The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2003, V 118, N 23, June 15.


TE Polarized total-reflection x-ray absorption fine structure for self-assembled monolayer of zinc porphyrin at air-water interface AU Hajime Tanida, Hirohisa Nagatani, and Iwao Watanabe PP 10369-10371 TE Magnetism induced by the organization of self-assembled monolayers AU I.Carmeli, G.Leitus, R.Naaman, S.Reich, and Z.Vager PP 10372-10375

Theoretical Methods and Algorithms
TE Nuclear magnetic resonance implementation of the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm using different initial states AU Vladimir L.Ermakov and B.M.Fung PP 10376-10381 TE Peculiarities of time dependence of the current-current correlation function AU T.V.Lokotosh, N.P.Malomuzh, and K.S.Shakun PP 10382-10386 TE Accurate quantum calculations on three-body collisions in recombination and collision-induced dissociation. II. The smooth variable discretization enhanced renormalized Numerov propagator AU F.D.Colavecchia, F.Mrugala, G.A.Parker, and R.T Pack PP 10387-10398 TE Mixed quantum-classical Liouville molecular dynamics without momentum jump AU Koji Ando and Mark Santer PP 10399-10406 TE Quantitative prediction of gas-phase ^{13}C nuclear magnetic shielding constants AU Alexander A.Auer, Juergen Gauss, and John F.Stanton PP 10407-10417 TE On the performance of four-component relativistic density functional theory: Spectroscopic constants and dipole moments of the diatomics HX and XY (X,Y=F, Cl, Br, and I) AU O.Fossgaard, O.Gropen, M.Corral Valero, and T.Saue PP 10418-10430 TE New rovibrational kinetic energy operators using polyspherical coordinates for polyatomic molecules AU David W.Schwenke PP 10431-10438 TE Open-shell localized Hartree-Fock approach for an efficient effective exact-exchange Kohn-Sham treatment of open-shell atoms and molecules AU Fabio Della Sala and Andreas Goerling PP 10439-10454
Gas Phase Dynamics and Structure: Spectroscopy,
Molecular Interactions, Scattering, and Photochemistry
TE Photo-induced reactions in the ion-molecule complex Mg^{+}-OCNC_{2}H_{5} AU Ju-Long Sun, Haichuan Liu, Ke-Li Han, and Shihe Yang PP 10455-10460 TE Sodium hydroxide formation in water clusters: The role of hydrated electrons and the influence of electric field AU Y.Ferro and A.Allouche PP 10461-10469 TE High-resolution jet-cooled and room temperature infrared spectra of the nu_{3} CH stretch of vinoxy radical AU Yu.G.Utkin, Jia-Xiang Han, Fuge Sun, Hong-Bing Chen, Graham Scott, and R.F.Curl PP 10470-10476 TE Experimental and theoretical investigation of the AlH b ^{3}Sigma^{-}-a ^{3}Pi electronic transition AU Chong Tao, Xiaofeng Tan, Paul J.Dagdigian, and Millard H.Alexander PP 10477-10484 TE Ion dissociation dynamics of the chlorine azide cation (ClN_{3}^{+}) investigated by velocity map imaging AU N.Hansen, A.M.Wodtke, A.V.Komissarov, K.Morokuma, and M.C.Heaven PP 10485-10493 TE Photodissociation of CH_{2}Br_{2}, 1,1- and 1,2-C_{2}H_{4}Br_{2} at 248 nm: A simple C-Br bond fission versus a concerted three-body formation AU Ya-Rong Lee, Cheng-Chu Chen, and Shen-Maw Lin PP 10494-10501 TE Quantum reactive scattering calculations for the D+H_{2}-->HD+H reaction AU Brian K.Kendrick PP 10502-10522 TE Monodromy in the spectrum of a rigid symmetric top molecule in an electric field AU I.N.Kozin and R.M.Roberts PP 10523-10533 TE Theoretical investigations on relative stabilities of fullerene C_{94} AU Xiang Zhao, Zdenek Slanina, Hitoshi Goto, and Eiji Osawa PP 10534-10540 TE Isomerism of the anion of the indole-water dimer. Ab initio study AU Abraham F.Jalbout, Caitlin S.Hall, and Ludwik Adamowicz PP 10541-10546 TE Radiative association of HeH_{2}^{+} AU Felicja Mrugala, Vladimir spirko, and Wolfgang P.Kraemer PP 10547-10560 TE High-resolution electronic spectroscopy of a nonlinear carbon chain radical C_{6}H_{4}^{+} AU Mitsunori Araki, Harold Linnartz, Pawel Cias, Alexey Denisov, Jan Fulara, Anton Batalov, Ivan Shnitko, and John P.Maier PP 10561-10565 TE Photodissociation of O_{2} via the Herzberg continuum: Measurements of O-atom alignment and orientation AU Andrew J.Alexander, Zee Hwan Kim, and Richard N.Zare PP 10566-10574 TE Combustion and atmospheric oxidation of hydrocarbons: Theoretical study of the methyl peroxyl self-reaction AU Giovanni Ghigo, Andrea Maranzana, and Glauco Tonachini PP 10575-10583 TE The hydrolysis process of the cis-dichloro(ethylenediamine)platinum(II): A theoretical study AU Luiz Antonio Sodre Costa, Willian R.Rocha, Wagner B.De Almeida, and Helio F.Dos Santos PP 10584-10592 TE Quantifying multiple-body interaction terms in H-bonded HCN chains with many-body perturbation/coupled-cluster theories AU Roberto Rivelino, Puspitapallab Chaudhuri, and Sylvio Canuto PP 10593-10601 TE Ab initio study of the two lowest triplet potential energy surfaces involved in the N(^{4}S)+NO (X ^{2}Pi) reaction AU P.Gamallo, Miguel Gonzalez, and R.Sayos PP 10602-10610 TE Termolecular collisions between benzene and Ar AU V.Bernshtein and I.Oref PP 10611-10622 TE The treacherous potential energy hypersurface of AgSiO AU Rui Guo, Krishnan Balasubramanian, and Henry F.Schaefer III PP 10623-10630 TE The standard enthalpy of formation of CH_{2} AU Attila G.Csaszar, Matthew L.Leininger, and Viktor Szalay PP 10631-10642
Condensed Phase Dynamics, Structure, and Thermodynamics:
Spectroscopy, Reactions, and Relaxation
TE Nonpolar solvation dynamics in supercritical fluids AU S.A.Egorov PP 10643-10650 TE Energy landscape picture of supercooled liquids: Application of a generalized random energy model AU Masaki Sasai PP 10651-10662 TE Kirkwood-Buff derived force field for mixtures of acetone and water AU Samantha Weerasinghe and Paul E.Smith PP 10663-10670 TE Melting of 55-atom Morse clusters AU Pooja Shah, Sharani Roy, and Charusita Chakravarty PP 10671-10682 TE Equation of state and intermolecular interactions in fluid hydrogen from Brillouin scattering at high pressures and temperatures AU Kiyoto Matsuishi, Eugene Gregoryanz, Ho-kwang Mao, and Russell J.Hemley PP 10683-10695 TE The phase diagram of the two center Lennard-Jones model as obtained from computer simulation and Wertheim's thermodynamic perturbation theory AU C.Vega, C.McBride, Miguel, F.J.Blas, and A.Galindo PP 10696-10706 TE Local atomic structural order in the supercooled liquid and glassy Al under normal and high pressures AU Li Hui and Francesco Pederiva PP 10707-10711 TE The Cotton-Mouton effect of furan and its homologues in the gas phase, for the pure liquids and in solution AU Chiara Cappelli, Antonio Rizzo, Benedetta Mennucci, Jacopo Tomasi, Roberto Cammi, Geert L.J.A.Rikken, Renaud Mathevet, and Carlo Rizzo PP 10712-10724
Surfaces, Interfaces, and Materials
TE Ab initio modeling of B and N in C_{29} and C_{29}H_{24} nanodiamond AU A.S.Barnard, S.P.Russo, and I.K.Snook PP 10725-10728 TE A thin-thick transition in the surface-frozen layer of a binary alcohol mixture AU E.Sloutskin, H.Kraack, O.Gang, B.M.Ocko, E.B.Sirota, and M.Deutsch PP 10729-10734 TE Molecular orientation of CN adsorbed on Pd(110) AU F.Bondino, E.Vesselli, A.Baraldi, G.Comelli, A.Verdini, A.Cossaro, L.Floreano, and A.Morgante PP 10735-10740 TE Effect of ion hydration on the first-order transition in the sequential wetting of hexane on brine AU Volker C.Weiss and Joseph O.Indekeu PP 10741-10751 TE Optical properties and orientation of arrays of polystyrene spheres deposited using convective self-assembly AU Kurt Wostyn, Yuxia Zhao, Brandon Yee, Koen Clays, Andre Persoons, Gaetan de Schaetzen, and Louis Hellemans PP 10752-10757 TE Homeotropic-planar anchoring transition induced by trans-cis isomerization in ultrathin polyimide Langmuir-Blodgett films AU A.V.Zakharov and Mitsumasa Iwamoto PP 10758-10761
Polymers, Biopolymers, and Complex Systems
TE Coarse molecular dynamics of a peptide fragment: Free energy, kinetics, and long-time dynamics computations AU Gerhard Hummer and Ioannis G.Kevrekidis PP 10762-10773 TE Complexes of polyelectrolytes and oppositely charged ionic surfactants AU C.von Ferber and H.Loewen PP 10774-10779 TE Casimir force between colloidal particles immersed in a critical polymer blend AU H.Ridouane, E.-K.Hachem, and M.Benhamou PP 10780-10786 TE Connectedness percolation in athermal mixtures of flexible and rigid macromolecules: Analytic theory AU Xiaoling Wang and Avik P.Chatterjee PP 10787-10793 TE Integral equation theories for monodisperse and polydisperse sticky hard sphere chain fluid: Thermodynamic and structural properties in the polymer Percus-Yevick and ideal chain approximations AU Ning Wu, S.S.Feng, and Y.C.Chiew PP 10794-10807