The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2000, V 112, N 18, 8 May.

TE The ultraviolet photofragmentation of doubly charged transition
metal complexes in the gas phase: Initial results for
[Cu.(pyridine)_{n}]^{2+} and [Ag.(pyridine)_{n}]^{2+} ions
AU Ljiljana Puskar, Perdita E.Barran, Rossana R.Wright,
David A.Kirkwood, and Anthony J.Stace
PP 7751-7754


TE Scanning near-field optical microscopy with aperture probes: Fundamentals and applications AU Bert Hecht, Beate Sick, Urs P.Wild, Volker Deckert, Renato Zenobi, Olivier J.F.Martin, and Dieter W.Pohl PP 7761-7774 TE Theoretical principles of near-field optical microscopies and spectroscopies AU Alain Dereux, Christian Girard, and Jean-Claude Weeber PP 7775-7789 TE A close look on single quantum dots AU A.Zrenner PP 7790-7798 TE Analysis of individual molecules and proteins using near-field optics AU Niek F.van Hulst, Joost-Anne Veerman, Maria F.Garcia-Parajo, and L. (Kobus) Kuipers PP 7799-7810 TE Imaging organic device function with near-field scanning optical microscopy AU Jason D.McNeill, Donald B.O'Connor, and Paul F.Barbara PP 7811-7821

TE Probing single molecule orientations in model lipid membranes with near-field scanning optical microscopy AU Christopher W.Hollars and Robert C.Dunn PP 7822-7830 TE Optical near-field excitation at the semiconductor band edge: Field distributions, anisotropic transitions and quadrupole enhancement AU A.von der Heydt, A.Knorr, B.Hanewinkel, and S.W.Koch PP 7831-7838 TE Nanometer-scale resolution and depth discrimination in near-field optical microscopy studies of electric-field-induced molecular reorientation dynamics AU Erwen Mei and Daniel A.Higgins PP 7839-7847 TE Ferroelectric polarization imaging using apertureless near-field scanning optical microscopy AU Jeremy Levy, Charles Hubert, and Angelo Trivelli PP 7848-7855 TE Near-field optics: The nightmare of the photon AU Ole Keller PP 7856-7863 TE Probing nanoscale photo-oxidation in organic films using spatial hole burning near-field scanning optical microscopy AU G.M.Credo, G.M.Lowman, J.A.DeAro, P.J.Carson, D.L.Winn, and S.K.Buratto PP 7864-7872 TE Some surprising failures of Brueckner coupled cluster theory AU T.Daniel Crawford and John F.Stanton PP 7873-7879 TE The optimized effective potential and the self-interaction correction in density functional theory: Application to molecules AU Jorge Garza, Jeffrey A.Nichols, and David A.Dixon PP 7880-7890 TE An initial value representation for semiclassical time-correlation functions AU J.Liam McWhirter PP 7891-7902 TE Frequency-dependent second hyperpolarizabilities in the time-dependent restricted open-shell Hartree-Fock theory: Application to the Li, Na, K, and N atoms AU Takao Kobayashi, Kotoku Sasagane, and Kizashi Yamaguchi PP 7903-7918 TE Elastic molecular dynamics with self-consistent flexible constraints AU Jin Zhou, Sebastian Reich, and Bernard R.Brooks PP 7919-7929 TE Comprehensive ab initio studies of nuclear magnetic resonance shielding and coupling constants in XH...O hydrogen-bonded complexes of simple organic molecules AU Magdalena Pecul, Jerzy Leszczynski, and Joanna Sadlej PP 7930-7938 TE Development of a linear response theory based on a state-specific multireference coupled cluster formalism AU Sudip Chattopadhyay, Uttam Sinha Mahapatra, and Debashis Mukherjee PP 7939-7952 TE Exciton transport in molecular aggregates probed by time and frequency gated optical spectroscopy AU Vladimir Chernyak, Tatsuya Minami, and Shaul Mukamel PP 7953-7963 TE Optimal annealing schedules for two-, three-, and four-level systems using a genetic algorithm approach AU Ronald P.White and Howard R.Mayne PP 7964-7978 TE Accurate and approximate calculations of Franck-Condon intensities in the carbon 1s photoelectron spectrum of methane AU Tor Karlsen and Knut J.Borve PP 7979-7985 TE Evidence of Fermi resonance in core-ionized methane AU Tor Karlsen and Knut J.Borve PP 7986-7991 TE Rydberg state decay in inhomogeneous electric fields AU T.P.Softley and R.J.Rednall PP 7992-8005 TE Full-dimensional quantum dynamics study on the mode-specific unimolecular dissociation reaction of HFCO AU Takeshi Yamamoto and Shigeki Kato PP 8006-8016 TE Investigation of steric effects in inelastic collisions of NO(X ^{2}Pi) with Ar AU Millard H.Alexander and Steven Stolte PP 8017-8026 TE Site specific dissociation dynamics of propane at 157 nm excitation AU S.M.Wu, J.J.Lin, Y.T.Lee, and X.Yang PP 8027-8037 TE Femtosecond pump-probe photoelectron spectroscopy of predissociative Rydberg states in acetylene AU S.L.Sorensen, O.Bjoerneholm, I.Hjelte, T.Kihlgren, G.Oehrwall, S.Sundin, S.Svensson, S.Buil, D.Descamps, A.L'Huillier, J.Norin, and C.-G.Wahlstroem PP 8038-8042 TE Valence electron momentum spectroscopy of n-butane AU W.N.Pang, J.F.Gao, C.J.Ruan, R.C.Shang, A.B.Trofimov, and M.S.Deleuze PP 8043-8052 TE Monte Carlo hyperspherical description of helium cluster excited states AU D.Blume and Chris H.Greene PP 8053-8067 TE Cooling of large molecules below 1 K and He clusters formation AU U.Even, J.Jortner, D.Noy, N.Lavie, and C.Cossart-Magos PP 8068-8071 TE Inherent structure of a molten salt AU Randall A.La Violette, Joanne L.Budzien, and Frank H.Stillinger PP 8072-8078 TE A density functional theory based on the universality of the free energy density functional AU Shiqi Zhou and Eli Ruckenstein PP 8079-8082 TE The effect of isotopic substitution and detailed balance on the infrared spectroscopy of water: A combined time correlation function and instantaneous normal mode analysis AU Heather Ahlborn, Brian Space, and Preston B.Moore PP 8083-8088 TE Super- and subcritical hydration of nonpolar solutes. I. Thermodynamics of hydration AU Nobuyuki Matubayasi and Masaru Nakahara PP 8089-8109 TE Vibrational motions of hydrogen bonds from the short time relative pair dynamics AU Alberto De Santis, Alessandro Ercoli, and Dario Rocca PP 8110-8113 TE Density functional study of adsorption of molecular hydrogen on graphene layers AU J.S.Arellano, L.M.Molina, A.Rubio, and J.A.Alonso PP 8114-8119 TE A first principles study of CH_{3} dehydrogenation on Ni(111) AU A.Michaelides and P.Hu PP 8120-8125 TE Heterochirality in Langmuir monolayers and antiferromagnetic Blume-Emery-Griffiths model AU A.Pelizzola, M.Pretti, and E.Scalas PP 8126-8136 TE Experimental evidence of structural evolution in ultrafine cobalt particles stabilized in different polymers-From a polytetrahedral arrangement to the hexagonal structure AU F.Dassenoy, M.-J.Casanove, P.Lecante, M.Verelst, E.Snoeck, A.Mosset, T.Ould Ely, C.Amiens, and B.Chaudret PP 8137-8145 TE The bonding of simple carboxylic acids on Cu(110) AU O.Karis, J.Hasselstroem, N.Wassdahl, M.Weinelt, A.Nilsson, M.Nyberg, L.G.M.Pettersson, J.Stoehr, and M.G.Samant PP 8146-8155 TE Frenkel excitons beyond the Heitler-London approximation AU V.M.Agranovich and D.M.Basko PP 8156-8162 TE Analysis of stability of macromolecular clusters in dilute heteropolymer solutions AU E.G.Timoshenko and Yu.A.Kuznetsov PP 8163-8175 TE Investigations on several empirical rules for entangled polymers based on a self-consistent full-chain reptation theory AU Chi C.Hua PP 8176-8186 TE The improved Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer method in polymers AU Mario Piris and Peter Otto PP 8187-8190 TE The potassium channel: Structure, selectivity and diffusion AU T.W.Allen, A.Bliznyuk, A.P.Rendell, S.Kuyucak, and S.-H.Chung PP 8191-8204

TE Erratum: "Homogeneous nucleation rates for water" [J. Chem. Phys., v.99, 4680 (1993)] AU Y.Viisanen, R.Strey, and H.Reiss PP 8205-8206