Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 2003, V 108, N 1.
Le Friant, Anne; Boudon, Georges; Deplus, Christine; Villemant, Benoi^t
Large-scale flank collapse events during the activity of Montagne Pele'e,
Martinique, Lesser Antilles
Pessel, Marc; Gibert, Dominique
Multiscale electrical impedance tomography
Arnaud, N.; Tapponnier, P.; Roger, F.; Brunel, M.; Scharer, U.; Wen,
Chen; Zhiqin, Xu
Evidence for Mesozoic shear along the western Kunlun and Altyn-Tagh fault,
northern Tibet (China)
Davis, P. M.
Azimuthal variation in seismic anisotropy of the southern California uppermost
Ziv, A.; Rubin, A. M.
Implications of rate-and-state friction for properties of aftershock sequence:
Quasi-static inherently discrete simulations
Wark, David A.; Williams, Charles A.; Watson, E. Bruce; Price, Jonathan D.
Reassessment of pore shapes in microstructurally equilibrated rocks, with
implications for permeability of the upper mantle
Gabet, Emmanuel J.
Sediment transport by dry ravel
Lebedev, Sergei; Nolet, Guust
Upper mantle beneath Southeast Asia from S velocity tomography
Lyons, Suzanne; Sandwell, David
Fault creep along the southern San Andreas from interferometric synthetic
aperture radar, permanent scatterers, and stacking
Helmstetter, Agne`s; Sornette, Didier; Grasso, Jean-Robert
Mainshocks are aftershocks of conditional foreshocks: How do foreshock
statistical properties emerge from aftershock laws
Lin, Jung-Fu; Campbell, Andrew J.; Heinz, Dion L.; Shen, Guoyin
Static compression of iron-silicon alloys: Implications for silicon in the
Earth's core
Amitrano, David
Brittle-ductile transition and associated seismicity: Experimental and numerical
studies and relationship with the b value
VanDecar, J. C.; Russo, R. M.; James, D. E.; Ambeh, W. B.; Franke, M.
Aseismic continuation of the Lesser Antilles slab beneath continental South
Uenishi, Koji; Rice, James R.
Universal nucleation length for slip-weakening rupture instability under
nonuniform fault loading
Morozov, Igor B.; Christensen, Nikolas I.; Smithson, Scott B.; Hollister,
Lincoln S.
Seismic and laboratory constraints on crustal formation in a former continental
arc (ACCRETE, southeastern Alaska and western British Columbia)
Okino, Kyoko; Fujioka, Kantaro
The Central Basin Spreading Center in the Philippine Sea: Structure of an
extinct spreading center and implications for marginal basin formation
Panero, Wendy R.; Benedetti, Laura Robin; Jeanloz, Raymond
Transport of water into the lower mantle: Role of stishovite
Robertson Maurice, Stacey D.; Wiens, Douglas A.; Koper, Keith D.; Vera, Emilio
Crustal and upper mantle structure of southernmost South America inferred from
regional waveform inversion
He, Changrong; Wong, Teng-fong; Beeler, Nick M.
Scaling of stress drop with recurrence interval and loading velocity for
laboratory-derived fault strength relations
Kjeldstad, A.; Skogseid, J.; Langtangen, H. P.; Bj?rlykke, K.; H?eg, K.
Differential loading by prograding sedimentary wedges on continental margins: An
arch-forming mechanism
Shearer, Peter M.; Hardebeck, Jeanne L.; Astiz, Luciana; Richards-Dinger, Keith B.
Analysis of similar event clusters in aftershocks of the 1994 Northridge,
California, earthquake
Davis, Earl E.; Wang, Kelin; Becker, Keir; Thomson, Richard E.; Yashayaev, Igor
Deep-ocean temperature variations and implications for errors in seafloor heat
flow determinations
Hyndman, R. D.; Mazzotti, S.; Weichert, D.; Rogers, G. C.
Frequency of large crustal earthquakes in Puget Sound-Southern Georgia Strait
predicted from geodetic and geological deformation rates
Arriagada, Ce'sar; Roperch, Pierrick; Mpodozis, Constantino; Dupont-Nivet,
Guillaume; Cobbold, Peter R.; Chauvin, Annick; Corte's, Joaquin
Paleogene clockwise tectonic rotations in the forearc of central Andes,
Antofagasta region, northern Chile
Baloga, S. M.; Glaze, L. S.
Pahoehoe transport as a correlated random walk
Hacker, Bradley R.; Peacock, Simon M.; Abers, Geoffrey A.; Holloway, Stephen D.
Subduction factory 2. Are intermediate-depth earthquakes in subducting slabs
linked to metamorphic dehydration reactions?
Hacker, Bradley R.; Abers, Geoffrey A.; Peacock, Simon M.
Subduction factory 1. Theoretical mineralogy, densities, seismic wave speeds,
and H2O contents
Hurwitz, Shaul; Goff, Fraser; Janik, Cathy J.; Evans, William C.; Counce, Dale
A.; Sorey, Michael L.; Ingebritsen, Steven E.
Mixing of magmatic volatiles with groundwater and interaction with basalt on the
summit of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
Golden, Charles E.; Webb, Spahr C.; Sohn, Robert A.
Hydrothermal microearthquake swarms beneath active vents at Middle Valley,
northern Juan de Fuca Ridge
Wang, Kelin; Wells, Ray; Mazzotti, Stephane; Hyndman, Roy D.; Sagiya, Takeshi
A revised dislocation model of interseismic deformation of the Cascadia
subduction zone
Savage, J. C.; Lachenbruch, A. H.
Consequences of viscous drag beneath a transform fault
Xu, Fei; Vidale, John E.; Earle, Paul S.
Survey of precursors to P?P?: Fine structure of mantle discontinuities
Schulmann, Karel; Thompson, Alan Bruce; Lexa, Ondrej; Jez(ek, Josef
Strain distribution and fabric development modeled in active and ancient
transpressive zones
Vasco, D. W.; Johnson, Lane R.; Marques, Osni
Resolution, uncertainty, and whole Earth tomography
Fukao, Yoshio; To, Akiko; Obayashi, Masayuki
Whole mantle P wave tomography using P and PP-P data
Nath, P. C.; Vaughan, D. G.
Subsurface crevasse formation in glaciers and ice sheets
Chouet, Bernard; Dawson, Phillip; Ohminato, Takao; Martini, Marcello;
Saccorotti, Gilberto; Giudicepietro, Flora; De Luca, Gaetano; Milana, Giuliano;
Scarpa, Roberto
Source mechanisms of explosions at Stromboli Volcano, Italy, determined from
moment-tensor inversions of very-long-period data
Abercrombie, Rachel E.; Antolik, Michael; Ekstro"m, Go"ran
The June 2000 Mw 7.9 earthquakes south of Sumatra: Deformation in the India-
Australia Plate
Pares, Josep M.; Van der Voo, Rob; Downs, Will R.; Yan, Maodu; Fang, Xiaomin
Northeastward growth and uplift of the Tibetan Plateau: Magnetostratigraphic
insights from the Guide Basin
Mah, Marko; Schmitt, Douglas R.
Determination of the complete elastic stiffnesses from ultrasonic phase velocity
Panero, Wendy R.; Benedetti, Laura Robin; Jeanloz, Raymond
Equation of state of stishovite and interpretation of SiO2 shock-compression
Leidig, Mark; Zandt, George
Modeling of highly anisotropic crust and application to the Altiplano-Puna
volcanic complex of the central Andes
Hainzl, Sebastian; Zo"ller, Gert; Scherbaum, Frank
Earthquake clusters resulting from delayed rupture propagation in finite fault
Kilb, Debi
A strong correlation between induced peak dynamic Coulomb stress change from the
1992 M7.3 Landers, California, earthquake and the hypocenter of the 1999 M7.1
Hector Mine, California, earthquake
Kenner, Shelley J.; Segall, Paul
Lower crustal structure in northern California: Implications from strain rate
variations following the 1906 San Francisco earthquake
Blewitt, Geoffrey; Lavalle'e, David
Correction to "Effect of annual signals on geodetic velocity" by Geoffrey
Blewitt and David Lavalle'e
Gutscher, Marc-Andre'; Peacock, Simon M.
Thermal models of flat subduction and the rupture zone of great subduction
Lague, Dimitri; Crave, Alain; Davy, Philippe
Laboratory experiments simulating the geomorphic response to tectonic uplift
Maclennan, J.; McKenzie, D.; Hilton, F.; Gronvo"ld, K.; Shimizu, N.
Geochemical variability in a single flow from northern Iceland
Jime'nez-Munt, I.; Sabadini, R.; Gardi, A.; Bianco, G.
Active deformation in the Mediterranean from Gibraltar to Anatolia inferred from
numerical modeling and geodetic and seismological data
Calvert, Andrew J.; Fisher, Michael A.; Johnson, Samuel Y.; McGinnis, D. F.
Along-strike variations in the shallow seismic velocity structure of the Seattle
fault zone: Evidence for fault segmentation beneath Puget Sound
Galli, Paolo; Bosi, Vittorio
Catastrophic 1638 earthquakes in Calabria (southern Italy): New insights from
paleoseismological investigation
Magro, Gabriella; Ruggieri, Giovanni; Gianelli, Giovanni; Bellani, Stefano;
Scandiffio, Giovanni
Helium isotopes in paleofluids and present-day fluids of the Larderello
geothermal field: Constraints on the heat source
Coogan, Laurence A.; Mitchell, Neil C.; O'Hara, Michael J.
Roof assimilation at fast spreading ridges: An investigation combining
geophysical, geochemical, and field evidence
Roselle, Gregory T.; Bowman, John R.; Forster, Craig B.
Development and stability of multiple groundwater flow systems near cooling