International Journal of Mineral Processing, 2006, V 81, N 3, December.

Editorial Board • EDITORIAL BOARD
Page CO2 
Research Papers
Reductive kinetics of the reaction 
between a natural ilmenite and carbon • 
Yuming Wang and Zhangfu Yuan
Pages 133-140 

Computational validation of the Generalized
Sutherland Equation for bubble–p encounter 
efficiency in flotation • 
Cuong M. Nguyen, Anh V. Nguyen and Jan D. Miller
Pages 141-148 

Adsorption of carbonate and bicarbonate 
salts at the air–brine interface • 
Orhan Ozdemir, Stoyan I. Karakashev, 
Anh V. Nguyen and Jan D. Miller
Pages 149-158 

Beneficiation of sillimanite by column 
flotation—a pilot scale study • 
S. Prabhakar, G. Bhaskar Raju and S. Subba Rao
Pages 159-165 

Interaction of calcium dioleate collector 
colloids with calcite and fluorite surfaces 
as revealed by AFM force measurements a
nd molecular dynamics simulation • 
Keqing Fa, Anh V. Nguyen and Jan D. Miller
Pages 166-177 

Modelling of feed distributor at coal washeries • 
Sripriya Rajendran, M. Narasimha, A. Dutta, 
M.K. Sinha and Arun Misra
Pages 178-186 

An integral assessment of the role of 
critical process parameters on jigging • 
A.K. Mukherjee and B.K. Mishra
Pages 187-200 

Short Communication
Investigation of mechanism of ultrasound 
on coal flotation • 
Safak G. Ozkan and Halit Z. Kuyumcu
Pages 201-203