Journal of Chemical Physics, 1999, V 111, N 20, 22 November.

TE Infrared spectrum of the -CH{_2} out of plane fundamental of
AU Trevor J.Sears, Philip M.Johnson, and Joanne BeeBe-Wang

TE Vibrational effects on the torsional motion of ethyl radical
AU Philip M.Johnson and Trevor J.Sears

TE Line mixing in the  nu{_1} and 2nu{_2} isotropic Raman Q
   branch of CO{_2} perturbed by argon and helium
AU C.Boulet, J.-P.Bouanich, J.-M.Hartmann, B.Lavorel,
   and A.Deroussiaux

TE A characterization of vibrationally and electronically excited
   NO{_2}{^+} by high-resolution threshold photoonization
AU G.K.Jarvis, Y.Song, C.Y.Ng, and E.R.Grant

TE Structure and spectroscopy of Ne{_n}SH(A{^2}DELTA{^+}]
   complexes using adiabatic diffusion Monte Carlo (ADMC)
AU Hee-Seung Lee, John M.Herbert, and Anne B.McCoy

TE Rotationally specific rates of vibration-vibration energy
   exchange in collisions of NO(X{^2}PI{_1/2},nu=3) with
   NO(X{^2}PI, nu=0)
AU Meezanul Islam and Ian W.M.Smith

TE Electronic spectra of carbon chain anions - C{_2n}H{^-} (n=5-12)
AU D.A.Kirkwood, M.Tulej, M.V.Pachkov, M.Schnaiter, F.Guthe,
   M.Grutter, M.Wyss, J.P.Maier, and G.Fischer

TE Microwave spectroscopic study of SiF{_3} radical: Spin-rotation
   interaction and molecular strucure
AU Mitsutoshi Tanimoto and Shuji Saito

TE Analytical potential energy surface for the GeH{_4} + H -->
   GeH{_3} + H{_2} reaction: Thermal and vibrationaltate selected
   rate constants and kinetic isotope efects
AU J.Espinosa-Garcia

TE Rotational and vibrotational transfer in H* - CO{_2} collisions;
   the influence of stereokinematic retrictions
AU Suzanne Clare, Alison J.Marks, and Anthony J.McCaffery

TE Photodissociation of 1,1-difluoroethene (CH{_2}CF{_2}) at 193 nm
   monitored with step-scan time-resolved Fourier-transform
   infrared emission spectroscopy
AU Shiaw-Ruey Lin and Yuan-Pern Lee

TE Infrared spectra and pseudopotential calcuations for NUO{^+},
   NUO and NThO in solid neon
AU Mingfei Zhou and Lester Andrews

TE Topological effects due to conical intersections: A model study
   of two interacting conical interections
AU Michael Baer, Antonio J.C.Varandas, and Robert Englman

TE Phase-sensitive observables as a route to undertanding molecular
AU Tamar Seideman

TE A combined analysis of the nu{_9} band and the farnfrared
   torsional spectra of ethane
AU N.Moazzen-Ahmadi, J.Schroderus, and A.R.W.McKellar

TE Unimolecular dynamics from kinetic energy release distributions.
   V. How does the efficiency of phase space sampling vary with
   internal energy
AU A.Hoxha, R.Locht, A.J.Lorquet, J.C.Lorquet, and B.Leyh

TE Photoinitiated unimolecular decomposition of NO{_2}: Rotational
   dependence of the dissociation rate
AU I.Bezel, P.Ionov, and C.Wittig

TE Creep of selenium near the glass temperature
AU C.M.Roland, P.G.Santangelo, D.J.Plazek, and K.M.Bernatz

TE A multi-layer theory for interfacial properties of systems
   containing hydrogen bonding molecules. II. A simple, yet exact
   form for segment potentials arising from association interactions
AU S.J.Suresh and V.M.Naik

TE Persistent spectral hole-burning and hole-filling in CuBr
   semiconductor nanocrystals
AU J.Valenta, J.Dian, J.Hala, P.Gilliot, and R.Levy

TE Generation and observation of GHz ultrasonic waves on liquid
   surfaces and the liquid/liquid interface by transient reflecting
   grating method
AU Sachiyo Ikeda, Kenji Katayama, Takayuki Tanaka, Isao Tsuyumoto,
   Tsuguo Sawada, and Akira Harata