The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2001, V 115, N 6, 8 August.

TE Orbital free ab initio molecular dynamics study of liquid Al near melting
AU D.J.Gonzalez, L.E.Gonzalez, J.M.Lopez, and Malcolm J.Stott
PP 2373-2376


TE Construction scheme for regularized diabatic states AU H.Koeppel, J.Gronki, and S.Mahapatra PP 2377-2388 TE Benchmark calculations of electron affinities of the alkali atoms sodium to eka-francium (element 119) AU Arie Landau, Ephraim Eliav, Yasuyuki Ishikawa, and Uzi Kaldor PP 2389-2392 TE The combined multiconfigurational self-consistent-field/molecular mechanics wave function approach AU Tina D.Poulsen, Jacob Kongsted, Anders Osted, Peter R.Ogilby, and Kurt V.Mikkelsen PP 2393-2400 TE Direct-product formalism for calculating magnetic resonance signals in many-body systems of interacting spins AU Alexander A.Nevzorov and Jack H.Freed PP 2401-2415 TE A many-body analysis of the effects of the matrix protons and their diffusional motion on electron spin resonance line shapes and electron spin echoes AU Alexander A.Nevzorov and Jack H.Freed PP 2416-2429 TE Chemical reaction dynamics with stochastic potentials below the high-friction limit AU Tricia D.Shepherd and Rigoberto Hernandez PP 2430-2438 TE Density functional theory predictions of anharmonicity and spectroscopic constants for diatomic molecules AU Mutasem Omar Sinnokrot and C.David Sherrill PP 2439-2448 TE Ring opening dissociation of d_{6}-benzene AU Shang-Ting Tsai, Cheng-Liang Huang, Yuan T.Lee, and Chi-Kung Ni PP 2449-2455 TE Diatomic molecules between very heavy elements of group 13 and group 17: A study of relativistic effects on bonding AU Knut Fagri, Jr.and Trond Saue PP 2456-2464 TE Structure of the exact wave function. III. Exponential ansatz AU Hiroshi Nakatsuji PP 2465-2475 TE A converged calculation of the energy barrier to internal rotation in the ethylene-sulfur dioxide dimer AU Stella M.Resende, Wagner B.De Almeida, Jeanne G.C.M.van Duijneveldt-van de Rijdt, and Frans B.van Duijneveldt PP 2476-2482 TE Two-photon spectroscopy of autoionizing states of ammonia AU C.A.Raptis and S.T.Pratt PP 2483-2491 TE Vacuum-ultraviolet mass-analyzed threshold ionization spectra of iodobutane isomers: Conformer-specific ionization and ion-core dissociation followed by ionization AU Sang Tae Park, Sang Kyu Kim, and Myung Soo Kim PP 2492-2498 TE Extracting the CH chromophore vibrational dynamics of CHBrClF directly from spectra: Unexpected constants of the motion and symmetries AU Christof Jung, Eva Ziemniak, and Howard S.Taylor PP 2499-2509 TE Competition between agostic WCH_{2}^{+} and HWCH^{+}: A joint experimental and theoretical study AU Aude Simon, Joeel Lemaire, Pierre Boissel, and Philippe Maitre PP 2510-2518 TE Separation of enantiomers by ultraviolet laser pulses in H_{2}POSH: pi pulses versus adiabatic transitions AU Leticia Gonzalez, Dominik Kroener, and Ignacio R.Sola PP 2519-2529 TE Ab initio, variational transition state theory and quasiclassical trajectory study on the lowest ^{2}A' potential energy surface involved in the N(^{2}D)+O_{2}(X^{3}Sigma_{g}^{-})-->O(^{3}P)+NO(X ^{2}Pi) atmospheric reaction AU Miguel Gonzalez, Irene Miquel, and R.Sayos PP 2530-2539 TE Ab initio ground potential energy surface (^{3}A") for the O(^{3}P)+N_{2}O reaction and kinetics study AU Miguel Gonzalez, Rosendo Valero, and R.Sayos PP 2540-2549 TE Computation of the methane-water potential energy hypersurface via ab initio methods AU Zhitao Cao, Jefferson W.Tester, and Bernhardt L.Trout PP 2550-2559 TE State-to-state dynamics of the H+c-C_{6}H_{12}-->H_{2}(v',j')+c-C_{6}H_{11} reaction AU Abneesh Srivastava, Carl A.Picconatto, and James J.Valentini PP 2560-2565 TE Photodissociation of NeBr_{2}(B) below and above the dissociation limit of Br_{2}(B) AU Octavio Roncero, Jose Campos-Martinez, Marta I.Hernandez, Gerardo Delgado-Barrio, Pablo Villarreal, and J.Rubayo-Soneira PP 2566-2575 TE Heats of formation and ionization energies of NH_{x}, x=0-3 AU David A.Dixon, David Feller, and Kirk A.Peterson PP 2576-2581 TE High-resolution energy-selected study of the reaction NH_{3}^{+}-->NH_{2}^{+}+H: Accurate thermochemistry for the NH_{2}/NH_{2}^{+} and NH_{3}/NH_{3}^{+} systems AU Y.Song, X.-M.Qian, K.-C.Lau, C.Y.Ng, Jianbo Liu, and Wenwu Chen PP 2582-2589 TE The hyperfine structure in the electronic A ^{2}E"<-X ^{2}E' system of the pseudorotating lithium trimer AU W.Meyer, M.Keil, A.Kudell, M.A.Baig, J.Zhu, and W.Demtroeder PP 2590-2602 TE Angle-resolved electron energy loss spectroscopy of valence-shell and Si 2p pre-edge excitation of SiF_{4}: Bethe surface and absolute generalized oscillator strength measurement AU X.W.Fan and K.T.Leung PP 2603-2613 TE Structure and vibrational dynamics of the strongly hydrogen-bonded model peptide: N-methyl acetamide AU G.J.Kearley, M.R.Johnson, M.Plazanet, and E.Suard PP 2614-2620 TE Study of phase changes of the water octamer using parallel tempering and multihistogram methods AU Pablo Nigra, Marcelo A.Carignano, and Sabre Kais PP 2621-2628 TE Ab initio potentials and the equation of state of condensed helium at high pressure AU Soon-Yong Chang and Massimo Boninsegni PP 2629-2633 TE The generic van der Waals equation of state and self-diffusion coefficients of liquids AU Kyunil Rah and Byung Chan Eu PP 2634-2640 TE From binary and ternary to multicomponent nucleation: Atmospheric aerosol formation AU B.Gorbunov PP 2641-2651 TE Reversible electron transfer in photochemistry and electrochemistry AU A.I.Burshtein, A.A.Neufeld, and K.L.Ivanov PP 2652-2663 TE IR spectroscopy of aqueous alkali halide solutions: Pure salt-solvated water spectra and hydration numbers AU Jean-Joseph Max and Camille Chapados PP 2664-2675 TE Observation of heterogeneity in the nanosecond dynamics of a liquid AU Min Yang and Ranko Richert PP 2676-2680 TE Inelastic effects in electron tunneling through water layers AU Michael Galperin and Abraham Nitzan PP 2681-2694 TE Vibrational self-consistent field approach to anharmonic spectroscopy of molecules in solids: Application to iodine in argon matrix AU Z.Bihary, R.B.Gerber, and V.A.Apkarian PP 2695-2701 TE Liquid-gas phase behavior of an argon-like fluid modelled by the hard-core two-Yukawa potential AU D.Pini, G.Stell, and N.B.Wilding PP 2702-2708 TE Photoluminescence of poly(p-phenylenevinylene)-silica nanocomposites: Evidence for dual emission by Franck-Condon analysis AU Peter K.H.Ho, Ji-Seon Kim, Nir Tessler, and Richard H.Friend PP 2709-2720 TE Self-assembly of ink molecules in dip-pen nanolithography: A diffusion model AU Joonkyung Jang, Seunghun Hong, George C.Schatz, and Mark A.Ratner PP 2721-2729 TE Phase transformations of nanometer size carbon particles in shocked hydrocarbons and explosives AU J.A.Viecelli, S.Bastea, J.N.Glosli, and F.H.Ree PP 2730-2736 TE Green's function embedding approach to quantum conductivity of single wall carbon nanotubes AU Antonis N.Andriotis and Madhu Menon PP 2737-2742 TE Theory of ultrafast photoinduced heterogeneous electron transfer: Decay of vibrational coherence into a finite electronic-vibrational quasicontinuum AU S.Ramakrishna, F.Willig, and V.May PP 2743-2756 TE Low-energy dynamics of CO and NO chemisorbed on Rh(111) AU Gregor Witte PP 2757-2767 TE Ethylene adsorption on Ge(100)-(2x1): A combined angle-resolved photoemission and thermal desorption spectroscopy study AU A.Fink, R.Huber, and W.Widdra PP 2768-2775 TE The effect of bond length on the structure of dense bead-spring polymer melts AU Cameron F.Abrams and Kurt Kremer PP 2776-2785 TE Double-diamond phase in amphiphilic systems confined between parallel walls AU V.Babin and A.Ciach PP 2786-2793 TE Autophobic dewetting of homopolymer on a brush and entropic attraction between opposing brushes in a homopolymer matrix AU M.W.Matsen and J.M.Gardiner PP 2794-2804 TE A square-well model for the structural and thermodynamic properties of simple colloidal systems AU L.Acedo and A.Santos PP 2805-2817 TE Chain stretching effect on the morphology and kinetics of microphase separation of diblock copolymer under simple shear flow AU Kaifu Luo and Yuliang Yang PP 2818-2826 TE Molecular dynamics studies of the effects of branching characteristics on the crystalline structure of polyethylene AU Michael Doran and Phillip Choi PP 2827-2830 TE Structure and properties of polymethylene melt surfaces from molecular dynamics simulations AU Jaeeon Chang, Jie Han, Liu Yang, Richard L.Jaffe, and Do Y.Yoon PP 2831-2840 TE Rate-determining moves in protein folding AU K.Dimitrievski, B.Kasemo, and V.P.Zhdanov PP 2841-2845 TE Uncrossability constraints in mesoscopic polymer melt simulations: Non-Rouse behavior of C_{120}H_{242} AU J.T.Padding and W.J.Briels PP 2846-2859 TE A new Monte Carlo simulation approach for the prediction of sorption equilibria of oligomers in polymer melts: Solubility of long alkanes in linear polyethylene AU E.Zervopoulou, V.G.Mavrantzas, and D.N.Theodorou PP 2860-2875 TE Molecular modeling of electron traps in polymer insulators: Chemical defects and impurities AU M.Meunier, N.Quirke, and A.Aslanides PP 2876-2881

TE Erratum: "Non-Lorentzian zero-phonon holes and new insights on nonphotochemical hole burning: Al-phthalocyanine in hyperquenched glassy water" [J. Chem. Phys., v.114, 9105 (2001)] AU T.Reinot and G.J.Small PP 2882