Journal of Chemical Physics
1997, V106, N18. 08 May
%T Kinetics over a wide range of temperature (13 - 744 K).
Rate constants for the reactions of CH({upsilon} = 0) with H{_2}
and D{_2} and for the removal of CH({upsilon} = 1) by H{_2} and D{_2}
%A Richard A.Brownsword, Andre Canosa, Bertrand R.Rowe, Ian R.Sims,
Ian W.M.Smith, David W.A.Stewart, Andrew C.Symonds, and Daniel Travers
%T A Chebyshev method for calculating state-to-state reaction probabilities
from the time-independent wavepacket reactant-product decoupling equations
%A Stuart C.Althorpe, Donald J.Kouri, and David K.Hoffman
%T Anomalous pulse-angle and phase dependence of
Hahn's electron spin echo and multiple-quantum
echoes in a photoinduced spin-correlated radical pair
%A Jau Tang, Marion C.Thurnauer, Atsushi Kubo,
Hideyuki Hara, and Asako Kawamori
%T Laser spectroscopy of C{_3}. Stimulated emission and absorption
spectra of the A{^~ 1}{PI}{_u} - X{^~ 1}{SIGMA} transition
%A D.W.Tokaryk and D.E.Chomiak
%T Charge transfer and dipole moments of polyatomic systems
%A R.Winkler and S.T.Pantelides
%T Electronic dephasing in non-polar room temperature liquids.
UV photon echo pulse duration dependent measurments
%A David Zimdars, R.S.Francis, C.Ferrante, and M.D.Fayer
%T Improved estimates of the total correlation
energy in the ground state of the water molecule
%A Arne Luchow, James B.Anderson, and David Feller
%T Structure and energetics of CF{_3}Cl{^-}, CF{_3}Br{^-}, and
CF{_3}I{^-} radical anions
%A S.Roszak, W.S.Koski, J.J.Kaufman, and K.Balasubramanian
%T The spectroscopy of hexafluorothioacetone. A blue gas
%A Dennis J.Clouthier and Duck-Lae Joo
%T Ab initio and regularized force fields of haloethanes.
CH{_3}CH{_2}Cl, CH{_3}CHCl{_2}, CH{_3}CF{_2}Cl, and CH{_3}CFCl{_2}
%A G.M.Kuramshina, F.Weinhold, and Yu.A.Pentin
%T The Toeplitz approach to treating 3-dimensional reactive
exchange processes. Quantum mechanical cross sections
and rate constants for the D+H{_2} and H+D{_2} reactions
%A David M.Charutz, Isidore Last, and Michael Baer
%T Helium atom scattering and HREELS investigations
of the H/Rh(311) adsorption system
%A Daniel Farias, Susanne Siebentritt, Rainer Apel,
Roland Pues, and Karl-Heinz Rieder
%T Ab initio study of the O{_2}(X {^3}{SIGMA}{^-}{_g}) + Ar({^1}S)
van der Waals interaction
%A Slawomir M.Cybulski, Rick A.Kendall, Grzegorz Chalasinski,
Mark W.Severson, and Malgorzata M.Szczesniak
%T UV photodissociation of oxalyl chloride yields
four fragments from one photon absorption
%A Musahid Ahmed, David Blunt, Daniel Chen, and Arthur G.Suits
%T Collision induced deactivation of the bending mode
v=1 vibrational level of the excited A{^~2}A{_1} and ground
X{^~2}B{_1} electronic states of PH{_2} by rare gases
%A Chieu Nguyen Xuan, Alessandro Margani, and Marcello Mastropietro
%T Relative orientation of chemical shielding and dipolar
coupling tensors. Mixed single- and double-quantum
homonuclear rotary resonance NMR of rotating solids
%A M.Bak and N.C.Nielsen
%T Electronic structure of H adsorbed on Pt{_13} clusters
%A Noriko Watari and Shuhei Ohnishi
%T Absolute and convective instabilities in a one-
dimensional Brusselator flow model
%A Sergey P.Kuznetsov, Erik Mosekilde, Guy Dewel, and Pierre Borckmans
%T Annihilation kinetics of liquid crystal defects
%A Chester Liu and M.Muthukumar
%T Analytical theory of benzene diffusion in Na-Y zeolite
%A Scott M.Auerbach
%T Uniaxial deformation of bridging grafted polymer systems.
A Monte Carlo study
%A Th.Hoelzl, M.Wittkop, S.Kreitmeier, and D.Goritz
%T Indirect determination of the composition of the
coexisting phases in a demixed colloid polymer mixture
%A Igor Bodnar and Wibren D.Oosterbaan
%T Morphology of porous media studied by NMR
%A S.G.Allen, P.C.L.Stephenson, and J.H.Strange
%T X-ray and neutron scattering studies of the temperature and
pressure dependence of the structure of liquid formamide
%A Maire-Claire Bellissent-Funel, Salah Nasr, and Louis Bosio
%T Thin films of block copolymer
%A M.W.Matsen
%T A theoretical approach for modeling reactivity
at solid/liquid interfaces
%A Eugene V.Stefanovich and Thanh N.Truong
%T Structural changes of the molecular complexes of pyridines
with water and demixing phenomena in aqueous mixtures
%A Ivan V.Brovchenko and Alla V.Oleinikova
%T Proton-ordered models of ordinary ice for quantum-mechanical studies
%A Silvia Casassa, Piero Ugliengo, and Cesare Pisani
%T Simultaneous measurement of dielectric constant and refractive
index of SF{_6} and CO{_2} as a function of pressure
%A C.Adjouri, N.Balu, J.Obriot, and T.K.Bose
%T The free energy difference between simple models of
B- and Z-DNA. Computer simulation and theoretical predictions
%A J.C.Gil Montoro and J.L.F.Abascal
%T Polymer chain binding with a flat adsorbent in the case of
selective adsorption of segments. Monte Carlo simulation
%A E.A.Zheligovskaya, P.G.Khalatur, and A.R.Khokhlov
%T Compensatory effects in the establishment of spontaneous
polarization in ferroelectric liquid crystals
%A Mohammed Zoubair Cherkaoui, Jean-Francois Nicoud,
Yves Galerne, and Daniel Guillon
%T Closed form solution of the itinerant oscillator
model of molecular libration
%A W.T.Coffey and M.E.Walsh
%T Geometrical effects on folding of macromolecules
%A A.Caliri and M.A.A.da Silva
%T Attractive potential effect on the self-diffus-ion
coefficients of a solitary water molecule in organic solvents
%A Chihiro Wakai and Masaru Nakahara
%T Local orientational correlations and short time anisotropic
motion in molecular liquids. Computer simulations of liquid CO{_2}
%A I.I.Fedchenia and J.Schroeder