Journal of Chemical Physics, 1998, V 109, N 24, 22 Dec.

TE Zero electron kinetic energy (ZEKE) and photoelecron
   spectroscopy of the Xe1{^-} anion
AU Thomas Lenzer, Michael R.Furlanetto, Knut R.Asmis,
   and Daniel M.Neumark

TE An internal coordinate model of coupling between the torsion and
   C-H vibrations in methanol
AU Xiaoliang Wang and David S.Perry

TE Cavity size in reaction field theory
AU Chang-Guo Zhan and Daniel M.Chipman

TE Ultrafast multiphoton ionisation dynamics and control of NaK
AU Jan Davidsson, Tony Hansson, and Emad Mukhtar

TE Resonance Raman intensity analysis of a
   dicyanoinyl-azaadamantane. Mode-specific reorganization energies
   for charge-transfer and locally-excited states
AU Mark Lilichenko, Dietrich Tittelbach-Helmrich, Jan W.Verhoeven,
   Ian R.Gould, and Anne B.Myers

TE The transition dipole moment function of the chlorine E
   O{_g}{^+}({^3}P{_2})-B({^3}{ZETA})O{_u}{^+} system
AU N.K.Bibinov, V.K.Davydov, A.A.Fateev, D.B.Kokh, E.V.Lugovoj,
   Ch.Ottinger, and A.M.Pravilov

TE Photoelectron spectroscopy of As{^-}, As{^-}{_2}, As{^-}{_3},
   As{^-}{_4}, and As{^-}{_5}
AU T.P.Lippa, S.-J./ Xu, S.A.Lyapustina, J.M.Nilles, and K.H.Bowen

TE Short-time motion in He{_n} clusters
AU Jeonghee Seong and Kenneth C.Janda

TE Photodissociation dynamics of 1,1-difluroethyene at 157 nm
AU J.J.Lin, S.M.Wu, D.W.Hwang, Y.T.Lee, and X.Yang

TE Rotational dynamics of methyl groups in durene. A
   crystallographic, spectroscopic, and molecular mechanics
AU M.A.Neumann, M.R.Johnson, P.Radaelli, H.P.Trommsdorff,
   and S.F.Parker

TE Hydrogenated and deuterated iron clusters. Infrared spectra and
   density functional calculations
AU Mark B.Knickelbein, Geoffrey M.Koretsky, Koblar A.Jackson,
   Mark Pederson, and Zoltan Hajnal

TE State-to-state inelastic scattering from vibraionally activated
   OH-H{_2} complexes
AU Jeanne M.Hossenlopp, David T.Anderson, Michael W.Todd,
   and Marsha I.Lester

TE One- and two-dimensional ensemble quantum computing in spin
   Liouville space
AU Z.L.Madi, R.Bruschweiler, and R.R.Ernst

TE Quantum mechanical study of the CH(v=2) overtone in 30-mode
AU Robert E.Wyatt

TE Near-infrared absorption spectrum of the Ar-HD complex.
   Confrontation of theory with experient
AU Felicja Mrugala and Robert Moszynski

TE Photodissociation dynamics of trifluoroethylene at 157 nm
AU J.J.Lin, T.C.Hsu, D.W.Hwang, Y.T.Lee, and X.Yang

TE Charge transfer and fragmentation of liquid helium clusters that
   contain one or more neon atoms
AU Thomas Ruchti, Kirk Forde, Berton E.Callicoatt, Henrik Ludwigs,
   and Kenneth C.Janda

TE Magnetic interactions between a [4Fe-4S]{^1+} cluster and a FMN
   radical in the enzyme trimethylamine dehydrogenase. A high-field
   EPR study
AU Andre Fournel, Serge Gambarelli, Bruno Guigliarelli,
   Claude More, Marcel Asso, Geraard Chouteau, Russ Hille,
   and Patrick Bertrand

TE A quantum electrodynamical treatment of second harmonic
   generation through phase conjugate six-wave mixing. Polarisation
AU Ian D.Hands, Shujie Lin, Stephen R.Meech and David L.Andrews

TE Focusing of DCl and HCl dimers by an electrotatic hexapole
   field. The role of the tuneling motion
AU K.Imura, T.Kasai, H.Ohoyama, and R.Naaman

TE Dipole moment of non-rigid molecular systems. The dipole moment
   of hydrochloric dimers
AU Ron Naaman and Zeev Vager

TE Patterns due to quintic kinetics in a diffusioneaction system
   with global interaction
AU Moshe Sheintuch and Olga Nekhamkina

TE The coupling of a Jahn-Teller pseudo-rotation with a hindered
   internal rotation in an isoated molecule. 9-hydroxytriptycene
AU Alan Furlan, Samuel Leutwyler, and Mark J.Riley

TE On the Einstein-Stern model of rotational heat capacities
AU Jens Peder Dahl

TE Calculation of the rotation-vibration states of water up to
AU Hamse Y.Mussa and Jonathan Tennyson

TE Calculation of crystal and molecular structures of
   hexachlorobenzene C{_6}Cl{_6}
AU M-M.Thiery and C.Rerat

TE A theoretical analysis of the state-specific decomosition of
   OH(A{^2}{SIGMA}{^+}, v', N', F{_1}/F{_2}) levels, includng the
   effects of spin-orbit and Coriolis interctions
AU Gerard Parlant and David R.Yarkony

TE Accurate reaction rate calculations including interal and
   rotational motion: A statistical MCTDH-aproach
AU Frank Matzkies and Uwe Manthe

TE Ab initio study on the reaction mechanism of ozone with chlorine
AU Der-Yan Hwang and Alexander M.Mebel

TE Time-and frequency-resolved coherent two-dimenional (2D) IR
   spectroscopy. Its complementary relationship with the coherent
   2D Raman scatterng spectroscopy
AU Kisam Park and Minhaeng Cho

TE State-specific vibrational anharmonicities in cyclobutadiene and
   evidence for fast automeization by {^12}C{_4}H{_4}
AU Richard L.Redington

TE Rotational spectrum of a salt-containing van der Waals complex.
AU Asao Mizoguchi, Yasuki Endo, and Yasuhiro Ohshima

TE Effective elastic moduli of a composite containing rigid spheres
   at non-dilute concentrations. A multiple scattering approach
AU Radu P.Mondescu and M.Muthukumar

TE Viscoelastic effects in 3D microphase separation of block
   copolymers. Dynamic mean-field density functional approach
AU N.M.Maurits, A.V.Zvelindovsky, and J.G.E.M.Fraaije

TE Molecular dynamics of thiophene homologues invesigated by
   femtosecond optical Kerr effect and low frequency Raman
   scattering spectroscopies
AU Kenji Kamada, Minoru Ueda, Koji Ohta, Yan Wang, Kiminori Ushida,
   and Yasunori Tominaga

TE A nest of structures in dynamics of cellulose diaetate in
   N,N-dimethylacetamide in quiescent soluion state studied by
   dynamic light scattering
AU Hiroyuki Kawanishi, Yoshisuke Tsunashima, and Fumitaka Horii

TE Conformational properties of isolated polyelecrolytes in poor
AU Chwen-Yang Shew and Arun Yethiraj

TE Configurations of liquid crystalline polymers in nematic solvents
AU Gustavo A.Carri and M.Muthukumar

TE Confined complex liquids. Passages, droplets, peranent
   deformations and order-disorder transitions
AU Robert Holyst and P.Osmald

TE Efficient memory equation algorithm for reduced dynamics in
   spin-boson models
AU Andrei A.Golosov, Richard A.Friesner, and Philip Pechukas

TE Ionic charging free energies. Spherical versus periodic boundary
AU Tom Darden, David Pearlman, and Lee G.Pedersen

TE New statistical mechanical treatment of systems near surfaces.
   IV. Surface and surface-induced capillary transitions in polymer
AU Mukesh Chhajer and P.D.Gujrati

TE {alpha} and {beta} process in the glass forming electrolyte
   solution LiCl-6H{_2}O
AU P.O.Maurin

TE Critical point and phase behavior of the pure fluid and a
   Lennard-Jones mixture
AU Jeffrey J.Potoff and Anthanassios Z.Panagiotopoulos

TE Effective pair potentials for charged colloidal particles
AU P.Gonzalez-Mozuelos and M.D.Carbajal-Tinoco

TE Simulation of swelling of model polymeric gels by subcritical
   and supercritical solvents
AU Fernando A.Escobedo and Juan Pablo

TE Fractionated crystallization in a polydisperse mixture of hard
AU Paul Bartlett

TE Suspensions of adhesive colloidal particles in sedimentation
   equilibrium in a planar pore
AU A.Jamnik

TE Fokker-Planck equation and the grand molecular friction tensor
   for coupled rotational and translational motions of structured
   Brownian particles near structured surfaces
AU Michael H.Peters

TE Long-ranged relaxations in poly(ethylene oxide) melts. Evidence
   for network behavior
AU R.Walkenhorst, J.C.Selser, and G.Piet

TE Two dimensional umbrella sampling techniques for the computer
   simulation study of helical peptides at thermal equilibrium. The
   3K(I) peptide in vacuo and solution
AU S.O.Samuelson and G.J.Martyna

TE Size distributions of metal nanoparticles in polyelectrolyte gels
AU D.I.Svergun, E.V.Shtykova, A.T.Dembo, L.M.Bronstein,
   O.A.Platonova, A.N.Yakunin P.M.Valetsky, and A.R.Khokhlov

TE The ultrasonic relaxation in aqueous solutions of
AU Piotr Miecznik