Geochemistry International, 2007, V 45, N 9.
Regional Features of Primary Alkaline
Magmas of the Atlantic Ocean
L. N. Kogarko and A. M. Asavin
p. 841
Decompression Mechanism of Ferric Iron
Reduction in Tektite Melts
during Their Formation in the Impact Process
O. A. Lukanin and A. A. Kadik
p. 857
Geochemistry and Age of Metamorphic
Rocks of the Khavyven Highland,
Eastern Kamchatka
I. A. Tararin, Z. G. Badredinov,
and S. I. Dril'
p. 882
Model for the Formation of Fluorine-Bearing
Rocks in the Carboniferous Deposits
of the Moscow Artesian Basin
O. A. Limantseva, B. N. Ryzhenko, and
E. V. Cherkasova
p. 900
Elements of the Iron and Manganese
Cycles in Lake Baikal
L. Z. Granina and E. Callender
p. 918
Short Communications
Low-Temperature Heat Capacity and Thermodynamic
Properties of Natural Polylithionite
I. E. Paukov, Yu. A. Kovalevskaya,
I. A. Kiseleva, T. N. Shuriga,
and V. N. Ikorskii
p. 926
Sulfides, Selenides, and Tellurides of
Platinum and Palladium:
Estimation of Thermodynamic Properties
V. K. Karzhavin
p. 931
Buffer Capacity of Surface Waters
as a Geochemical Factor
of Their Resistance to Acidification
P. A. Lozovik , I. Yu. Potapova, and
T. V. Bantsevich
p. 938
Factors Controlling Uranium Geochemistry
in the Mixing Zone of River- and Seawaters
A. V. Savenko
p. 945
Attention! New
Guide for Authors
p. 953