The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2004, V 120, N 14, April 8.


Theoretical Methods and Algorithms
TE Kinetic theory and hydrodynamics of dense, reacting fluids far from equilibrium AU James F.Lutsko PP 6325-6345 TE Basis set and electron correlation effects on initial convergence for vibrational nonlinear optical properties of conjugated organic molecules AU Miquel Torrent-Sucarrat, Miquel Sola, Miquel Duran, Josep M.Luis, and Bernard Kirtman PP 6346-6355 TE Test of the quantum instanton approximation for thermal rate constants for some collinear reactions AU Michele Ceotto and William H.Miller PP 6356-6362 TE Synchronization of trajectories in canonical molecular-dynamics simulations: Observation, explanation, and exploitation AU Blas P.Uberuaga, Marian Anghel, and Arthur F.Voter PP 6363-6374 TE A local second-order Moller-Plesset method with localized orbitals: A parallelized efficient electron correlation method AU Yoshihide Nakao and Kimihiko Hirao PP 6375-6380 TE A constrained variational approach for energy derivatives in Fock-space multireference coupled-cluster theory AU K.R.Shamasundar, Subashini Asokan, and Sourav Pal PP 6381-6398 TE An electron in a finite-dipole potential AU S.H.Patil PP 6399-6407 TE Relativistic correlating basis sets for the sixth-period d-block atoms from Lu to Hg AU You Osanai, Takeshi Noro, Eisaku Miyoshi, Masahiro Sekiya, and Toshikatsu Koga PP 6408-6413 TE Improving the accuracy of interpolated potential energy surfaces by using an analytical zeroth-order potential function AU Akio Kawano, Yin Guo, Donald L.Thompson, Albert F.Wagner, and Michael Minkoff PP 6414-6422 TE Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy for the A+B-->P reaction in transitional flows AU P.Rogberg and V.Cvetkovic PP 6423-6429
Gas Phase Dynamics and Structure: Spectroscopy,
Molecular Interactions, Scattering, and Photochemistry
TE Exit interaction effect on nascent product state distribution of O(^{1}D)+N_{2}O-->NO+NO AU Shinnosuke Kawai, Yo Fujimura, Okitsugu Kajimoto, and Toshiyuki Takayanagi PP 6430-6438 TE Sub-Doppler rotationally resolved spectroscopy of lower vibronic bands of benzene with Zeeman effects AU Atsushi Doi, Shunji Kasahara, Hajime Kato, and Masaaki Baba PP 6439-6448 TE A theoretical and experimental study of the SO_{2}^{2+} dication AU M.Hochlaf and J.H.D.Eland PP 6449-6460 TE Gas phase infrared spectroscopy of mono- and divanadium oxide cluster cations AU Knut R.Asmis, Gerard Meijer, Mathias Bruemmer, Cristina Kaposta, Gabriele Santambrogio, Ludger Woeste, and Joachim Sauer PP 6461-6470 TE Potential energy surface and rovibrational states of the ground Ar-HI complex AU Rita Prosmiti, Sergio Lopez-Lopez, and Alberto Garcia-Vela PP 6471-6477 TE An application of error reduction and harmonic inversion schemes to the semiclassical calculation of molecular vibrational energy levels AU Sharif D.Kunikeev, Erdinc Atilgan, Howard S.Taylor, Alexey L.Kaledin, and Joerg Main PP 6478-6486 TE Static dipole polarizability and binding energy of sodium clusters Na_{n} (n=1-10): A critical assessment of all-electron based post Hartree-Fock and density functional methods AU K.R.S.Chandrakumar, Tapan K.Ghanty, and Swapan K.Ghosh PP 6487-6494 TE Trans-1-chloro-2-fluoroethylene: Microwave spectra and anharmonic force field AU Gabriele Cazzoli, Cristina Puzzarini, and Alberto Gambi PP 6495-6501 TE Photodissociation of bromobenzene, dibromobenzene, and 1,3,5-tribromobenzene AU Ya-Jun Liu, Petter Persson, Hans O.Karlsson, Sten Lunell, Malin Kadi, Daniel Karlsson, and Jan Davidsson PP 6502-6509 TE Interactions of Au cluster anions with oxygen AU Qiang Sun, Puru Jena, Young Dok Kim, Matthias Fischer, and Gerd Gantefoer PP 6510-6515 TE Topology of the distribution of zeros of the Husimi function in the LiNC/LiCN molecular system AU F.J.Arranz, R.M.Benito, and F.Borondo PP 6516-6523 TE Competitive C-H and O-D bond fission channels in the UV photodissociation of the deuterated hydroxymethyl radical CH_{2}OD AU Lin Feng, Andrey V.Demyanenko, and Hanna Reisler PP 6524-6530 TE High resolution photoabsorption and photofragment fluorescence spectroscopy of water between 10.9 and 12 eV AU J.-H.Fillion, J.Ruiz, X.-F.Yang, M.Castillejo, F.Rostas, and J.-L.Lemaire PP 6531-6541 TE Current density maps, magnetizability, and nuclear magnetic shielding tensors of bis-heteropentalenes. II. Furo-furan Isomers AU I.Garcia Cuesta, R.Soriano Jartin, A.Sanchez de Meras, and P.Lazzeretti PP 6542-6550 TE Observation of the 3 ^{3}Sigma^{+}-X ^{1}Sigma^{+} transition of KRb by resonance enhanced two-photon ionization in a pulsed molecular beam: Hyperfine structures of ^{39}K^{85}Rb and ^{39}K^{87}Rb isotopomers AU Yonghoon Lee, Youngjee Yoon, Bongsoo Kim, Li Li, and Sungyul Lee PP 6551-6556 TE Electron attachment to gas-phase uracil AU S.Denifl, S.Ptasinska, G.Hanel, B.Gstir, M.Probst, P.Scheier, and T.D.Maerk PP 6557-6565 TE Ab initio studies of alkyl radical reactions: Combination and disproportionation reactions of CH_{3} with C_{2}H_{5}, and the decomposition of chemically activated C_{3}H_{8} AU R.S.Zhu, Z.F.Xu, and M.C.Lin PP 6566-6573 TE Saturated adsorption of CO and coadsorption of CO and O_{2} on Au_{N}^{-} (N=2-7) clusters AU D.W.Yuan and Zhi Zeng PP 6574-6584 TE Accurate theoretical near-equilibrium potential energy and dipole moment surfaces of HgClO and HgBrO AU Nikolai B.Balabanov and Kirk A.Peterson PP 6585-6592 TE Thermal decomposition of ethanol. III. A computational study of the kinetics and mechanism for the CH_{3}+C_{2}H_{5}OH reaction AU Z.F.Xu, J.Park, and M.C.Lin PP 6593-6599
Condensed Phase Dynamics, Structure, and Thermodynamics:
Spectroscopy, Reactions, and Relaxation
TE Optimal control of quantum non-Markovian dissipation: Reduced Liouville-space theory AU Ruixue Xu, YiJing Yan, Yukiyoshi Ohtsuki, Yuichi Fujimura, and Herschel Rabitz PP 6600-6608 TE Raman spectra of ionic liquids: Interpretation via computer simulation AU Paul A.Madden, Mark Wilson, and Francis Hutchinson PP 6609-6620 TE Quantum dynamics in simple fluids AU C.P.Lawrence, A.Nakayama, N.Makri, and J.L.Skinner PP 6621-6624 TE Infrared spectroscopy of acetone-water liquid mixtures. II. Molecular model AU Jean-Joseph Max and Camille Chapados PP 6625-6641 TE Mode-coupling theory for reaction dynamics in liquids AU Nurit Shental and Eran Rabani PP 6642-6647 TE Towards an understanding of the heat capacity of liquids. A simple two-state model for molecular association AU Claudio A.Cerdeirin~a, Diego Gonzalez-Salgado, Luis Romani, Maria del Carmen Delgado, Luis A.Torres, and Miguel Costas PP 6648-6659 TE Homogeneous nucleation of droplets from supersaturated vapor in a closed system AU Zdenek Kozisek, Kyotaka Sato, Pavel Demo, and Alexei M.Sveshnikov PP 6660-6664 TE Heat capacity and electron spin echo evidence for low frequency vibrational modes and lattice disorder in L-alanine at cryogenic temperatures AU B.Rakvin, N.Maltar-Strmecki, C.M.Ramsey, and N.S.Dalal PP 6665-6673 TE Temperature dependence of the hydrophobic hydration and interaction of simple solutes: An examination of five popular water models AU Dietmar Paschek PP 6674-6690
Surfaces, Interfaces, and Materials
TE Aspects of prewetting at nonplanar surfaces AU Holger Bohlen and Martin Schoen PP 6691-6700 TE Reduced photobleaching of chromophores close to a metal surface AU Krasimir Vasilev, Fernando D.Stefani, Volker Jacobsen, Wolfgang Knoll, and Maximilian Kreiter PP 6701-6704 TE Density functional theory investigation of benzenethiol adsorption on Au(111) AU Jun Nara, Shin'ichi Higai, Yoshitada Morikawa, and Takahisa Ohno PP 6705-6711 TE Dielectric response of modified Hubbard models with neutral-ionic and Peierls transitions AU Zoltan G.Soos, Sharon A.Bewick, Andrea Peri, and Anna Painelli PP 6712-6720 TE Density-functional study of organic-inorganic hybrid single crystal ZnSe(C_{2}H_{8}N_{2})_{1/2} AU Huaxiang Fu and Jing Li PP 6721-6725 TE Effects of the Gaussian energy dispersion on the statistics of polarons and bipolarons in conducting polymers AU Juan Bisquert, Germa Garcia-Belmonte, and Jorge Garcia-Can~adas PP 6726-6733 TE Integral equation study of a Stockmayer fluid adsorbed in polar disordered matrices AU C.Spoeler and S.H.L.Klapp PP 6734-6743 TE Hybrid atomistic-coarse-grained treatment of thin-film lubrication. I AU Z.-B.Wu, D.J.Diestler, R.Feng, and X.C.Zeng PP 6744-6750
Polymers, Biopolymers, and Complex Systems
TE A new cell model for equation of state of polyethylene melt and n-alkane AU Masahiko Murakami PP 6751-6755 TE Annealing contour Monte Carlo algorithm for structure optimization in an off-lattice protein model AU Faming Liang PP 6756-6763 TE Large effect of polydispersity on defect concentrations in colloidal crystals AU Sander Pronk and Daan Frenkel PP 6764-6768 TE Folding probabilities: A novel approach to folding transitions and the two-dimensional Ising-model AU Peter Lenz, Bojan Zagrovic, Jessica Shapiro, and Vijay S.Pande PP 6769-6778 TE Thermodynamics of lattice heteropolymers AU Michael Bachmann and Wolfhard Janke PP 6779-6791

TE Helium nanodroplet isolation spectroscopy of perylene and its complexes with oxygen AU Pierre Carcabal, Roman Schmied, Kevin K.Lehmann, and Giacinto Scoles PP 6792-6793
TE Comment on "Unraveling the mysteries of metastable O_{4}^{*}" [J. Chem. Phys., v.110, 6095 (1999)] AU Dmitriy A.Chestakov, David H.Parker, Laura Dinu, and Alexey V.Baklanov PP 6794-6796
TE Erratum: The Kramers' restricted complete active space self-consistent-field method for two-component molecular spinors and relativistic effective core potentials including spin-orbit interactions [J. Chem. Phys., v.119, 12169 (2003)] AU Yong Seok Kim and Yoon Sup Lee PP 6797 TE Publisher's Note: "Polymer-specific effects of bulk relaxation and stringlike correlated motion in the dynamics of a supercooled polymer melt" [J. Chem. Phys. 119, 5290 (2003)] AU M.Aichele, Y.Gebremichael, F.W.Starr, J.Baschnagel, and S.C.Glotzer PP 6798