The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2001, V 115, N 16, October 22.

TE Lifetime and decomposition pathways of a chemically bound helium compound
AU Galina M.Chaban, Jan Lundell, and R.Benny Gerber
PP 7341-7343

TE A cluster model study of the electron-phonon interaction in
magnesium diborate
AU Kazunari Yoshizawa and Masakazu Kondo
PP 7344-7347


TE Valence basis sets for relativistic energy-consistent small-core lanthanide pseudopotentials AU Xiaoyan Cao and Michael Dolg PP 7348-7355 TE Direct perturbation theory of magnetic properties and relativistic corrections for the point nuclear and Gaussian nuclear models AU Alf C.Hennum, Wim Klopper, and Trygve Helgaker PP 7356-7363 TE Four-wave mixing in two-level atoms with stochastically modulated transition frequencies AU Jennifer C.Green, Marvin D.Kemple, and Gautam Vemuri PP 7364-7374 TE High order nonadiabatic perturbation theory on different adiabatic bases AU Florian Dufey PP 7375-7381 TE Local spin AU Aurora E.Clark and Ernest R.Davidson PP 7382-7392 TE Theoretical study of spin-orbit coupling constants for O_{2}^{+} (A ^{2}Pi_{3/2,1/2u}, v^{+}=0-17 and a ^{4}Pi_{5/2,3/2,1/2,-1/2u}, v^{+}=0-25) AU D.G.Fedorov, M.S.Gordon, Y.Song, and C.Y.Ng PP 7393-7400 TE The potential energy curve and dipole polarizability tensor of mercury dimer AU Peter Schwerdtfeger, Ralf Wesendrup, Gloria E.Moyano, Andrzej J.Sadlej, Joern Greif, and Friedrich Hensel PP 7401-7412 TE The 530 nm system of KRb observed in a pulsed molecular beam: New electric quadrupole transitions (1 ^{1}Delta-X ^{1}Sigma^{+}) AU Yonghoon Lee, Changhun Yun, Youngjee Yoon, Taeshick Kim, and Bongsoo Kim PP 7413-7419 TE Temperature dependence of line mixing effects in the stimulated Raman Q-branch of CO in He: A further test of close coupling calculations AU J.Boissoles, F.Thibault, J.L.Domenech, D.Bermejo, C.Boulet, and J.M.Hartmann PP 7420-7428 TE Ionization and dissociation mechanisms of ketene using resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization mass spectrometer:(2+2) versus (2+1) schemes AU Wei-Yen Lee, Wei-Bin Lee, Hunghsin Fu, Ching-Chwan Pan, and King-Chuen Lin PP 7429-7435 TE Semiclassical modeling of infrared pressure-broadened linewidths: A comparative analysis in CO_{2}-Ar at various temperatures AU J.Buldyreva and M.Chrysos PP 7436-7441 TE A comparative study of electron and positron scattering from molecules. IV. CH_{3}Cl, CH_{3}Br, and CH_{3}I molecules AU M.Kimura, O.Sueoka, C.Makochekanwa, H.Kawate, and M.Kawada PP 7442-7449 TE Permanent and transition dipole moments in CaF and CaCl AU S.Raouafi, G.-H.Jeung, and Ch.Jungen PP 7450-7459 TE The energy distribution, angular distribution, and alignment of the O(^{1}D_{2}) fragment from the photodissociation of ozone between 235 and 305 nm AU Scott M.Dylewski, Joseph D.Geiser, and Paul L.Houston PP 7460-7473 TE Photodissociation dynamics of the CH_{2}Cl radical: Ion imaging studies of the Cl+CH_{2} channel AU V.Dribinski, A.B.Potter, A.V.Demyanenko, and H.Reisler PP 7474-7484 TE Electronic structure of halogen-substituted methyl radicals: Excited states of CH_{2}Cl and CH_{2}F AU Sergey V.Levchenko and Anna I.Krylov PP 7485-7494 TE The potential energy surface of excited states by time-dependent density functional theory: The reaction of sulfur atom and nitrogen dioxide AU Wei-Chen Chen and Chin-hui Yu PP 7495-7502 TE Theoretical study on the photoisomerization of azobenzene AU Takeshi Ishikawa, Takeshi Noro, and Takayuki Shoda PP 7503-7512 TE Accurate ab initio spectroscopic and thermodynamic properties of BBr^{x} and HBBr^{x} (x=0,+1, -1) AU Kirk A.Peterson, Bradley A.Flowers, and Joseph S.Francisco PP 7513-7521 TE Theoretical analysis of electronic absorption spectra of vitamin B_{12} models AU Tadeusz Andruniow, Pawel M.Kozlowski, and Marek Z.Zgierski PP 7522-7533 TE Vibrational spectroscopy of matrix-isolated, mass-selected cyanoacetylene cations AU A.M.Smith-Gicklhorn, M.Lorenz, R.Kolos, and V.E.Bondybey PP 7534-7542 TE Dispersed fluorescence spectroscopy of jet-cooled AgAu and Pt_{2} AU Jacqueline C.Fabbi, Jon D.Langenberg, Quinton D.Costello, Michael D.Morse, and Lars Karlsson PP 7543-7549 TE Fast and accurate thermodynamics of square-well systems from umbrella-sampling simulations of hard-sphere systems AU Yaoqi Zhou PP 7550-7553 TE A general approach to the electronic spin relaxation of Gd(III) complexes in solutions. Monte Carlo simulations beyond the Redfield limit AU S.Rast, P.H.Fries, E.Belorizky, A.Borel, L.Helm, and A.E.Merbach PP 7554-7563 TE Equilibrium and nonequilibrium molecular-dynamics simulations of the central force model of water AU Fernando Bresme PP 7564-7574 TE Sound absorption in nonelectrolyte aqueous solutions AU Harumi Endo and Kazuyuki Honda PP 7575-7585 TE Scaling of local density correlations in a fluid close to freezing AU F.Saija, S.Prestipino, and P.V.Giaquinta PP 7586-7591 TE A statistical mechanics/density functional approach to the thermodynamics of liquids AU Carlo Canepa PP 7592-7598 TE Liquid-to-crystal nucleation: Automated lag-time apparatus to study supercooled liquids AU A.F.Heneghan, P.W.Wilson, Genmiao Wang, and A.D.J.Haymet PP 7599-7608 TE Ultrafast exciton dynamics of J-aggregates in room temperature solution studied by third-order nonlinear optical spectroscopy and numerical simulation based on exciton theory AU Kaoru Ohta, Mino Yang, and Graham R.Fleming PP 7609-7621 TE Quantum effects in liquid water: Path-integral simulations of a flexible and polarizable ab initio model AU Harry A.Stern and B.J.Berne PP 7622-7628 TE Unusual vibrational dynamics of the acetic acid dimer AU Manho Lim and Robin M.Hochstrasser PP 7629-7643 TE Salt effects over the swelling of ionized mesoscopic gels AU A.Fernandez-Nieves, A.Fernandez-Barbero, and las Nieves PP 7644-7649 TE High field electron paramagnetic resonance of Gd^{3+}-doped glasses: Line shapes and average ion distances in silicates AU Alex I.Smirnov and S.Sen PP 7650-7656 TE Photodissociation of methyl nitrite on Ag(111): Simulation AU Seong Kyu Kim, J.M.White, Paras M.Agrawal, and Donald L.Thompson PP 7657-7668 TE Tetra point wetting of liquid K-KCl mixtures: Spectroscopic characterization of mesoscopic wetting and prewetting films AU Sandro Staroske, Werner Freyland, and Detlef Nattland PP 7669-7677 TE Spatiotemporal reaction-diffusion patterns emerging on cylindrical surfaces due to global coupling AU I.Savin, O.Nekhamkina, and M.Sheintuch PP 7678-7684 TE Mechanisms of translational and rotational energy transfer in (N_{2})_{n} cluster-surface scattering AU Denise M.Koch, Gilles H.Peslherbe, and Holger Vach PP 7685-7696 TE Sphingomyelin at the air-water interface AU David Vaknin, Michael S.Kelley, and Benjamin M.Ocko PP 7697-7704 TE Substrate effects on the fractal kinetics of a simple surface reaction AU F.Moiny and Martine Dumont PP 7705-7712 TE Cu(001) to HD energy transfer and translational to rotational energy conversion on surface scattering AU L.V.Goncharova, J.Braun, A.V.Ermakov, G.G.Bishop, D.-M.Smilgies, and B.J.Hinch PP 7713-7724 TE The dynamics of vibrational excitations on surfaces: CO on Ru(001) AU Mischa Bonn, Christian Hess, and Martin Wolf PP 7725-7735 TE Time-resolved two-dimensional vibrational spectroscopy of a short alpha-helix in water AU Sander Woutersen and Peter Hamm PP 7737-7743 TE Density-functional theory of the crystallization of hard polymeric chains AU Nazar Sushko, Paul van der Schoot, and M.A.J.Michels PP 7744-7752 TE Proton friction and diffusion coefficients in hydrated polymer electrolyte membranes: Computations with a non-equilibrium statistical mechanical model AU Stephen J.Paddison, Reginald Paul, and Thomas A.Zawodzinski, Jr. PP 7753-7761 TE A statistical mechanical model for the calculation of the permittivity of water in hydrated polymer electrolyte membrane pores AU Reginald Paul and Stephen J.Paddison PP 7762-7771 TE Three-dimensional dynamic Monte Carlo simulations of driven polymer transport through a hole in a wall AU Shyh-Shi Chern, Alfredo E.Cardenas, and Rob D.Coalson PP 7772-7782 TE The rheology and morphology of phase-separating fluids with viscosity contrast AU Zhenli Zhang, Hongdong Zhang, and Yuliang Yang PP 7783-7792

TE On the isothermal-isobaric ensemble partition function AU Kyu-Kwang Han and Hyeon S.Son PP 7793-7794 TE Comment on "Mixture model description of the T-, P dependence of the refractive index of water" [J. Chem. Phys., v.114, 3157 (2001)] AU Allan H.Harvey PP 7795 TE Response to "Comment on `Mixture model description of the T-, P dependence of the refractive index of water'" [J. Chem. Phys., v.115, 7795 (2001)] AU C.H.Cho, J.Urquidi, and Gregory I.Gellene PP 7796-7797