hasegawa, Akira ; Zhao, Dapeng 2001 
Three-dimensional structure of Vp,Vs, and Vp/Vs beneath northeastern Japan: 
Implications for arc magmatism and fluids 
p. 21,843  
keywords: 7203 Seismology; Body wave propagation 7218 Lithosphere and upper 
mantle 7230 Seismicity and seismotectonics 8045 Structural geology (new field, 
replaces single entry 8165); Role of fluids 

Hardebeck, Jeanne L. ; Hauksson, Egill 2001 
Crustal stress field in southern California and its implications for fault 
p. 21,859 
keywords: 7209 Seismology; Earthquake dynamics and mechanics 7230 Seismicity and 
seismotectonics 8164 Tectonophysics; Stresses--crust and lithosphere 

Neves, F. A. ; Singh, S. C. ; Priestley, Keith 2001 
Velocity structure of the upper mantle discontinuities beneath North America 
from waveform inversion of broadband seismic data using a genetic algorithm 
p. 21,883  
keywords: 3260Mathematical geophysics (new field); Inverse theory 7218 
Seismology; Lithosphere and upper mantle 7260 Theory and modeling 

Nikolaidis, Rosanne M. ; Bock, Yehuda ; de Jonge, Paul J. ; Shearer, Peter ; 
Agnew, Duncan Carr ; Van Domselaar, Matthijs 2001 
Seismic wave observations with the Global Positioning System 
p. 21,897 
keywords: 1242 Geodesy and gravity; Seismic deformations (7205) 1294 Instruments 
and techniques 7212 Seismology; Earthquake ground motions and engineering 7294 
Instruments and techniques 

Schulte-Pelkum, Vera ; Masters, Guy ; Shearer, Peter M. 2001 
Upper mantle anisotropy from long-period P polarization 
p. 21,917  
keywords: 7203 Seismology;Body wave propagation 7218 Lithosphere and upper 
mantle 8120 Tectonophysics; Dynamics of lithosphere and mantle--general 

Dobrovolsky, I. P. 2001 
Comment on "Plausibility of long distance electrotelluric precursors to 
earthquakes" by P. Bernard 
p. 21,935 
keywords: 1734 History of geophysics; Seismology 

Winder, R. O. ; Peacock, Simon M. 2001 
Viscous forces acting on subducting lithosphere 
p. 21,937  
keywords: 1213 Geodesy and gravity; Earth's interior--dynamics (8115, 8120) 8120 
Tectonophysics; Dynamics of lithosphere and mantle--general 8162 Rheology-
mantle 8166 Stresses--deep-seated 

E. E. Davis, ; K. Wang, ; R. E. Thomson, ; K. Becker, ; J. F. Cassidy, 2001 
An episode of seafloor spreading and associated plate deformation inferred from 
crustal fluid pressure transients 
p. 21,953  
keywords: 7209 Seismology; Earthquake dynamics and mechanics 8010 Structural 
geology (new field, replaces single entry 8165); Fractures and faults 8030 
Microstructures 8045 Role of fluids 

Boullier, Anne-Marie ; Ohtani, Tomoyuki ; Fujimoto, Koichiro ; Ito, Hisao ; 
Dubois, Michel 2001 
Fluid inclusions in pseudotachylytes from the Nojima fault, Japan 
p. 21,965 
keywords: 7209 Seismology; Earthquake dynamics and mechanics 8010 Structural 
geology (new field, replaces single entry 8165); Fractures and faults 8030 
Microstructures 8045 Role of fluids 

Beltrami, Hugo 2001 
Surface heat flux histories from inversion of geothermal data: Energy balance at 
the Earth's surface 
p. 21,979  
keywords: 1620 Global Change; Climate dynamics (3309) 3260 Mathematical 
eophysics (new field); Inverse theory 3334 Meteorology and atmospheric dynamics; 
Middle atmosphere dynamics (0341, 0342) 

Savage, J. C. ; Gan, Weijun ; Svarc, J. L. 2001 
Strain accumulation and rotation in the Eastern California Shear Zone 
p. 21,995 
keywords: 1208 Geodesy and gravity; Crustal movements--intraplate (8110) 8110 
Tectonophysics; Continental tectonics--general (0905) 8150 Plate boundary-
general (3040) 

Armstrong, G. D. ; Watts, A. B. 2001 
Spatial variations in Te in the southern Appalachians, eastern United States 
p. 22,009 
keywords: 0905 Exploration geophysics; Continental structures (8109, 8110) 1234 
Geodesy and gravity; Regional and global gravity anomalies and Earth structure 
8102 Tectonophysics;Continental contractional orogenic belts 8110 Continental 
tectonics--general (0905) 

Lisker, Frank ; Fachmann, Stefan 2001 
Phanerozoic history of the Mahanadi region, India 
p. 22,027  
keywords: 8015 Structural geology (new field, replaces single entry 8165); Local 
crustal structure 8105 Tectonophysics; Continental margins and sedimentary 
basins 8109 Continental tectonics--extensional (0905) 9320 Information related 
to geographic region; Asia 

Chery, Jean ; Zoback, Mark D. ; Hassani, Riad 2001 
An integrated mechanical model of the San Andreas fault in central and northern 
p. 22,051 
keywords: 3210 Mathematical geophysics (new field); Modeling 8020 Structural 
geology (new field, replaces single entry 8165);Mechanics 8159 
Tectonophysics;Rheology--crust and lithosphere 8164 Stresses--crust and 