The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2004, V 121, N 2, July 8.


TE Evidence for a bound HeH_{2} halo molecule by diffraction from a transmission grating AU Anton Kalinin, Oleg Kornilov, Lev.Yu Rusin, and J.Peter Toennies PP 625-627 TE Exploring molecular complexity: Conical intersections and NH_{3} photodissociation AU David R.Yarkony PP 628-631 TE Tetrasulfur, S_{4}: Rotational spectrum, interchange tunneling, and geometrical structure AU M.C.McCarthy, S.Thorwirth, C.A.Gottlieb, and P.Thaddeus PP 632-635

Theoretical Methods and Algorithms
TE Higher order and infinite Trotter-number extrapolations in path integral Monte Carlo AU L.Brualla, K.Sakkos, J.Boronat, and J.Casulleras PP 636-643 TE Cumulative isomerization probability studied by various transition state wave packet methods including the MCTDH algorithm. Benchmark: HCN-->CNH isomerization AU B.Lasorne, F.Gatti, E.Baloitcha, H.-D.Meyer, and M.Desouter-Lecomte PP 644-654 TE Asymptotic correction of the exchange-correlation kernel of time-dependent density functional theory for long-range charge-transfer excitations AU Oleg Gritsenko and Evert Jan Baerends PP 655-660 TE Dissipative quantum dynamics with the surrogate Hamiltonian approach. A comparison between spin and harmonic baths AU David Gelman, Christiane P.Koch, and Ronnie Kosloff PP 661-671 TE Classical spin and quantum-mechanical descriptions of geometric spin frustration AU Dadi Dai and Myung-Hwan Whangbo PP 672-680 TE Efficient and reliable numerical integration of exchange-correlation energies and potentials AU Andreas M.Koester, Roberto Flores-Moreno, and J.Ulises Reveles PP 681-690 TE Potential energy surface discontinuities in local correlation methods AU Nicholas J.Russ and T.Daniel Crawford PP 691-696 TE Parallel iterative reaction path optimization in ab initio quantum mechanical/molecular mechanical modeling of enzyme reactions AU Haiyan Liu, Zhenyu Lu, G.Andres Cisneros, and Weitao Yang PP 697-706 TE Quantum-classical dynamics of scattering processes in adiabatic and diabatic representations AU Panchanan Puzari, Biplab Sarkar, and Satrajit Adhikari PP 707-721 TE Non-Hermitian quantum mechanics: Wave packet propagation on autoionizing potential energy surfaces AU N.Moiseyev, S.Scheit, and L.S.Cederbaum PP 722-725 TE A multidimensional discrete variable representation basis obtained by simultaneous diagonalization AU Richard Dawes and Tucker Carrington, Jr. PP 726-736 TE Analytical energy gradients for local second-order Moller-Plesset perturbation theory using density fitting approximations AU Martin Schuetz, Hans-Joachim Werner, Roland Lindh, and Frederick R.Manby PP 737-750 TE Density functional theory study of H and H_{2} interacting with NiAl(110) AU P.Riviere, H.F.Busnengo, and F.Martin PP 751-760 TE A simple model for NMR relaxation in the presence of internal motions with dynamical coupling AU Daniel Abergel and Geoffrey Bodenhausen PP 761-768
Gas Phase Dynamics and Structure: Spectroscopy,
Molecular Interactions, Scattering, and Photochemistry
TE Selective infrared photodissociation of protonated para-fluorophenol isomers: Substitution effects in oxonium and fluoronium ions AU Nicola Solca and Otto Dopfer PP 769-772 TE Free energy perturbation study of water dimer dissociation kinetics AU Yi Ming, Geeling Lai, Chinghang Tong, Robert H.Wood, and Douglas J.Doren PP 773-777 TE On the interconversion pathway of HBO<-->BOH AU Qian Peng, Yubin Wang, Bing Suo, Qizhen Shi, and Zhenyi Wen PP 778-782 TE Nonadiabatic alignment of asymmetric top molecules: Rotational revivals AU Mikael D.Poulsen, Emmanuel Peronne, Henrik Stapelfeldt, Christer Z.Bisgaard, Simon S.Viftrup, Edward Hamilton, and Tamar Seideman PP 783-791 TE Autoionization and neutral dissociation of superexcited HI studied by two-dimensional photoelectron spectroscopy AU Yasumasa Hikosaka and Koichiro Mitsuke PP 792-799 TE Some symmetry-induced isotope effects in the kinetics of recombination reactions AU Russell T Pack and Robert B.Walker PP 800-812 TE Observation of a reactive resonance in the integral cross section of a six-atom reaction: F+CHD_{3} AU Jingang Zhou, Jim J.Lin, and Kopin Liu PP 813-818 TE The role of dimers in evaporation of small argon clusters AU Ismo Napari and Hanna Vehkamaeki PP 819-822 TE Quantum dynamics of vibrationally activated OH-CO reactant complexes AU Yong He, Evelyn M.Goldfield, and Stephen K.Gray PP 823-828 TE The permanent electric dipole moments of calcium monohydride, CaH AU T.C.Steimle, Jinhai Chen, and Jamie Gengler PP 829-834 TE A combined experimental and computational investigation of the microscopic external heavy atom effect in van der Waals clusters AU Richard J.Doyle, Raffaello Da Campo, Peter R.Taylor, and Stuart R.Mackenzie PP 835-840 TE p-benzoquinone-benzene clusters as potential nanomechanical devices: A theoretical study AU T.K.Manojkumar, H.S.Choi, B.H.Hong, P.Tarakeshwar, and K.S.Kim PP 841-846 TE Taming the rugged landscape: Production, reordering, and stabilization of selected cluster inherent structures in the X_{13-n}Y_{n} system AU Dubravko Sabo, J.D.Doll, and David L.Freeman PP 847-855 TE Phase changes in selected Lennard-Jones X_{13-n}Y_{n} clusters AU Dubravko Sabo, Cristian Predescu, J.D.Doll, and David L.Freeman PP 856-867
Condensed Phase Dynamics, Structure, and Thermodynamics:
Spectroscopy, Reactions, and Relaxation
TE Exact solution of the excited-state geminate A^{*}+BC^{*}+D reaction with two different lifetimes and quenching AU Soohyung Park, Kook Joe Shin, and Noam Agmon PP 868-876 TE Fifth-order contributions to ultrafast spectrally resolved vibrational echoes: Heme-CO proteins AU Ilya J.Finkelstein, Brian L.McClain, and M.D.Fayer PP 877-885 TE Enhancement of the recollision rate in diffusion-influenced reactions in an inhomogeneous medium AU M.C.Bujan-Nun~ez and M.A.Lopez-Quintela PP 886-889 TE Subcritical wave instability in reaction-diffusion systems AU Vladimir K.Vanag and Irving R.Epstein PP 890-894 TE Application of Lagrangian theorem-based density-functional approximation free of adjustable parameters to nonhard-sphere fluid AU Shiqi Zhou PP 895-901 TE Coherent low-frequency motions of hydrogen bonded acetic acid dimers in the liquid phase AU Karsten Heyne, Nils Huse, Jens Dreyer, Erik T.J.Nibbering, Thomas Elsaesser, and Shaul Mukamel PP 902-913 TE Monte Carlo simulations of critical cluster sizes and nucleation rates of water AU Joonas Merikanto, Hanna Vehkamaeki, and Evgeni Zapadinsky PP 914-924 TE "Cooperativity blockage" in the mixed alkali effect as revealed by molecular-dynamics simulations of alkali metasilicate glass AU Junko Habasaki, K.L.Ngai, and Yasuaki Hiwatari PP 925-934 TE Dispersion relations for the convective instability of an acidity front in Hele-Shaw cells AU Desiderio A.Vasquez and A.De Wit PP 935-941 TE Viscosities of liquid CdTe near melting point from ab initio molecular-dynamics calculations AU Eunjung Ko, M.M.G.Alemany, and James R.Chelikowsky PP 942-945 TE Chiral exciton wave functions in cylindrical J aggregates AU Catalin Didraga and Jasper Knoester PP 946-959 TE Noncatalytic kinetic study on site-selective H/D exchange reaction of phenol in sub- and supercritical water AU Masahito Kubo, Takeyuki Takizawa, Chihiro Wakai, Nobuyuki Matubayasi, and Masaru Nakahara PP 960-969
Surfaces, Interfaces, and Materials
TE Tail molecule dependence of thiolate adsorption on Au(111) surface. Theoretical study AU Shin'ichi Higai, Jun Nara, and Takahisa Ohno PP 970-972 TE Discrete solution of the electrokinetic equations AU Fabrizio Capuani, Ignacio Pagonabarraga, and Daan Frenkel PP 973-986 TE A Ti-V-based bcc phase alloy for use as metal hydride electrode with high discharge capacity AU X.B.Yu, Z.Wu, B.J.Xia, and N.X.Xu PP 987-990 TE Optical emission from C_{60}-molecule-coupled Si nanocrystallites AU X.L.Wu, M.X.Liao, S.S.Deng, and G.G.Siu PP 991-995 TE The structure of calcium-ammonia solutions by neutron diffraction AU Jonathan C.Wasse, Chris A.Howard, Helen Thompson, Neal T.Skipper, Robert G.Delaplane, and Anders Wannberg PP 996-1004 TE The katoite hydrogarnet Si-free Ca_{3}Al_{2}([OH]_{4})_{3}: A periodic Hartree-Fock and B3-LYP study AU F.Pascale, P.Ugliengo, B.Civalleri, R.Orlando, P.D'Arco, and R.Dovesi PP 1005-1013 TE A density-functional study for the liquid-vapor coexistence curve of nitrogen fluid AU Tomonari Sumi, Hideaki Shirahama, and Hideo Sekino PP 1014-1019 TE Potential energy surface for an electron transfer reaction mediated by a metal adlayer AU A.K.Mishra and W.Schmickler PP 1020-1028 TE Optical anisotropy of nanotube suspensions AU Erik K.Hobbie PP 1029-1037 TE Theory of bulk, surface and interface phase transition kinetics in thin films AU Ellen H.G.Backus and Mischa Bonn PP 1038-1049 TE Monte Carlo simulations of antibody adsorption and orientation on charged surfaces AU Jian Zhou, Heng-Kwong Tsao, Yu-Jane Sheng, and Shaoyi Jiang PP 1050-1057 TE Electromechanical actuation of composite material from carbon nanotubes and ionomeric polymer AU I.A.Levitsky, P.Kanelos, and William B.Euler PP 1058-1065 TE Combining molecular dynamics and ab initio quantum-chemistry to describe electron transfer reactions in electrochemical environments AU David Dominguez-Ariza, Christoph Hartnig, Carmen Sousa, and Francesc Illas PP 1066-1073 TE Charge transfer efficiency in hybrid bulk heterojunction composites AU Erol Kucur, Juergen Riegler, Gerald Urban, and Thomas Nann PP 1074-1079
Polymers, Biopolymers, and Complex Systems
TE Folding of the GB1 hairpin peptide from discrete path sampling AU David A.Evans and David J.Wales PP 1080-1090 TE Internal structure of dendrimers in the melt under shear: A molecular dynamics study AU Jaroslaw T.Bosko, B.D.Todd, and Richard J.Sadus PP 1091-1096 TE Simple growth models of rigid multifilament biopolymers AU Evgeny B.Stukalin and Anatoly B.Kolomeisky PP 1097-1104 TE Nucleation in binary polymer blends: Effects of foreign mesoscopic spherical particles AU Jiafang Wang, Zhen-Gang Wang, and Yuliang Yang PP 1105-1113 TE Improved theoretical description of protein folding kinetics from rotations in the phase space of relevant order parameters AU A.Baumketner, J.-E.Shea, and Y.Hiwatari PP 1114-1120 TE The influence of polytypic structures on the M_{011}-->M_{101} solid-solid phase transition of n-C_{36}H_{74}: An application of the oblique infrared transmission method AU Hideki Kubota, Fumitoshi Kaneko, Tatsuya Kawaguchi, and Masatsugu Kawasaki PP 1121-1128 TE Chain elongation suppression of cyclic block copolymers in lamellar microphase-separated bulk AU Y.Matsushita, H.Iwata, T.Asari, T.Uchida, G.ten Brinke, and A.Takano PP 1129-1132 TE Conformation studies on sol-gel transition in triblock copolymer solutions AU Yunqi Li, Zhaoyan Sun, Tongfei Shi, and Lijia An PP 1133-1140 TE Percolation-to-droplets transition during spinodal decomposition in polymer blends, morphology analysis AU I.Demyanchuk, S.A.Wieczorek, and R.Holyst PP 1141-1147 TE Preferential hydration and the exclusion of cosolvents from protein surfaces AU Seishi Shimizu and Derek J.Smith PP 1148-1154 TE Distribution functions for filaments under tension AU David A.Kessler and Yitzhak Rabin PP 1155-1164

TE Tracing the phase diagram of the four-site water potential (TIP4P) AU E.Sanz, C.Vega, J.L.F.Abascal, and L.G.MacDowell PP 1165-1166
TE Comment on "The incomplete beta function law for parallel tempering sampling of classical canonical systems" [J. Chem. Phys., v.120, 4119 (2004)] AU David A.Kofke PP 1167
TE Erratum: "Phase coexistence in polydisperse liquid mixtures: Beyond the van der Waals approximation" [J. Chem. Phys., v.119, 7335 (2003)] AU Yurij V.Kalyuzhnyi and Gerhard Kahl PP 1168