Journal of Chemical Physics 08 Feb 1997, V106, N2.

%T  A multi-configurational time-dependent Hartree approach to the direct
    calculation of thermal rate constants
%A  Frank Matzkies and Uwe Manthe

%T  The structure and stability of B{_n}H{^+} clusters
%A  Alessandra Ricca and Charles W.Bauschlicher, Jr.

%T  Stabilization of localized states in dissipative tunneling systems
    interacting with monochromatic fields
%A  Nancy Makri

%T  A density functional theory estimation of the heat of formation for FOOC1
%A  Branko S.Jursic

%T  O{_2} transient trapping-desorption at the Ag(111) surface
%A  Age Raukema, David A.Butler, and Aart W.Kleyn

%T  Optical detection of yttrium dicarbide, a "T-shaped" molecule
%A  T.C.Steimle, A.J.Marr, J.Xin, A.J.Merer, K.Athanassenas, and D.Gillett

%T  Adsorption of water on Si(100)-(2x1). A study with density functional
%A  Robert Konecny and D.J.Doren

%T  Bounds on spin dynamics and the design of multiplepulse-NMR experiments
%A  Colan E.Hughes and Stephen Wimperis

%T  Calculation of ionization energies, electron affinities,
    electronegativities and hardnesses using density functional methods
%A  Frank De Proft and Paul Geerlings

%T  An adiabatic exponential perturbation theory for rotationally inelastic
%A  E.Curotto and R.J.Cross

%T  One dimensional nutation nuclear quadrupole resonance spectroscopy for
    measurement of the electric field gradient tensor-asymmetry parameter
%A  H.Robert and D.Pusiol

%T  Density functional calculations for Mg{_n}{^+} clusters
%A  Ernest R.Davidson and Regina R.Frey

%T  Femtosecond site-selective probing of energy relaxing excitons in
    poly(phenylenevinylene) - luminescence dynamics and lifetime spectra
%A  R.Kersting, B.Mollay, M.Rusch, J.Wenisch, G.Leising, and H.F.Kauffmann

%T  Magneto-infrared spectra of matrix-isolated NiH and NiH{_2} molecules and
    theoretical calculations of the lowest electronic states of NiH{_2}
%A  S.Li, R.J.Van Zee, W.Weltner, Jr., M.G.Cory, and M.C.Zerner

%T  Photodissociation of binary metal metallocarbohedrenes
%A  B.D.May, S.E.Kooi, B.J.Toleno, and A.W.Castleman, Jr.

%T  Spectroscopic characterization of the {^3}{DELTA}(4d), {^3}{PI}(4d),
    {^3}{SIGMA}{^+}(4d), and {^3}{PI}(5p) Rydberg states of the MgAr
    van der Waals molecule
%A  Steven Massick and W.H.Breckenridge

%T  Collision-induced double transition effects in the 3{nu}{_3}CO{_2} band
    wing region
%A  N.N.Filippov, J.-P.Bouanich, C.Boulet, M.V.Tonkov, R.Le Doucen,
    and F.Thibault

%T  Millimeter-wave spectroscopy of FeF (X{^6}{DELTA}{_i}). Rotational
    analysis and bonding study
%A  M.D.Allen and L.M.Ziurys

%T  Scattering dynamics in HF + He, Ne, and Ar. State-to-state cross sections,
    Dopplerimetry, and alignment measurement via direct infrared
    laser absorption in crossed supersonic jets
%A  William B.Chapman, Miles J.Weida, and David J.Nesbitt

%T  Molecular beam optical Zeeman spectroscopy of iridium mononitride
%A  T.C.Steimle, A.J.Marr, S.A.Beaton, and J.M.Brown

%T  NaK D{^1}{PI} electric dipole moment measurement by Stark level crossing
    and e-f mixing spectroscopy
%A  M.Tamanis, M.Auzinsh, I.Klincare, O.Nikolayeva, A.V.Stolyarov,
    and R.Ferber

%T  Spectroscopy of mass-selected rhodium dimers in argon matrices
%A  Huaiming Wang, Hanae Haouari, Robert Craig, Yifei Liu, John R.Lombardi,
    and D.M.Lindsay

%T  Spectroscopy of ionic alkali rare gas excimers in matrices
%A  S.Moeller and P.Gurtler

%T  Resonant ion-dip infrared spectroscopy of benzene(methanol){_m} clusters
    with m=1-6
%A  R.Nathaniel Pribble, Fred Hagemeister, and Timothy S.Zwier

%T  A fast algorithm for evaluating multidimensional potential energy surfaces
%A  Timothy Hollebeek, Tak-San Ho, and Herschel Rabitz

%T  Spectroscopy and ultrafast dynamics of the 2A{_1} state of Z-hexatriene
    in gas phase
%A  W.Fu{beta}, T.Schikarski, W.E.Schmid, S.Trushin, P.Hering, and K.L.Kompa

%T  Time-resolved infrared diode laser spectroscopy of the {nu}{_1} band of
    the iron carbonyl radical (FeCO) produced by the UV photolysis
    of Fe(CO){_5}
%A  Keiichi Tanaka, Kouichi Sakaguchi, and Takehiko Tanaka

%T  Electronic structure of vanadium cluster anions
    as studied by photoelectron spectroscopy
%A  Masako Iseda, Tetsuya Nishio, Sang Yun Han, Hiroyuki Yoshida,
    Akira Terasaki, and Tamotsu Kondow

%T  Kinetics of superstructure formation in block copolymers
%A  S.Vakulenko, A.Vilesov, B.Stuehn, and S.Frenkel

%T  Solvation and reorganization energies in polarizable molecular and
    continuum solvents
%A  Joel S.Bader, Christian M.Cortis, and B.J.Berne

%T  Statistical associating fluid theory for chain molecules with attractive
    potentials of variable range
%A  Alejandro Gil-Villegas, Amparo Galindo, Paul J.Whitehead, Stuart J.Mills,
    George Jackson, and Andrew N.Burgess

%T  Constant pressure simulations of lattice gas models
%A  Peter Pendzig, Wolfgang Dieterich, and Abraham Nitzan

%T  Interaction potentials and diffusion coefficients between sodium and
    rare gases
%A  P.Li and K.T.Tang

%T  Freezing/melting phenomena for Lennard-Jones methane in slit pores.
    A Monte Carlo study
%A  Minoru Miyahara and Keith E.Gubbins

%T  Equilibrium properties of polyampholytes in electric fields
%A  Roland G.Winkler and Peter Reineker

%T  Block copolymer microstructures in the intermediate-segregation regime
%A  M.W.Matsen and F.S.Bates

%T  Mobility of atomic hydrogen in solid krypton and xenon
%A  J.Eberlein and Martin Creuzburg

%T  The influence of image interactions on the structure of water and
    electrolytes in front of a metal surface
%A  A.Kramer, M.Vossen, and F.Forstmann

%T  A Monte Carlo simulation study of the temperature dependence for the
    conformation distribution of 1,2-dimethoxyethane in water
%A  Ola Engkvist and Gunnar Karlstrom

%T  Spinodal decomposition under shear flow
%A  Paz Padilla and Soren Toxvaerd

%T  A dynamic Monte Carlo algorithm for exploration of dense conformational
    spaces in heteropolymers
%A  R.Ramakrishnan, Bala Ramachandran, and J.F.Pekny

%T  Ultrafast dielectric relaxation response of polar liquids
%A  L.F.del Castillo, L.A.Davalos-Orozco, and L.S.Garcia-Colin

%T  Rate statistics and thermodynamic analogies for relaxation processes in
    systems with static disorder. Application to stretched exponential
%A  Marcel O.Vlad, David L.Huber, and John Ross

%T  Ion solvation dynamics in binary mixtures
%A  Tyler J.F.Day and G.N.Patey

%T  Symmetric diblock copolymers under large amplitude oscillatory shear flow:
    Dual frequency experiments
%A  Yuanming Zhang and Ulrich Wiesner

%T  Toward the theory of the electron affinity of large dielectric clusters.
    Quantum size correction
%A  I.T.Iakubov and V.V.Pogosov

%T  Exact enumeration of all conformations of a heteropolymer chain in a
    prescribed, noncompact volume
%A  J.Mai, I.M.Sokolov, and A.Blumen

%T  Concentration and frequency-dependent trapping of reactive polymers
%A  Glenn H.Fredrickson

%T  Superradiance of polaritons. Crossover from 2D to 3D crystals
%A  V.M.Agranovich, D.M.Basko, and O.A.Dubovsky

%T  Dynamics of poly(oxyethylene) melts. Comparison of {^13}C NMR spin-lattice
    relaxation and dielectric relaxation as determined from simulations and
%A  Grant D.Smith, Do Y.Yoon, Charles G.Wade, Russell Lewis,
    and Richard L.Jaffe

%T  Long-time behavior of the diffusion-controlled A + B --> 0 reaction with
    hopping energy relaxation
%A  S.D.Baranovskii, F.Hensel, J.E.Golub, and P.Thomas

%T  A variational approach to nonlocal exciton-phonon coupling
%A  Yang Zhao, David W.Brown, and Katja Lindenberg

%T  Time-frequency theory of pump-probe absorption spectroscopy
%A  YiJing Yan, Weimin Zhang, and Jianwei Che