Journal of Chemical Physics, 1998, V 109, N 14, 8 October.
%T Angular momentum influences on vibrational
relaxation pathways from 6{^1} benzene
%A Eric R. Waclawik and Warren D. Lawrance
%T Fourier transform emission spectroscopy of the
A{^2}{OMICRON} - X{^2}{SIGMA}{^+} system of BeH
%A C. Focsa, S. Firth, P.F. Bernath, and
R. Colin
%T Effect of laser-intensity on the determination
of intermolecular electron transfer rate constants.
Observations of Marcus inverted region in
photoinduced back electron transfer reactions
%A Yu-Xiang Weng, Kowk-Chu Chan,
Biing-Chiau Tzeng, and Chi-Ming Che
%T Competing pathways for methoxy decomposition
on oxygen-covered Mo(110)
%A K.T. Queeney and C.M. Friend
%T Convergence analysis of the addition theorem of
Slater orbitals and its application to three-
center nuclear attraction integrals
%A Ahmed Bouferguene and Herbert W. Jones
%T Non-adiabatic bending dissociation in 16 valence
electron systems OCS
%A Toshinori Suzuki, Hideki Katayanagi,
Shinkoh Nanbu, and Mutsumi Aoyagi
%T Photoabsorption and photoionization of propyne
%A Grace H. Ho, Ming S. Lin, Yuan L. Wang,
and Ten W. Chang
%T Experimental investigation of radiative lifetimes of
vibrational levels at the electronic ground states
of C{_2}{^}
%A H.B. Pedersen, C. Brink, L.H. Anderson,
N. Bjerre, P. Hvelplund, D. Kella, and
H. Shen
%T Towards a complete description of multiple dis-
sociation events. A photoion-photoneutral (pi-
pn{^3}) coincidence study of Ar{_4}{^+}
%A P. Jukes, A. Buxey, A.B. Jones, and A.J. Stace
%T Reduced dimensionality quantum scattering calcu-
lations on the Cl + CH{_4} --> HCl + CH{_3} reaction
%A Gunnar Nyman, Hua-Gen Yu, and
Robert B. Walker
%T A semiclassical approach to intense-field above-
threshold dissociation in the long wavelength
limit. II. Conservation principles and coherence
in surface Hopping
%A Mark Thachuk, M. Yu. Ivanov, and
David M. Wardlaw
%T Product-operator formalism in I > 1/2 and S > 3/2
J-coupled nuclear spins. Application to J assessment
via SEDOR experiment
%A S. Capuani, F. De Luca, and B. Maraviglia
%T (2+1) REMPI spectra of {OMEGA} = 0 states of the
hydrogen halides. Spectroscopy, perturbations
and exitation mechanisms
%A Agust Kvaran, Ashildur Logadottir, and
Huasheng Wang
%T Interaction-induced polarizability invariants and
the interatomic potential of the mercury diatom
%A Alessandra Bonechi, Massimo Moraldi, and
Lothar Frommhold
%T Infrared spectrum of the water - carbon
monoxide complex in the CO stretching region
%A Matthew D. Brookes and A.R.W. McKellar
%T Reactions of N(2{^2}D) with methane and deuter-
ated methanes
%A Hironobu Umemoto, Takanobu Nakae,
Hideomi Hashimoto, Koichi Kongo, and
Masahiro Kawasaki
%T Measurement of structural distribution functions
in disordered systems. A general approach for
sensitivity estimation
%A Marcel Utz
%T Positron and positronium chemistry by quantum
Monte Carlo. III. Ground state of [OH, Ps],
[CH, Ps], and [NH{_2}, Ps] complexes
%A Dario Bressanini, Massimo Mella, and
Gabriele Morosi
%T Density-functional study of hydration of sodium
in water clusters
%A Lavanya M. Ramaniah, Marco Bernasconi, and
Michele Parrinello
%T Theoretical calculation of lineshapes and satura-
tion effects in polarization spectroscopy
%A Thomas A. Reichardt and Robert P. Lucht
%T Energy corrected sudden calculations of line widths
and line shapes based on coupled states cross sec-
tions. The test case of CO{_2}-argon
%A F. Thibault, J. Boissoles, C. Boulet, L. Ozanne,
J.P. Bouanich, C.F. Roche, and J.M. Hutson
%T Rotationally resolved IR spectroscopy of
ammonia trapped in cold helium clusters
%A Michael Behrens, Udo Buck, Ralf Frochtenicht,
Matthias Hartmann, Friedrich Huisken, and
Frank Rohmund
%T The application of complex absorbing potentials to
an invariant embedding scattering method. I. The-
ory and computational details
%A Fermin Huarte-Larranaga, Xavier Gimenez,
and Antonio Aguilar
%T Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of the allyl
radical. The lifetimes of the UV bands
%A Thomas Schultz and Ingo Fischer
%T Experimental determination of the ground-state
inversion splitting in D{_3}O{^+} by microwave
%A Mitsunori Araki, Hiroyuki Ozeki, and
Shuji Saito
%T Spin-orbit effects in the reaction of F({^2}P) with
%A Millard H. Alexander, Hans-Joachim Werner,
and David E. Manolopoulos
%T The inner-hydrogen migration and ground state
structure of porphycene
%A Pawel M. Kozlowski, Marek Z. Zgierski, and
Jon Baker
%T Correlated Monte Carlo electron pair density for
the atoms helium to neon
%A A. Sarsa, F.J. Galvez, and E. Buendia
%T Orbital and shakeup operator renormalizations in
electron propagator theory
%A J.V. Ortiz
%T Critical test of quantum cluster equilibrium
theory. Formic acid at B3LYP/6-31+G* hybrid
density functional level
%A Mark A. Wendt, Frank Weinhold, and
Thomas C. Farrar
%T Multireference perturbation theory with flexible
energy denominators
%A James P. Finley
%T Evolution of the third-order molecular polarizability in
polyenes. A local view from atomic charge derivatives
%A V.M. Geskin and J.L. Bredas
%T Structures, binding energies, and spectra of iso-
energetic water hexamer clusters. Extensive ab
initio studies
%A Jongseob Kim and Kwang S. Kim
%T Analytical second derivatives of the free energy
in solution by polarizable continuum models
%A Maurizio Cossi and Vincenzo Barone
%T Development and assessment of new exchange-
correlation functionals
%A Fred A. Hamprecht, Aron J. Cohen,
David J. Tozer, and Nicholas C. Handy
%T Non-iterative local second order Moller-Plesset
theory. Convergence with local correlation
%A P.E. Maslen and M. Head-Gordon
%T An explicit-solvent dynamic-dielectric
screening model of electron-hole
interactions in conjugated polymers
%A Eric E. Moore and David Yaron
%T Stochastic resonance in liquid membrane
%A Xiaobing Zuo, Zhonghuai Hou, and
Houwen Xin
%T Effects of viscoelasticity of bulk polymer
solution on the surface modes as probed by
laser light scattering
%A Q.R. Huang and C.H. Wang
%T Outside and inside the critical region
of the Lennard-Jones fluid
%A Yiping Tang
%T Kramers-like picture for crystal nucleation
%A D. Reguera, J.M. Rubi, and A. Perez-Madrid
%T Real-space renormalization group technique
for low-lying energy states in chain folding
%A Wolfgang Tschoep and Jaan Noolandi
%T Computer simulation study of the structure and
dynamics of ring polymers
%A Scott Brown and Grzegorz Szamel
%T Effect of counterion species on the dynamics
of polystyrenesulfonate in aqueous solution as
studied by dynamic light scattering
%A Hideki Matsuoka, Yoshito Ogura, and
Hitoshi Yamaoka
%T Generalized Langevin dynamics simulations of
NaCl electrolyte solutions
%A M. Canales and G. Sese
%T Influence of polydispersity on the phase behaviour
of colloidal liquid crystals. A Monte Carlo simu-
lation study
%A Martin A. Bates and Daan Frenkel
%T Ultrafast fluorescence quenching by electron
transfer and fluorescence from the second
excited state of a charge transfer complex as
studied by femtosecond up-conversion spectroscopy
%A Shinichiro Iwai, Shigeo Murata, and
M. Tachiya
%T Symmetric Lennard-Jones mixtures in two
%A Margot J. Vlot and Jan P. van der Eerden
%T Demixing versus freezing of binary hard-sphere
%A Tamara Coussaert and Marc Baus
%T Biexciton photoseparation and photoconductivity
%A P.A. Frantsuzov and A.I. Burshtein
%T Effects of tetramethylurea on the tertiary
structure of lysozyme in water
%A Valeria Castelletto, Elizabeth P.G. Areas,
Jose A.G. Areas, and Aldo F. Craievich
%T Thermodynamic stability of ferromagnetic liquids
in the presence of nematic interactions
%A A. Oukouiss and M. Baus
%T Solute-solvent interaction dynamics studied by
photon echo spectroscopies in polymer glasses
%A Yutaka Nagasawa, Jae-Young Yu, and
Graham R. Fleming
%T Shape of star-branched polymers at various sol-
vent conditions. A computer simulation study
%A Andrzej Sikorski and Piotr Romiszowski
%T Temperature dependent vibrational lifetimes
in supercritical fluids near the critical point
%A D.J. Myers, Shirley Chen, Motoyuki Shigeiwa,
Binny J. Cherayil, and M.D. Fayer
%T Rotational dynamics of neutral red. Do ionic
and neutral solutes experience the same friction?
%A G.B. Dutt, M.K. Singh, and A.V. Sapre
%T Spin effects on the luminescence yield of organic
light emitting diodes
%A Alexander L. Burin and Mark A. Ratner
%T Spin populations in one-dimensional alternant
spin systems. A theoretical approach
%A Bhargavi Srinivasan, S. Ramasesha, and
Olivier Kahn
%T Dissociative electron attachment and charging
on condensed SF{_6}
%A F. Weik and E. Illenberger
%T Electron spectroscopy of resonance-enhanced
vibrational excitations of gaseous and solid
%A M. Lepage, S. Letarte, M. Michaud,
F. Motte-Tollet, M.-J. Hubin-Franskin,
D. Roy, and L. Sanche
%T Inducing and imaging single molecule dissoci-
ation on a semiconductor surface. H{_2}S and
D{_2}S on Si(111)-7x7
%A M.A. Rezaei, B.C. Stipe, W. Ho
%T Pump-probe spectra of linear molecular
aggregates. Effect of exciton-exciton
interaction and higher molecular levels
%A Gediminas Juzeliunas and Peter Reineker
%T Monte Carlo simulations of a simple model for
the electrocatalytic CO oxidation on platinum
%A M.T.M. Koper, A.P.J. Jansen, R.A. van Santen,
J.J. Lukkien, and P.A.J. Hilbers