Journal of Chemical Physics 1997, V107, N3, 15 JUL.

%T  Kinetics and dynamics of the dissociative chemisorption of
    oxygen on Ir(111)
%A  J.E.Davis, P.D.Nolan, S.G.Karseboom, and C.B.Mullins

%T  Semiclassical initial value theory for dissociation dynamics
%A  G.Campolieti and Paul Brumer

%T  Unimolecular reactions in the gas and liquid phases. A possible
    resolution to the puzzles of the trans-stilbene isomerization
%A  Gidon Gershinsky and Eli Pollak

%T  Ab initio geometry, quartic force field and vibrational
    frequencies for P{_4}
%A  B.Joakim Persson, Peter R.Taylor, and Timothy J.Lee

%T  CH-stretching overtone spectra and internal
    methyl rotation in 2,6-difluorotoluene
%A  Chenxi Zhu, Henrik G.Kjaergaard, and Bryan R.Henry

%T  Polarisation of emission from asymmetric rotors.
    II. Vector reorientation through intra-molecular
    coupling and inelastic collisions
%A  Kaspars Truhins, Anthony J.McCaffery, Zeyad T.Alwahabi,
    and Zaid Rawi

%T  An accurate potential energy curve for helium based
    on ab initio calculations
%A  A.R.Janzen and R.A.Aziz

%T  Unimolecular dissociation of trivalent metal cluster ions.
    The size evolution of metallic bonding
%A  E.Cottancin, M.Pellarin, J.Lerme, B.Baguenard, B.Palpant,
    J.L.Vialle, and M.Broyer
%T  Reactant-product decoupling approach to half-
    scattering problems. Photodissociation of H{_2}O in 3D
%A  Dunyou Wang, Wei Zhu, John Z.H.Zhang, and Donald J.Kouri

%T  H atom formation dynamics in the dissociation of
    CH{_3}-CF{_2}Cl (HCFC-142b) after UV and VUV laser photoexcitation
%A  R.A.Brownsword, M.Hillenkamp, T.Laurent,
    H.-R.Volpp, J.Wolfrum, R.K.Vatsa, and H.-S.Yoo

%T  Energy switching approach to potential surfaces.
    II. Two-valued function for the water molecule
%A  A.J.C.Varandas

%T  Oscillatory instabilities during formic acid oxidation on Pt(100),
    Pt(110) and Pt(111) under potentiostatic control. I. Experimental
%A  P.Strasser, M.Lubke, F.Raspel, M.Eiswirth, and G.Ertl

%T  Oscillatory instabilities during formic acid oxidation on Pt(100),
    Pt(110) and Pt(111) under potentiostatic control.
    II. Model calculations
%A  P.Strasser, M.Eiswirth, and G.Ertl

%T  Resonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy of LiCu
%A  Larry M.Russon, Gretchen K.Rothschopf, and Michael D.Morse

%T  Determinants of secondary structure of polypeptide chains.
    Interplay between short range and burial interactions
%A  Andrzej Kolinski and Jeffrey Skolnick

%T  Fast, accurate semiemprical molecular orbital calculations
    for macromolecules
%A  Steven L.Dixon and Kenneth M.Merz, Jr.

%T  Nonadiabatic coupling of the 3p Rydberg and {pipi}
    valence states of acetone
%A  Ruth McDiarmid and Xing Xing

%T  Photofragmentation of chlorotoluene and dichlorobenzene.
    Substituent effects on the dissociation mechanism, and
    angular distribution of the Cl fragment
%A  Teijiro Ichimura, Yuji Mori, Hisanori Shinohara, and Nobuyuki Nishi

%T  On the appearance of resonances in reactive scattering.
    An experimental study of the H+D{_2} --> HD+D reaction at
    collision energies near 1.29 eV
%A  E.Wrede and L.Schnieder

%T  Distributed approximating functional fit of the
    H{_3} ab initio potential energy data of Liu and Siegbahn
%A  Anatoli Frishman, David K.Hoffman, and Donald J.Kouri

%T  Measurement of the rotational distribution for the OD product from
    the reaction on ND{_3}{^+} + D{_2}O --> ND{_4}{^+} + OD under
    translationally thermal conditions
%A  Richard J.Green and Richard N.Zare

%T  Proton and hydrogen atom transfer in hydrogen
    bonded clusters. Ammonia as a paradigm
%A  E.M.Snyder and A.W.Castleman, Jr.

%T  Sideband optical-optical double resonance Zeeman spectroscopy.
    II. Studies of NiH, PdD, and PtH
%A  Michael C.McCarthy, Hideto Kanamori, Timothy C.Steimle,
    Mingguang Li, and Robert W.Field

%T  Sideband optical-optical double resonance Zeeman spectroscopy.
    III. Analysis of composite lines and selective detection
%A  Michael C.McCarthy and Robert W.Field

%T  Study of spatial pattern formation during the NO + H{_2}/Rh(111)
    reaction by means of mathematical modeling
%A  A.G.Makeev, N.M.H.Janssen, P.D.Cobden,
    M.M.Slinko, and B.E.Nieuwenhuys

%T  A hybrid semiempirical QM and lattice-sum method
    for electrostatic interactions in fluid simulations
%A  Jiali Gao and Cristobal Alhambra

%T  Vacuum-UV fluorescence spectroscopy of SiF{_4} in
    the range 10-30 eV
%A  H.Biehl, K.J.Boyle, D.P.Seccombe, D.M.Smith,
    R.P.Tuckett, K.R.Yoxall, H.Baumgartel, and H.W.Jochims
%T  Comment on: Structure and spectroscopy of (HCN){_n} clusters.
    Cooperative and electronic delocalization effects in C-H{^...}N
    hydrogen bonding
%A  A.J.Stone, P.W.Fowler, and A.D.Buckingham

%T  First-order one-electron properties in the integral-direct
    coupled cluster singles and doubles model
%A  Asger Halkier, Henrik Koch, Ove Christiansen,
    Poul Jorgensen, and Trygve Helgaker

%T  Comment on: Density functional theory study of some
    structural and energetic properties of small lithium clusters
    [J.Chem.Phys.105, 9933 (1996)]
%A  Constantine Yannouleas and Uzi Landman

%T  Reply to the Comment on: Density functional theory study
    of some structural properties of small lithium clusters
%A  Georges Gardet, Francois Rogemond, and Henry Chermette

%T  Flourescence excitation spectroscopy of the
    Ar-HCO(X{^~2}A', B{^~2}A') van der Waals complex
%A  Scott A.Wright and Paul J.Dagdigian

%T  Nonlinear optical response of cofacial phthalocyanine dimers
    and trimers
%A  Eric S.Manas, Frank C.Spano, and Lin X.Chen

%T  Stilbenoid molecules. An experimental and theoretical study of
    trans-1-(2-pyridyl)-2-(4-pyridyl)-ethylene and the parent molecule
%A  Sonia Melandri, Gianni Maccaferri, Paolo G.Favero,
    Walther Caminati, Giorgio Orlandi, and Francesco Zerbetto
%T  Measuring Patterson functions of inhomogeneous
    liquids using the nuclear dipolar field
%A  P.Robyr and R.Bowtell

%T  Variational energy band theory for polarons.
    Mapping polaron structure with the Toyozawa method
%A  Yang Zhao, David W.Brown, and Katja Lindenberg

%T  Spin diffusion and spin-lattice relaxation in multiphase polymers
%A  Jiahu Wang, Kevin S.Jack, and Almeria L.Natansohn

%T  Steric interactions between two grafted polymer brushes
%A  Eli Ruckenstein and Buqiang Li
%T  Mean field calculation of polymer segment depletion and depletion
    induced demixing in ternary systems of globular proteins and
    flexible polymers in a common solvent
%A  H.M.Schaink and J.A.M.Smit

%T  Mean field molecular dynamics with surface hopping
%A  Oleg V.Prezhdo and Peter J.Rossky

%T  Instability scenarios for doped {^4}He clusters
%A  S.M.Gatica, E.S.Hernandez, and M.Barranco

%T  Experiments on gas-liquid nucleation of sulfuric acid and water
%A  Yrjo Viisanen, Markku Kulmala, and Ari Laaksonen

%T  Spin-lattice relaxation study of the photoexcited
    triplet states in solid C{_60}
%A  Yu.I.Prilutski

%T Effect of the Donnan osmotic pressure on the
    volume phase transition of hydrated gels
%A  Shigeo Sasaki and Hiroshi Maeda

%T  The Cotton-Mouton effect of liquid water.
    Part I. The dielectric continuum model
%A  Kenneth Ruud, Trygve Helgaker, Antonio Rizzo, Sonia Coriani,
    and Kurt V.Mikkelsen