The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2002, V 116, N 11, March 15.

TE Stepwise morphological change of porous amorphous ice films
observed through adsorption of methane
AU Noriko Horimoto, Hiroyuki S.Kato, and Maki Kawai
PP 4375-4378

TE Insight into why the Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism is 
Generally preferred
AU R.J.Baxter and P.Hu
PP 4379-4381


TE Formulation and implementation of the full coupled-cluster method through pentuple excitations AU M.Musial, S.A.Kucharski, and R.J.Bartlett PP 4382-4388 TE On the use of the adiabatic molecular dynamics technique in The calculation of free energy profiles AU Lula Rosso, Peter Minary, Zhongwei Zhu, and Mark E.Tuckerman PP 4389-4402 TE The Fourier method for tri-atomic systems in the search for The optimal coordinate system AU Gil Katz, Koichi Yamashita, Yehuda Zeiri, and Ronnie Kosloff PP 4403-4414 TE Ab initio density functional theory: OEP-MBPT(2). A new orbital-dependent correlation functional AU Ireneusz Grabowski, So Hirata, Stanislav Ivanov, and Rodney J.Bartlett PP 4415-4425 TE Statistical mechanics and thermodynamics of magnetic and dielectric systems based on magnetization and polarization fluctuations: Application of the quasi-Gaussian entropy theory AU M.E.F.Apol, A.Amadei, and A.Di Nola PP 4426-4436 TE Theoretical equations of state for temperature and electromagnetic field dependence of fluid systems, based on the quasi-Gaussian entropy theory AU A.Amadei, M.E.F.Apol, G.Brancato, and A.Di Nola PP 4437-4449 TE Quantized Hamilton dynamics for a general potential AU O.V.Prezhdo and Y.V.Pereverzev PP 4450-4461 TE Highly correlated calculations with a polynomial cost algorithm: A study of the density matrix renormalization group AU Garnet Kin-Lic Chan and Martin Head-Gordon PP 4462-4476 TE Photoelectron spectroscopy of naphthalene cluster anions AU Jae Kyu Song, Sang Yun Han, Inho Chu, Jeong Hyun Kim, Seong Keun Kim, Svetlana A.Lyapustina, Shoujun Xu, J.Michael Nilles, and Kit H.Bowen, Jr. PP 4477-4481 TE A theoretical study on the ionization of NO_{2} with analysis of vibrational structure of the photoelectron spectrum AU Kouichi Takeshita and Norihiro Shida PP 4482-4489 TE Photodissociation dynamics of acetyl bromide at 234 nm AU Keon Woo Lee, Yun-Jung Jee, and Kyung-Hoon Jung PP 4490-4496 TE Structure and stability of small copper clusters AU Karl Jug, Bernd Zimmermann, Patrizia Calaminici, and Andreas M.Koester PP 4497-4507 TE Temperature dependence of ternary rate coefficients for the (CO)_{n-1}^{+}+2CO<_->(CO)_{n}^{+}+CO reaction, and the role of isomers for the growth of larger (CO)_{n}^{+} clusters AU S.Schlemmer, A.Luca, J.Glosik, and D.Gerlich PP 4508-4516 TE Vibrational relaxation of vibrationally and rotationally excited CO molecules by He atoms AU Roman V.Krems PP 4517-4524 TE Vibrational relaxation in CO+He collisions: Sensitivity to interaction potential and details of quantum calculations AU Roman V.Krems PP 4525-4529 TE Chirped pulse excitation in condensed phases involving intramolecular modes. II. Absorption spectrum AU B.D.Fainberg and V.Narbaev PP 4530-4541 TE Structural dynamics in quantum solids. I. Steady-state spectroscopy of the electronic bubble in solid hydrogens AU F.Vigliotti, A.Cavina, Ch.Bressler, B.Lang, and M.Chergui PP 4542-4552 TE Structural dynamics in quantum solids. II. Real-time probing of the electronic bubble formation in solid hydrogens AU Franco Vigliotti, Luigi Bonacina, and Majed Chergui PP 4553-4562 TE Temperature evolution of the low-frequency optical Kerr effect spectra of liquid benzene in quasicrystalline approach AU Bozena Ratajska-Gadomska PP 4563-4576 TE Pressure and temperature dependence of viscosity and diffusion coefficients of a glassy binary mixture AU Arnab Mukherjee, Sarika Bhattacharyya, and Biman Bagchi PP 4577-4586 TE Self-consistent theory of orientational order and fluid-solid equilibria in weakly anisotropic fluids AU Hyung-June Woo and Xueyu Song PP 4587-4596 TE Thermodynamic properties of mixtures of H_{2}O and D_{2}O in the critical region AU Kh.S.Abdulkadirova, A.Kostrowicka Wyczalkowska, M.A.Anisimov, and J.V.Sengers PP 4597-4610 TE Low-temperature Raman spectra of nitromethane single crystals. Lattice dynamics and Davydov splittings AU R.Ouillon, J.-P.Pinan-Lucarre, P.Ranson, and G.Baranovic PP 4611-4625 TE Isotope effects in liquid water by infrared spectroscopy AU Jean-Joseph Max and Camille Chapados PP 4626-4642 TE Aqueous dimethyl sulfoxide solutions: Inter- and intra-molecular dynamics AU Piotr P.Wiewior, Hideaki Shirota, and Edward W.Castner, Jr. PP 4643-4654 TE Vibrational echoes for classical and quantum solutes AU Ryo Akiyama and Roger F.Loring PP 4655-4664 TE Irreversible adsorption of hard spheres at random site (heterogeneous) surfaces AU Zbigniew Adamczyk, Pawel Weronski, and Elizeusz Musial PP 4665-4672 TE Room-temperature magnetic anisotropy of lanthanide complexes: A model study for various coordination polyhedra AU Vladimir S.Mironov, Yury G.Galyametdinov, Arnout Ceulemans, Christiane Goerller-Walrand, and Koen Binnemans PP 4673-4685 TE Interfacial melting of thin ice films: An infrared study AU Vlad Sadtchenko and George E.Ewing PP 4686-4697 TE Adsorption and reaction of sulfur dioxide with Cu(110) and Cu(110)-p(2x1)-O AU Ali R.Alemozafar, Xing-Cai Guo, and Robert J.Madix PP 4698-4706 TE Segmental dynamics of disordered styrene-isoprene tetrablock copolymers AU M.Doxastakis, K.Chrissopoulou, A.Aouadi, B.Frick, T.P.Lodge, and G.Fytas PP 4707-4714 TE Density functional study of wetting by polymers. I. Effects of polymer length and surface potential AU J.Forsman, C.E.Woodward, and B.C.Freasier PP 4715-4722 TE Theory of phase separation kinetics in polymer-liquid crystal systems AU C.B.Muratov and Weinan E PP 4723-4734 TE Mean-field resonating-valence-bond theory for unpaired pi-electrons in benzenoid carbon species AU O.Ivanciuc, L.Bytautas, and D.J.Klein PP 4735-4748