The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2001, V 115, N 18, November 8.

TE Coupled-cluster theory for excited electronic states: 
The full equation-of-motion coupled-cluster single, double, 
and triple excitation method
AU Stanislaw A.Kucharski, Marta Wloch, Monika Musial, and Rodney J.Bartlett
PP 8263-8266


TE A new implementation of four-component relativistic density functional method for heavy-atom polyatomic systems AU Takeshi Yanai, Hisayoshi Iikura, Takahito Nakajima, Yasuyuki Ishikawa, and Kimihiko Hirao PP 8267-8273 TE Inter-basin dynamics on multidimensional potential surfaces. I. Escape rates on complex basin surfaces AU Florin Despa and R.Stephen Berry PP 8274-8278 TE Non-Hermitian perturbative effective operators: Connectivity and derivation of diagrammatic representation AU C.K.Duan and M.F.Reid PP 8279-8284 TE Asymptotic analysis of state-to-state tetraatomic reactions using row-orthonormal hyperspherical coordinates AU Ken Museth and Aron Kuppermann PP 8285-8297 TE Rules of pair electron correlation in MF(M=H, Li, Na) AU Shuping Zhuo, Jichong Wei, and Guanzhi Ju PP 8298-8304 TE Linear scaling and the 1,2-contracted Schroedinger equation AU David A.Mazziotti PP 8305-8311 TE New splitting formulations for lattice summations AU Paul F.Batcho and Tamar Schlick PP 8312-8326 TE Characterization of patterns, oscillations, and chaos in chemical systems AU Nobuo Yoshida PP 8327-8330 TE Dispersion fitted finite difference method with applications to molecular quantum mechanics AU Stephen K.Gray and Evelyn M.Goldfield PP 8331-8344 TE Ab initio prediction of the vibrational-rotational energy levels of hydrogen peroxide and its isotopomers AU Jacek Koput, Stuart Carter, and Nicholas C.Handy PP 8345-8350 TE Theoretical study of photochromism of N-salicylidene-alpha-methylbenzylamine AU Marek Z.Zgierski PP 8351-8358 TE Photofragment translational spectroscopy of 1,2-butadiene at 193 nm AU Jason C.Robinson, Weizhong Sun, Sean A.Harris, Fei Qi, and Daniel M.Neumark PP 8359-8365 TE Rovibrational analysis of molecular collisions using coherent states AU Anatol Blass, Erik Deumens, and Yngve Oehrn PP 8366-8372 TE An excess electron bound to urea. I. Canonical and zwitterionic tautomers AU Piotr Skurski and Jack Simons PP 8373-8380 TE Complete active space self-consistent field and multireference configuration interaction studies of the low-lying excited states of the ClO-H_{2}O radical complex AU Yumin Li and Joseph S.Francisco PP 8381-8383 TE The vibrational and rotational dynamics of acetylene solvated in superfluid helium nanodroplets AU K.Nauta and R.E.Miller PP 8384-8392 TE State-resolved rotationally inelastic collisions of highly rotationally excited CN(A ^{2}Pi) with helium: Influence of the interaction potential AU Boris Nizamov, Paul J.Dagdigian, and Millard H.Alexander PP 8393-8402 TE Stability of angular confinement and rotational acceleration of a diatomic molecule in an optical centrifuge AU Michael Spanner, Kristina M.Davitt, and Misha Yu.Ivanov PP 8403-8410 TE Energy disposal in CN(X ^{2}Sigma^{+}) produced in the 157 nm photodissociation of acrylonitrile AU Jingzhong Guo, Tucker Carrington, and S.V.Filseth PP 8411-8417 TE Matrix isolation study of the interaction of excited neon atoms with allene and propyne: Infrared spectra of H_{2}CCCH_{2}^{+} and H_{2}CCCH^{-} AU Daniel Forney, Marilyn E.Jacox, Catherine L.Lugez, and Warren E.Thompson PP 8418-8430 TE The helium-, neon-, and argon-cyclopropane van der Waals complexes: Ab initio ground state intermolecular potential energy surfaces and intermolecular dynamics AU Thomas Bondo Pedersen, Berta Fernandez, Henrik Koch, and Jan Makarewicz PP 8431-8439 TE Vibrational polarization beats in femtosecond coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy: A signature of dissociative pump-dump-pump wave packet dynamics AU J.Faeder, Iddo Pinkas, G.Knopp, Yehiam Prior, and D.J.Tannor PP 8440-8454 TE Time-dependent wave packet calculation for state-to-state reaction of Cl+H_{2} using the reactant-product decoupling approach AU Yici Zhang, Jingfeng Zhang, Haiyan Zhang, Qinggang Zhang, and John Z.H.Zhang PP 8455-8459 TE Variational transition state theory evaluation of the rate constant for proton transfer in a polar solvent AU Robin P.McRae, Gregory K.Schenter, Bruce C.Garrett, Zoran Svetlicic, and Donald G.Truhlar PP 8460-8480 TE Nonequilibrium partition function in the presence of heat flow AU Mazen Al-Ghoul and Byung Chan Eu PP 8481-8488 TE The impact of molecular shape and polarity on chiral discrimination AU I.Paci and N.M.Cann PP 8489-8505 TE Broadband composite spin-state-selective rotations for NMR spectroscopy on partially aligned molecules AU Thomas Schulte-Herbrueggen, Thomas S.Untidt, Niels Chr.Nielsen, and Ole W.Sorensen PP 8506-8517 TE Monte Carlo simulation of homogeneous binary vapor-liquid nucleation: Mutual enhancement of nucleation in a partially miscible system AU S.Yoo, K.J.Oh, and X.C.Zeng PP 8518-8524 TE Nanoscopic inhomogeneities induced by spinodal decomposition and irreversible chemical growth reactions AU Michael Schulz and Peter Reineker PP 8525-8530 TE Isotropic Raman line shapes of N_{2} and O_{2} along their liquid-gas coexistence lines AU K.F.Everitt and J.L.Skinner PP 8531-8539 TE Molecular dynamics simulations of solvent reorganization in electron-transfer reactions AU Christoph Hartnig and Marc T.M.Koper PP 8540-8546 TE Collision-induced hyper-Rayleigh spectrum of octahedral molecules: The case of SF_{6} AU Tadeusz Bancewicz, Jean-Luc Godet, and George Maroulis PP 8547-8551 TE Photochemistry of O_{2} on atomically stepped Pt surfaces: Enhanced O_{2} photodepletion at step sites AU C.Emil Tripa and John T.Yates, Jr. PP 8552-8556 TE On entropies of metal-hydrogen systems AU F.D.Manchester PP 8557-8562 TE Covalent attachment of acetonitrile on Si(100) through Si-C and Si-N linkages AU Feng Tao, Zhong Hai Wang, Ming Hua Qiao, Qin Liu, Wee Sun Sim, and Guo Qin Xu PP 8563-8569 TE Hydrogenation of S to H_{2}S on Pt(111): A first-principles study AU A.Michaelides and P.Hu PP 8570-8574 TE Wetting transitions at the air-liquid interface of water+tetradecane+C_{6}E_{2} mixtures AU Ming-Chih Yeh and Li-Jen Chen PP 8575-8582 TE Dynamical coexistence of phases in molecular clusters AU Ana Proykova, Stoyan Pisov, and R.Stephen Berry PP 8583-8591 TE Vibronic interactions and superconductivity in acene anions and cations AU Takashi Kato and Tokio Yamabe PP 8592-8602 TE Molecular dynamics simulations of the liquid-vapor interface of a molten salt. I. Influence of the interaction potential AU Andres Aguado, Mark Wilson, and Paul A.Madden PP 8603-8611 TE Molecular dynamics simulations of the liquid-vapor interface of a molten salt. II. Finite size effects and comparison to experiment AU Andres Aguado, W.Scott, and Paul A.Madden PP 8612-8619 TE A replica reference interaction site model theory for a polar molecular liquid sorbed in a disordered microporous material with polar chemical groups AU Andriy Kovalenko and Fumio Hirata PP 8620-8633 TE Molecular dynamics simulation of gaseous-liquid phase transitions of soluble and insoluble surfactants at a fluid interface AU M.S.Tomassone, A.Couzis, C.M.Maldarelli, J.R.Banavar, and J.Koplik PP 8634-8642 TE Self-sputtering of silver by mono- and polyatomic projectiles: A molecular dynamics investigation AU M.Lindenblatt, R.Heinrich, A.Wucher, and B.J.Garrison PP 8643-8654 TE Phase diagram of dilute lattice surfactant solution AU Claudio S.Shida and Vera B.Henriques PP 8655-8664 TE Free volume study of amorphous polymers detected by solid-state ^{13}C NMR linewidth experiments AU Atsushi Asano and K.Takegoshi PP 8665-8669 TE First-principles molecular dynamics study of a polymer under tensile stress AU Ute F.Roehrig and Irmgard Frank PP 8670-8674 TE Molecular dynamics simulation of polymer ordering. II. Crystallization from the melt AU Takashi Yamamoto PP 8675-8680 TE Dielectric relaxation in liquid crystalline dimers AU D.A.Dunmur, G.R.Luckhurst, la Fuente, S.Diez, and M.A.Perez Jubindo PP 8681-8691 TE Theory of thermotropic polymer liquid crystals AU Witold Brostow and Janusz Walasek PP 8692-8704 TE Structural transformations in confined lamellar phases in oil-water-surfactant mixtures AU M.Tasinkevych and A.Ciach PP 8705-8713

TE Erratum: "Ab initio structures and polarizabilities of sodium clusters" [J. Chem. Phys., v.115, 4322 (2001)] AU Leeor Kronik, Igor Vasiliev, Manish Jain, and James R.Chelikowsky PP 8714