Journal of Chemical Physics 1997, V106, N16, 22 Apr

%T  Reaction dynamics of atomic hydrogen with the
    hydrogenated Si(001) (2 x 1) surface
%A  P.Kratzer

%T  Fluorescence excitation and depletion spectroscopy
    of the BAr complex.Electronic states correlating
    with the excited valence B(2s2p{^2 2}D) asymptote
%A  Xin Yang and Paul J.Dagdigian

%T  A theoretical investigation of the spin-orbit
    induced predissociation of BAr C{^2}{DELTA}
%A  Karl Sohlberg and David R.Yarkony

%T  Multireference configuration interaction study
    of the mixed valence-Rydberg character of the
    C{_2}H{_4} {^1}({pi,pi}{^*}) V state
%A  Stefan Krebs and Robert J.Buenker

%T  Raman spectra of ruthenium dimers
%A  Huaiming Wang, Yifei Liu, Hanae Haouari,
    R.Craig, John R.Lombardi, and D.M.Lindsay

%T  Rovibrational and rotational autoionisation dynamics of Rydberg
    electron wavepackets in H{_2}. A time-dependent MQDT approach
%A  H.H.Fielding

%T  Derivation of rotation-vibration Hamiltonians
    that satisfy the Casimir condition
%A  Kristy L.Mardis and Edwin L.Sibert

%T  On the ab initio evaluation of Hubbard parameters. I. The
    analytical approach in the absence of orbital relaxation
%A  Alessandro Fortunelli and Anna Painelli

%T  On the ab initio evaluation of Hubbard parameters.
    II. The {_K }-(BEDT-TTF){_2} Cu[N(CN){_2}]Br crystal
%A  Alessandro Fortunelli and Anna Painelli

%T  Structure of the ammonium radical from a
    rotationally resolved photoelectron spectrum
%A  R.Signorell, H.Palm, and F.Merkt

%T  Eigenstates for internal rotors with angle dependent moment of inertia
%A  W.E.Mellor, T.M.Kalotas, and A.R.Lee

%T  Determination of diabatic coupling potentials from
    the inversion of laboratory inelastic scattering
    data:  Application to C{^4+} + He --> C{^2+} + He{^2+}
%A  Robert Boyd, Tak-San Ho, and Herschel Rabitz

%T  Photochemistry of dimethylcadmium on compound
    semiconductor surfaces
%A  P.J.Lasky, P.H.Lu, K.A.Khan, D.A.Slater, and R.M.Osgood, Jr.

%T  Coupled cluster response functions revisited
%A  Thomas Bondo Pedersen and Henrik Koch

%T  {^19}F spin-rotation constants and shielding tensor
    of sulphur difluoride from its microwave spectrum
%A  Bethany Gatehouse, Holger S.P.Muller, and
    Michael C.L.Gerry

%T  Photoionization of C{_2}F{_4}/O{_2} complexes and C{_2}F{_4}
%A  B.-M.Cheng, Jack M.Preses, and J.R.Grover

%T  The photodissociation dynamics of OCl0 between 306
    and 370 nm. Fragment translational energy release
    and recoil anisotropy
%A  Alan Furlan, Heiner A.Scheld, and J.Robert Huber

%T  Photofragmentation study of Cl{_2} using ion imaging
%A  Peter C.Samartzis, Ioannis Sakellariou, and Theofanis N.Kitsopoulos

%T  Photodissociation dynamics of HCl in solid Ar.
    Cage exit, nonadiabatic transitions and recombination
%A  Anna I.Krylov and R.Benny Gerber

%T  Bimodality in the dynamics response of a supercooled liquid
%A  Sarika Bhattacharyya and Biman Bagchi

%T  Application of free energy expansions to mesoscopic dynamics
    of copolymer melts using a Gaussian chain molecular model
%A  N.M.Maurits and J.G.E.M.Fraaije

%T  Stochastic simulation of chemically activated unimolecular reactions
%A  Luc Vereecken, Guido Huyberechts, and Jozef Peeters

%T  Adsorption of rigid rodlike molecules
%A  Akihiko Matsuyama, Reiko Kishimoto, and Tadaya Kato

%T  Electron tunneling through water layers. Effect
    of layer structure and thickness
%A  Ilan Benjamin, Deborah Evans, and Abraham Nitzan

%T  Ab initio statistical thermodynamical models for
    the computation of third-law entropies
%A  Allan L.L.East and Leo Radom

%T  Statics and dynamics of dense copolymer melts.
    A Monte Carlo simulation study
%A  Alexander Hoffmann, Jens-Uwe Sommer, and Alexander Blumen

%T  The hindered rotor density-of-states interpolation function
%A  Richard B.McClurg, Richard C.Flagan,
    and William A.Goddard, III

%T  Photon correlation spectroscopy of interacting
    and dissociating hemoglobin
%A  Sabrina Beretta, Giuseppe Chirico, Daniele Arosio, and Giancarlo Baldini

%T  The continuous configurational Boltzmann biased direct Monte Carlo
    method for free energy properties of polymer chains
%A  Jiro Sadanobu and William A.Goddard III

%T  Phase diagrams of systems of particles interacting
    via repulsive potentials
%A  C.Rascon, E.Velasco, L.Mederos, and G.Navascues

%T  Phase diagram of the hard biaxial ellipsoid fluid
%A  Philip J.Camp and Michael P.Allen