Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth, 2002, V 107, N 1, January 2002
Yoshino, Takashi; Mibe, Kenji; Yasuda, Atsushi; Fujii, Toshitsugu
Wetting properties of anorthite aggregates: Implications for fluid
connectivity in continental lower crust
Ghods, Abdolreza; Arkani-Hamed, Jafar
Effects of melt migration on the dynamics and melt generation of diapirs
ascending through asthenosphere
Hagstrum, Jonathan T.; Champion, Duane E.
A Holocene paleosecular variation record from 14C-dated volcanic
rocks in western North America
Leonhardt, R.; Matzka, J.; Hufenbecher, F.; Soffel, H. C.; Heider, F.
A reversal of the Earth's magnetic field recorded in mid-Miocene lava flows of
Gran Canaria: Paleodirections
Mikumo, Takeshi; Yagi, Yuji; Singh, Shri Krishna; Santoyo, Miguel A.
Coseismic and postseismic stress changes in a subducting plate: Possible stress
interactions between large interplate thrust and intraplate normal-faulting
Pan, Yucheng; Batiza, Rodey
Mid-ocean ridge magma chamber processes: Constraints from olivine zonation in
lavas from the East Pacific Rise at 9°30′N and 10°30′N
Hammer, Julia E.; Rutherford, Malcolm J.
An experimental study of the kinetics of decompression-induced crystallization
in silicic melt
Tregoning, Paul
Plate kinematics in the western Pacific derived from geodetic observations
Haschke, M.; Siebel, W.; Günther, A.; Scheuber, E.
Repeated crustal thickening and recycling during the Andean orogeny in north
Chile (21°–26°S)
Marzocchi, Warner
Remote seismic influence on large explosive eruptions
Wang, K.; Plank, T.; Walker, J. D.; Smith, E. I.
A mantle melting profile across the Basin and Range, SW USA
Solomatov, V. S.; Moresi, L.-N.
Small-scale convection in the D″ layer
Mok, U.; Bernabé, Y.; Evans, B.
Permeability, porosity and pore geometry of chemically altered porous silica glass
Thorsteinsson, Throstur
Fabric development with nearest-neighbor interaction and dynamic
King, Scott D.
Geoid and topography over subduction zones: The effect of phase transformations
Kawahara, Jun
Cutoff scattering angles for random acoustic media
Hirt, A. M.; Lanci, L.; Dobson, J.; Weidler, P.; Gehring, A. U.
Low-temperature magnetic properties of lepidocrocite
Petronis, Michael S.; Geissman, John W.; Holm, Daniel K.; Wernicke, Brian;
Schauble, Edwin
Assessing vertical axis rotations in large-magnitude extensional settings: A
transect across the Death Valley extended terrane, California
Butler, Robert F.; Gehrels, George E.; Baldwin, Suzanne L.; Davidson, Cameron
Paleomagnetism and geochronology of the Ecstall pluton in the Coast Mountains
of British Columbia: Evidence for local deformation
rather than large-scale transport
Ottemöller, Lars; Shapiro, Nikolai M.; Krishna Singh, Shri; Pacheco, Javier F.
Lateral variation of Lg wave propagation in southern Mexico
Nakanishi, Ayako; Takahashi, Narumi; Park, Jin-Oh; Miura, Seiichi; Kodaira,
Shuichi; Kaneda, Yoshiyuki; Hirata, Naoshi; Iwasaki, Takaya; Nakamura, Masao
Crustal structure across the coseismic rupture zone of the 1944 Tonankai
earthquake, the central Nankai Trough seismogenic zone
Assumpção, Marcelo; James, David; Snoke, Arthur
Crustal thicknesses in SE Brazilian Shield by receiver function analysis:
Implications for isostatic compensation
Schmalholz, S. M.; Podladchikov, Y. Y.; Burg, J.-P.
Control of folding by gravity and matrix thickness: Implications for large-scale folding
Watanabe, Tohru; Peach, Colin J.
Electrical impedance measurement of plastically deforming halite rocks at
125°C and 50 MPa
Langston, Charles A.; Nyblade, Andrew A.; Owens, Thomas J.
Regional wave propagation in Tanzania, East Africa
Rist, M. A.; Sammonds, P. R.; Oerter, H.; Doake, C. S. M.
Fracture of Antarctic shelf ice
White, Sheri N.; Chave, Alan D.; Reynolds, George T.
Investigations of ambient light emission at deep-sea hydrothermal vents