The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2003, V 118, N 12, March 22.


TE Probing a strong hydrogen bond with infrared spectroscopy: Vibrational predissociation of BrHBr^{-}-Ar AU Nicholas L.Pivonka, Cristina Kaposta, Mathias Bruemmer, Gert von Helden, Gerard Meijer, Ludger Woeste, Daniel M.Neumark, and Knut R.Asmis PP 5275-5278 TE Three-dimensional orientation of single molecules observed by far- and near-field fluorescence microscopy AU Martin Vacha and Masahiro Kotani PP 5279-5282 TE Mass and size effects on the memory function of tracer particles AU G.R.Kneller, K.Hinsen, and G.Sutmann PP 5283-5286

Theoretical Methods and Algorithms
TE A simple model for the calculation of nonlinear optical response functions and femtosecond time-resolved spectra AU M.F.Gelin, A.V.Pisliakov, D.Egorova, and W.Domcke PP 5287-5301 TE Time-dependent discrete variable representation method in a tunneling problem AU Balaka Barkakaty and Satrajit Adhikari PP 5302-5318 TE Mixed quantum-classical dynamics response function approach to spectroscopy AU Mohamad Toutounji PP 5319-5325 TE Correlation energy estimates in periodic extended systems using the localized natural bond orbital coupled cluster approach AU N.Flocke and R.J.Bartlett PP 5326-5334 TE Ab initio theoretical studies on U^{3+} and on the structure and spectroscopy of U^{3+} substitutional defects in Cs_{2}NaYCl_{6}, 5f ^{2}6d^{1} manifold AU Luis Seijo and Zoila Barandiaran PP 5335-5346 TE Cell multipole method for molecular simulations in bulk and confined systems AU Jie Zheng, Ramkumar Balasundaram, Stevin H.Gehrke, Grant S.Heffelfinger, William A.Goddard III, and Shaoyi Jiang PP 5347-5355 TE Construction of electronic diabatic states within a molecular orbital scheme AU Alessandro Troisi and Giorgio Orlandi PP 5356-5363 TE Quadratically convergent algorithm for fractional occupation numbers in density functional theory AU Eric Cances, Konstantin N.Kudin, Gustavo E.Scuseria, and Gabriel Turinici PP 5364-5368 TE Optimal Hamiltonian identification: The synthesis of quantum optimal control and quantum inversion AU J.M.Geremia and H.Rabitz PP 5369-5382
Gas Phase Dynamics and Structure: Spectroscopy,
Molecular Interactions, Scattering, and Photochemistry
TE Dissociation of multiply ionized carbonyl sulfide due to electron impact AU Pengqian Wang and C.R.Vidal PP 5383-5389 TE Preferential formation of neutral C_{10} upon laser vaporized graphite in He gas as studied by photoionization mass spectroscopy with 10.5 eV photons AU Yoshiyasu Kato, Tomonari Wakabayashi, and Takamasa Momose PP 5390-5394 TE Steric effect in the endothermic Penning ionization reaction of tert-butyl bromide with Kr(^{3}P) AU K.Koizumi, H.Ohoyama, S.Okada, and T.Kasai PP 5395-5399 TE Excited state tautomerism of the DNA base guanine: A restricted open-shell Kohn-Sham study AU Holger Langer and Nikos L.Doltsinis PP 5400-5407 TE Time-resolved kinetic studies on quenching of NCO (A ^{2}Sigma^{+}) by alkanes and substituted methane molecules AU Changjin Hu, Zhiqiang Zhu, Linsen Pei, Qin Ran, Yang Chen, Congxiang Chen, and Xingxiao Ma PP 5408-5412 TE The singlet electronic excited states of the F_{2} molecule AU H.Moriyama, Y.Wasada-Tsutsui, M.Sekiya, and H.Tatewaki PP 5413-5421 TE Zeeman spectra of the A~ ^{1}A_{u}<--X~ ^{1}A_{g} transition of trans-glyoxal studied by Doppler-free two-photon fluorescence excitation spectroscopy AU Masatoshi Misono, Jin Guo Wang, Hajime Kato, and Masaaki Baba PP 5422-5430 TE Ab initio potential energy surface and rovibrational energies of H_{3}O^{+} and its isotopomers AU Xinchuan Huang, Stuart Carter, and Joel Bowman PP 5431-5441 TE Variable reaction coordinate transition state theory: Analytic results and application to the C_{2}H_{3}+H-->C_{2}H_{4} reaction AU Yuri Georgievskii and Stephen J.Klippenstein PP 5442-5455 TE Photodissociation of Mg(CH_{2}==CHCN)_{n}^{+}: Excited electronic states of n=1 and 2 and intracluster electron transfer for n=3 and 4 AU Ari Furuya, Keijiro Ohshimo, Hironori Tsunoyama, Fuminori Misaizu, Koichi Ohno, and Hidekazu Watanabe PP 5456-5464 TE Small angle neutron scattering from D_{2}O-H_{2}O nanodroplets and binary nucleation rates in a supersonic nozzle AU Christopher H.Heath, Kiril A.Streletzky, Barbara E.Wyslouzil, Judith Woelk, and Reinhard Strey PP 5465-5473 TE Interaction energy surfaces of small hydrocarbon molecules AU Jukka-Pekka Jalkanen, Tapani A.Pakkanen, Yan Yang, and Richard L.Rowley PP 5474-5483 TE The potential energy surface for spin-aligned Li_{3}(1 ^{4}A') and the potential energy curve for spin-aligned Li_{2}(a ^{3}Sigma_{u}^{+}) AU F.D.Colavecchia, J.P.Burke, Jr., W.J.Stevens, M.R.Salazar, G.A.Parker, and R.T Pack PP 5484-5495 TE Broadband population inversion by a frequency-swept pulse beyond the adiabatic approximation AU Lorenz Mitschang and Herbert Rinneberg PP 5496-5505
Condensed Phase Dynamics, Structure, and Thermodynamics:,
Spectroscopy, Reactions, and Relaxation
TE The dynamic Jahn-Teller effect applied to the temperature-dependent paramagnetic susceptibilities of Ti^{3+}:Al_{2}O_{3} AU C.Richard Quade, Raymond W.Mires, William H.Brumage, and C.Franklin Dorman PP 5506-5509 TE On the scaling behavior of the free energetics of nucleation AU Isamu Kusaka PP 5510-5515 TE Orientation-dependent integral equation theory for a two-dimensional model of water AU T.Urbic, V.Vlachy, Yu.V.Kalyuzhnyi, and K.A.Dill PP 5516-5525 TE Resonance Raman study of the solvent dynamics for ultrafast charge transfer transition in 4-nitro-4'-dimethylamino-azobenzene AU Nandita Biswas and Siva Umapathy PP 5526-5536 TE Temperature dependence of lithium ion solvation in ethylene carbonate-LiClO_{4} solutions AU Marco Castriota, Enzo Cazzanelli, Isabella Nicotera, Luigi Coppola, Cesare Oliviero, and Giuseppe Antonio Ranieri PP 5537-5541 TE Anomalous x-ray diffraction studies of Sr^{2+} hydration in aqueous solution AU S.Ramos, G.W.Neilson, A.C.Barnes, and M.J.Capitan PP 5542-5546 TE Multiple-spin effects in fast magic angle spinning Lee-Goldburg cross-polarization experiments in uniformly labeled compounds AU V.Ladizhansky, E.Vinogradov, B.-J.van Rossum, Groot, and S.Vega PP 5547-5557 TE Density-dependent solvation dynamics in a simple Lennard-Jones fluid AU Marcio Marques Martins and Hubert Stassen PP 5558-5565 TE Orbitally dependent magnetic coupling between cobalt(II) ions: The problem of the magnetic anisotropy AU Andrei V.Palii, Boris S.Tsukerblat, Eugenio Coronado, Juan M.Clemente-Juan, and Juan J.Borras-Almenar PP 5566-5581 TE Contribution of colliding parallel electron spins to electron paramagnetic resonance spectral narrowing AU Dmitri Kolbasov and James R.Norris, Jr. PP 5582-5586 TE Vibrational relaxation of CH_{2}I_{2} in solution: Excitation level dependence AU Christopher G.Elles, Dieter Bingemann, Max M.Heckscher, and F.Fleming Crim PP 5587-5595 TE Non-Condon theory of nonadiabatic electron transfer reactions in V-shaped donor-bridge-acceptor complexes AU Anatoli Milischuk and Dmitry V.Matyushov PP 5596-5606
Surfaces, Interfaces, and Materials
TE Electronic structure of electrochemically Li-inserted TiO_{2} studied with synchrotron radiation electron spectroscopies AU Anders Henningsson, Hakan Rensmo, Anders Sandell, Hans Siegbahn, Sven Soedergren, Henrik Lindstroem, and Anders Hagfeldt PP 5607-5612 TE Water adsorption on hydrophilic mesoporous and plane silica substrates: A grand canonical Monte Carlo simulation study AU Joeel Puibasset and Roland J.-M.Pellenq PP 5613-5622 TE The crystalline surfaces of beta-PdH: Ideal surface terminations of a stoichiometric bulk compound relevant to heterogeneous catalysis AU Manuel Perez Jigato, Betty Coussens, and David A.King PP 5623-5634 TE Surface tension of a square well fluid AU Pedro Orea, Yurko Duda, and Jose Alejandre PP 5635-5639 TE Detection of phase transition of monolayers at the air-water interface by compression using Maxwell displacement current and optical second harmonic generation AU Atsushi Tojima, Takaaki Manaka, Mitsumasa Iwamoto, and Ou-Yang Zhong-can PP 5640-5649 TE Density functional theory investigation of H adsorption on the basal plane of boron-doped graphite AU Y.Ferro, F.Marinelli, A.Allouche, and C.Brosset PP 5650-5657
Polymers, Biopolymers, and Complex Systems
TE Multiaxial deformations of end-linked poly(dimethylsiloxane) networks. 4. Further assessment of the slip-link model for chain-entanglement effect on rubber elasticity AU Kenji Urayama, Takanobu Kawamura, and Shinzo Kohjiya PP 5658-5664 TE Free energy and size distributions of micelles in solution AU P.S.Christopher and David W.Oxtoby PP 5665-5672 TE Interbasin motion approach to dynamics of conformationally constrained peptides AU Florin Despa, Ariel Fernandez, R.Stephen Berry, Yaakov Levy, and Joshua Jortner PP 5673-5682 TE Critical fluctuations in the domain structure of lipid membranes AU S.Halstenberg, W.Schrader, P.Das, J.K.Bhattacharjee, and U.Kaatze PP 5683-5691

Errata TE Publisher's Note: "Analytical time-dependent Hartree-Fock schemes for the evaluation of the hyper-Raman intensities" [J. Chem. Phys., v.117, 2481 (2002)] AU Olivier Quinet and Benoit Champagne PP 5692