International Journal of Mineral Processing, 2000, N 3-4, 1 December.

M.G. Rasul, V. Rudolph, F.Y. Wang, Particles separation using fluidization
pp. 163-179

S. Jayson Ripke, S. Komar Kawatra, Can fly-ash extend bentonite binder for
iron ore agglomeration?, 
pp. 181-198

J.G. Shapter, M.H. Brooker, W.M. Skinner, Observation of the oxidation of
galena using Raman spectroscopy, 
pp. 199-211

P. Garrido, R. Bьrger, F. Concha, Settling velocities of particulate
pp. 213-227

Qi Liu, Yahui Zhang, J.S. Laskowski, The adsorption of polysaccharides onto
mineral surfaces: an acid/base interaction, 
pp. 229-245

S. Ubaldini, F. Vegliт, F. Beolchini, L. Toro, C. Abbruzzese, Gold recovery
from a refractory pyrrhotite ore by biooxidation, 
pp. 247-262

A.A. Sirkeci, The flotation separation of pyrite from arsenopyrite using
hexyl thioethylamine as collector, 
pp. 263-276